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1、Release 10.0 Documentation for ANSYSSHELL63Elastic Shell弹性壳单元SHELL63 Element DescriptionSHELL63单元描述SHELL63 has both bending and membrane capabilities. Both in-plane and normal loads are permitted. The element has six degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions a

2、nd rotations about the nodal x, y, and z-axes. Stress stiffening and large deflection capabilities are included. A consistent tangent stiffness matrix option is available for use in large deflection (finite rotation) analyses. See SHELL63 in the ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference for more details about th

3、is element. Similar elements are SHELL43 and SHELL181 (plastic capability), and SHELL93 (midside node capability). The ETCHG command converts SHELL57 and SHELL157 elements to SHELL63.SHELL63既具有弯曲能力又具有膜力,可以承受平面内荷载和法向荷载。本单元每个节点具有6个自由度:沿节点坐标系X、Y、Z方向的平动和沿节点坐标系X、Y、Z轴的转动。应力刚化和大变形能力已经考虑在其中。在大变形分析(有限转动)中可以采

4、用不变的切向刚度矩阵。其详细的特性请参考Section 14.63 of the ANSYS Theory Reference。 近似的单元有SHELL43,SHELL181(塑性能力),SHELL93(包含中间节点)ETCHG命令可以将SHELL57和SHELL157单元转换为SHELL63单元。Figure63.1SHELL63 GeometryFigure63.1 shell63几何描述xIJ = Element x-axis if ESYS is not supplied.如果无ESYS则xIJ为单元X轴x = Element x-axis if ESYS is supplied. 如

5、果有ESYS则为单元X轴SHELL63 Input DataSHELL63输入数据The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in Figure 63.1: SHELL63 Geometry. The element is defined by four nodes, four thicknesses, an elastic foundation stiffness, and the orthotropic material properties. Orthotropic

6、material directions correspond to the element coordinate directions. The element coordinate system orientation is as described in Coordinate Systems. The element x-axis may be rotated by an angle THETA (in degrees).单元SHELL63的几何形状、节点位置及坐标系如图63.1所示,单元定义需要四个节点、四个厚度、一个弹性地基刚度和正交各向异性的材料。正交各向异性的材料参数的方向依据单元

7、坐标系,单元坐标系方向见Coordinate Systems章节。单元的X轴可以转动一个角度THETA(度数)。The thickness is assumed to vary smoothly over the area of the element, with the thickness input at the four nodes. If the element has a constant thickness, only TK(I) need be input. If the thickness is not constant, all four thicknesses must b

8、e input.在单元的面内,其节点厚度为输入的四个厚度,单元的厚度假定为均匀变化。如果单元厚度不变,只需输入TK(I)即可;如果厚度是变化的,则四个节点的厚度均需输入。The elastic foundation stiffness (EFS) is defined as the pressure required to produce a unit normal deflection of the foundation. The elastic foundation capability is bypassed if EFS is less than, or equal to, zero.

9、弹性地基刚度(EFS)定义:在地基法线方向产生一个单位位移所需要的压力。如果EFS小于或者等于0,则弹性地基的效应将被忽略。For certain nonhomogeneous or sandwich shell applications, the following real constants are provided: RMI is the ratio of the bending moment of inertia to be used to that calculated from the input thicknesses. RMI defaults to 1.0. CTOP an

10、d CBOT are the distances from the middle surface to the extreme fibers to be used for stress evaluations. Both CTOP and CBOT are positive, assuming that the middle surface is between the fibers used for stress evaluation. If not input, stresses are based on the input thicknesses. ADMSUA is the added

11、 mass per unit area.对于一些非均匀或者夹心壳的情况,本单元提供了以下实常数:RMI是由壳体本身的抗弯刚度与按照输入厚度计算得出的抗弯刚度的比值,RMI默认为1.0。CTOP和 CBOT是从中面到上下两面纤维的距离以用来计算应力。CTOP和 CBOT均为正数,假定中面位于用来计算应力的上下两面纤维的中间,如果没有输入CTOP和 CBOT,应力根据输入的厚度进行计算。ADMSUA为单位面积上的附加质量。Element loads are described in Node and Element Loads. Pressures may be input as surface

12、loads on the element faces as shown by the circled numbers on Figure 63.1: SHELL63 Geometry. Positive pressures act into the element. Edge pressures are input as force per unit length. The lateral pressure loading may be an equivalent (lumped) element load applied at the nodes (KEYOPT(6) = 0) or dis

13、tributed over the face of the element (KEYOPT(6) = 2). The equivalent element load produces more accurate stress results with flat elements representing a curved surface or elements supported on an elastic foundation since certain fictitious bending stresses are eliminated.单元的荷载描述见Node and Element L

14、oads(节点荷载和单元荷载)。压力可以作为表面荷载,按照图SHELL63.1上显示的圆圈内数字表示的单元表面输入。压向单元的荷载为正荷载。边界压力输入值为单位长度上的力。侧向荷载可能是一个作用在节点上的等效(集中)单元荷载(KEYOPT(6) = 0),或者是在分配在单元面上(KEYOPT(6) = 2)。在以平面单元代替曲面的情况或者单元支撑在弹性地基上时,因为消去了一些假定的弯曲应力,等效单元荷载可以得到更为精确的应力结果。Temperatures may be input as element body loads at the corner locations (1-8) shown

15、 in Figure 63.1: SHELL63 Geometry. The first corner temperature T1 defaults to TUNIF. If all other temperatures are unspecified, they default to T1. If only T1 and T2 are input, T1 is used for T1, T2, T3, and T4, while T2 (as input) is used for T5, T6, T7, and T8. For any other input pattern, unspec

16、ified temperatures default to TUNIF.温度可以作为单元的体积力作用在图SHELL63.1上的(18)角点,第一个角点温度T1默认为TUNIF,如果其他角点的温度没有指定,则默认为T1,如果只有指定T1和T2,T1代表T1, T2, T3, T4; T2 代表T5, T6, T7, T8,如有其他输入格式,未指定的温度均默认为TUNIF。KEYOPT(1) is available for neglecting the membrane stiffness or the bending stiffness, if desired. A reduced out-o

17、f-plane mass matrix is also used when the bending stiffness is neglected.如果需要的话,KEYOPT(1)可以用于忽略抗弯刚度或者忽略膜力刚度的情况。忽略弯曲刚度时将运用减缩的出平面质量矩阵。KEYOPT(2) is used to activate the consistent tangent stiffness matrix (that is, a matrix composed of the main tangent stiffness matrix plus the consistent stress stiffn

18、ess matrix) in large deflection analyses NLGEOM,ON. You can often obtain more rapid convergence in a geometrically nonlinear analysis, such as a nonlinear buckling or postbuckling analysis, by activating this option. However, you should not use this option if you are using the element to simulate a

19、rigid link or a group of coupled nodes. The resulting abrupt changes in stiffness within the structure make the consistent tangent stiffness matrix unsuitable for such applications.KEYOPT(2)用来在大变形分析中激活调和切线刚度矩阵(即:一个矩阵由主切线刚度矩阵加上调和切线刚度矩阵而得)。在几何非线性分析如非线性屈曲或者后屈曲分析中,打开这个选项可以更快得到收敛。不过,在模拟刚性杆或耦合节点时,不应该激活本单元

20、的这个选项,结构内刚度突然的变化使得调和切线刚度矩阵不适合这种情况。(KEYOPT(2)只能为0)KEYOPT(3) allows you to include (KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 2) or suppress (KEYOPT(3) = 1) extra displacement shapes. It also allows you to choose the type of in-plane rotational stiffness used: KEYOPT(3)允许你考虑(KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 2)或者抑制(KEYOPT(3) = 1)额外的位移形状。它还允许你

21、选择平面内转动刚度的类型: KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1 activates a spring-type in-plane rotational stiffness about the element z-axis KEYOPT(3) = 0 或1激活弹簧性质的单元 Z轴平面内转动刚度 KEYOPT(3) = 2 activates a more realistic in-plane rotational stiffness (Allman rotational stiffness - the program uses default penalty parameter values

22、of d1 = 1.0E-6 and d2 = 1.0E-3). KEYOPT(3) = 2 激活更实际的平面内转动刚度(Allman转动刚度程序使用默认的罚常数值为d1 = 1.0E-6 、 d2 = 1.0E-3)Using the Allman stiffness will often enhance convergence behavior in large deflection (finite rotation) analyses of planar shell structures (that is, flat shells or flat regions of shells).使

23、用Allman刚度经常能加强在平面壳结构(即:平面壳或者壳里的平面部分)的大变形(有限转动)分析中的收敛能力KEYOPT(7) allows a reduced mass matrix formulation (rotational degrees of freedom terms deleted). This option is useful for improved bending stresses in thin members under mass loading.KEYOPT(7)允许使用减缩质量矩阵(转动自由度被删除)。这个选项在质量荷载作用下的薄壳中对改善弯曲应力很有用处。KEY

24、OPT(8) allows a reduced stress stiffness matrix (rotational degrees of freedom deleted). This option can be useful for calculating improved mode shapes and a more accurate load factor in linear buckling analyses of certain curved shell structures.KEYOPT(8)允许使用减缩应力矩阵(转动自由度被删除)。这个选项在一些曲线壳结构的线形屈曲分析中对改善

25、模态形状合更精确的荷载倍数很有用处。KEYOPT(11) = 2 is used to store midsurface results in the results file for single or multi-layer shell elements. If you use SHELL,MID, you will see these calculated values, rather than the average of the TOP and BOTTOM results. You should use this option to access these correct mid

26、surface results (membrane results) for those analyses where averaging TOP and BOTTOM results is inappropriate; examples include midsurface stresses and strains with nonlinear material behavior, and midsurface results after mode combinations that involve squaring operations such as in spectrum analys

27、es.KEYOPT(11) 是用来为单层或多层壳单元存储中面结果的结果文件。如果你使用SHELL,MID命令,你会看到这些计算值,而不是顶部和底部的平均结果。你可以使用这个选项来访问这些正确的中面结果(膜结果)因为分析平均顶部和底部的结果是不恰当的。例子包括中面材料非线性行为的应力应变以及涉及平方运算如频谱分析的模式组合后的中面结果。A summary of the element input is given in SHELL63 Input Summary. A general description of element input is given in Element Input.单

28、元输入摘要见下面的Input Summary(输入摘要),单元输入的一般性描述见Element Input(单元输入)。SHELL63 Input SummarySHELL63输入摘要Nodes 节点I, J, K, LDegrees of Freedom 自由度UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZReal Constants 实常数TK(I), TK(J), TK(K), TK(L), EFS, THETA, RMI, CTOP, CBOT, (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (Blank), (B

29、lank), (Blank), ADMSUASee Table 63.1: SHELL63 Real Constants for a description of the real constantsMaterial Properties 材料属性EX, EY, EZ, (PRXY, PRYZ, PRXZ or NUXY, NUYZ, NUXZ), ALPX, ALPY, ALPZ (or CTEX, CTEY, CTEZ or THSX, THSY, THSZ), DENS, GXY, DAMPSurface Loads 面荷载Pressures- 压力face 1 (I-J-K-L) (b

30、ottom, in +Z direction), face 2 (I-J-K-L) (top, in -Z direction), face 3 (J-I), face 4 (K-J), face 5 (L-K), face 6 (I-L)Body Loads 体荷载Temperatures- 温度T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8Special Features 特殊特性Stress stiffening应力刚化Large deflection大变形Birth and death单元生死KEYOPT(1) Element stiffness:单元刚度0- Bendi

31、ng and membrane stiffness弯曲刚度和膜力1- Membrane stiffness only仅考虑膜力刚度2- Bending stiffness only仅考虑弯曲刚度KEYOPT(2) (只能为0)Stress stiffening option:应力刚化选项0- Use only the main tangent stiffness matrix when NLGEOM is ON. (Stress stiffening effects used in linear buckling or other linear prestressed analyses mus

32、t be activated separately with PSTRES,ON.)在NLGEOM 设为 ON时仅考虑主切线刚度矩阵(在线形屈曲或其他线形预应力分析中考虑应力刚化效应必须另外激活PSTRES,ON.)(只能选0,见最后)1- Use the consistent tangent stiffness matrix (that is, a matrix composed of the main tangent stiffness matrix plus the consistent stress stiffness matrix) when NLGEOM is ON and whe

33、n KEYOPT(1) = 0. (SSTIF,ON will be ignored for this element when KEYOPT(2) = 1 is activated.) Note that if SOLCONTROL is ON and NLGEOM is ON, KEYOPT(2) is automatically set to 1; that is, the consistent tangent will be used.在(NLGEOM is ON 和 KEYOPT(1) = 0)时激活调和切线刚度矩阵(即:一个矩阵由主切线刚度矩阵加上调和切线刚度矩阵而得)。当激活KE

34、YOPT(2) = 1时SSTIF,ON将被忽略。注意,当SOLCONTROL 设为 ON且 NLGEOM设为 ON时KEYOPT(2)自动设为1,即自动激活调和切线刚度。2- Use to turn off consistent tangent stiffness matrix (i.e., a matrix composed of the main tangent stiffness matrix plus the consistent stress stiffness matrix) when SOLCONTROL is ON. Sometimes it is necessary to

35、turn off the consistent tangent stiffness matrix if the element is used to simulate rigid bodies by using a very large real constant number . KEYOPT(2) = 2 is the same as KEYOPT(2) = 0, however, KEYOPT(2) = 0 is controlled by SOLCONTROL, ON or OFF, while KEYOPT(2) = 2 is independent of SOLCONTROL.当S

36、OLCONTROL 设为 ON,用于关闭调和刚度矩阵(即:一个矩阵由主切线刚度矩阵加上调和切线刚度矩阵)。当单元用于模拟具有很大实常数的刚体时,关闭调和刚度矩阵是有必要的。KEYOPT(2)=2同KEYOPT(2)=0,然而KEYOPT(2)=0由SOLCONTROL设为ON或者OFF决定,而KEYOPT(2)=2和SOLCONTROL命令之间是相互独立的。KEYOPT(3) Extra displacement shapes:特别位移形状0- Include extra displacement shapes, and use spring-type in-plane rotational

37、stiffness about the element z-axis (the program automatically adds a small stiffness to prevent numerical instability for non-warped elements if KEYOPT(1) = 0).考虑特别的位移形状,使用弹簧性质的单元Z轴平面内转动刚度(如果KEYOPT(1) = 0,对非翘曲单元,程序自动加上一个小刚度以免数值不稳定)NoteFor models with large rotation about the in-plane direction, KEYO

38、PT(3) = 0 results in some transfer of moment directly to ground.模型平面内有大旋转,KEYOPT(3) = 0会导致一些弯矩传递直接接地。1- Suppress extra displacement shapes, and use spring-type in-plane rotational stiffness about the element z-axis (the program automatically adds a small stiffness to prevent numerical instability fo

39、r non-warped elements if KEYOPT(1) = 0).抑制特别的位移形状,使用弹簧性质的单元Z轴平面内转动刚度(如果KEYOPT(1) = 0,对非翘曲单元,程序自动加上一个小刚度以免数值不稳定)2- Include extra displacement shapes, and use the Allman in-plane rotational stiffness about the element z-axis). See the ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference.考虑特别的位移形状,使用单元Z轴Allman平面内转动刚度,详见14.43.

40、6 of the ANSYS Theory Reference.KEYOPT(5) Extra stress output:特别应力输出0- Basic element printout基本单元输出2- Nodal stress printout节点应力输出KEYOPT(6) Pressure loading:压力荷载0- Reduced pressure loading (must be used if KEYOPT(1) = 1)减缩压力荷载(如果KEYOPT(1) = 1,则必须打开)2- Consistent pressure loading协调压力荷载KEYOPT(7) Mass m

41、atrix:质量矩阵0- Consistent mass matrix协调质量矩阵1- Reduced mass matrix减缩质量矩阵KEYOPT(8) Stress stiffness matrix:应力刚化矩阵0- “Nearly” consistent stress stiffness matrix (default)“近似”协调应力刚度矩阵(默认)1- Reduced stress stiffness matrix减缩应力刚度矩阵KEYOPT(9) (只能为0,见最后)Element coordinate system defined:定义单元坐标系0- No user subro

42、utine to define element coordinate system无用户子程序定义单元坐标系4- Element x-axis located by user subroutine USERAN用USERAN定义单元坐标系NoteSee the Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features for user written subroutines(用户子程序详见 ANSYS Guide to User Programmable Features)KEYOPT(11) Specify data storage: 指定数据存储:0- Store

43、 data for TOP and BOTTOM surfaces only仅存储顶面和底面的数据2- Store data for TOP, BOTTOM, and MID surfaces存储顶面、底面和中面的数据Table63.1SHELL63 Real Constants实常数No.NameDescription1TK(I)Shell thickness at node I节点I壳厚度2TK(J)Shell thickness at node J节点J壳厚度3TK(K)Shell thickness at node K节点K壳厚度4TK(L)Shell thickness at nod

44、e L节点L壳厚度5EFSElastic foundation stiffness弹性基础刚度6THETAElement X-axis rotation单元X轴旋转角7RMIBending moment of inertia ratio弯曲惯量比8CTOPDistance from mid surface to top中面到顶面的距离9CBOTDistance from mid surface to bottom中面到底面的距离10, ., 18(Blank)- -19ADMSUAAdded mass/unit area附加质量/单位面积SHELL63 Output DataSHELL63输出

45、数据The solution output associated with the element is in two forms: 与单元有关的结果输出有两种形式: Nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution 包括在整个节点解中的节点自由度。 Additional element output as shown in Table 63.2: SHELL63 Element Output Definitions 附加的单元输出,见单元输出定义。Several items are illustrated in Figure

46、 63.2: SHELL63 Stress Output. Printout includes the moments about the x face (MX), the moments about the y face (MY), and the twisting moment (MXY). The moments are calculated per unit length in the element coordinate system. The element stress directions are parallel to the element coordinate syste

47、m. A general description of solution output is given in Solution Output. See the ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide for ways to view results.在图中显示了几个应力输出项。输出包括X面(MX)的弯矩、Y面(MY)的弯矩、和扭矩(MXY)。弯矩为单元坐标系内单位长度上计算所得。单元应力方向和单元坐标系统平行。对各种结果输出的描述见结果输出Solution Output。描述结果的方法参见ANSYS Basic Analysis GuideFigure63.2SHELL63 S

48、tress OutputFigure63.2SHELL63 应力输出xIJ = Element x-axis if ESYS is not supplied.x = Element x-axis if ESYS is supplied.The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:单元输出定义表使用如下标记:A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method ETABLE,

49、ESOL. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results 列表示该项目可以通过构成名字的方法来获得ETABLE, ESOL。第O 列表示该项有效的说明在文件Jobname.OUT 中。R 列表示该项的结果显示在results 文件中。In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the

50、 item is always available, a number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not available.无论在0 还是R 列中,Y 表示该项一直是可用的。数值表示描述哪里该项是选择性提供的脚注,表示该项不提供。Table63.2SHELL63 Element Output Definitions单元输出定义NameDefinitionORELElement Num

51、ber单元号YYNODESNodes - I, J, K, L节点 - I, J, K, LYYMATMaterial number材料号YYAREAAREA面积YYXC, YC, ZCLocation where results are reported结果输出点位置Y1PRESPressures P1 at nodes I, J, K, L; P2 at I, J, K, L; P3 at J, I; P4 at K, J; P5 at L, K; P6 at I, L P1 在节点 I, J, K, L; P2 在 I, J, K, L; P3 在 J, I; P4在K, J; P5 在

52、 L, K; P6 在 I, LYYTEMPTemperatures T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8温度 T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8YYT(X, Y, XY)In-plane element X, Y, and XY forces平面内单元 X, Y, 和 XY 集中力YYM(X, Y, XY)Element X, Y, and XY moments单元X, Y, 和 XY 弯矩YYFOUND.PRESSFoundation pressure (if nonzero) 地基压力 (如果非0)Y-LOCTop, middle, or

53、 bottom上表面, 中面, or 下表面YYS:X, Y, Z, XYCombined membrane and bending stresses合成的弯曲和模的应力YYS:1, 2, 3Principal stress主应力YYS:INTStress intensity应力强度YYS:EQVEquivalent stress等效应力YYEPEL:X, Y, Z, XYAverage elastic strain平均弹性应变YYEPEL:EQVEquivalent elastic strain 2等效弹性应变-YEPTH:X, Y, Z, XYAverage thermal strain平

54、均热应变YYEPTH:EQVEquivalent thermal strain 2等效热应变-Y1. Available only at centroid as a *GET item. 只有在质心作为*GET项时可用2. The equivalent strains use an effective Poissons ratio: for elastic and thermal this value is set by the user (MP,PRXY).等效应变应设定柏松比:对于弹性和热柏松比用MP,PRXY命令输入。Table63.3SHELL63 Miscellaneous Elem

55、ent Output混合单元输出项DescriptionNames of Items OutputORNodal Stress Solution TEMP, S(X, Y, Z, XY), SINT, SEQV1-1. Output at each node, if KEYOPT(5) = 2, repeats each location如果KEYOPT(5)2,则输出每个节点的值Table 63.4: SHELL63 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available through the ETABLE command using the Se

56、quence Number method. See The General Postprocessor (POST1) in the ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table in this manual for more information. The following notation is used in Table 63.4: SHELL63 Item and Sequence Numbers: “SHELL63项目和序号表”中列出了在后处理中可通过ETABLE命令加参数及数字序号的方法定义可列表察看的有关变量的细则。详细参见ANSYS基本分析指南中有关“The General Postprocessor (POST1)”和“The Item and Sequence Number Table”部分。下面是表格的一些使用说明:Name


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