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1、Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground知识梳理+经典例题 (一)重点短语1. make cards作卡片2.play basketball 打篮球3. play ping-pong 打乒乓球4.on the playground 在操场上5.in the library 在图书馆6.classroom building 教学楼7.in the gym在体育馆8.in the swimming pool 在游泳池9. 0ntime 准时/ in time 及时10.look fo

2、r 寻找1 1.on the shelf在书架上(shelves复数)12.at the Lost and Founds失物招领处13 .clean the room丁扫房间14.have a soccer gam举行足球比赛15 .run around the playgroun谈着操场跑16. have lessons 上课17 .write a letter写信18.at themoment 此刻,现在”=now.19 .play computer gamesS 电月而游戏20.in the teachers office 在老师办公室21. on the telephone 通过电话2

3、2.at theback of在的后面(二)巧辩异同1、on time 准时in time及时e.g We were just in time for(或 to catch) the bus.我们及时赶上了公共汽车)I go to school on time every day.我每天按时至U校)2、|also |与 top都表示“也”。also用于句中,too用于旬末且前面有逗号隔开。e.g I also want to visit the Great Wall one day.I want to visit the Great Wall one day, too.3、find | 与 |

4、ook for巾nd强调寻找的结果,look for强调寻找的过程。e.g I can find my purse(二wallet) and I am looking for it.4、100kl 与 Seelook指看的动作,是短暂性的;see指看的结果。Look! The girls are running on the playground.Can you see the girls on the playground?5、few| 与 a few二者都修饰可数名词,后加可数名词复数。few ”很多,不多”,表示否定。a few “一些”,表示肯定。(三)重点句型1. Good idea

5、!好主意!2. See you soon. 一会儿见。3. What s in + sth.表示哪里有什么东西e.g Whats in your purse?钱包里有什么东西?What else还有别的什么吗?else:别的,其它的What else do you have?你还有另的吗?else除了可以放在疑问词 what,who, where等后面,还可以放在 something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody 面e.g I dont have anything else to do. I cant see anybody els

6、e in the room.4. Here are some photos of his.名词+of+名词性物主代词/名词所有格双重所有格e.g a friend of Sams 萨姆的一个朋友 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友5. He looks happy because he loves swimming.love doing sth习惯性的爱好和习惯love to do sth 一次性的动作或目前想做的事e.g She loves reading in bed.I love to go swimming today.6. Thank you all the same 同

7、样感谢你。用于在请求对方帮忙时对方没有帮助到的情况下,仍然表示感谢的礼貌性用Oe.g -Do you have any English newspaper?-Sorry, we don t have any.-Thank you all the same.7. Miss Wang is showing a new student around the school.show sb. around sp. 带领某人参观某地8. What about the girls over there?女孩子们在那边干什么呢?what about ? =how about?(怎么样呢?)what about

8、/how about还可以表示给对方建议,后面加名词或动词 -ing形式。What about some coffee?来点咖啡怎么样?What about drinking some coffee?喝点咖啡怎么样?9. How long can I keep them?keep保持,持有。这句话在这里翻译为“我能借他们多长时间?”10. May I borrow some English workbooks?may情态动词,“能”。引导的一般疑问句表示请求,更加委婉。(四)重点语法现在进行时原文重现: A few students are running around the playgro

9、uncfr些学生在绕着操 场跑步。(1)现在进行时表示此刻正在发生或进行的动作,可与now, at the moment等时间状语连用e.g Im reading a book now.(2)现在进行时表示当前一段时间内一直进行的动作e.g They are working on a farm this week.(3)现在进行时表将来:某些行为动词的现在进行时形式可以表示将来,常常 有意图,安排或打算的含义,并且可与表将来的时间状语连用,到目前我们所学的 这类动词有 come, go, fly, returne.g They are flying to London this afterno

10、on.他们今天下午要飞往伦敦。We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow.我们明天将要去香港。Steven is coming tomorrow evening.斯蒂芬明天晚上将要过来。(4)现在进行时的构成:现在进行时主要由be+doing构成肯定句:主语+be + doing + sthLittle Chen is writing a letter to Mrs. Sun.否定句:主语 + be + not + doing + sthLittle Chen is not (isn t) writing a letter to Mrs. Sun.一般疑问句:Be+主

11、语+doing + sth?Is little Chen writing a letter to Mrs. Sun?回答:Yes 主(代)+be /No,主(代)+be+notYes, he is./ No, he isn t.特殊疑问句:What+be+主语+doing?What is little Chen doing?(5)现在分词的构成:一般在动词末尾加-ingbuybuyingcall-callingdrink-drinking以不发音字母e结尾的单词,去e加-ingcome-comingdrive-drivinggivegiving末尾只有一个辅音字母,且这个辅音字母前面不是字母组

12、合的词,要双写末 尾字母,冉加-ingplan-planningswim-swimmingstop-stoppingsit-sitting以ie结尾的词,变ie为y,再加-ingdie-dyinglie-lying二、随堂检测(一)单项选择(12分)1. () Jack loves best. He often borrows books from the library.A. read B.to reads C.readingD.reads2. () I have a blue purse. She has one.A .too B. also C. else D. two3. () -ca

13、n you see in the picture?-I can see a little cat under the tree.A. What else B. Who else C. Where else D. How4. () He s his purse, but he can t it.A. look, find B. looking for, find C. finding, look for D. find,looking for5. () Listen! Kate now. Oh, she alwaysA. is singing ; is singing B. sings; sin

14、gs.C. sings; is singing .D. is singing ; sings6. () story books every day? No, but now I.A. Are you reading, readB. Do you read, am readingC. Do you read, readD. Do you read, am not reading7. () It s 9:15 now. What class ?Math. They have a math class every day.A. do they have B. are they have C. are

15、 they having D. are having8. () Excuse me, do you have any basketballs? Sorry, we don t have any.A.Oh, I want to buy it. B.Thank you all the same C.Bye-bye. D.It doesn t matter.9. () How long can I the VCD?A week.A.borrow B.see C.buy D.keep10. () Excuse me,I borrow this book?Of course.A.amB.may C.mu

16、st D.where11. () Here are some books of.What about yours? are in my bag.A. my; they B.me; mine C. mine; they D.my books ;my 12. () you making cards now?No,I making cards. I am watching TVA. Do;dontB. Are; am not C. Are; am D. Do; am not(二)情景交际。(5分)从R栏中找出I栏的答语。其中有一项是多余的I()13.Where is Jane?A. Three we

17、eks.()14.What are they doing?B. Yes, he is.( )15.Where are you going?C. She is in the lab.()16.How long can I keep it?D. Good idea!()17.Is Tom having lunch at home now?E.I am going to visit myteacher.F. They are dancing.三、归纳总结1 .双重所有格:Here are some pens of.这里有他的一些钢笔。 Lily is a friend of.莉莉是我的一个朋友。2

18、.习惯性的爱好做某事用:love sth.一次性的动作或目前想去做某事用:love sth.3 . Thank you.同样感谢你。4 .现在进行时:现在进行时主要由 构成肯定句: 主语+ + + sth.否定句:主语 + + + + sth.一般疑问句:+主语+ + sth.?肯定回答: ,主(代)+ 否定回答: ,主(代)+ +.特殊疑问句:+ +主语 +?汉译英,每空一词:1 .你能带我参观你的学校吗?译:Can youyour school?2 .我正在老师办公室做测试。(做测试:take an exam) 译:Ian exam3 .一下午我们去动物园怎么样? 一好主意!译: to t

19、he zoo this afternoon? !4 .一你的铅笔盒里有什么? 一我的一些笔。译: your pencil box? Some pencils of.四、课后作业(一)完形填空(10分)Look! The bus 1 at a small bus stop. A man 2 out of the window. He sees a woman. She is selling 3 . The man wants 4 a cake. But he doesn t want to go out because it is raining. The man sees a boy. The

20、 boy is5_ the window. Come here, boy. the man says, “Do you krtbwcake is? ”“Twenty fen. the boysays. The man 7 the boy forty fen and asks him to buy two cakes.“ One is for youand 8 is for me. he says to the boy_Afenminutes, the boy comes back. He10_ a cake. He gives the man twenty fen and says,“ Sor

21、ry, there is only one cake left()I.A.stopB.is stoppingC.stoppingD.stops()2.A.looksB.lookC.is lookingD.are looking()3.A.cakeB.breadC.cakesD.breads()4.A.buyB.buysC.to buyD.buying()5.A.nearB.onC.inD.of()6.A.how muchB.how manyC.whoseD.what()7.A.buysB.borrowsC.sellsD.gives()8.A.anotherB.the other cakeC.o

22、neD.the otherB.a()9.A.much()10.A.haveB.is having(二)阅读理解(30分)C.a fewD.a littleC.is hasingD.is haveJim wants to borrow a book from a new library. He comes to the library with Jack. They can t see any librarians由管理员)there, but only some robots机器人)standing there. Then Jim saysto one of the robots,“ Hey,

23、 give me the book. But the robotdoesn t work.“What s wrong with the robot? ” he asks Jack.Then Jack tells him, “When you want to borrow something from someone, you must say please first. ”When the robot hears this, it begns to laugh. Jim s face turns red.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.There aren t any libra

24、rians in the library.( )2.There are some robots in the library.( )3.There is something wrong with the robot.( )4.The robot gives Jim the book.( )5.Jim s face nsrred because he know that he isn t 质Bte(的)(B)Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes reading news and watching f

25、ootball games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football game.Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch

26、it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese tests. He thinks hard and finds a way finally.“ Hello, Mrs. Black! ” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone,“ Peter is ill irHe wants to ask for half a day请七:feSv讽”“Oh, I m sorry to hear that. says Mrs. Black, “But who s that? ” “ It s my

27、 father, Mrs. Black. ”()1.Peter is a.A.middle school student B.doctorC.worker D.teacher( )2.Peter will be in next year.A.Grade Two B.Grade Three C.Grade One D.Grade Four( )3.Peter often reads newspapers because.A.he likes reading newsB.he likes reading storiesC.he wants to know where and when a foot

28、ball game will be held D.his father wants him to read them( )4.Peter wants to ask for half a day s leave because.A.his father is ill in bedB.he wants to watch the football gameC.he doesn t like to have English or Chinese testsD.he is ill in bed()5.Which of the following sentences (句子)is RIGHT?A.Mrs.

29、 Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor.B.Peter wants to watch TV at four in the afternoon.C.Peter is a clever聪明的)boy.D.Peter is a good student.(C)It s five o clock in the afternoon. The last class is over. Some students are going home and some students are going to the dining room.The footbal

30、l players are doing some exercise on the playground. Some students are swimming in the swimming pool. Others are warming up准备动作)near the pool. Many students love music. The members of the school band are practicing(习)in the garden. In the computer room, there are some students playing computer games

31、. In the library, some students are reading Ren ai English Post.After-school activities(课外活动)are really fun.根据短文内容,回答问题。I.When is the last class over?2 .Are some students going home after class?3 .Where are some students swimming?4 .What are some students doing in the computer room?5 .What are some

32、students doing in the library?(三)写作(25分)I词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据句意,从方框中选择合适的单词或词组并用其适当形式填空。shelf, keep, picture, use, clean1 .Many students Ren ai Project English workbooks now. They lpful for re hethem to study English well.2 .Here is a of our town. It looks beautiful.3 .There are many books on these.4 . 一

33、 How long can I the book? Two weeks.5 . Where is Mom?She the house.(B)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。1 .You must r the books to the library on time.2 .He is good at swimming. He likes to swim in the swimming p.3 .I can t see anybody e in the classroom but(除了 ) Lily.4 .He often b some books from the school l

34、ibrary.5 .The Great Wall is w. I hope( 希望)I can go to climb it one day. n .综合填空。(5分)根据短文内容在空白处填入适当的单词或短语。It s Sunday morning. Many boys and girls are in the park. Some of themre singing under the tree, some 1 in the river, other children are playing games behind the hill.Maria is 2 American girl. Sh

35、e is in the park, too. Where is she? Oh, she is on the hill.What 3 over there? She is sitting and 4 a book. She likes reading very much. Tom is an English boy. He is five. He is too young. He can. Now hegoto schooa kitewith his father in the park.1. .出.书面表达。(10分)今天是星期天,布朗一家都在家。请以 The Browns (

36、布朗一家)为题,写一篇 5060个 词的短文。提示内容:布朗夫人在做蛋糕,布朗先生在读报纸,Mike和他的朋友Jim在花园里踢足球。要求:根据以上提示内容进行扩充,语句通顺,条理清楚。参考词汇:garden(花园)16 .D stop是瞬间完成的动作,不用进行时。The bus是第三人称单数,故选 D。17 .C 根据句意,个男人正往车窗外看”,应用现在进行时,故选Co18 .C 由The man wants a cake.可知,这位女士卖的是蛋糕,并且用复数,故选 C。19 .C 考查固定搭配 want to do sth.想要做什么,故选 C。20 .A根据句意小男孩应该在窗户的附近,故选 Ao21 .A 由答句Twenty fen.可知是问价格,故选 A。22 .D 由上下文可知这个人应该给这个小男孩钱去买蛋糕,故选 D。23 .D 表示两个中的另一个,用 the other,故选D。24 .C minutes是复数,而 A、D只能修饰不可数名词,故选C。25.B 此句应用现在进行时,而have的现在分词应去 e再加ing,故选B。M(A)26 .T 由 They can t s


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