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1、2015年广东省佛山市中考真题英语、听力(略) 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读卜.列各题,从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项。21. In my opinion, who you are is more important than way you look.A. aB./C. the解析:本题考杳冠词的用法。句意:在我看来,你是谁比你看起来的样子更重要,后面是个 定语从句.you kx)k修饰the way.省略了 that,是定指°答案:C22. Meals are very boring. Hehas the same thing to eat ev

2、ery day.A. neverB. usuallyC. sometimes解析:本题考查副词的用法。根据前面的boring“厌烦”可知他每天都经常吃同样的食物。用 usually表吃同样食物的频率高,符合题意。答案:B23. Do you think driverless technology will make many workers lose jobs?A. themB. theirC. theirs解析:本题考件代词的用法。修饰名词jobs用形容词性物主代词their.答案:B24.I live in a safe community, I still feel a little w

3、oiTied when I go out at night.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. Until解析:本题考查连词的用法。Allhough“尽管";since”自从,由于'、;uniil“宜到工句意:虽然 我住在一个安全的社区,当我晚上出去时我仍旧感到担心(1根据句意选择A项.答案:A25. Jenny finally got the job because shespeak English well.A. mightB. mustC. could解析:本题考宜情态动词的用法。句意:Jenny最后获得这个T作因为她能够说英语很棒" 用could表示

4、一种能力。答案:C26. Last night, thousands of people to see the stars arrive at the ceremony.A. waitB. were waitingC. have waited解析:本题考告时态的用法。根据时间状语lastnight“昨晚”可知是用过去时态,答案百.接选 择B项,句意:昨晚,成千上万的人一直等待着看明星们到达开器式©答案:B27. Times magazine says that smart Lego has become one offavorite toys.A. childB. childrenC

5、. children's解析:本题考查名词的用法°Oneo件名词友数,排除A项,同时根据空格后面的名词favorite toys可知用名词所有格的形式,答案为C项。答案:C28.1 don't understand why more girls to do housework than boys in today's society.A. askedB. were askedC. are asked解析:本题考杳动词时态语态。句意:我不明白为什么在当今社会的女孩做家务活比男孩多。 主语more girls和ask的关系是被动,同时时间状语in today

6、9;s society指的是现在社会, 用一般现在时,答案为C项。答案:C29. It wasn'tmatch, but at least we won!A. the most interestingB. more interestingC. interesting解析:本题考查形容词用法。句意:它虽然不是最有趣的比赛,但是至少我们嬴九 根据句 意用最高级形式表达,答案为A项。答案:A30. Most students don't know when their phones are taken away.A. what can they doB. how they could

7、 communicateC. who they can play with解析:本题考杳宾语从句的用法。空白处是做know的宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A项, 然后B项的could时态与题干中的are taken away时态不一致,答案为C项。答案:C三、完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各遨所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项。Berl Manson. 82, slowly opened his eyes and lurncd lo face the clock on ihe bedside table. Il was 8:23 a.m. He fel

8、t31The time was nothing to him. He had nothing to do all day. Helay on the bed532 to the cars on the highway and the shouts of the children running toschool.After a while, Bert 33 got out of bed and asked himself the same questions as he did every morning: Would he Rill today? If so, would anyone co

9、me? How long would he 34?Would he die? He looked out of the window into the street below. "And who would35 ?"hcspoke quietly.After Bert's wife died a year ago, his son and daughter said they would visit once a week. But the last time was months ago. On the phone, they always had a(n) 3

10、6: too busy at work;the children are 37; bad weather; no time. Nobody seemed to have any lime.except R)rBert, He 38 his granddaughters. He loved it when Mandy and Ruth came to visit. They brought him candy and 39He walked to a chair near the bedroom door 40 Ue rested fbr a moment before continuing i

11、n small steps to the bathroom.31.A. pleasedB. sadC. surprised解析:本题考查形容词。Pleased”高兴的”;sad “伤心的”;surprised“吃惊的"根据卜文the time was nothing to him可知他这个时间什么也不做,没有什么意思,所以用sad来形容最佳。 答案:B32.A. listeningB. pointingC. shouting解析:本题考查动词的用法。句意:他躺在床上,听着(listening)公路上车俩的来往和孩 子们向学校跑去的叫声。答案:A33.A. happilyB. quic

12、klyC. carefully解析:本题考查副词的用法。happily"高兴地”;quickly“快地”;carcftilly"小心地''根据第一段 第一句话我们可知Bert Manson是82岁了,所以他小心翼翼地从床上起来并旦问他自己 每天都问的同样的问题。答案:C34.A. hideB. waitC. follow解析:本题考查动词的用法。hide“藏起来”;wait“等待”:follow"跟随",根据上文的几个问 题,可知他一直等待着有人来,所以选择B项。答案:B35.A. careB. decideC. forget解析:本题考

13、杳动词的用法。根据卜.文提至上他会死吗?”和下文他静静的说可知本句指的是 “涯会在乎呢”用care“关心,在乎”符合题意。答案:A36.A.chanceB. accidentC. reason解析:本题考查名词的用法。chance"机会":accident”事故":reason"原因,理由、本句指 的是儿女们一直有个没来的理由:太忙而不能来。所以答案C项。答案:C 37.A. excitedB. perfect C. sick 解析:本题考杳形容词的用法。excited“兴奋的“;perfect、'完美的“;sick“生病的”,用"孩子

14、 们生病了”来表示他们没来看望他的原因更为合理。答案:c 38.A. introducedB. missedC. refused解析:本题考查动词 introduce“介绍”;miss“想念”;refuse”拒绝考本句情境可知Bert Manson 非常想念他的孙女们。用miss更为合理。答案:B39.A. hopeB. troubleC. fear解析:本题考杳名词° hope"希望":trouble“麻烦Far“害怕: 当Mandy和Ruth来看望他 的时候,他们带来了糖果和希里。答案:A 40.A. in timeB. in painC. in person

15、解析:本题考查介词短语。in lime”及时,最终”;in pain“痛苦”;in person“亲自”,一个82 岁的老人步履蹒相,他痛苦地走到卧室旁边的椅子上,休息会乂踩若小步走向浴室。答案 为B项。答案:B四、阅读(共两节,满分30分)第一节阅读理解(共】0小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项。AA 13-ycar-old American has made a cheap machine that can help blind people read.The blind can read by using Braille - a syst

16、em of small bumps (隆起物)Ihal the blind touch to read the letters. The machine that makes these small bumps usually costs at least $2,000. It is called Braille writer. The American schoolboy, Shubham Banerjee, made a new Braille writer from a Lego tool that lets people create robots. Baneijee has call

17、ed his new machine the Braigo - a combination (纠,合)of the words Braille and Lego. It costs just $ 350. It works by changing electronic text into Braille and then priming il using a computer or mobile machine.Banerjee designed (设计)his Braigo last year for a school science exhibition. Since then, he h

18、as caught the interest of Silicon Valley in the USA. The big technology company Intel spent money on Banerjee's machine last November, but they did not say how much money they put in. Bancijcc also got $35, 000 from his lather to help him start the project. His Hither works as a computer enginee

19、r (工程师)at Intel. He spoke about why he gave so much money to his son, saying:"We as parents started to be interested more, thinking that he's on to something and this invention has to continue?' Baneijee told the AP News: "My dream would probably be having most of the blind people.

20、using my Braigo.” 41. What is Braile in Line 2?A. A system of bumps to help the blind read.B. The name of a new invention.C. A very cheap machine.D. A Lego robot.解析:词义猜测题。根据划线部分连字符后面的内容,可知Braille指的是a system of small bumps that the blind touch to read the letters 答案为 A 项c答案:A42. How much will one sav

21、e if he buys a Braigo instead of a usual Braille writer? A. Over $2,000.B. Less than S350.C. Exactly $35,000.D. At least SI,650.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的第二句The machine that makes three small bumps usually costs at least S2,000,和倒数第二句中的 it costs just ¥ 350 ,可知节省 / 20003501650,答案为 D 项。答案:D43. What does th

22、e Braigo change into Braille?A. Photocopies.B. Voices.C. Electronic text.D. Computer languages.解析:细析理解题。根据第二段最后,句话 it works by changing electronic text into Braille 可知答案为c项。答案:c44. Why did Banerjee design his invention?A. He did it as a hobby. B. Intel told him to do it.C. He did it for a school sci

23、ence project.D. He wanted to get money from his father.解析:细节理解题© 根据最后一段第一句 Banerjee designed his Braigo last year fbr a school science exhibition.可知答案为 C 项。答案:c45. Banerjee-s parents wanted him to continue to. A. catch Inters interestB. work on his inventionC. be a computer engineer D. use the

24、new Braille writer 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句We as parents started to be interested more, thinking that hc on to something and this invention has to continue 可知 Bancijee 非常支持他 的发明,希望他能继续,答案为B项。答案:BBLanguage students often think they have memory problems. They worry because they can't remember words. I

25、n fact, the problem usually isn't with their memory. The problem is with how they study.To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear, or read something, it goes first into shorl-tcrm memory. But sho

26、rt-tenn memory lasts lor only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, it's organized (有条理的).When you put away a book 一 or memoiy - you can't just leave

27、 it anywhere. You have to choose a place where you can find it again.How can you do this with vocabulary? The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences that include it. Even better you can invent a little story about the word, with

28、 people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is height you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All of these activities arc good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words

29、 stronger in your long-term memory. And they give a way to find a word when you need it.46. In the writer's opinion, students can't remember words because. A. they have memory problemsB. thev arc too worriedC. they don't use a proper wayD. they don't like to study解析:细理解题。根据第一,段最后一句Th

30、e problem is with how they study.可知作者认为 学生们不能记住单词的原因是他们学习的方式不时,答案为C项。答案:C47. Which is TRUE about memory according to the passage?A. Short-term memory is seldom used.B. What we see goes into long-term memory first.C. We will forget a word soon if it goes into short-tenn memory.D. Wc will never forget

31、 a word if it goes into long-tcnn memory.解析:细节理解题© 根据第一段第三句 But short-term memory lasts for only a lew seconds 可知”短期记忆仅仅持续几分钟”也就是说如果短期记忆的话我们就会很容易忘记,所以答 案为C项。答案:C48. The underlined (划线的)part in Paragraph 2 means long-tcnn memoryA. keeps many books like a large libraryB. works like a well-organiz

32、ed libraryC. provides any book you wantD. leaves memory anywhere解析:推理判断题。划线部分的意思为“你的长期记忆就犹如一个有很多很多书的有条理的 图书馆。当你收拾一本书或收拾记忆的话,你不能把它仅仅放到哪儿.你必须选择一个能再 次找到的地方。”所以答案为B项。答案:B49. Which is one example of “thinking about the word in new ways“ in Paragraph 3?A. Making sentences with the word.B. Listening to som

33、e familiar stories.C. Talking with people that you know.D. Drawing pictures of the word on paper.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句 You can do this by writing new sentences that include it.你可以通过写包含单词的新句子来考虑单词,答案为A项。答案:A50. This passage mainly tells us about.A. language students' problems in studyB. how to make

34、the meaning of words strongerC. short-term and long-term memoryD. how to improve ways to remember words解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“为了更好地记住单词,你需要明白记忆力是如何工 作的“第三段第句“你怎样处理词汇表呢”可知本文主要讲述如何提高记单词的方式,答案 为D项。答案:D第二节 主题匹配(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面5组语言材料,从A到F选项中找出与它们项对应的标题。How Honey(蜂蜜)Is MadeThe bee gets sweet juice from f

35、lowers with its mouth, which is shaped like a tube (吸管). Bees fly hundreds of times between flowers and their honeycombs (蜂巢).In gardens or farms, beekeepers keep bees in beehives (蜂箱)like this one so they can collect honey. About fifty thousand bees live in one beehive.Honey is used to make lots of

36、 different food. It is delicious when it is spread onto bread.In the country, some bees make their homes in places like the trunk of a tree. Bees make honeycombs with wax (蜡)from their own bodies. The space in the honeycomb is where the honey is stored.The beekeeper collects the honey from the beehi

37、ve. He takes out the honeycomb which is full of honey. He wears special clothes so that he doesn't get bitten.A. Where to store honeyB. How to get flower juice C. Ready to eatD. How to collect honeyE. Where to keep beesF. Special clothes to wear51 .解析:本段第一句谈到“蜜蜂用嘴来获得甜汁"可知B项"How to get

38、flower juice" 符合题意。答案:B52 .解析:根据本段最后一句the space is where the honey is stored可知本段主要讲述“蜂 蜜储存的地方”答案为A项。答案:A53 .解析:根据本段第句”在花园里或农场,养蜂者把蜜蜂养在蜂箱里“可知E项“养蜂 的地方”符合题意。答案:E54 .解析:根据第-句话中的 the beekeeper collects the honey from the beehive 可知答为 D 项“收集蜂蜜”。答案:D55 .解析:根据本段第句讲到“蜂蜜被用来做不同种食物”可知本段主要讲“吃蜂蜜”答案为 C项。答窠:C

39、五、综合填空(共两节,满分15分)第一节选血项空(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)阅读下面短文,用所给单词的恰当形式填空,使短文通顺、合理。每词限用次,有 个多余的选项。information find if million serve try whether powerAre you interested in your family history? Do you want to discover who your ancestors (tflyt) were? Would you like 56 an old school friend from your past? Then come

40、 to Friends and Family Finder! lt*s completely tree. Simply put your personal 57 on our site. Share your photos and videos, Use our very 58 search machine to find members of your iamily andfriends. We have over 2059 members.Don't worry 60 you don't have enough time to do the research. 61 our

41、“Finder for a Fee" and we will do all the work for you. You can pay online or send a check for $ 100. Wc arc much better than other sites which offer The same 62 and quicker too.So don't wait. Become a member today!56 .解析:would like to do sth意为“想做某事北 答案:to find57 .解析:personal 5fbmlation“个人信

42、息”。答案:information58 .解析:修饰名词machines用形容词powerful”强有力的工 答案 powerful59 .解析:前而有具体数词20来修饰用million。答案:million60 .解析:句意;如果你没有足够的时间来进行研究不要担心。表条件用if引导。 答案:if6L解析:本句考查“祈使句+and+将来时”结构。答案:Try62 .解析:本句先行词为other sites可知是“网站提供同样的服务(service)。 答案:service第二节短文填空(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和首字母提示,在短文空白处填入适当

43、 的单词,使短文内容通顺、合理。Electricity is a type of energy that was discovered over 100 years ago. One of the most common w 63 lo make electricity is by changing other energy sources (来源),such as coal, and oil or solar, wind and falling water. You may not even realize that electricity is a huge part of your e

44、64 life. Basically, it keeps your home and school w 65 in winter and cool in siiininer.W 66 it. you would never be able to watch your favourite TV show or listen to your MP3 player. Have you ever i 67 a world in which you can't turn on a light, a computer, or even use the phone? So clcctricily i

45、s imporlant lo us and wc n 68 electricity. That's why it's time to rethink our relationship with this v 0 resource (资源)and think about h 70 we can do our part to use it wisely.63 .解析:根据卜.文“通过改变其他的能源来源”可知这是一种发电方式,另外one o"名词 复数,所以用wayso答案:ways64 .解析:本句指的是“日常生活”用everyday lifeo答案:everyday65

46、 .解.析:填warm和cool呼应,使家和学校冬天暖和,夏天凉爽。 答案:warm66 .解析:句意:没有(Without)电,你永远不能看到你最喜欢的电视节目或者听到你的MP3。 答案:Without67 .解析:句意:你想象过一个你不能打开灯,不能打开电脑费至不能使用电话的世界吗? imagine"想象,',根据have,可知用现在完成时。答案:imagined68 .解析:句意:因此电对于我们来说是重要的,我们需要(need)电。答案:need69 .解析:修饰名词resource用形容伺形式,指的是宝货的资源用valuablen答案:valuable70 .解析:句

47、意:我们需要考虑一卜.怎样(how)尽我们的力量来明智地使用电。 答案:how六、完成句子(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据卜面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置,间数不限。71 .至今,145个国家参加了 2015意大利米兰世博会。So far, 145 countries the 2015 World Expo in Milan, Italy.答案: have taken part injoined in/attended72 .为了帮助中国游客养成绿色旅游的习惯,政府制定了新规则。The government has made new rules to he

48、lp Chinese tourists to of traveling in a green way.答案:get into the habiVfbrm the habit73 .从五月起,北京允许盲人乘客与导盲犬一起乘坐地铁。Starting fioni May, Beijing allows blind passangerswith their guidedogs.答案:to take the underground/subway/metro74 .只要你提前三个月预订,飞往悉尼的票价就会减半。The air ticket to Sydney will be half price it t

49、hree months earlier.答案:as long as/if you book75 .多么恶劣的天气!在长江发生了严重的意外事故。it was! A serious accident happened on the Changjiang River.答案:What bad/terrible/awful/poor weather七、读写综合(共两节,满分25分)第一节回答问题(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)诸阅读卜而这篇文章,根据文章内容用完整句子回答卜.列问题。Welcome to my blogStephen Williams Friday, June 21Today I w

50、ent to the beach. Il was my first day at the ocean for many years. The sound and smell of the ocean brought back memories of the great family vacations when I was a child. Wc always went lo the beach ibr a week in the summer. I remembered playing for hours in the sand with my sister and crying when

51、I couldn't have any ice cream. Oh, and I remembered finding a huge jellyfish on the beach, and running away because 1 was scared! Amazing, really, the things you remember from your childhood.CommentsYeah, I remember going fbr long walks in the countryside. I guess 1 was only eight or nine. In th

52、e winier, my mom made soup, and 1 can still remember the wonderful smell! When we got home, I always went straight lo sleep.Carla, MexicoWhat a great story! I remember going to the beach, too - on Christmas Day! My family lived in Australia when I was young. I remember waking up early. After wc open

53、ed our presents, wc always went to the beach and had a barbecue.Leung, Hong KongThe best memory I have is playing my first video game. Super Mario. I remember thinking that it was amazing. It was my tenth birthday and 1 still remember opening the box.Daisuke, Japan76 . Was it the first lime for Stephen to go lo the beach on June 21 ? 答案:No, it wasn5t(the first time)77 . Why did Stephen cry during his family vacations?答案:Because he couldnVd


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