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3、元,利税11.5亿元。浙江宁海经济开发区已经成为宁海经济发展的集聚地和新的经济增长点。Brief Introduction of Ninghai Economic Development Area in Zhejiang Province90 kilometers from Ningbo-Zhoushan Port and 60 kilometers from Ningbo International Airport, Ninghai Economic Development Area is located at the southern wing of the developed Yangt

4、ze River Delta on the east coast of Zhejiang Province, adjoining Shanghai and Hanzhou. With Shenhai Highway and Yongtaiwen Railway across land, the county has three transportation ways out and a railway station. Approved to establish in Aug. 1994, re-evaluated by NDRC as development area at the prov

5、incial level in Mar. 2006, it is composed of six blocks including Xinxing Block, Technology Block, Foreign Investment Block, Tashan Block, Xinling Block and Ningdong Innovative Industrial Garden, with seven towns or neighborhoods and more than 160 villages involved. The area, at the requirements of

6、“centered layout, economic land use and industry cluster”, mainly sticks to the improvement of the quality of foreign investment, the development of modern manufacturing industry and the upgrading of export structure, as to be engaged in developing high-tech industry and high value-added service ind

7、ustry, pushing forward in the way to be a multi-functional comprehensive industrial district. Coordinated services for investment project, all-dimensional service for project under construction and regular service for project put into production are provide to create an atmosphere of befriending, se

8、ttling and enriching businessmen. After more than 10 years of development, the area has become larger in scale, functions increasingly improved and services frequently upgraded, with supporting facilities such as electricity, water, communications and finance all ready in the area. The developed are

9、as has reached 18 square kilometers and over 700 enterprises from home and abroad have gathered in the area, among whom a little more than 200 foreign investment companies come from nearly 30 countries and area like America, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The amount of contracted foreign investment utilized

10、and actually utilized foreign investment is 580 million US dollars and 330 million US dollars respectively. There are 525 enterprises put into production and 252 above the designated size. An industrial layout with mold, stationery, auto parts, luminaries, hardware and machinery and electronic devic

11、es as leading industries has come into shape. In 2008 enterprises within the area realized 14 billion yuan of total industrial output value, 750 US of import and export volume and 1.15 billion yuan of revenue mount. Ninghai Economic Development Area has become the gathering ground and new growth eng

12、ine for Ninghai Countys economic development.浙江宁海经济开发区投资手册 生/态/之/城Ninghai Economic Development Area in Zhejiang ProvinceInvestment Manual City of Lovely Ecology一、电费:住宅用电 元/千瓦时大工业用电 一般工业用电 非工业用电 农业用电 二、水费工业用水 元/吨生活用水 三、地价工业用地 万元/亩(城区)万元/亩标准厂房出租 /平方米.月1. Electricity CostResidential yuan/kwhMajor indus

13、trialGeneral industrialNon-industrial2. Water CostIndustrial yuan/tonDomestic3. Land ValueIndustrial ten-thousand-yuan/mu (urban area) ten-thousand-yuan/muStandard Workshop Building Lease /m2 /month四、建筑造价砖混结构 元/平方框架结构 钢架结构 五、工资普通工人 元/月行政服务人员 技术工人 高级技工 工程师 4. Construction CostBrick and concrete struc

14、ture yuan/ m2 Frame structureSteel-framed structure5. WagesGeneral worker yuan/monthAdministrative officialTechnicianHigher technicianEngineer六、税收企业所得税 税率:25%增值税 基本税率:17%营业税 分三档税率,从3%-20%不等进出口关税 进口关税平均税率为:12%七、公路集装箱运输费(参考价):至宁波-舟山港的价格:20尺柜 780元/箱40尺柜 八、海运集装箱运输费(参考价): 宁波-香港 20尺柜 80美元/箱 40尺柜 宁波-新加坡 20

15、尺柜 40尺柜 宁波-纽约 20尺柜 40尺柜 宁波-欧洲 20尺柜 40尺柜 6. Tax RevenueEnterprise income tax tax rate: 25%Value-added tax basic tax rate: 17%Turnover tax at three levels, from 3% to 20%Import and export duties average tax rate: 12%7. Transport cost for inland container (reference price):To Zhoushan Port in Ningbo:20

16、 feet container 780 yuan/container40 feet container 8. Transport Cost for Shipping Container (reference price)Ningbo Hongkong 20 feet container 80 dollar/container40 feet containerNingbo Singapore 20 feet container 40 feet containerNingbo New York 20 feet container 40 feet containerNingbo Europe 20

17、feet container 40 feet container一、加强用地供地管理服务。对符合国家产业政策和规划布局的企业,要优先落实用地,缩短项目报批周期。对已签约的重大外商投资项目,要逐一加强研究,及早落实用地。鼓励企业集约节约利用土地,充分利用闲置土地和厂房发展生产。 1. Enhance management service for land use and offering. Give priority to implement land use for enterprises that conform to the industrial policy and planned la

18、yout of the country, shortening the cycle of their project report for approval. As with major contracted foreign investment projects, intensify examination separately, in order to implement land use for them as quickly as possible. Encourage economized and intensive land utilization among enterprise

19、s, urging them to make full use of idle land and workshop buildings for production. 二、对土地使用税实行引导奖励。对当年应缴税费额在200万元以上的工业企业,土地亩均税费贡献额10万元以上的,按其缴纳城镇土地使用税的20%给予奖励;土地亩均税费贡献额在15万元以上的,按其缴纳城镇土地使用税的30%给予奖励。对投资项目新征用土地并在计划期内动工的企业,在计划建设期内按其缴纳城镇土地使用税的50%给予奖励,督促并鼓励企业早开工早投产。2. Conduct and encourage land use tax. As

20、 with industrial enterprises who should pay fees and taxes of over 2 million yuan for the current year, if they have contributed over 100 thousand yuan of land fees and taxes, reward them with 20% of its paid urban land use tax as encouragement; if over 150 thousand yuan, 30%. As with enterprises th

21、at use new land for project and have initiated it within planning period, reward them with 50% of its paid urban land use tax as encouragement and press and encourage them to start functioning as soon as possible. 三、规划专门地块建设企业会所。对年销售收入10亿元以上且税收5000万元以上、引进或新投入总投资5亿元以上的企业,允许其建设企业会所10亩;对销售收入5亿元以上且税收250

22、0万元以上、引进或新投入总投资3亿元以上的企业,允许其建设企业会所6亩;对销售收入3亿元以上且税收1500万元以上、引进或新投入总投资1亿元以上的企业,允许其建设企业会所3亩。企业会所用地按有关政策规定取得,并按所取得地价的60%给予补助。本项不重复享受,企业如达到更高一档企业会所建设标准的,可补足至应享受的建设标准。3. Regulate appropriation of special land for building corporate club. As with enterprises that yield more than 1 billion yuan sales a year

23、and afford over 50 yuan taxes as well as introduce or re-invest a total capital of over 500 million yuan, allow them 10 mu of land to build corporate clubhouse; with those yielding sales of over 500 million yuan, affording over 25 million taxes and having a new capital totaled over 300 million yuan,

24、 grant them 6 mu; with enterprise with figures of more than 300 million yuan, more than 15 million yuan and over 100 million yuan respectively, give them 3 mu of land. Corporate clubhouse building land should be obtained according to relevant regulations or policies and subsidize obtainers with 60%

25、of the land price. This right can not be had twice. If enterprises arrive at new standard levels for building club, re-subsidize them to the new building level they should enjoy. 四、对引进外(内)资或新增投资达到一定额度,且投资强度达到规定要求的工业项目,给予奖励。对引进外资实到资本金达到300万美元的,按每100万美元给予人民币25万元奖励,超过300万美元的,每增加100万美元其奖励标准相应递增人民币2万元;20

26、00万美元以上重大项目一事一议;对引进县外内资固定资产投资人民币5000万元,县内现有企业(当年税金入库数超过300万元)新增固定资产投资人民币5000万元的,给予人民币75万元奖励,每增加人民币1500万元,给予外资对应档次同等标准奖励,人民币3.1亿元以上重大项目一事一议;奖励资金经县工业企业协调小组审核,对有土建内容的项目,在其开工时兑现30%,全部结顶时兑现30%,竣工验收后兑现40%(竣工时间不得超过取得用地之日起三年);对技术改造项目待调试运行后一次性兑现。园区内企业由各园区负责兑现,园区外企业由所在乡镇、街道负责兑现。4. As with industrial projects

27、which have absorbed certain amount of foreign (or domestic) investment or injected certain amount of additional capital, if the investment extensity also meets the prescribed requirements, they should be rewarded. If the amount of actual foreign capital reaches 3 million US dollars, reward with 250

28、thousand yuan per million US dollars as encouragement; if it exceeds that amount, reward correspondingly with 20 thousand yuan more for each added 1 million dollars; large-scale projects of more than 20 million US dollars should be independently handled. As with existing enterprises within the count

29、y that have introduced 50 million yuan of domestic investment in fixed assets outside the county to increase their fixed assets capital by 50 million yuan, reward them with 750 thousand yuan; if it passes that amount, reward them correspondingly for per added 15 million yuan according to the same st

30、andard applied in foreign investment at the same level; great projects of over 310 million yuan should be independently dealt with. As with projects with construction, the reward fund, after being examined and approved by the countys industrial coordination panel, should be materialized by 30% at la

31、unch, 30% at full completion and 40% after inspection and acceptance; as with technology innovation projects, it should be paid at one time after debugging and operation. Garden areas should be responsible for paying enterprises in them respectively, while towns or communities responsible for those

32、outside garden areas which are located in them. 五、优化利用外资结构。对引进符合我县产业导向、推进产业结构升级的外资和县外内资(按7:1折算)的单位和个人进行奖励。引进单个项目外资注册资金在200万美元以上,且实际到位外资在100万美元以上,按实际到位外资的0.5%给予奖励。对引进境外资金设立研发中心、服务外包等现代服务业及外方注册资金在500万美元以上的项目,且首期外资到位的,再给予0.5%奖励。对中介招商机构和招商顾问引进的外商投资,合同外资在300万美元以上的项目,按实到外资的1%给予奖励。5. Optimize foreign inves

33、tment utilization structure. Reward units and individuals who have introduced foreign investment or domestic investment outside the county (at conversion rate of 7:1) which complies with the industrial guidance policy of the county and advances upgrading industrial structure. For a single project, i

34、f its registered capital from foreign investment exceeds 2 million US dollars and the actual investment exceeds 1 million US dollars, reward it with 0.5% of the actual foreign investment. As with projects which are funded by foreign investment to establish modern service industries such as R & D

35、 center and service outsourcing and which have actualized foreign investment for down payment, reward 0.5% more. As with projects with foreign investment that is introduced by foreign investment recruitment agency or adviser and with contracted foreign investment exceeding 3 million US dollars, rewa

36、rd them with 1% of the actual investment. 六、大力发展高新技术产业。每年安排高新技术企业发展资金160万元,支持高新技术企业发展。被认定为国家级高新技术企业的,经批准,可按15%缴纳企业所得税。加大对软件产业的扶持,每年安排30万元设立软件产业发展专项资金,用于支持软件产业发展;对新创办的软件企业,经认定,自获利年度起,享受企业所得税“二免三减半”待遇。6. Promote the development of high-tech industry. High-tech industry development capital of 1.6 milli

37、on yuan is arranged to support the development of high-tech enterprises every year. Trough approval, enterprises that are considered high-tech industry at the state level can pay corporate income tax at the rate of 15%. To enhance the support for software industrys development, 300 thousand yuan is

38、arranged every year to set up special development fund for software industry; newly-established software enterprises, through confirmation, can enjoy “two frees, three half-cuts” treatment as to enterprise income tax. 七、大力发展高新技术企业,鼓励企业推进信息化与工业化融合。被认定为宁波市科技型企业的,自认定当年起,按其实际上缴的企业所得税地方留成部份50%由财政部门给予补助,财

39、政补助资金于次年兑现;对被评为高新技术企业和市级科技型企业的一次性给予8万元以内的奖励。对开展两化融合的企业按信息化软性投入的30%给予补助,最高不超过30万元。7. Increase the development of high-tech enterprises and encourage enterprises to advance integration of industrialization and information. As with those confirmed as technological enterprises in Ningbo City, Department

40、 of Finance subsidize with 50% of the part of paid corporate income tax received by the local government, which should be materialized in the next year; with those judged as high-tech enterprises and technological enterprises at the city level, reward them with money within 80 thousand yuan at a time. As with enterprises that advocate integration of ind


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