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1、2020-2021学年浙江省台州市仙居县七年级(下)期末英语试卷一、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)My mom told me that after I learned to sa y"Mama" and "Dada", my £1) word was "no!" Sadly.I used that word too often as a boy.I didn't want to 2) vegetables.! didn't want to go to bed 3 time.I didn'

2、t want to work in the garden.I didn't want to help my mom and grandma with the (4).In other words,I was a bit of a (5) boy.As I grow up,I began to say "(6)"a lot.I can remember (7) the bed and washing the dishes.I felt really (8) to help my mother and father.I can remember studying har

3、d in school.I can remember seeing the pride (自 豪感)in my parents' cyes-(9) I got into college (大学).1 learn that saying "yes" can(10)much joy (快乐)into my life.NowJ am still (11) how to say "yes".So my friendj wish (can learn to say "yes" early,but not too(13).Say &quo

4、t;yes" to lifc.Say "yes" to iovc.Say "yes" to (14)othcrs and making this world a better place."Yes"may only be a word,£15) it can change (改变)your life.1.A. firstB.secondC. thirdD. fourth2.A. eatB. plantC. buyD. sell3.A. byB. onC. atD. of4.A. lessonsB. studiesC

5、. homeworkD. housework5.A. badB. shyC. goodD. kind6.A. yesB. noC. thanksD. hello7.A. doingB. makingC. washingD. moving8.A. scaredB. surprisedC. sadD.happy9.A. howB. whatC. whenD. why10.A. takeB. bringC. giveD. show11.A. turningB. shoutingC. pickingD. learning12.A. youB. sheC. heD. they13.A. easilyB.

6、 earlyC. lateD. quickly14.A. livingB. helpingC. workingD. talking15.A. becauseB. soC. andD. but者在对读者说话,故选you,表示”我希望你能早早地学者说'好七故选A。(13)C考查副词。A容易地,B早地,C晚地,D快速地,根据空前的"learn to say 'yes' early”可知,作者希望大家早早地学着说”好”,故此处表示”而不要太晚”。故选C。(14)B考查动词。A居住,B帮助,C工作,D谈论,根据空后的-making this world a better

7、 place"4知,我们要对能使世界变得更好的事情说”好”,再根据连词and 4知,空 处内容也应该是积极向上的,结合选项可知,此处指对帮助他人说”好故选B。(15)D考查连词。A因为,B所以,C和,D但是,空前的'好'可能仅仅只是一个字 ”和空后的"它能改变你的生活”之间为转折关系,故选but。故选D。作者小的时候常常对很多事情说”不”,但长大后作者更愿意对很多事情说”好”。他认为 对很多事情说”好”给他的人生带来了许多快乐和改变。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。

8、16-18.【答案】B、C、A【解析】(I ) Bo 细节理解题。根据"There are some quick ways to get here.; Bus: Subway: Taxi: Self-drive”有一些快捷的方法可以到达这里。公交车;地铁;出租车:自驾。可 知B符合题意。故选:Bo(2)Co推理判断题。根据"Keep the zoo clean"保持动物园清洁。可知C符合题意。故 选:Co(3)A。文章出处题。通读全文,可知本文主要介绍了动物园的相关信息。可知它可 能来自一木指南书。可知A符合题意。故选:A。本文主要介绍了动物园的相关信息。做题时结

9、合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项,在抓住关键句 子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案。19-21.【答案】B、C、C【解析】(I) B.词义猜测题。根据前句As lime goes by,(he scholar is becoming thin and not in good health,随着时间的推移,这位 书生越来越瘦,身体也越来越不好,可猜测出。后句应是:所以他的妻子很担心书生的 健康,故下划线单词”it”应是指”书生的健康L故选B。(2)C.细节理解题。根据 They find two secrets (秘密):(here is thick chicken o

10、il (油) on the surface (表面)of the soup and the earthen pot can keep the heat in.他们发现 了两个 秘密:汤表面的厚厚的鸡油和砂锅可以保温,可知,汤表面的厚厚的鸡油和砂锅可以保 温。故选C。(3)C.标题归纳题。通读全文可知,短文主要讲述了过桥米线的来历。故文章的最佳 标题应是:过桥米线。故选C。短文主要讲述了过桥米线的来历。做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意。其次,细读题材,各个击破。 掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原 文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。2225.【答

11、案】B、D、C、C解析】(1) B.细节理解题。根据第一段”When wc buy a house,wc all want to have nice neighbors,because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbors.(当我 们买房子的时候,我们都希望有一个好邻居,因为我们大多数人认为和一些好邻居住在 -起是有帮助的。)”可知,我们想要好邻居的原因是我们大多数人认为与好邻居待在 一起是有帮助的,故选B。(2)D.细节理解题。根据第四段"Good neighbors should

12、keep the place clean,because the good environment can make us com fortablc and happy.(好邻居应该保持地方清洁,因为良好的环境可以让我们感到舒适和 快乐。)”可知,好的环境可以让我们感到舒服并且开心,故选D。(3)C.细节理解题。根据最后一段”I think we all should learn to be good neighbors,and I also hope everyone will have good neig hbors and live a happy life.(我认为我们都应该学会做好邻

13、居,我也希望每个人都有好邻 居,过上幸福的生活。)”可知,作者认为人们应该学者变成好邻居,故选C。(4)C.结构判断题。通读全文并根据文章第二、三、四段First,Next,Finally"可知,C 项图符合文章结构,故选C,本文叙述了哪种邻居是好的邻居,第一:必须互相帮助。第二:当有困难的时候,邻居 要互相帮助。第三:好的邻居要爱护环境。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上卜.文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。26. 【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】A【小题3】F【小题4】B【小题5】E【解析】图文搭配题。(1) D.根据You

14、can't bring your pets into the place.你不能把你的宠物带进来。可知图片 D符合语境。故选D。(2) A.根据 When a driver sees this sign,he knows he can turn right here.当司机看到这个标 志时,他知道他可以在这里右转。可知A图片符合语境。故选A。(3) F.根据 Don't take photos when we see this sign in a museum .当我们在博物馆看到这 个标志时不要拍照。可知图片F符合语境。故选F。(4) B.根据 When people see

15、 a fire,they can call this number.当人们看到火灾时,他们可 以拨打这个号码。可知图片B符合语境。故选B。(5) E.根据 Nobody can swim in the place when there is such a sign.如果有这样的标志, 没有人能在这个地方游泳。可知图片E符合语境。故选E。材料是生活中常见的6个标志,以及其正确含义。做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。 推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案。27. 【答案】【小题I windy小题2 for【小题3】a【小题4】c

16、akes小题 5 to buy【小题6 Who【小题7】left【小题9】mother's【小题 10 quickly【解析】(1)windy.考查形容词。根据"Ifs (1) (wind) and cold.”因此可知这句话意思是有风又冷。并列连词and连接两个形容词,所以要用windy来填空。故填 windy o(2) for.考查介词。根据"I go into a cake shop to buy a birthday cake (2) my son "因此可知这句话意思是我进入一个蛋糕店去给我儿子买生日蛋糕。后面的词语是名词, 所以要用介词for来

17、填空。故填for。(3) a.考查冠词。根据"I find (3) little boy watching the cakes"因此可知这句话意思是我发现一个小男孩在看蛋糕。后面的词语是little boyjittle是以辅音音素开头的单词, 所以要用a来填空。故填a。(4) cakes.考查名词。根 last he picks one of the (4) (cake ).”因此可知这句话意思是最后他选择了其中的一个蛋糕。前面的词语是one of,所以要用复数名词 cakes来填空。故填cakes。(5) to buy.考查动词不定式。根据"I would li

18、ke (5) ( buy) the small cake."因此可知这句话意思是我想要买一个小蛋糕。would like to do sth.固定短语,想要做某事, 所以要用to buy来填空。故填to buy。(6) Who.考查代词。根据”(6) do you want to buy the birthday cake for?”因此可知这句话意思是你想给谁买这个生日蛋糕?这是一个特殊疑问句,所以要用Who来填 空,指人。故填Who。(7) left考查动词。根据"My father (7) (leave) us a few years ago"因此可知这句话

19、意思是我爸爸几年前离开了我们。时间状语是a few years ago,所以要用一般过去时 left来填空。故填left。(8) that.考查连词。根据"Our family is so poor (8) my mother has to work frommorning to night every day.”因此可知这句话意思是我们的家庭是那么贫困以至于我妈妈 不得不每天从早上工作到晚上。so.that.固定短语,如此以至于,所以要用由at来 填空。故填that。(9) mother's.考查名词所有格。根据"I'myour (9) (mother)

20、friend"因此可知这句话意思是我是你妈妈的朋友。后面的同语是名词,所以要用名词所有格mother's *填 空。故填 mother's o(10) quickly.考查副词。根据"I give the money to (he salesgirl and leave the shop (10)(quick).”因此可知这句话意思是我把钱给了女店员,然后迅速离开了这个商店。 前面的词语是动词,所以要用副词quickly来填空。故填quickly。本文主要介绍了我在蛋糕店给个贫穷的小女孩买蛋糕的故事。首先要通读短文,掌握大意,特别要注意上下文之间的联系,确定

21、某处的需要的词汇和 形式,就可以确定正确答案。28. 【答案】【小题1 J rules小题2】him【小题3 singing【小题4】straight【小题5】hundred【解析】(I) rules考查名词。根据题干As the saying goes,"No.no games."可知是指: 俗话说:”没有规则就没有游戏。”由games可知此处是复数形式。故填rules。(2) him 考查代词。根据题干 John's mother teaches.how to be a real man,可知是指:约 翰的母亲教他如何成为一个真正的男人。动词teach后接宾格代

22、词。故填him。(3) singing考查现在分词。根据题干Listen ! Jenny is.in her room,可知是指:珍妮正 在她的房间里唱歌。时态是现在进行时is+doingo故填singing,(4) straight 考查形容词。根据题干 My mom looks beautiful with long.hair,可知是指: 我妈妈长直发看起来很漂亮,故填straights(5) hundred 考查名词。根据题干 Tom's home is five.kilometers from his school,可知是 指:汤姆的家离学校有五百公里。hundred前面是数字

23、,用单数形式。故填hundred。(1) 俗话说:"没有规则就没有游戏。"(2) 约翰的母亲教他如何成为一个真正的男人。(3) 珍妮正在她的房间里唱歌。(4) 我妈妈长直发看起来很漂亮。(5) 汤姆的家离学校有五百公里。选择词语时,在考虑句子大意的前提下,应该注意句子所用的时态,以及所填写的词在 句子中的位置。通过这些判断,适当改变词汇形式,以符合题目要求。29. 【答案】【小题1 north【小题2 young小题 3 everything小题 4】holiday (s)小题5 fed【小题6 if小题7】strict【小题8】never【小题9 stay【小题10 wi

24、shes【解析】(1) north:考查名词。根据所给汉语提示可知,north北面,故答案是north。(2)young;考查形容词。根据所给汉语提示可知,young年轻的,与was构成系表结 构,故答案是youngo(3)everything;考查代词。根据所给汉语提示可知,everylhing切,不定代词,故 答案是 everythingo(4)holiday (s);考查名词。根据所给汉语提示可知,holiday假期,单复数都可以, 故答案是holiday (s)。(5)fed;考查动词。根据所给汉语提示可知,feed喂养,结合was用一般过去时,故 答案是fed。(6)if;考查连词。

25、根据所给汉语提示可知,if表示如果,引导的条件状语从句,故答 案是ifo(7)strict;考查形容词。根据所给汉语提示可知,strict严格的,与was构成系表结构,故答案是stricto(8)never;考查副词。根据所给汉语提示可知,never从不,故答案是nevero(9)stay;考查动词。根据所给汉语提示可知,stay待,will后加动词原形,故答案是 stay。(10)wishes.考查名词。根据所给汉语提示可知,best wishes最好的祝愿,故答案是wishes o本文介绍了刘伯明。本篇单词填空给出了汉语,相对来说简单很多,主要注意词性时态单复数等的转化。30. 【答案】L

26、ast weekend,wc had a school trip in Shangzhang,Xianju.(时间,地点)We went there by bus in the early morning.(怎么 去的)When we got there,we visited the museum first.【高分句型一1 We saw many pictures and things about the history of Red Army.Then we wore the Red Army clothes and also learned to make Red Army bags,i

27、( was kind of difficult but interesting for us.After lunch,we climbed mountains.The weather was quite hot but we all felt very excited.In the evening,we had a party and enjoyed ourselves.(活动内容)I think the school trip is really meaningful for us.高分句型二】We can not only relax ourselves but also leani a

28、lot from it. (意义)【解析】【高分句型一】When we got there,we visited the museum first.当我们到达那里时,我们先参观了博物馆。 when当的时候;引导时间状语从句。【高分句型二】I think the school (rip is really meaningful for us.我认为这次学校旅行对我们来说真的很有 意义。I think +宾语从句;表示我认为。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等, 清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。二、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)Ad

29、dress: 40 Hupao Road,HangzhouOpening hours: 7: 00 a.m.-5: 30 p.m.Open every day of the yearPhone number:ickets: ¥20Children: 1.2 m free;16. 2 m-1.5 ni half the price Getting here:Making your way to the zoo is easy.There are some quick ways to get here.BusSubwayTaxiSelf-driveNote:

30、Don't feed animals or play with (hem.No smoking in the zoo.Keep the zoo clean.Wear masks (口 罩)along the way. (I) How many quick ways can we get (o the zoo?A. 5B.4C. 3D. 217. What can we do in the zoo? A. We can feed (he monkeys bananas and play with (hem.B. We can smoke in the zoo if we want.C.

31、We must keep (he zoo clean.D. We needn't wear masks along the way.18. What kind of text above is it? A. A guide book. B. A speech. C. A letter.D. A poster.BThere is a scholar (书生)in Yunnan Province.He studies hard day and night on an island.His wife is very kind,she crosses a bridge to take meal

32、s to him every day.It is far from their home to the island so the food gets cold and tastes bad when she gets there.As time goes by,the scholar is becoming thin and not in good heal(h,so his wife is worried about jt.One day,the scholar's wife kills a chicken and cooks chicken soup in an earthen

33、pot (砂锅), putting some rice noodles,some pieces of meat and vegetables.UnluckilyAvhen she crosses the bridge on the way to the island,she falls to the ground and can't stand up for a long time.When she finally arrives,she is surprised that the earthen pot is still hot.Her husband is surprised,to

34、o.They find two secrets (秘密):there is thick chicken oil (油)on the surface(表面)of the soup and the earthen pot can keep the heat in.As a result,the soup is hot and delicious.After that,the scholar eats well and becomes healthy.Finally he succeeds (成功)in the exams.Therefore,crossing-over bridge rice no

35、odles (过桥米线)become famous and popular.19. The underlined (下划线)word"it"in Paragraph 2 means.A. the bridgeB. the scholar's healthC. the foodD. the exam20. According to the passage,what makes the soup still hot after a long time? ©the thick chicken oil on the surface of the soup. the

36、 scholar's wife runs quickly to the scholar. lhe earthen pot can keep (he heat in.©the scholar heats the soup after his wife an ives.A. (D®B.C.D. ®21. Which can be the best title (标题)of the passage? A. A successful scholarB. An earthen potC. Crossing-over bridge noodlesD. A kind w

37、ifecWhen we buy a house,we all want lo have nice neighbors,because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbors.But what kind of neighbor is good? The answers are different from people to people.Here are my answers.Firstjt is very important to respect (尊重)each other. If our n

38、eighbors try to know more about our life,how will we feel ? He or she may also talk with others about our life.Do you want to live with him or her anymore? The answer is-No.We will feel very sad to have this kind of neighbor and move away quickly.Next,a good neighbor is always ready to give us a han

39、d when we need him or her.For example,if we are not at home,our good neighbors will watch our house for us.Finally,a good neighbor should love the environment (环境).He or she never puts rubbish(垃圾)here and there.Good neighbors should keep the place clean,because the good environment can make us comfo

40、rtable and happy.I think we all should learn to be good neighbors,and I also hope everyone will have good neighbors and live a happy life.22. We want to have nice neighbors because.A. they can share food with usB. it is helpful to live with good neighborsC. they can make us feel nervous (紧张的)D. they

41、 can tell interesting stories23. Well feelin a good environment.A. tired and sickB. strong and busyC. warm and freeD. comfortable and happy24. According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE? A. Good neighbors talk with others about our life.B. Good neighbors never watch our house when you a

42、rc out.C. People should learn to be good neighbors.D. Good neighbors pul rubbish everywhere.25. The structure (结构)of the passage should be.三、任务型阅读简答(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)26, 下面是生活中常见的6个标志,请根据句意将图片与句子正确搭配。(1) You can't bring your pels into the place.(2) When a driver sees this sign,he knows he can turn

43、right here.(3) Don't take photos when we see this sign in a museum .(4) When people see a firejhey can call this number.(5) Nobody can swim in the place when there is such a sign.四、阅读填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)27. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Il's Sunday afternoon. Il's (I) (wind) and col

44、d.I go into a cake shop to buy a birthday cake(2) my son because it's his eighth birthday today.When 1 get thcre.the shop is full of people.When I am looking for a cake,I find (3) little boy watching the cakes for a long time.He is in poor clothes. At last he picks one of the (4) (cake) .Then he

45、 gives his money to the salesgirl and says to hcr."I would like (5) (buy) the small cake.""Sorry.the cake is 20 yuan,but you only pay 10 yuan."says the salesgirl.have no more money."says the little boy and he begins to cry."Oh,my boy. (6) do you want to buy lhe birthday

46、 cake for? "I ask."My mother,madam.""Why doesn't she come and buy one?""My father (7) (leave) us a few years ago,"the boy says."Our family is so poor (8) my mother has to work from morning to night every day.Ifs her birthday tomorrow.I want to buy her a sm

47、all cake.But I don't have enough money.""Oh,my boy! I'm your (mother) friend,"I say."I'll buy her a nice birthday cake."I give the money to the salesgirl and leave the shop (10) (quick) .It is cold outside but I feel warm.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)五、单词拼写/单词释

48、义(本大题共2小题,共15.0分)28.straight rules he hundred sing(1) As the saying goes,"Nono games."(2) Johns mother teacheshow to be a real man.(3) Listen! Jenny isin her room.(4) My mom looks beautiful with longhair.(5) Tom's home is fivekilometers from his school.28. Liu Boming was born in a coun

49、tryside in the (1)(北面)of China in September, 1966.When he was (2)(年轻的),he was smart and learnt (3)(一切)quickly.He wanted to be an astronaut(宇航员), He was interested in all subjects and always got good grades.During the (4)(假期),he (5)(喂养)pigs to help his parenls.He knew (如果)he wanted to make his dream

50、come truejhe only way was to study hard .In 1985, he became a pilot.Hc was very (7)(严格的)with himself,he practiced hard and (从不)felt tired.In 2(X)8, he first stepped into space.On June 17, 2021, it was his second time to ily into space together with Nie Haisheng and Tang Hongbo by Shenzhou 12 spacecraft.They will (9)(停留; 待)in the space station fbr three months and do many experiments and training (实验和训练).Good luck and best (10)(祝愿)to them.China is getting stronger and


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