1、第31巻第5期封闭行星齿轮传动不统的功率流分析及效率计算#© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights resened. 第31巻第5期封闭行星齿轮传动不统的功率流分析及效率计算95:1004- 2539(2007)05- 0094- 03(华南湮工大学机械工程学院.广东广州510W0)张木青胡青春朱新军段福海通过对封闭行星齿轮传动系统内部功率流的分析研究了功率分配系数与系统内部功率流 的关系建立了功率分配系数与单元传动比的关系表达式以及效率计算公式确定了无功率循环的必要 条件。结
2、合具体实例绘制了功率流图谱及效率曲线通过有功率循环系统与无功率循环系统的对比. 指出台理地选择单元传动比可避免系统内部出现功率循环从而获得高效率的传动。为封闭行星齿轮 传动系统的设计提供一种有效简洁的分析方法。封闭行星齿轮传动功率流效率引言封闭行星齿轮传动系统通过双路径传动减小了各 构件上的负载.因而,在传递相同栽荷条件下,其结构 更加紧凑。由于封闭行星齿轮传动的上述优点,广泛 地应用于工业机械、起重机械、建筑机械、冶金机械以 及航空机械等现代机械传动领域。然而如果封闭行 星齿轮传动系统各支路的传动比选择不当.将会使其 内部存在较大的循环功率封闭功率丿。循环功 率的存在加大了构件上的栽荷加剧了
3、磨损.产生较大 的振动和噪声.严重降低了传动系统的性能。本文通 过对封闭行星齿轮传动系统内部的功率流分析说明 台理地选择单元传动比可获得高效率的传动,介绍一 种避免功率循环的单元传动比配直方法。1封闭行星齿轮传动系统如表Ka) (b)所示若将一个简单的单级行星齿 轮传动系统与一个差动行星齿轮传动系统进行封闭式 连接.就形成了封闭行星齿轮传动系统.其中只有一个 固定构件.单元间通过构件刚性连接(构件4、B、d、e 分别为输入、输出、连接、制动构件丿。很明显,a)中输 入功率旳在八利用双路径传递其中一部分功率Pi 通过2传递给输出轴,另一部分功率P2绕过r2传递 给输出轴,(b丿中输入功率加在n利
4、用两条路径传 递,其中一部分功率P1通过ri传递给仪另一部分功 率力直接传递给亠然后在H处汇流输出。所有的 封闭行星齿轮传动系统的连接都可简化为表1结构简 图的形式。2 系统内部功率流及运动学关系表1(a)中转矩和功率由两条路径输出称为功率 分流输出型两级封闭行星齿轮传动系统'表I (b)中转矩和功率由两条路径输入,称为功率分流输入型两级 封闭行星齿轮传动系统。二者广泛地应用于动力传 动系统中,文中主要以二者为研究对象。传动系统内 将给定方向上功率流定义为正方向若实际功率流方 向与定义的方向相同,则为正.反之.则为负。因此.需 要通过计算来判定实际功率流的正负号。定义传动比/为传动系统
5、的输出转速与输入转 速之比单元传动比6为制动连接构件d时.输出转 速与输入转速之比.单元传动比为固定构件e时, 连接构件d转速与输入转速之比(功率分流输入型) 或输出转速与连接构件d转速之比(功率分流输出 型)O类型传动简图结构简图传动比创分流输出传动分流输入传动(b)n(I).&)(&-1)封闭行星齿轮传动系统内环路的功率流方向取决 于连接构件d.如表2。从表2中.可清楚地看到根据 的取值范围表1(a)、(b)中的输入功率存在三种传 递方式当0v <1时,表2中的功率流P1-P2方向 为同向称为无功率循环当>1时,表2中的功率流P5 方向为顺时针方向称为正功率循环
6、,当V 0时表2的功率流pi>p2方向为逆时针方向称为 负功率循环。本文只对功率分流输入型的封闭行星齿轮传动系© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights resened. 第31巻第5期封闭行星齿轮传动不统的功率流分析及效率计算#© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights resened. 第31巻第5期封闭行星齿轮传动不统的功率流分析及效率计算97统进行分析
7、即表Hb) o2类星來潦入 功分输a>lPla<0系统输入功率与各支路传递功率的关系Pm= T,n n,a = P + P,()支路传递功率为P = Tdnd(2)式中 m nd分别为连接构件d的转矩和转速。、 是输入功率在各支路上的分配系数.二者满足+ = 1 表1(b)中传动比和功率分配系数与单元传动比 的关系式为单元传动比丄丄仃»2= “ABlAd将式(4丿代入表1( U)中得传动比表达式i = ,r = / + 12 - ilii AB根据厅星齿轮运动学关系,则构件"的转矩和转 速为仏1 J - ii. 如Td =e .d in = '丿&quo
8、t;d =g = °2 刃in'6丿AB 9IAB1'Ad由式(1八式(2八式(6丿得功率分配系数表达式Pm il + 12 6/2封闭行星齿轮传动系统内环路出现功率循环将会 増加轮齿和轴承上栽荷.加剧磨损.从而使其传动效率 降低。通过以上分析可知功率分配系数、是单 元传动比的函数.单元传动比决定着输入功率在支路 上的分配和有无功率循环.因此通过合理地选择单元 传动比便可实现传动系统无功率循环传动,其 必要条件为表l(b丿功率分流输入“ 11 11Ov 一 < 1n + /2 - h >23 系统效率分析文献/4/对传动比与效率的关系定义如下如果运 动传动
9、比(忽略功率损失)与功率流方向相同那么动 力传动比(考虑功率损失丿为运动传动比乘以效率; 如果运动传动比与功率流方向相反.则动力传动比为 运动传动比乘以效率倒数,这种理论对于复杀传 动也正确°从表2中可以看出.功率Px流经两个行星 齿轮传动单元.功率P2流经一个行星齿轮传动单元c 设每个传动单元转醫固定时的效率分别为I、2,只 考虑由轮齿间摩擦引起的损失.一般取值为1=2 = 0.96。则两级封闭行星齿轮传动系统传动效率 紬的 计算公式AB=2+2'V(9)其中JC = 11 V = 1»> 1 x = 1 F v = - 1.0 <<0. 5(1
10、0) x = 1, y = 0,0. 5 v < 1乂 x = 1=1.<0由式、式(1()丿可得12+/ 2 >1+ 2rO< <0.5AB =1(11丿1 + ,0. 5 << 1./ I 2 +2»<04实例分析3齿轮序号123456国126B5?ISIS4502261352261352图1 .图2为功率分流输入型传动结构其各齿轮 齿数如表3中所示运动学计算如下图1单元传动比儿=传动比/=0. 555功率分配系数=1.602,0. 602 传动效率ab = 0. 849图2 单元传动比几=0. 3333 ,f2 =0. 3333传
11、动比/ = 0. 555功率分配系数 =0.400,0. 600 传动效率肋=0.976结合上述实例.以单元传动比/1为横坐标,2为 纵坐标通过给定的传动比匚根据式心丿建立h与“ 的函数关系式.并绘出其函数图像,在图中以细实线表 示,根据式仃丿建立 与的函数关系式,绘出函 数图像,在图中以点划线表示.这些点划线将坐标系划 分为无功率循环区、正功率循环区和负功率循环区.在 上述基础上根据式(11丿建立了系统传动效率 佔与 功率分配系数、的函数关系式.绘出函数图像,在图 中以短划线表示。S3功率分流输入型传劝比及效率曲线图从图3中可以看出传动比/=0, 555的曲线只有 一支,该曲线分布在正功率循
12、环、无功率循环和负功率 循环三个区域。同样曲线上的每一点对应的八、“ 都满足20.555。结合效率曲线可以看出由于该曲 线不存在正负功率循环的转变区域'其效率曲线变化 比较平缓。实例图1对应的点为该点位于正功率循环区, 传动效率0=0.849。为获得较髙效率的传动,通过 调整沟件连接和齿轮齿数,即实例图2.得到"点,该 点位于无功率循环区,对应的传动效率为p = 0.976。6结论本文采用图解分析模型对封闭行星齿轮传动系统 内部功率流进行了分析确定了功率流方向与功率分 配系数的关系通过对单元传动比的定义推导出传动 比及功率分配系数与单元传动比的函数关系式.确定 了系统内部无功
13、率循环的必要条件通过给定传动比 几以单元传动比/1为横坐标.h为纵坐标绘出传动 比及效率函数图像,形成功率流图谱.通过功率流图谱 可直观地看出循环功率对系统传动效率的影响。在封 闭行星齿轮传动系统设计中,应用本文的分析方法可 快速地验证传动系统是否存在功率循环,若存在功率 循环则可通过功率流图谱来选择避免功率循环的单 元传动比.然后根据单元传动比合理配置系统中的构 件连爰和齿轮齿数.获得高效率的传动系统。1 E. Itnneblris. F Freudenstein lhe Kfechanical Hliciency d 巾icydic Ce<ir Thiins. .ASMEJ. Nbc
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16、rights resened. 英文摘耍© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, © 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, FXpert System tf (irar's Fhiit Diagnosis hased on Neural Net wrk Li Jia, Li Bin . Wang Mengqing(
17、81) Abstract On the basis of the typical fault mechanisms and vibration chai-acters .a neural network nixlel is sei up for fault diagnosis lhe test results shnv tint the higlier accuracy of the model. An expert system of gear's fault diagnosis based on neural neluork is also constructed by apply
18、ing Windows system and Visual C+ + pwgrani. traditioiial method at signal analysis advanced analysis methods are integrated into gcars fault diagnosis such as wavelcl tranfonn. neural nebwrk and expert system technology. and a multifunction expert system. lhe ware of tliis system has been researched
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21、 i nt induced into lhe gear Iransiiission system. the fault features of the gear uilh crack and abrasion are extracted and compared to that of wmial gear, lhe results d analysis and experiment show that the precisions of identification arc liigher than 90 % t is shown that the spectral entropy is su
22、rely an effective method for the fault diagnosis of gear transmission system. Key w>rds: Spectral cntiopy Ivaturc extraction Fault diagnosis Gear transmission systemHTicicncy Analysis and Experiment rf a New lpc d Fitcring (car Reducer Rm Jisheng JJang Xichang .Wang Guangian(88) Abstract The inch
23、ing efficiency cf the ccccnlric reducing mechanism and the filtering jpline gear mechanism of a new tjpe of filtering gear reducer (Giina patent CN1699793A) is analyzed. Each internal gear pair meshing efficiency equation uvre derived by lhe theory analysis method and the lot/ meshing efficiency equ
24、ation of filtering gear reducer wre derived by the contact power niettod Ai last the Ihoory efficiency of a exanple filtering gear reducer was calculated and the experiment was proved, some useful conclusion wre obtainedKey w>rds: filtering gear reducer Internal gear pair Bficiency Contrastivclv
25、Study(mi Mechatronic Topology rf RiniUel HEV Zhao ©gang 丄id Yutao(91) Abstract R)r fulfilling actual requirenKnts of developing RirallcI hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) . imthematical nndel of powertrain is designed and the powertrain is simulated by conputer in order to evalir ate vvliicle pe
26、rformance. A calculating metlxxi of equivalent oil oon- sunption has been found on SAE2711 standard Based on sinulation H/tunre . fuel mnsiinption nnd driving perfbminnee of (iifferenl meclia- tronic topology PHEVs are conpared and analyzed And its result will guide development cf trial producing pi
27、utotypc PHEV bus.Key wrds: Rirallel - Hybrid electric vehicle Mechatronic topology SimulationPowr Flow .Analysis and FTficiency Calculation for Closed Planetary (iar Systems Nang Muqing Hu Qinguhun . 2hu Xinjun Diian Fuhai(94) Abstract The relationship between partition coefficient of pouer and powe
28、r flow in system is studied by analyzing closed planetary gear sys* Icms. The expression betuven power partition coefficient and the basic jpeed ratios is developed, lhe expression of dficiency is also proposed The necessary conditions lor power non recirculation aie detemined. lhe graphic charts of
29、 jpecd ratios and efficiency are plotted based on examples given. Analyzing the grapliic charts shows that can obtain lhe high efliciency Iraiisnission by selecting the basic jpeed ratios piuperly. A effective oonpact analysis processing metlpd for design of closed planetarr geared systems is offere
30、d.Key w)r(ls: Gosed planetary gear Hficicncy R)vr flow Experiment Research on Tooth Form Factor and Stress Correction Factor cf kivolute Gfear with a Snnll Number tf Teeth Sun Fu . Zhang Jic, Chen ingshu(97) Abstract Experinrt reseach about involute gear's tooth form factor and stress correction
31、 factor by applying 30o tangeiU n»thod is carried out. laxh profile generating experiment to teeth number is carried out measur/ tooth root chord at lhe critical section S用.bending nnment ami for rxX stress “ and mot fillet radius d' tooth / are nrasuiicd and diagrams of involute gear's
32、 tooth form factor and stress correction factor are given. Ek sign resourse for involute gear's strenlh design with a snail number of teeth is sipplicdKey wirds : Tooth form factor Stress correction factor Expert ment nrthixl Tooth pidllc generatingThe Rrsairch on Experiment of Time Sequence bet
33、 wen CamsGe ng Qnqiang, 加 ng 刀 liqiang . Li Zhenjie( 100) Abstract Rotating in)vemcnt is often changed ink) linear nwvviiKiit in (he machine design and there are time sequence relations in various fbnns ct movemenl A methjd of oonwrting staling nDvement of cams into lnriA)nt;il linear irovtiwnt and vertical linear mavcmenl is proposed .and the time sequence are realize
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