1、博智策划委员会管卫东执行主编 英吉委员 (按姓名笔画为序)马 超吕 睿李福平唐 瑭王文静刘明莉陈亚峰徐 诚博智教育简介 北京博智东方教育科技是一家提供 GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, SAT,LSAT, IELTS等高端留学培训以及全球顶级院校申请服务为主的教育咨询机构,旗下拥有培训行业顶级的名师团队和阵容强大的留学申请服务团队。作为专业的留学培训机构,在管卫东老师的带领下,学校独创了科学的“ITOP”教学模式。我们坚持思维至上,大道至简的教学理念。通过独创的思维训练体系,改善学生的思维习惯,达到提高应变能力以及精英所必需的高效管理能力。同时,我们提供申请规划,培训,个性化文书写作等留学整
2、体解决方案。目前,博智教育在共设有 7 家教学机构,包括北京,上海,杭州,成都,广州,武汉,在未来,继续秉承“专业,专注,专责务”的理念,为培养符合标准的中国本土精英而努力。博智教学理念 思维至上、大道至简、在博智拒绝平庸、拒绝妄自菲薄!博智教育用征服世界顶级思维的真实业绩,告诉中国的准精英们,思维方式的,会以惊人的速度蛰伏在体内的潜力!博智教育的培训让他们发现,很多被描述得艰难无比的国际,只是因为人们在备考思维和做题思维上走了弯路!英语是用来理解和应用的,而不是用来记忆的!教学是要取得高分的,而不是用来的!做题的套路是误人的,只有原则才能制胜!博智教育 “iTOP”教学模式博智 iTOP 教
3、学系统,取自 integration、Tutorial、 Online system、 Practice 四个博智 GMAT教学系统的或词组的首字母,一方面是GWD 团队进一步整合优势,对原FMA 教学体系的完美升级,另一方面更是契合 2012 GMAT和最新出题思路变化,解决中国考生英语基础不够扎实、临场状态不够稳定、商科思维无实践经验的系统性问题。iTOP 教学系统特点 integration: 整合式教学契合 GMAC 对 2012 GMAT 题型的思路,博智 GMAT 培训从思维开始,通过商科思维体系的整合,培养学生综合能力。顺应考试机构要求,着眼于 GMAT的能力点和思维点。不仅体现
4、在培训内容上整合商科思维、与知识的整合训练,也体现在服务的测评、面授、模考、答疑、心理辅导的系统性整合,为学生提供全方位的备考解决方案。Tutorial: 名师伴读 博智 GMAT 培训已经完全跳出原有的培训模式,除了上课保留以管卫东、英吉领衔的业界顶级名师团队、互动式、小班制授课之外,还结合学员学习进度,加强班、学组、作业检查、训练强度与节奏等 GMAT 课前、课中、课后的指导性管理和服务。 Online system:系统强大的学习平台,英吉领衔的博智名师每周一、三、六定期互动式答疑,在备考资料专区提供管卫东临场做题专训课程等专题讲解,还有博智GMAT研究部追踪2012,密切关注每月换题规
5、律,准时提供机经,及时解决复习中的问题和提供正确的备考资料。Practice: 模考实践 智能化模拟系统,支持登录,超界面,随时检验学习成果;智能性记录做题正确率曲线走势,精确把握备考进度与强度。更有博智 GMAT 研究部老师对 OG、 GWD、PREP 三大权威备考套题全部题目的系统性讲解,与答疑相辅相成,确保博智 GMAT 学员的 GMAT 的实践能力。经过数月的教学实践和模式优化,已经有数据证明,全新的博智 GMAT iTOP 教学系统确实在提分幅度与高分率上比原有教学模式有确切提高,平均提分量由原来的 96 分提升到 117 分,高分率也从原来近 60%(58%)提高到 71%。博智教
6、育培训项目: 一、GMAT 经典培训课程GMAT 是 Graduate Management AdmissionTest 的缩写,作为一种标准化,目前被全球各大广泛地用做招收MASTER、PHD、MBA 等专业的入学,主要考生是否具备未来从事商业管理所必须的逻辑思维能力、信息获取能力、准确表达和的能力等。该满分 800 分,五年内有效。分为:分析性写作评价(Analytical Writing Assessment)、数学(Quantitative)、语文(Verbal)三部分。 700+作为申请 TOP生努力奋斗的目标。的一个基准而成为广大考建议:GMAT 作为一门以英语为载体的思维类,出题
7、风格一直在调整,试图通过研究某一类考题总结出做题的套路是目前中国考生不能取得高分的最大。因此,博智GWD教学团队契合 2012 GMAT和最新出题思路变化,研究出最新的一套“iTOP”教学模式,解决中国考生英语基础不够扎实、临场状态不够稳定、商科思维无实践经验的系统性问题。GMAT 培训作为博智教育的课程,每月开设一期经典小班。课前测评制定个性化预习建议、结合考、指南 OG 精讲、集中面授、模答疑、PREP 模考精讲等帮助学生取得理想成绩。二、博智新托福一对一服务 8 周 ibt TOEFL 100+TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)是由
8、美国教育服务处(Testing Service)举办的,为申请去美国或等上大学或研究生院入学的非英语的学生提供的英语水平。主要的是母语为非英语的考生是否具备在以英语为语言的进行学习和生活的能力。该满分 120 分,两年内有效。分为:阅读、口语、写作四部分,每一部分满分30 分。 100 分作为申请 TOP成为广大考生努力奋斗的方向。的一个基准而博智教育 TOEFL 应用 COF 教学模式 Calibrate-targetyourweaknessthroughcomprehensive evaluation独家研发出来的专业英语测试,充分把握学生学习强弱项,针对性访谈,制定个性化学习方案One
9、on One-Detailed coaching to enhance yourscores and skills托福老师一对一教学,快速提升学生弱势科目,解决瓶颈,配合 LMS 教学管理系统,及时复习和巩固。Follow up-teacher support available throughoutyour iBT preparation定期的全真模拟,便于老师根据学生的水平调整授课方案,真正的做到优化学习结构,时时把握节奏。三、LSAT 小班精品培训课程LSAT 是 LawSchoolAdmissionTest(法学院入学)的缩写。是由位于美国宾西法尼亚 州 的 法 学 院 入 学 委 员
10、 会 ( LawSchoolAdmission Council 简称 Law Services)负责主办的法学院入学资格。作为美国法学院申请入学的参考条件之一,该成绩将作为预估申请入学者在法学院的正确且合理的推论与判断能力、分析及评估能力的表现,没有报考资格的限制。几乎所有的法学院都要求博士申请人参加 LSAT。LSAT共有五个部分,包括三个方面:阅读理解、逻辑推理及分析推理,每部分时间为 35 分钟,另加 30 分钟的写作。主要测试考生下列几方面的能力:准确阅读并理解复杂文章的能力、组织有关信息并得出合理结论的能力、性的推理能力、对他人的推理进行分析和评价的能力。LSAT在美国每年举办四次,
11、分别在二月、十月及十二月。在中国每年只有两次,分别在 6 月和 12 月。LSAT满分为 180 分,一般知名院校成绩要求都在 160分以上,如果该成绩能达到 170 分以上,非常容易取得 TOP 法学博士全额奖学金。考试成绩一般在考后五周左右由主办机构寄出,5 年内有效。LSAT 培训作为博智的课程,每年仅在寒暑假分别开设一期精品小班。结合面授、模考、答疑,帮助学生取得理想成绩。四、SAT 小班精品培训课程SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)是美国高中生进入美国大学的标准入学,SAT成绩被美国 3600 余所大学接受认可,同时也被加拿大所有大学接受认可。SAT 分为
12、两部分:一是推理测验(Reasoning Test),包括阅读、写作和数学,被称为 SAT I;二是专项测验(Subject Tests),有数学、物理、化学、生物、外语(包括汉语、日语、德语、法语、西班牙语)等。被统称为SAT II。SAT I 主要测验考生的写作、阅读和数学能力, 每部分满分是 800 分,总分是 2400 分;SAT II每科满分为 800 分。绝大部分美国名校只要求中国留学申请人提供SAT I成绩即可,个别院校及专业要求申请人提供 SAT II 的单科绩。成成绩是美国大学录取学生的主要SAT I依据,它对录取与否及奖学金的多少非常大。虽然美国的一些名牌大学都要求世界各地
13、的学生提交 SAT I 成绩,但目前中国内地还没有开设SAT点,考生一般选择在试成绩 5 年内有效。参加,考SAT 培训作为博智的课程,每年共有三种不同类别的课程可供学员选择性学习,SAT 强化特训班、SAT 脱产保分班、SAT 模考班,经过一系列的课程服务来帮助学生在最短时间内取得理想成绩。Analytical Writing AssessmentAnalytical Writing AssessmentOG 样题分析1、 The computerized on-board warning system that will be installed in commercial airline
14、rs will virtuallysolvetheproblemofmidairplanecollisions. One planes warning system can receive signals from anothers transponder-a radio set thatsignals a planes course-in order to determine thelikelihood of a collision andaction.mend evasiveThe argument that this warning system will virtually solve
15、 the problem of midairplane collisionsomits some importantconcernsthatmustbeaddressedtosubstantiate theargument. The statementthat follows the description of what this warning system will do simply describes the system and how it operates. This alone does not constitute a logical argument in favor o
16、f the warning system,1Analytical Writing Assessmentand it certainly does not provide support orproof of the main argument. (此句话起的作用是什么?)Most conspicuously, the argument does not address the cause of the problem of midair plane collisions, the use of the system by pilots and flight specialists,or who
17、 is involved in the midair plane collisions.First, the argument assumes that the cause of the problem is that the planes courses, the likelihoodof collisions, and actions to avoid collisions are unknown or inaccurate. In a weak attempt to support its claim, the argument describes a systemthat makes
18、all of these things accurately known. But if the cause of the problem of midair plane collisions is that pilots are not paying attention to their computer systems or flight operations, thewarningsystemwillnotsolvethecollision problem. (什么叫罗圈话来回说?)Second, theargument never addresses the interface bet
19、weenindividuals and the system and how this will affectthe warning systems objective of obliterating theproblem of collisions. If the pilot or flight specialist does not conform to what the warning2 Analytical Writing Assessment system suggests, midair collisions will not be avoided. Finally, if pla
20、nes other than commercial airliners are involved in the collisions, the problemof these collisions can not be solved by a warningsystemthatwillnotbeinstalledonmercial airliners. The argument also does not address what would happen in the event that the warning system collapses, fails, or does notwor
21、k properly.Because the argument leaves out several key issues, it is not sound or persuasive. If it included the items discussed above instead of solely explaining what the system supposedly does, the argumentwould have been more thorough and convincing.2、The following appeared as part of an article
22、 in the travel section of a newspaper. “Over the past decade, the restaurant industry in the country ofSpiessa has experienced unprecedented growth.This surge can be expected to continue in the coming years, fueled by recent social changes:3Analytical Writing Assessmentpersonales are rising, more le
23、isure time isavailable,single-personhouseholdsaremore common, and people have a greater interest in gourmet food, as evidenced by a proliferation of publications on the subject.” Discuss how wellreasoned. etc.Recent social changes in the country of Spiessalead the author to predict a continued surge
24、 ingrowth of that countrys restaurant industry. Risingpersonales,additionalleisuretime,anincrease in single-person households, and greaterinterest in gourmet food are cited as the mainreasons for this optimistic outlook. All of thesefactors arerelevant to growth in therestaurant industry; so the pre
25、diction appears reasonable on its face. However, three questionable assumptions operative in this argument bear closeexamination.The first dubious assumption is that the supply of restaurants in Spiessa will continue to grow at thesame rate as in the recent past. However, even in4 Analytical Writing
26、 Assessment the most favorable conditions and the best of economic times there are just so many restaurantsthat a given population sustain.Itispossiblerestaurantshasalreadycanmodate andthatthedemandforbeenmetbytheunprecedented growth of the past decade, in which case the recent social changes will h
27、ave littleimpact on the growth of the restaurant industry.A second assumption is that the economic and social circumstances cited by the author will actually result in more people eating out at restaurants.Thisassumptionisunwarranted, however. For example, increased leisure time may just as likely r
28、esult in more people spending more time cooking gourmet meals in their own homes. Also, single people may actually be more likely than married people to eat at home than to go outfor meals. Finally, people may choose to spendinotherwaysontheiradditionaleexpensive cars, travel, or larger homes.A thir
29、d poor assumption is that, even assuming5Analytical Writing Assessmentpeople in Spiessa will choose to spend more time and money eating out, no extrinsic factors will stifle this demand. This assumption is unwarranted.Any number of extrinsic factorssuch as a downturn in the general economy or signif
30、icant layoffs at Spiessas largest businessesmay stallthe current restaurant surge. Moreover, the argument fails to specify the “social changes” thathave led to the current economic boom. If it turns out these changes are politically driven, then thesurge may very well reverse if political powerchang
31、es hands.In, this argument unfairly assumes apredictable future course for both supply and demand. To strengthen the argument, the author must at the very least show that demand for newrestaurants has not yet been exhausted, that Spiessacanmodate new restaurants well into thefuture, and that the peo
32、ple of Spiessa actually wantto eat out more.6Analytical Writing Assessment3、The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper. “Since a competing lower-pricednewspaper, The Bugle, was started five years ago, The Mercurys circulation has declined by
33、10,000readers. The best way to get more people to read The Mercury is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, at least until circulation increases toformer levels. The increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buy advertising space in the paper.” Discuss how wellreaso
34、ned . . . Etc.The announcement concludes that the best option for increasing Mercurys circulation to formerlevels is to lower its price below that of itscompetitor, The Bugle. Thisis based onthe fact that since The Bugle was introduced, circulation has declined substantially. Thisargument is not con
35、vincing as the author has made some questionable assumptions that may or may not be true, given the data provided. Firstly, the factors as to why the circulation has declined areunknown, this may not have been related to the7Analytical Writing Assessmentintroduction of the Bugle at a lower price.Fur
36、thermore price is not the only factor taken into consideration by readers when deciding which paper to buy. Finally, the goal of the Mercury is toattract more business to buy advertising space and increased circulation is not necessarily the bestway to achieve this goal.First of all, the fact that t
37、he Mercury has lost 10,000 readers since The Bugle first appeared onthe market five years ago implies nothing. Other factors may have contributed to this decline. For example, it would be correct to say that for the last five years, or more, the information revolution haschanged the way that people
38、access information.More and more people areing Internetliterate and perceive it as a source of free and easily accessible information. News is readily available on the Internet, leading readers away from traditional forms of news such as newspapers.There is no indication in the argument as to whethe
39、r circulation has been declining even beforeThe Bugle. If so, then it will be apparent that8Analytical Writing Assessmentfactors, other than The Bugle, have contributed tothe poor performance of the paper.Furthermore, the author did not rule out otherfactors that caused the decreasing circulation. P
40、rice may not be the only factor influencing readerswhether or not to read a certain newspaper.Consider the following situation. The Bugle is a tabloid newspaper while the Mercury is aimed at a more educated audience. Lowering the price, although this may result in a slight increase inreaders, may no
41、t attract those readers who prefer tabloid newspapers. This invalidates the assumption that lowering the price of The Mercurywill allow circulation to return to former levels.Finally, the newspapers wishes to achieve itsultimate goal of attracting more business, and as a result increasing profits, t
42、o buy advertising space it needs to take into consideration the other factorsthat entice a business to advertise with a newspaper.The newspapers audience is an obvious example.An educated audience will attrapecific,perhaps more prestigious class of business to9Analytical Writing Assessmentadvertise
43、at a high price. To lower the price of the newspaper, and in turn risk changing the type of readers that buy the paper, will affect the number,and type, of businesses that are willing to advertise.In sum, the authorss can not be drawnfrom the data that has been provided. The Mercury may not be losin
44、g readers as a direct result of the introduction of The Bugle. Lowering its price, to below that of The Bugle, may not increase thecirculation of The Mercury to former levels or help the paper to achieve its goals of attracting more business to buy advertising space and thusincreasing revenues.我们能从逻
45、辑题目中获得什么?1, Economist: On average, the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000.A newtherapeutic program can significantly reduce anelderly persons chances of falling.Though obviously desirable for many reasons, this10Analytical Writing Assessmenttre
46、atment program will cost $12,500 and thuscannot be justified.Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyundermines theof the argument?(A) Among elderly people who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had follow
47、ed the program for itsmended minimum length of one year.(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are lesscommon among elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly people who live alone at home.(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls islong-term pain, medication for
48、which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly peoplesinjuries from such falls.(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies other than medication, sinceovermedication can cause disorientation and11Analytical Writing Assessmenthence increase the lik
49、elihood that an elderlyperson will have a serious fall.(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health care professionals, the costs ofwhich tend to increase more rapidly than dothose of other elements of the program.2, Automobile Deale
50、rs Advertisement:The Highway Traffic Safety Institute reports that the PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class.This shows that the PZ 1000is one of the safest cars available today.Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyweakens the argument in the advertisement?(A
51、) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars in other classes that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000.(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have beensold than have any other kind of car in its class.12Analytical Writing Assessment(C) Cars in the class to which the
52、 PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars.(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced.(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issuesreports only once a year.3,
53、 State spokesperson:Many businesspeople who have not been to our state believe that we have an inadequate road system.Those people aremistaken, as is obvious from the fact that in each of the past six years, our state has spent more moneyperstate.on road improvements than any otherWhich of the follo
54、wing, if true, most seriously undermines the reasoning in the spokespersonsargument?(A) In the spokespersons state, spending on roadimprovements has been increasing more slowly13Analytical Writing Assessmentover the past six years than it has in severalother states.(B) Adequacy of a states road syst
55、em is generally less important to a businessperson considering doing business there than is the availability ofqualified employees.(C) Over the past six years, numerous businesses have left the spokespersons state, but about asmany businesses have moved into the state.(D) In general, the number ofof
56、 road in astates road system depends on both the area and the population of the state.(E) Only states with seriously inadequate road systems need to spend large amounts of moneyon road improvements.我们能从语法中获得什么?14 Analytical Writing Assessment 我们能从阅读中获得什么?1、To many developers of technologies that affect
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- 人教版生物中考-试题评价与分析共37张课件
- 国外陶瓷介绍课件