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1、牛津8B 英语第五六单元检测班级 姓名学号 第一部分: 一、选择填空。(20分) ( )1. Many people are not used to _ before many people. A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. be spoken( )2. They are _ busy to have lunch. A. so B. too C. very D. to( )3. My teacher used to be very kind _ us. A. to B. for C. or D. of( )4. Books make us happy and

2、 bring us _ knowledge. A. many B. much C. lot D. little( )5. It's difficult _ her _ the job by herself. A. to, to doing B. for, to do C. for, to doing D. to, to do( )6. My husband _ to the Great Wall four times. A. has gone B. has been C. has come D. has got( )7.This is an_book for children; but

3、 my cousin isn't_in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested( )8.-Do you spend a lot of time_computer games? -No, but I spend much time_doing my homework. A. on, in B. in, on C. on, on D. in, in ( )9. Are there _ animals _ th

4、e farm? A. many kinds on B. a kind of at C. several kinds of on D. several kind of in( )10. Have you _ been to West Hill Farm? No, Ive _ been to that farm _. A. never, ever before B. ever, neverbefore C. already, everago D. just, never before( )11. The charity walk_in November every year.A. takes pl

5、ace B is taken place C. took place D. was taken place ( )12._ necessary that you hand in your homework on time every day.A. Thats B. Its C. Youre D. This is ( )13. Its interesting _ many places of interest from all over the world.A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited( )14. Stamps are usually u

6、sed_letters. A. to sending B. for sent C. for send D. to send( )15I'm sorry. I_my notebook in my home.A. left B.forget C. forgot D. leave( )16. Miss Yang does a helpful job in the school library, many student are grateful _ her. A. with B. to C. for D. of( )17. Lots of childrens lives _ because

7、of Project Hope in China. A. were changed B. changed C. changing D. was changed( )18. The doctor operated _ the weak soldier carefully. A. to B. for C. with D. on( )19. Toms father seemed _ with his good results. A. happy B. happily C. angrily D. angry( )20.You can show your support to our school te

8、am _ cheering for our players. A. by B. for C. to D. of二、完形填空。(10分) Laura lived in a small village near the sea. One day she decided to go for a swim in the sea. She knew that the sea near the 1 had a strong tide(浪), but she was a good swimmer, so she wasnt 2 . Laura left her friends lying on the sa

9、nds and ran into the sea. She swam quite far from the beach and waved to her friends in the distance. After a short while she decided to swim 3 . She tried her best, but she couldnt get any closer to the beach. The tide kept 4 her back. She waved her arms in the air to let her friends know that she

10、was 5 , but they just waved back, for they didnt know what she 6 . After a long time, Laura become very 7 and she couldnt swim any more. Her legs 8 and she lost hope. Suddenly, her foot touched 9 ! All the time she had been swimming in a place where the water wasnt deep! When at last she went back t

11、o the beach, one of her friends asked, “ Did you 10 your swim?” “Yes, it was lovely.” She answered. She never told them what really happened.( )1. A. town B. city C. village D. country( )2. A. lonely B. surprised C. interested D. afraid( )3. A. up B. back C. down D. on( )4. A. pulling B. pushing C.

12、throwing D. putting( )5. A. in trouble B. happy C. out of trouble D. in the water( )6. A. found B. meant C. said D. saw( )7. A. hungry B. sleepy C. thirsty D. tired( )8. A. came up B. went down C. were broken D. moved on( )9. A. a tide B. the sand C. a fish D. one of her friends( )10. A. enjoy B. re

13、member C. drop D. forget三、阅读理解。(30分) AIt was Christmas, and there was a big party in the house. Guests came and went, but the party went on. Then the bell rang. Several people shouted, “come in!” A small man opened the front door and came in. nobody knew him but the host went to meet him and took hi

14、m to have a drink. The man sat there happily for an hour and a half and drank. Then suddenly he stopped and looked at the host. “Do you know?” he said, “Nobody asked me to this party. I dont know you. I dont know your wife and I dont know any of your guests. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car

15、, but one of your guests cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him and my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back.”( )1. When the bell rang, the guests _. A. were shouting B. were singing and dancing C. were enjoying themselves D. were waiting for the small man( )2. The host _

16、 after the small man came in. A. was glad to see him B. asked him to have a drink C. didnt find him D. knew who he was( )3. The small man knew _ in the house. A. one of the people B. some of the people C. all the people D. none of the people( )4. The small man went to the house _. A. to find a man B

17、. to have a drink C. to have a party D. to see what was happening( )5. Perhaps the small mans wife got angry because_. A. he drank too much B. he couldnt find the man C. he didnt take her to the party D. he kept her waiting for a long timeB Almost every child in big cities has the chance to go to sc

18、hoolNine years studying helps children to prepare for their future lives. In fact, many students can study for more than nine years. Not all children are so lucky. There is a girl called Xiao Fang. She is eight years old and lives in a small village in GuangxiWhen she was younger, she wanted to go t

19、o school, but she could not because her family was too poor. The schools were too expensive, so her parents kept her at homeInstead of studying, Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents Then Project Hope heard about Xiao Fang. It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to schoolHer wish came true, and

20、 now she is studying in a schoolUnluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to schoolYou can help these children. Project Hope also helps to repair school buildings. All this good work costs money. Project Hope needs your help. If you give Project Hope 300 yuan, we can pay for one

21、 child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, Project Hope can build new schools. The money buys good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. To help us is to help Xiao Fang and many other children to have a good start in life.根据短文内容,选择正确答案完成下列句子。 ( ) 1can go to school.A. Almost everyone i

22、n the world B Almost everyone in ChinaC Almost everyone in big cities D Almost everyone in small villages ( )2. Xiao Fang didn't go to school when she was younger because_.A.her family was too poor B. she didn't like schoolC .there was too much work for her to do D .she could learn nothing a

23、t school ( )3. With 300 yuan,_A one child can go to school for nine years B a new school can be builtC many children can go to school D a child can go to school for a year ( )4. Xiao Fang is studying in a school because_A Project Hope heard from her B Project Hope helped herC. she knew someone worki

24、ng in Project Hope D. she wrote a letter to the newspaper( )5. Project Hope helps_ A. children in trouble B. to repair schools C. children to go to school D. all the above C “ Dreams may be more important than sleep, some people dont need much sleep. But we all need to dream,” scientists say.Dreams

25、take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That maybe because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of tr

26、ying to find an answer.Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They could have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams.Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we cant remember the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly f

27、rom the memory.Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.( )1. It may be less important to sleep than to _.A. think B. dream C. work D. study( )2. Dreams and films are

28、 usually _.A. very long B. in colour C. about work D. sad( )3. Why do the people often dream about their work? Because_A.they are tired in the daytime B.they are not interested in their work.C.they may be thinking about their work all day D.they have too much work to do( )4. The main idea of the sto

29、ry is that _.A. people need to dream B. people like to sleepC. dream are like films D. we always remember dreams( )5. The title for the story is _.A. TerribleDream B. The LongerSleep C. Memory D. Dreams 第二卷 ( 非选择题部分)四、词汇运用(20分) 1. ORBIS is an _(国际的) organization. Its very popular.2. The doctors are

30、trying to _(治好) the patients illness.3. As doctors, they must stop the _(医学的) accident from happening.4. The sick boys parents are _(感激的) to the doctor because he saved the boys life.5. Sandy would like to work in the big _(公司).6. Teachers should put their heart into _(educate) because it is importa

31、nt. 7. These years many doctors are trying to work out the problem of _(blind).8.This weekend, Ill go climbing the Purple M_ with my classmates.9. He is used to _(get) up late now.10. The student is _(pride) of his school because his school is the best in the city.B 词形转换:(10分) 1. Would you like to h

32、elp the _ (able) people?2. The old men should do exercise every day to improve their _ (fit).3. Miss Zhao went to the USA for _ (far) study.4. Some people do not have enough money for _ (medicine) treatment.5. It is _ (meaning) to support charities.6. Most cases of _ (blind) can be cured or privente

33、d.7. Im _ (great) to you for your help.8. Could you tell me the _ (grow) of large companies?9 I don't know how_(organize) a party. Can you help me?10 .How many _ (operate) do you do every day, Dr. Li? 五翻译句子:(10分) 1、我们互相帮助很重要。It is help each other.2.他们应当去上学而不是工作养家。 They should go to school 3.她不再害

34、怕飞行了。 She is not 4.有些人看不起盲人是不对的。 It is wrong that blind people.5.我过去常常用零花钱买电脑游戏。 I computer games.六 根据对话内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳句子。5分Simon: (1) Daniel: No, Ive never been there before. What about you?Simon: (2) By the way, wheres James?Daniel: (3) his father works there.Simon: (4) Daniel: For three years.Simo

35、n: (5) Daniel: Yes, I think so.A. Will he be back soon? B. Hes gone to Beijing.C. Have you been to Beijing? D: I went there last summer.E. How long has he worked there?B)短文阅读 (一) 七. 任务型阅读,根据短文内容完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)WWFs goal is to save the worlds environment. The organization was set up on 11 September,

36、 1961. In the beginning, WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature) worked to save the worlds wildlife. Now, it works to save the earth and its environment.WWF has many tasks. One is to stop air pollution. Pollution from industry and cars is harmful to our environment. Each year more and more trees are cut dow

37、n so WWF tries to protect the earths forests. Also WWF is interested in saving all plants and animals. As people use more land, many animals and plants are losing their homes and die. WWF can buy important areas to protect the land from human development.WWF has completed many projects. In China, WW

38、F works to save the panda from extinction. In South America, it works to save the Amazon Rainforest.Volunteers and donations help WWF complete its work. WWFs work is important to our environment. It is important for people to help them with time and money.1. When was WWF set up?_.2. Whats WWFs work now?_.3. What helps WWF to complete its work?_.4. What are WWFs tasks?_.5. What projects has WWF completed in China and South America?_. 八Sandy 想给校长写一封信,建议一个可以进行慈善行走的好地方。帮助她完成这封信。要点如下:1 南山在Sunny街往南五公里处,高约900米,是阳光镇唯一的一座山。2 路线从Sunny街到南山,青少年走起来不困难。只需2小时。3 途中可以欣赏乡村的美景。4 因为那里有广阔的空间和新鲜的空气,所以那里很适合


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