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1、专四模拟试题语法词汇篇1-54)专四模拟试题语法词汇篇1)1. Although _ Spanish, he attended the course.A. he was knowing             B. he is knowingC. having a knowledge of        D. knows2. You _that letter to James. However, you d

2、idnt.A. ought to write  B. ought to have writtenC. should write   D. should be writing3. Joseph was very lucky _ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.A. to escape     B. to have escapedC. to escaping    D. to be escaping4. Bread and b

3、utter _liked by Westerners.A. is          B. are      C. were        D. be5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _very pleasant to sit on in summer.A. which is    &#

4、160;    B. which it is       C. it is       D.where it is6. He set up in business _ his own and was very successful.A. in        B.of        C.on 

5、0;      D. by7. Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; he _last night.A. must study              B.charged       C.punished       D.pose

6、d14. Modern _perhaps causes more problems than it solves.A. technique     B.technologyC. tactics         D.tendency15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it _ when she was trying to go tosleep.A. sounding

7、60;     B. ringing       C. ticking           D. humming16. Under this _ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid.A. intensive      B.weighty     

8、; C.intense         D.bulky17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the _ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.A. maximum        B.minority    

9、     C. majorit        D.minimum18. Nancy was surprised that they have _. They seemed to be a happy couple.A. split up           B.broken downC. fallen through      D. kn

10、ocked out19.The beach is in an ideal _to draw tourists.A. condition         B. situation        C. state            D. publicity20. Our _ sensitivity decreases with age.

11、By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.A. sensible          B. senselessC. sensitive          D. sensory21. The eldest child is thoroughly _beca

12、use they always give him whatever he wants.A. wasted            B. spoiledC.destroyed           D.uneducated22. If a substance is dissolved in water or heated, it may _a gas.A. give into 

13、60;        B. give overC. give off           D. give away23. His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at _ with him at once.A. peace       B. large      C. ea

14、se        D. best24. Can you take the day off tomorrow?Well, Ill have to get _ from my boss.A. permission        B. permitC. allowance         D. possession25. The _ in Janets character has

15、hindered her from advancement in her career.A. weakness         B. meritC. defect            D. shortcoming专四模拟试题语法词汇篇2)1. My pain _ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met aske

16、d sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?A. must be   B. must have been   C. had been   D. had to be2. It is only when you nearly lose someone _ fully conscious of how much you value him.A. do you become    B.then you becomeC. that you become &#

17、160; D.have you become3. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, _ the atmosphere.A. as it is   B. so is   C. the same as   D. and so is4. While driving along the treacherous road, _.A. my right rear tyre blew outB. my right rear tyre had a blowoutC.I had a blownout on

18、 my right rear tyreD. I had my right rear tyre blowout5. Jean Wagners most enduring contribution to the study of Afro American poetry is his insistence that it _ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.A. is to be analysed   B. has been analysedC. be analysed  

19、0;    D. should have been analysed6._ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.A. Since    B.When    C.While    D. Unless7.This organization brought Western artists together in the

20、 hope of  making more of an impact on the art community _ any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.A. rather than    B.rather    C. than    D. other than8. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brough

21、t them _ suffering and poverty.A. anything but         B. nothing butC. none other than       D. no more than9. After _ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctors office.A.it     

22、0; B.that   C.what      D. which10. The board deemed its urgent that these files _right away.A. had to be printed    B. should have been printedC. must be printed       D. should be printed11. His answer was so confused

23、that I could hardly make any _of it at all.A. explanation      B. meaning     C. sense       D. interpretation12. You should have your eyes tested every year in case the _of  your spectacles need changing.13. The school

24、committee hoped that their choice of play would be _ with the students and their parents.A. recognized    B. popular      C. favorable  D. fascinated14. By cutting down trees we _ the natural home of birds and animals.A. harm     

25、   B. hurt      C. injure    D. damage15. Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a _if approached with enthusiasm.A. prize       B. reward      C.refund   

26、  D. bonus16. The trade unions in this industry are _ any reduction in wages.A. objecting against     B. opposed toC. reacted to      D.resisting against17. She was teaching me _ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.A. the way &

27、#160;  B.in the way    C. a way       D.to the way18. The Brownings have not _ yet and I doubt whether they will come.A turned in       B. turned out      C.turned up     

28、;  D. turned to19.We went on a(n) _ to the mountain yesterday.A.excursion       B.trip     C. tour     D. travel20.When Sarah and I _ on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult to work together.A. compiled&

29、#160;       B. gatheredC. collaborated        D. collected21.Beth could _ her coat because it had largered buttons.A. recognize     B.prove     C.define     D. claim22.Postal

30、_ are determined by the class and weight of the parcel mailed.A. taxes     B.payment     C. fees    D. premium23.My father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing_.A. help     B. aid      C.support

31、60;     D.tool24.On New Years Eve, there will be a firework _at Peoples Square.A. display       B.performance    C. show     D. exhibition25.The _ of beer and alcohol in New Zealand is very high.A. consumption 

32、  B. use    C.drink     D. absorption专四模拟试题语法词汇篇3)1. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday.A. to be robbed         B. robbedC. to have been robbed    D. having been robb

33、ed2. _ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.A. Though having never actedB. As he had never actedC. Despite he had never actedD. In spite of his never having acted3. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the worlds population _ in cities rather

34、than in the country.A. are living         B. will be living C. have lived         D. will have lived4. Mr. Milton prefers to resign _ part in such dishonest business deals.A. than take      

35、   B. than to takeC. rather than take       D. rather than to take5. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _ going on in the world.A. it is      B.as is       C.there is 

36、;        D.what is6. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise.A. being there      B.should there beC.there was         D. there have been7. Bit by bit

37、, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language _.A. as other people        B.as other peoplesC.like other people       D.like other peoples8.Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over _made of natural fibre

38、s like cotton, wool, or silk.9.The treasury issued an order stating that _ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.10.The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. is         B.being  

39、     C. have been        D.to be11. It was during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction work that _ into hard currency.A. translates         B. transfersC. transplants    &

40、#160;   D. transmits12.In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics _ or may give you a choice of topics to write about.A. in advance       B. ahead of        C. above all       &#

41、160; D. right away13.It was the drivers _ that caused him to step on the gas instead of the brake after his car went over the curb.A. fraud        B. alarm       C. terror      D. panic14.Danny left this _ mess

42、age on my answering machine:“I must see you. Meet me at twelve oclock. Did he mean noon or midnight?C. implicit           D. thoughtful15.We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all _.A.reserved for       B. eng

43、aged inC. used up          D. taken up16.She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she cant _ this loud noise any longer.A. come up with      B. catch up withC. keep up with       D. put up wi

44、th17.Tom _ his new job with confidence.A. set out    B. set off    C. set up     D. set about18.The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed _.A. range    B. limit    C. rule    D. regulation19.The c

45、rippled Jack proudly walked with a _ to the platform to join the children.A. jump    B. limp    C. hop    D. jog20.He cannot _ a car, for he does not earn much money.A. obtain   B. afford    C. donate    D. consume2

46、1.The message is clear: Just as tea and banana cantt go together, _ should the son of a low class family expect to marry the daughter of a nobleman.A. either    B.not    C. neither    D. nor22.Though _ rich, she was better off than at any other period in

47、her life.A. by means of    B. within her meansC. by all means     D. by no means23.It is a(n) _ attitude to take towards life.A. absurd    B. silly    C. stupid     D. authentic24.Every year, one student in our high

48、 school wins a scholarship that _ one year of college.A. improves    B. subsidizes     C. obliges    D. inflicts25.He wrote the book in _ with his wife.A. proportion       B. installmentC. correspondence   D. c

49、ollaboration专四模拟试题语法词汇篇41. Evidence came up _ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.A. what   B. that   C. which   D. whose2. I understand _ preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline.A. more than the enormous am

50、ount ofB. better than most the enormous number ofC. better than most the enormous amount ofD. fewer than the number of3. Im sure your suggestion will _ the problem.A. contribute to solvingB. be contributed to solveC. contribute to solveD. be contributed to solving4. In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and

51、Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented _ proper seating at the Worlds Anti-slavery convention in London because of their sex.A. refusing       B. to be refusedC. being refused   D. having refused5. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as

52、it _ before the West was settled.A. could    B. did   C.would    D. was6. You should have put the milk into the icebox, I expect it _undrinkable.A. became       B.had becomeC. has become    D. becomes7. Its no good

53、_ him. He is always indifferent towards others matters.A. to turn to     B. turning to    C. turn to  D. turned to8. Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure _A. than more on efficiencyB. and more on efficiencyC. and

54、more efficiencyD. than efficiency9. She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children _ it by mistake.A. took    B. should take    C. had taken     D. would take10. The earnings of women are well below that of men _educational d

55、ifferences that are diminishing between the two sexes.A. although    B. though    C. despite of    D. in spite of11. Many automobile accidents were _ careless driving.A. attributed to    B. resulted inC. contributed to   D. raised

56、 from12. The actress wanted a hat to _ her dress.A. go by    B. go through    C. go out    D. go with13. It takes a lot of_ to put on a school play such as King Lear.A. organization    B. arrangement C. management    D. prepa

57、ration14. The police carried out a(n)_ search for the mising boy.A. complete    B. entire   C. thorough    D. whole15. The _ crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.A. valued    B. valueless    C. invaluable   

58、 D. usable16. Tom has been a vegetarian _ principle for years.A. in   B.on   C. for   D. by17. When I got out of the car and walked about among them, _one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.A. see that      B. exc

59、ept thatC.provided that  D. except for18. _ the water left in the kettle, the doctor put several things he unwrapped from a handkerchief.A. At   B.To   C. Within   D. Into19. I am _ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.A. excessively   B

60、. much   C. certainly    D. exceedingly20. The _ of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure.A. innovation   B. selection   C. proliferation    D. conviction21. I am sorry I have no time at present to _ more detail or give yo

61、u an account of other cities of interest.A. bring into   B. take into   C. come into   D. go into22. When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, _competition can turn into disorder and violence.A. honestly    B. honest    C. ho

62、norable    D. honorary23. Unless all the members agree to_ to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.A. tumble   B. stick   C. come   D. adjust24. You must pay import _ on certain goods brought into this country.A. money &#

63、160; B. fees   C. bills   D. duties25. We expect Mr. White will _ Class One when Miss Jane retires.A. take over   B. take up   C. take off   D. take to专四模拟试题语法词汇篇51. _ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.A. Unpopular h

64、as as white beenB. White has been as unpopularC. Unpopular has been as whiteD. Unpopular as white has been2. _ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.A. There has been no rain B. Having no rainC. There having been no rainD. There being no rain3. The millions of calculations involved, _ by hand

65、, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.A. had they been doneB. they had been doneC. having been done D. they were done4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _.A. which they are happening B. they are happeningC. which they happen D. they

66、 have happened5. _ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.A. That amazed          B. It amazedC.Which amazed          D. What amazed6. Although she

67、 wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _ she was twenty five.A. her first real success did not come untilB. her real first success came until notC. since her first real success did not come untilD. not until her first real success7.You should know better than _ your little

68、sister at home by herself.A. to leave    B. leaving    C. to have left    D. left8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _grab a bite at the snack bar.A. may well B. just as wellC. might as well D. as well9. She resorted to _ when she had

69、no money to buy   foods for her children.A. have stolen   B. steal   C. stole   D. stealing10. The boy has admitted to _ the window while playing football yesterday.A. breaking   B. having been brokenC. break D. be breaking11. Betty advised me to lab

70、el our luggage carefully in case it gets_in transit.A. misused   B. mishandled   C. mistaken   D. mislaid12. _ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.A. Concerning B. As toC. In terms of D. In the light of13. A well written composition _

71、 good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A. calls for   B. calls on   C. calls up   D. calls off14. It is _ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.A. in her honor      B. on her honorC.a point of honor    D. an honor15. This house will probably come on t


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