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1、五年级上册英语 Unit5-Unit6 测试卷_姓名_听力部分(30分)班级)3. Does Sue study Chin ese at school?A. Yes, she can.B. Yes, she does.)4. What ca n Sue do well?A. She can dance well.C. She can draw well.)5. What does Suesfather do?A. Hesa teacher.B. Hesa policeman.四、听录音,补全短文。(听三遍)(10分)C. No, she does.B. She can speak Chin e

2、se well.C. Hesa doctor.This is my family. This man is my father. He is tall and thi n. He is a_ .He_sick people. The beautiful woma n is my mother. She is a_ . She_ very hard. My father is good at_. He likes_ English.My mother likes_. She_n ice cakes.()1.A. fatherB.farmerC .brother()2.A. writerB. wo

3、rkerC. driver()3.A. teachB. teacherC .teaches()4.A. reallyB. readyC. read()5.A.pe n frie ndB. emailC.e-frie nd()6.A.autu mnB. AustraliaC. August()7.A. speakB. sickC. thi nk()8.A. firstB. birdC. third()9. A. tomorrowB. todayC. Mo nday()10. A. What timeB. What aboutC. How about二_ 、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听

4、两遍)(5分)()1. A.Yes, she can.B. No, she doesntC. Yes, he does.()2. A. He likes cook ing.B. Hes a teacher.C. He can speak En glish()3.A. Yes, he likes English. B. No, he doesnt. C. He likes running.()4.A. I speak En glish.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I cant.()5. A. He lives in Australia. B. Hes a farmer.C. He l

5、ikes Australia.三、听录音,选择正确的答案o(听两遍)(5分)()1. Where does Sue live?A. She lives in the UK.B. She lives in Chi na.C. She lives in the US.()2. What colour is Sueshair?A. Itsbrown.B. Itblue.C. Itblack.(10分)、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)()1. A. watchB. wordC. write()2. A. youB. yellowC. fly()3. A. Can adaB. cakeC. ci

6、nema()4.A. tryB. myC. yes()5.A. whoB. whiteC. where(10分)(70分)(5分)笔试部分、找出画线部分读音与其他不同的一项。1.3.5.,英汉词组互译。说汉语_制造玩具小汽车_去钓鱼_7. wait a minute_9. be really good at dancing三、选择题。(15分)2.住在中国_4.教我们_6. a factory worker8. send an email _10. so many people1.What does your father do?A. farmB. cook2. WangBing_ many

7、nice stamps.A. haveB. there is3. _your mother like_?A. Does; teachB. Do; teach ing4. Can you play_ pia no?A. theB. /5. Youre really good _t_.A. swimsB. swimmi ng6. Lets go and pbasketball_the playground.A. inB. at7. I swim_, but my sister_A. well; doesntB. fine; doesn8. He works in a factory. He is

8、a_.A. cookB. worker9. He livesthe UK.He is aC. writeC. hasC. Does; teachi ngC. aC. swimC. betweenC. well; donC. teacherA. inB.o n)10. _ is your sister?A. How old; yearB. How old; years)11. He has many less ons_ school.SheC. ats ten _C. How about; yearold.A. inB. onC. at()12. Are there_ in the river?

9、A. anyfishB. some fish()13.We write Chin ese addresses_A. thisB. these()14.What_ fish eat?A. doB. does()15.Do you_ Chi nese?A. Live; dontB. from; dont四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(12分)1. Sometimes I go_ (swim).2. What_ she_ (like)? She_( like)_(dan ce).3. What_ (subject) does he like?He_(like) En glish and Chin e

10、se.4. She is good at_ (make) cakes.5. They are_(cook) . They like_ (cook).6. There are so many_ (people) in the park.7. Can he_ (play) basketball? No, he cant.五、从U栏中找出I栏相应的答句,写在题前括号内。(10分)In()1. What does your father do?()2. Are there any libraries in your school ?()3. Its time for din ner()4. Does

11、she like draw ing?()5. Where does he live?()6. How many books are there on the desk()7. What does she like doi ng?()8. How old is your sister?()9. Do you have an e-frie nd?()10. Are you a stude nt?六、按要求完成句子。(8分)1. I teach Chinese at school.(把I改成she2. His sister is a nurse.对画线部分提问)3. My uncle usually

12、 goes fishi ng on Sun days.(改为一般疑问句)C. two fishesC. like thisThey eat apples.C. areNo, I_.C. speak; d ontA. Lets go home now.B. Chi na.C. Yes, there are.D. Twen ty-one.E. She s ten years oldF. Hes a policeman.G.She likes draw ing.H. No, she doesnt.I. Yes, I am.J. No, I dont.4. My friend lives in the

13、 UK.(对画线部分提问)5. Helen likes English and Art.(对画线部分提问)6. How old are you?(根据实际情况回答问题)7. What are you good at?(根据实际情况回答问题)8. What do you like doing after school?(根据实际情况回答问题)1. Su Tings house is_.A. bigB. new)2. Su Tings mother is a_ .A. policema nB. nurse)3.Su Tings father and mother donA. on Saturday

14、s B. on Sun days)4. Su Ti ng atherfa nd mother can_A . cook nice food B. play the pia no)5._ likes play ing the pia no.A. Su TingB. Su Tings brother C. Su Tings mother八、写小短文。(介绍自己的朋友,不少于5句。)(5分)My frie nd_ is my frie nd.lives in七、根据短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)Hi! My n ame is Su Tin g. I live in a new and big hou

15、se with my pare nts and mybrother. My father is a policeman and my mother is a teacher. They donwork atweekend(周末).They like swimming on Saturdays. And they like cooking too. Theycook nice food for my brother and me on Sun days. My brother likes play ingbasketball, but I donik6 ptaying the piano. In

16、 the evening, I play the piano for myfather and mother. And my brother plays computer games in the study. I have a goodfamily. We love each other.(C. big and newC. teachert work_.C. on Saturdays or Sun daysC. play computer games听力材料一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。1. What does your brother do?2. My mother is a write

17、r.3. He teaches us En glish.4. Can you read En glish stories?5. Who s your friend?6. Hes from Aualta.7. We can speak En glish.8. Its thief less on of the new term.9. Tomorrow is Sun day.10. What time is it now?二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。1. Does she like dancing?2. What does he do?3. What does your brother

18、like doing?4. Can you speak En glish?5. Where does your e-frie nd live?三、听录音,选择正确的答案。Yang Li ng has an e-frie nd. Her n ame is Sue. Sue is from the US. She lives in abig city. Shesthirtee n years old. She is a beautiful girl. She is tall and th in. Her hair islong and brow n. Her eyes are big and blue. She can speak Chin ese. She studies Chinese at school. She likes dancing and draw ing. She can draw very well. Suesmother isan art teacher. Her father is a policema n. Sue has a brother and a sister.四、听录音


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