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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上剑桥少儿英语二级下册期末试卷Name:_ Score:_Listening一Listen and choose the correct words. ( 5 ) ( ) 1. A. potatoes B. carrots C. chicken D. soup ( ) 2. A. library B. park C. cinema了 D. hospital ( ) 3. A. toothache B. temperature C. stomach D. headache ( ) 4. A. spider B. fly C. horse D. bear ( ) 5. A.

2、 fifteenth B. thirteen C. twelfth D. twenty二Listen and choose the correct answer. ( 10 )( ) 1. A. I can walk with my leg. B. I can smell with my nose. C. I can see things with my eyes. ( ) 2. A. I like living in the city. B. I like living near a lake. C. I like living next to the lake. ( ) 3. A. vis

3、it friends B. go fishing C. have a picnic ( ) 4. A. Id like a cup of tea B. Id like a glass of water C. Id like bag of popcorn ( ) 5. A. More coffee please! B. More soup please! C. More milk please!三Listen and circle. ( 5) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4.A. B. Reading and writing. ( 80)一Fill in the bla

4、nks. ( 10 ) 1. w_ ndy 2. ra _n y 3. ear_che 4. T_ _sday 5. m_ nkey 6. fi_ _een 7.c_nem_l 8.w_ter 9. sm_ll 10. loud_ _ 二Choose the correct answer. ( 20 ) ( ) 1. I like cats, _ I dont like dogs.A. and         B. but        

5、;    C. or          D. also ( ) 2. _ are you?         Im twelve.A. How        B. What time      C. What      &

6、#160; D. How old ( ) 3. What day is it today?      _.A. Its a fine day         B. Its going to rainC. Its Monday          D. Its July 11. ( ) 4. Would you like _ your cousin Bob in the city

7、this weekend? A. to visit B. visit C. visited D. visiting ( ) 5. May has a fever. Ill take her to the _.A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park ( ) 6. Are you hungry now?._A. Yes, it is. B. Im hungry. C. Yes, I am. D. No, I am ( ) 7. There are many clouds now. Its going to _.A. rains B. rain C. rain

8、y D. raining ( ) 8. He often _ the piano on Monday.A. play     B. plays      C. to play      D. playing( ) 9. _ do you eat hamburgers? I eat hamburgers four times a week . A. How old B. How much C. How soon D. How often ( ) 10. _

9、do you like windy days? -I like windy days _ we can fly big kites.A. What, but B. Where, and C. Why, because D. Why, and 三Write down the correct words. (10)1. January is the _ (one) month of a year. 2. Can you see some _ (child) in the room? 3. There are many _(potato)in the kitchen. 4. Do you like

10、_ (play) soccer?   Yes, I do. 5. Id like _ (glass) water. 四Read and choose the best word. (10) My name 1 Lucy. I am a new student in Class Two, 2 , No. 2 Middle School. My teacher is Miss Gao. She is 3 , but I am 4 American. I have a sister, 5 name is Lily. We are twins.I am 6 duty this mo

11、rning. I cant look 7 my sister. At school I help my teacher put her books, maps and pictures on her 8 . I tell my teacher, “Everyone is here.” But Im 9 . Jim isnt at school. I dont 10 where he is. I think he is at home. ( ) 1. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 2. A. Grade One B. Grade one C. grade one D.

12、grade One( ) 3. A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. American ( ) 4. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 5. A. her B. she C. Hers D. Shes( ) 6. A. on B. at C. in D. of( ) 7. A. here B. there C. at D. after( ) 8. A. desk B. chair C. bed D. book ( ) 9. A.OK B. all right C. fine D. wrong( ) 10. A. think B. know

13、 C. do D. thank 五Look at the picture and read the following sentences, write “yes” or “no”. (2 0)1. The girl at the bus station is wafting for the 200 bus. _2. The girl runs more quickly than the boy . _3. The policeman is stopping a car. _4. One of the girls is roller skating behind the baby. _5. T

14、he boy going into the bank has got something in his right hand. _6. The baby is very happy. _7. The boy and the girl running in the street are wearing trousers. _8. The boy coming out of the bank is carrying a bag on his shoulder. _9. The boy who is crossing the street has got no bag. _10. We can se

15、e a tree in front of the bank. _六Read and choose the best answer. (5)Lisa has a sister and a brother. Her sisters name is Helen and her brothers name is Paul. Lisa and Helen can paint, dance and swim. Lisa can sing and play the piano,but Helen cant. She likes chess, but she and Lisa dont play chess.

16、 She and Paul play chess. Paul likes music. He plays the violin, and he can sing. Lisa, Paul and Helen join the art club. Helen and Paul also join the chess club.(     ) 1. Paul has _.A. a brother    B. a sister    C. a brother and a sister 

17、0;  D. two sisters(     ) 2. Helen cant _.A. paint       B. swim      C. play chess          D. sing(     ) 3. Lisa cant _.A. dance    

18、   B. play the piano    C. play chess      D. swim(     ) 4. Paul likes _.A. music    B. English    C. basketball     D. soccer(     ) 5. Who joins only one club ?A. Paul     B. Lisa     C. Helen     D. Helen and Paul七Write down your message and make a card. (5) Name _ Age _ Hometown _ School _ Favorite animal_ Favorite animal_ Favorite sport_ Favorite food _


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