1、2021 CLTA-GNYConference at Seton Hall University May 16, 2021 Chinese Is Fun For Everyone 輕鬆有趣學中文Marisa FangChinese Teacher, Parkway Elementary SchoolPlainview-Old Bethpage Central School District: mlfangpob.k12.ny.us5 Ws Who? 教誰? What? 教什麼? How? 怎麼教? When? 何時教? Where? 在哪兒教?了解幼兒的學習特性了解幼兒的學習特性Underst
2、anding the Learning Understanding the Learning Style of Young LearnersStyle of Young Learners 說話速度慢說話速度慢slow speech 詞句簡短詞句簡短short phrases and sentences 模拟重覆模拟重覆imitation and repetition 頻繁运用手勢,表情和肢體動作頻繁运用手勢,表情和肢體動作frequent gestures, visual and body movements 具體實例幫助了解具體實例幫助了解 concrete examples 需求鷹架輔助語
3、言學習需求鷹架輔助語言學習 scaffoldingMultiple Intelligences多元智能的開發哈佛大學 Howard Gardner 教授Theory: I want my children to understand the world, but not just because the world is fascinating and the human mind is curious. I want them to understand it so that they will be positioned to make it a better place. We need
4、 to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do. (Howard Gardner 2019: 180-181) 理論內容理論內容: : 加德納認為過去對智力的定義過於狹窄,未能加德納認為過去對智力的定義過於狹窄,未能正確反映一個人的正確反映一個人的 真實才干。他認為,人的智力應該是一個量真實才干。他認為,人的智力應該是
5、一個量度他的解題才干度他的解題才干 (ability to solve problems)(ability to solve problems)的指標。的指標。幼兒的多元智能幼兒的多元智能 Multiple Intelligences Multiple Intelligences 哈佛大學 Howard Gardner 教授1983 提出 人類的智能是多元化而非單一的 1. 語言智能 Linguistic (word smart) 2. 邏輯數學智能Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart ) 3. 空間智能Spatial (picture sm
6、art) 4. 肢體動覺智能 Bodily-Kinesthetic (body smart) 5. 音樂智能 Musical (music smart) 6. 人際智能Interpersonal (people smart) 7. 内省智能Interpersonal (self smart) 8. 自然觀察智能Naturalist (nature smart) 五大五大C C 學習目標學習目標 5Cs Goals 5Cs Goals 全美外語教師學會制定全美外語教師學會制定 Standards by ACTFLStandards by ACTFLCommunication 有效溝通聽說讀 +
7、中打具體無礙表達及溝通 Cultures 文化認知瞭解中國歷史文化及節慶習俗 Connections 橫向貫連中英電腦通,串連做整體化學習 Comparisons 差異比較發揮語言優勢融入主流、互補互通 Communities 廣泛運用走入生活、學以致用、用以固學 溝通三種方式溝通三種方式 3 Modes in Communication 3 Modes in Communication 認知認知, ,了解了解 ( (單向單向) ) InterpretiveInterpretive 溝通溝通, ,交流交流 雙向雙向) ) InterpersonalInterpersonal 學習成果展现或扮演
8、學習成果展现或扮演 PresentationalPresentationalTPR Total Physical Response (Asher,2000) 完全肢体反响教学法(1)1. Give a command while modeling the action. a. start with actions using the body b. give commands involving objects c. use commands relating to pictures, maps, and charts, etc.2. After several repetitions of
9、the command, remove the teacher model. If students can respond without the model, give the command a few more times. Mix up single commands and give them in a different order.3. After students respond confidently to a number of single commands, combine them in original and unexpected ways. Surprise
10、and humor are key elements of TPR.1、 示范行动,发出指令 A. 发出身体指令 B. 发出物体指令 C. 发出有关图片、 地图和其他图表的指令反复指令几次后不再示范。2. 假设学生能在没有示范的情形下做出反响,再多发次指令。打乱发令次序,将各指令混合起来发令。3. 学生对一系列指令做出积极反响后,用出乎不测的方式将它们组合起来发令。TPR的关键要素是制造惊喜和幽默。TPR Total Physical Response (Asher,2000) 完全肢体反响教学法(2)4. Call on volunteers to respond to commands o
11、f increasing length and complexity (often silly), using familiar language in new combinations.5. String commands together to tell a story or create a sequence that has a beginning, middle, and end. 6. Give student volunteers the opportunity to give commands to the rest of the class (role reversal).7
12、. Extend oral TPR activities into experiences with reading and/or writing.运用熟习言语新组合,添加指令运用熟习言语新组合,添加指令长度和复杂度,让志愿者做出长度和复杂度,让志愿者做出通常傻乎乎的回复。通常傻乎乎的回复。将指令串讲讲故事或发明一个有将指令串讲讲故事或发明一个有开头、开头、 中间和结尾的片断。中间和结尾的片断。 6. 给志愿学生一个时机为全班给志愿学生一个时机为全班同窗发指令角色反串。同窗发指令角色反串。7. 运用读和运用读和/或写将口头或写将口头TPR活活动延伸为阅历。动延伸为阅历。自然教學法自然教學法Na
13、tual ApproachStephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell developed the Natural Approach in the early eighties (Krashen and Terrell, 1983). 80年代Objectives: 目標it is designed to help beginner become intermediates 把語言才干從初級提升至中級It is designed to depend on learner needs 因材施教The Natural Approach VS. TPR (Asher) 全能肢體
14、教學法Wait period 沉默期 Relaxed during learning process輕鬆無壓力的學習環境)Language acquisition語言經由習得而來(i + 1) 學習比本身才干稍難之物,效果最正确Comprehensive Input: presented in the target language, using techniques such as TPR, mime and gesture运用目的語,交叉,模拟及動作自然教學法提問順序自然教學法提問順序 Natural Approach Questioning Sequence- (Stephen Kras
15、hen) Natural pproach StepsStep 1: Student responds with a nameStep 2: Yes-no questionStep 3: Either-or questions, using nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or actionsStep 4: What, when, where, who questions (Students answer with a single word, moving toward a phrase answer.) Step 5: Students answer w
16、ith the entire sentence or action. 自然教学步骤自然教学步骤第第1步:学生以名字回答步:学生以名字回答第第2步:是步:是-非问句非问句第第3步:是步:是-还是问句,运用名词、动还是问句,运用名词、动词、词、 描画词、副词或行动描画词、副词或行动第第4步:什么、何时、步:什么、何时、 哪里、哪里、 谁问句谁问句 学生以单一单词回答,逐渐提高学生以单一单词回答,逐渐提高 为片语。为片语。)第第5步:学生以完好句子或行动回答步:学生以完好句子或行动回答自然教學法提問順序自然教學法提問順序 Natural Approach Questioning Sequence-
17、(Stephen Krashen)Who has a red shirt? Who is holding the rock? Is Chen Ling wearing a red shirt? Is Betty holding the rock? Is Chen Ling wearing a red shirt or a blue shirt? Is Betty holding the rock or the flower? Is the rock big or small? Does the monkey feel happy or sad? What is Chen Ling wearin
18、g? What is Betty holding? What kind of rock is this?How does the monkey feel? What is Betty doing? Tell us about this rock.谁有红衬衫?谁有红衬衫?(1)(1)谁拿着石头?谁拿着石头?(1)(1)陈铃穿着红衬衫吗?陈铃穿着红衬衫吗?(2)(2)贝蒂拿着石头吗?贝蒂拿着石头吗? (2) (2)陈铃穿着红衬衫还是兰衬衫?陈铃穿着红衬衫还是兰衬衫?(2)(2)贝蒂拿着石头还是花?贝蒂拿着石头还是花? (3) (3)石头大还是小?石头大还是小? (3) (3)猴子高兴还是难过?猴子
19、高兴还是难过?3)3)陈铃穿着什么?陈铃穿着什么? (4) (4)贝蒂拿着什么?贝蒂拿着什么? (4) (4)这是什么样的石头?这是什么样的石头? (4) (4)猴子觉得怎样样?猴子觉得怎样样? (4) (4)贝蒂在做什么?贝蒂在做什么? (4) (4)通知我们通知我们 - - 这个石头有什么特别的地方。这个石头有什么特别的地方。(5)(5)關氏連句法關氏連句法 Gouin Series* introduction to set the scene and motivate the action* 6-8 statements (can also use commands) 7-syllabl
20、e limit for most statements logical sequence of actions single, specific, clear context action verbs one tense (not necessarily present) one person (not necessarily first person singular) simple props or visuals to dramatize the action引见情景与激发行动引见情景与激发行动6 6至至8 8句陈说也可以运用指令句陈说也可以运用指令大多数陈说都有大多数陈说都有7 7个音
21、节限制个音节限制单一、单一、 详细和明晰的上下文详细和明晰的上下文行动的逻辑性顺序行动的逻辑性顺序行为动词行为动词一个时态不一定是如今时态一个时态不一定是如今时态一个人称不一定是第一人称单数一个人称不一定是第一人称单数方式方式用简单的小道具或者视觉辅助教具用简单的小道具或者视觉辅助教具将行动戏剧化将行动戏剧化 關氏連句法關氏連句法 Gouin Series重点:重点:6 8 6 8 句句2. 2. 同一人称同一人称, , 同一时态同一时态3. 3. 每句含一动作每句含一动作4. 4. 特定主题起床,上学,特定主题起床,上学,买东买东 西,打等西,打等步骤:步骤:1. 教师口述,扮演动作或道教师
22、口述,扮演动作或道具。具。2. 教师口述,扮演动作或道教师口述,扮演动作或道具,全班安静模拟动作。具,全班安静模拟动作。3. 教师口述,不带动作,全教师口述,不带动作,全班安静模拟动作。班安静模拟动作。4. 教师口述,不带动作。个教师口述,不带动作。个别学生扮演动作。别学生扮演动作。5. 全班学生口述,并扮演动全班学生口述,并扮演动作。作。6. 个别学生口述,并扮演动个别学生口述,并扮演动作。作。關氏連句法關氏連句法 Gouin Series Teacher (shows dirty hands) says, “Ooh, my hands are dirty.I raise my hand.
23、I say, “May I please go to the bathroom?I stand up. I take the pass. I walk to the bathroom. I wash my hands. I go back to the classroom. I lay the pass down. I sit down.教师举起脏手说:教师举起脏手说:“噢,噢,我的手弄脏了。我的手弄脏了。我举起手。我举起手。我说:我说:“我可以去洗手间吗?我可以去洗手间吗?我站起来。我站起来。我拿起通行证。我拿起通行证。我走向洗手间厕所。我走向洗手间厕所。我洗手。我洗手。我回到教室。我回到教
24、室。我放下通行证。我放下通行证。我坐下。我坐下。打電話打電話 Making A Phone Call 1. 我拿起電話我拿起電話.(I pick up the telephone.) 2. 我撥我撥 6,2,6,7,4,3(I dial ) 3. 我說我說,喂喂?(I say, “Hello.) 4. 我和朋友聊天我和朋友聊天. (I chat with my friends.) 5. 我說再見我說再見. (I say, “Good-bye.) 6. 我掛了電話我掛了電話. (I hang up the telephone.)上學去上學去Going To School1.我背書包.2. 我上學
25、3.我脫帽4.我說,老師好5.我坐下6.我拿出作業7.我聽到下課鈴8.我學中文( I carry my backpack.)( I go to school.)( I take off my cap.)( I say, “Hello. Teacher.)( I sit down.)( I take out my homework.)( I hear the bell.)( I learn Chinese.)看病看病Doctor Visit我生病了我生病了我去看醫生我去看醫生我坐在台子上我坐在台子上我張開嘴巴我張開嘴巴我伸出舌頭我伸出舌頭我做深呼吸我做深呼吸我吃藥我吃藥( I was sick.)( I went to see the doctor.)( I sat on the stand.)( I opened my mouth.)( I stuck out my tongue.)( I took a deep breath.)( I took medicine.)我要去中国我要去中国I Am Goin
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