



1、14-15 上 高三课标( HZ ) ( D) 21-25 选修九同步辅导合刊参考答案第 21 期 Book 9 Unit 1TOPIC READING: 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-cREADING TASKS:1. breaking Guinness records 2. conventional 3. 93 4. balance 5. dizziness6. fascinated 7. meaning 8. physical 9. instrument 10. jumping jacksCULTURE BRIDGE: BWORDS:regret【自我归纳】 尚未发生;已经发生【即学

2、即练】1. I regret to tell you that I can not lend you a hand.2. He said he regretted telling / that he had told the truth of the matter to his mother.3. Much to their regret / To their great regret, the tickets for the football game were sold out.bid【自我归纳】 投标【即学即练】1. bid 100 for 2. The lowest bid 3. bi

3、dding to beEXPRESSIONS:rather than【自我归纳】 而不是【即学即练】1. She is a writer rather than a teacher.2. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.3. They are screaming rather than singing.in 短语1. in fact 2. in turn 3. In return 4. in vainSENTENCE EXPLANATIONS:1 .【仿写】While he has m

4、any friends, Peter often feels lonely.2 .【点拨】宾语;形式主语;主语【仿写】 It is just as difficult to teach a two-month-old baby a foreign language as it is to teach him his mother language.3 .【点拨】event【仿写】 Making experiments is one way of learning which we often use.4 .【点拨】时间状语;point【仿写1】 Every time he comes to m

5、y city, he will call on me.【仿写2】 I think you have got to the point where a change is needed, or you would fail.CHECKING CORNER:Part 1I. 1. devotion 2. motivation 3. adjustments 4. meditation 5. laughter 6. unfit 7. spiritualII. 1. urged him to stay 2. lunged at her 3. with extreme caution4. vomited

6、all over the kitchen floor 5. teaches gymnastics6. heart and soul 7. were fascinated byIII. 1. in 2. for 3. on 4. across 5. of 6. toIV. 1. rather than 2. approximately 3. prevent; playing 4. Every / Each time5. difficult 6. accomplish our goal 7. conventionalPart 2I. 1. Deeds 2. virtues 3. conceptio

7、ns 4. noble 5. sacred 6. tact 7. repentance 8. doomedII.A. 1. not having studied harder 2. I regret to inform you 3. much to our regretB. 1. bid for 2. made a bid of 50 for a paintingIII. 1. What 2. that 3. Whether 4. WhoeverIV. 1. have been elected 2. Doing 3. shows; is 4. to remainPart 3I. 1. econ

8、omics 2. salary 3. profiles 4. amateur 5. championII. 1. accountant 2. receptionist 3. lawyer 4. politicianIII. 1. therefore 2. entire 3. attained 4. courageousIV. 1. Who does this overcoat belong to?2. I didn t use to like him, but now we re good friends.3. He was standing in the shadow so that I c

9、ould not see his face clearly.4. The company is concentrating on developing new products.5. You can t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.第 22期 Book 9 Unit 2TOPIC READING: BREADING TASKS:1. position(s) 2. latitude 3. Using wildlife 4. Sea birds 5. Fog 6.Winds7. tides and currents 8. s

10、peed and time 9. compass 10. sun 11. ship 12. angleCULTURE BRIDGE: 1-2 FFWORDS:reckon【自我归纳】 被普遍认为是,被看作是【即学即练】1. I reckon that I m going to get that job.2. It is generally reckoned (to be) the best restaurant in town.3. Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery.tear【自我归纳】 撕破,撕裂【即学即练】 1. in

11、tears 2. be torn down 3. torn my jeansEXPRESSIONS:set短语1. set; loose 2. set aside 3. set up 4. set off / outmercy 短语1. at the mercy of 2. beg for mercy 3. have mercy on / show mercy to 4. beg the enemy for mercy SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS:1 .【点拨】宾语;时间状语【仿写1】 The job may well involve me traveling all over

12、 the country.【仿写2】 Computer technology makes it possible for many people to work from home.2 .【仿写】The secret was never told until last year when the old man died.3 .【点拨】宾语;定语【仿写】 They did give us much help in our research work.4 .【点拨】时间状语【仿写】 I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus.CHECKING CORNER:

13、Part 1I. 1. voyage 2. knot 3. log 4. equator 5. latitudes 6. tidesII. 1. alongside 2. overhead 3. Nowhere 4. offshoreIII. 1. Exploration 2. magnetic 3. reference 4. simplified 5. tendency 6. reliableIV. 1. at 2. out 3. by / from 4. to 5. outward(s)6. with / to 7. in 8. in / withinV. 1. broaden one s

14、 horizons 2. a minimum of 3. isn t very secure4. more portable 5. aware of his shortcomings 6. needed updatingVI. 1. The match is at the mercy of the weather.2. It was found at the precise spot where she had left it.3. Even though it has some shortcomings, the project will still go ahead.4. I think

15、I ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.5. You have put me in a very awkward position.Part 2I. 1. parcel 2. cliff 3. compulsory 4. survival 5. swooped 6. expedition 7. reform 8. incidentII. 1. was interviewed 2. opens 3. takes 4. is waiting 5. was 6. have finished 7. to have forgottenPart 3I. 1. d

16、rawback 2. roaring 3. crew 4. deposited 5. reckonedII. 1. departure 2. starvation 3. tension 4. graduallyIII. 1. on 2. over 3. off 4. In 5. afterIV. 1. in a dilemma 2. thirst for knowledge 3. tear very easily 4. morning routine5. was set loose 6. foresee any problems7. In spite of their very differe

17、nt backgrounds8. suffered many hardships 9. jaws of death 10. cope with第 23期 Book 9 Unit 3TOPIC READING: CREADING TASKS:1. continent 2. Oceania 3. coastal 4. autonomous 5. federal6. 26 January 7. plains 8.World Heritage Sites 9. colour 10. walking trackCULTURE BRIDGE: 1-3 TTFWORDS:shrink【自我归纳】 缩水【即学

18、即练】1. 汽车销量近来一直在下降。 2. 羞怯的人怕见生人。 3. 这次治疗会减少疼痛。correspond【自我归纳】通信【即学即练】1. with / to 2. with 3. toEXPRESSIONS:associate with【自我归纳】 对表示赞同/支持【即学即练】1. associates the smell of tobacco with2. associates with honest fellows3. associate myself withowe . to【自我归纳】 欠(债)【即学即练】1. owed his success to his teacher s

19、encouragement2. owe a lot to our parentsSENTENCE EXPLANATIONS:1 .【点拨】tourists【仿写】 with people; who come here to buy2 .【点拨】to climb the rock【仿写】 out of respect for; who consider tradition to be sacredCHECKING CORNER:Part 1I. 1. barrier 2. ecology 3. defences 4. policy 5. adequate 6. autonomous7. crad

20、le 8. heritage 9. immigrants 10. splendourII. 1. reservation 2. rusty 3. tolerance 4. citizenship 5. celebrationIII. 1. for 2. with 3. up 4. of 5. viaIV. 1. associate this brand with 2. which was wise3. experienced a lot of difficulty 4. are responsible for5. Out of respect for 6. will be located in

21、Part 2I. 1. hardships 2. determination 3. established 4. reasonably 5. disappointing 6. hopingII. 1. corresponding with several experts 2. owe this discovery to3. Knowing that 4. succeeded in returning 5. not as many people asPart 3I. 1. paralyses 2. wound 3. funnel 4. snatched 5. among / amongstII.

22、 1. recovery 2. unconscious 3. venomous 4. sicknessIII. 1. Mike talked his father into lending him the car.2. The film had great effect / quite an effect on Jane.3. These fish vary in weight from 3 kilograms to 5 kilograms.4. This place is home to bears and lions.5. Children are admitted only if acc

23、ompanied by an adult.第 24期 Book 9 Unit 4TOPIC READING:He discovered that plants will change their appearance to adapt to the environment.READING TASKS:1. European middle classes3. Sir Joseph Banks5. the Wardian case 7. the natural sciences 9. In 18972. the Tree of Heaven4. the plant and animal life6

24、. tea plants8. plant collections10. E H WilsonCULTURE BRIDGE: 1. enchant 2. continualWORDS:postpone【自我归纳】 名词【即学即练】1. The game has already been postponed three times.2. Let s postpone making a decision until we have more information.3. We ll have to postpone the meeting until next week.rot(使)腐烂,腐败变质【

25、即学即练】1. the wood was rotting away2. stop the rot in our society3. will rot / go rotten in a weekEXPRESSIONS:evolve【自我归纳】 into【即学即练】1. evolved for millions of years2. evolved from a concept3. evolved from a wild grassdate back to【即学即练】1. This old tradition can date back2. dates back to / from the mid

26、dle of the 7th centurySENTENCE EXPLANATIONS:1 .【点拨】realize【仿写】 so delighted that; what happened2 .【点拨】knowledge【仿写】 was very excited with the news that; many doctors were sent on learning tripsCHECKING CORNER:Part 1I. 1. anchor 2. balcony 3. goods 4. seal 5. endeavours 6. shaved 7. pollinated 8. Dov

27、esII. 1. Fluency 2. distant 3. tightly 4. restrictions 5. botanist 6. containerIII. 1. to 2. of 3. on 4. in 5. to 6. inIV. 1. is in conflict with 2. dating back to 3. will appeal to children4. are wearing exotic clothes 5. is it a comfortable hotel; it is alsoPart 21. 1. There is no other way to sol

28、ve the problem.2. Mary lowered her newspaper and looked around.3. They have enough time to finish the job.4. Jim is planning to travel across America this summer.5. Our test has already been postponed until next Monday.II. 1. what; who 2. what 3. why 4. that 5. whatPart 3I. 1. evolved 2. petals 3. o

29、dourless 4. typical 5. musty6. delicate 7. nectar 8. fruity 9. dull 10. fragrantII. 1. depends on 2. takes place 3. been rewarded with 4. at the end of 5. attached to 6. passed on III.1. The children find it very easy to adapt to the new school.2. The radio is giving out a signal.3. We are here to p

30、rovide a service for the public.4. Don t get too close to that dog.5. The plane landed on the island safely.第 25期 Book 9 Unit 5TOPIC READING: 1. hound 2. rotREADING TASKS:1. controlled 2. educates 3. message 4. techniques 5. save money 6. Cost 7. product 8. opinions CULTURE BRIDGE: 1. F 2. TWORDS:wo

31、rthy【自我归纳】of【即学即练】1. worthy 2.worthwhile 3. worthpromote【自我归纳】to【即学即练】1. find work or get promoted2. is promoting the development and use3. to promote her new songEXPRESSIONS:1. turned down 2. turned into 3. turned out 4. turn up5. turned over 6. turned to 7. turns in 8. turning backSENTENCE EXPLANA

32、TIONS:1 .【点拨】定语从句; brand names【仿写】children eat; into a star2 .【点拨】宾语【 仿 写 】 considering these old people; which hotels are most appropriate; bring more convenience to themCHECKING CORNER:Part 1I. 1. generate 2. broadcast 3. conscience 4. techniques 5. casual6. expense 7. targets 8. visual 9. feature 10. garmentII. 1. advertiseme


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