



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上南京市区级小学英语绘本阅读课A red coat公开课教学设计(有配套课件) A red coat 一、教学目标1、能会说服饰类的单词,如T-shirt. coat. dress. scarf等。以及句型Look at.和用于赞美的句式。2、能较流利的朗读故事并能了解故事的大意。3、能自然流利地表达故事。4、能学会物品再利用。二、教学重难点:1、重点:能较为流利的朗读故事并了解故意的大意。2、难点:学生能表演故事内容。三、情感目标:通过学习知道自己动手改造物品来帮助自己和他人。四、教学准备:PPT、卡片,头饰等。五、教学过程Step1. Warm up. 课前热身(1

2、). a.Sing a song: b.Enjoy a song: (2). Free talkGood morning, boys and girls.Im your new English teacher Mr Wang.You can call my English name Jack.Well, boys and girls, as you can see, Im Jack, Im wearing a jacket today,it is warm, and I wanna sing a clothes song . Can you sing with me?who is wearin

3、g a jacket today? A jacket today, a jacket today. 然后引导穿与教师一样衣服的孩子站起来一起唱Im wearing a . today. . today. .today. 同法唱出coat等。Step2. Lead in开始上课Class begins. 师生互致问候。(1). Magic eyes.Well, I know what clothes you are wearing before class, and I have some beautiful clothes here. Doyouknowthem?Let'shaveal

4、ook. Here are the rules.出示beautiful clothes,教授新词Scarf等。(复现不同颜色的衣服及新词Scarf)最后停留在a red coat.(2). You all say so well,Look at this coat, what colour is it ? 若学生不明白,接问 Is it green? No, its red. Good, our story is (板书课题A red coat,并让学生齐读一遍。) Well, look at this red coat. Is it nice? Yes, do you want to kno

5、w whose coat is it ? Can you guess? Is it the giraffe Nancy s ? the horse Helens? the sheep Mikes? the chicken Bens? the pig Billys? or the cow Lucys? (ppt上呈现提示句Is it . s?) 请2-3名学生回答。Well, lets listen and check.(播放第一幅图和录音) Wow, some of you are right.It's Nancy' s. And it's Nancy' s b

6、irthday present.Step3. Presentation(1). Look at the snow, would you please have a guess? Which season is Nancy' s birthday in? Is it in spring? summer? autumn? winter! Yes , its in winter. And the coat can keep her warm. But now, look, the flowers are blooming ,the butterfly is flying. Which sea

7、son is it? (播放录音) Yes, it is spring. Nancy is taller, and the coat is short for her. But listen (播放Nancy 的录音). Oh, Nancy has a good idea. Whats her good idea? Look here. She will DIY with it, lets watch and find out the changes of the clothes. Please take out your exercise paper and try to finish ex

8、ercise 1.引导学生回答,at first, the coat is changed into a dress, then the dress is changed into a T-shirt, and then the T-shirt is changed into a scarf, at last ,the scarf is changed into a headwear. (此时完成板书衣服的变化)(2). Well done. Now lets read and find the owner of the clothes. You can underline the key p

9、hrases and sentences. (ppt提示学生可大声读或默读)引导学生回答The dress is for . .And Helen shows her dress to her friends.并板书人物和句型This is for you . Look at my new. You look great./its cute等。How do you know? Lets check. (细化到每一场景仿读,教师先做示范,请一个孩子配合表演)请孩子上来表演完成剩下三个衣服的主人。(3).You did a good job! Now lets read the whole sto

10、ry with tape synchronously. Please hold your books and use low voices. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (ppt呈现同步跟读课文)(4).Now Its your reading time. Lets read the story together.(5).You read very well. We know there are 5 parts in the story. In part 1, Nancy s mother gives Nancy a r

11、ed coat as her birthday present. In part 2, Nancy makes the coat into a dress. In part 3, Helen makes the dress into a T-shirt. In part 4, Mike makes the T-shirt into a scarf. In part 5, Ben makes the scarf into a headwear and gives to Nancy.Now lets our acting time. I want to act part 1 as a model.

12、 Im the giraffe Nancy, who wants to be .?(开始表演故事)Scene1. 引导旁白者说It is winter. Nancy is at home.Wow, it is snowy and cold, but I m very happy and warm now, because today is my birthday, my friends come, we are having a party.当妈妈把衣服送给自己时,Is this coat for me? I like it very much. Thank you ,mum.Look at

13、my new coat, my friends.Scene2. It is spring. It is warm. Look at me, mum, Im taller.What a pity, but I have a good idea. 作DIY状。This is for you.Scene3. It is summer. It is hot.Scene4. It is autumn. It is cool.Scene5. It is winter again, Nancy s birthday comes.Do you like our show? Now its your time. Choose one part, you can work in 6.(PPT呈现要求和打分等第)Step4. EndingWell done. Boys and girls. What a meaningful story! The animal friends are very happy. And I want to show you some pictures.From the story, we


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