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1、Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.Section A知识点南涧三中,汪洪武March 22,2015 词组 the earth拯救地球2.noise pollution噪音污染3.solve the problem解决问题4.cut down减少 good for 对有益6.go shopping去购物7.make a difference起作用8.hear of听说9.cut off关掉10.not onlybut also不但而且11. be harmful to对有害 the top of the food chai

2、n在食物链顶13.worse and worse越来越糟14.take part in参加15.notany more不再16.begin with以开始17.turn off关掉 for付费;付出代价19.add up加起来20.take action采取行动21. throw away扔掉;抛弃22.put sth. to good use好好利用某物23.pulldown拆下;摧毁24.upside down上下颠倒 a prize获奖26.set up建立 known for因而出名28.look like看起来像 29.bring back恢复;使想

3、起 the oceans ecosystem在海洋生态系统31.try to do sth尽力做某事 a part in doing sth.参加做某事33.used to do sth过去常常做某事34.instead of doing sth代替做某事35.start doing sth.开始做某事 36remember to do sth.记得去做某事37.cant afford to do sth.担负得起做某事 doing sth.通过做某事 good at doing sth.擅长做某事40.plan to do sth.计划做某事41.

4、hope to do sth.希望做某事42.need to do sth.需要做某事1.noise pollution噪音污染 (1)noise n.噪音There is something wrong with the machine, it makes strange noises.这台机器坏了,发出奇怪的声音。 noise,sound与voice noise n.“噪音;喧闹声”,指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。There is so much noise in the street.街上如此吵闹。 sound n.指自然界的各种声音。有可数和不可数两种用法。Strange sounds c

5、ame from the next room. 奇怪的声音来自隔壁房间。 Voice指人的声音,如说话、唱歌、谈笑等。 The girl has a beautiful voice.这个女孩嗓音很美。(2)Pollute v.污染pollution为不可数名词,意为“污染;污染物”There is lots of pollution in the air here. 这里的空气中有大量的污染。The river has been polluted by waste products. from the factory.这条河流已经受到工厂排放的废料的污染。2.There were no mor

6、e fish for fishermen to catch.不再有鱼让渔民去捕。Catch v.抓住;接住;及时赶上。其第三人称单数为catches,其过去式和过去分词是:caught。Youll have to work harder to catch up with the top students in your class. 要赶上班上最优秀的同学你得更加用功才行。 Cats like catching mice.猫喜欢捉老鼠。catch a cold 感冒catch sb.s eyes引起某人注意 catch the train 赶上火车catch up with赶上;跟上 catc

7、h hold of 抓住3. But it used to be so clean!但过去他是那么干净。used to “过去常常”,后跟动词原形。used to be过去是He used to be a math teacher.他过去是一名数学老师。She used to live in Kunming.她过去一直住在昆明。 be used to doing 表示习惯于做某事I am used to eating rice now.现在我习惯于吃冰。be used to do被用来做某事Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。 Used to结构的句型:(1)

8、陈述句:“主语+used to+动词原形+其他”。I used to go to school on foot.过去我常常步行去上学。(2)否定句:“主语+didnt +use to+动词原形+其它”。或“主语+usednt to +动词原形+其他”。I didnt use to live there when I was a child. 当我是小孩子的时候,我不常住在那儿。I used not to do housework. 我过去不常常做家务. (3)一般疑问句:“Did+主语+use to+ 动词原形+其他?” 。或“Used+主语+to+ 动词原形+其他?”。 Did you us

9、e to sleep late? 你过去常常很晚睡觉吗? Used he to play football?他过去常常踢足球吗?4.Yes ,but people are throwing litter into the river.是的,但人们正把垃圾扔进河里。 litter,rubbish,garbage 与waste的区别litter是不可数名词,指随手丢弃的垃圾。We shouldnt drop litter in our classroom.我们不应该在教室里扔垃圾。rubbish 指成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤其指弃掉的垃圾堆。Youd better not throw

10、the rubbish on the ground.Garbage指生活中的垃圾,包括厨房里的剩菜、剩饭或不能在用的食物。Dont forget to take out the garbage after dinner.晚饭后不要忘记到垃圾。Waste指如何被丢弃的东西。Where do you put your kitchen waste? 你把厨房里的垃圾放在哪里?5.Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!镇上的每个人都应该参与清理它。 play a part in “参与某事;在方面起作用”,后接名词、代词或

11、动词-ing形式。Everyone can play a part in protecting the environment社会上的每个人都能够为保护环境出一分力。6.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.这将把美丽的地方变成丑陋的地方。 turn into“使变成” Please turn the sentences into English. 请把这些句子译成英语。 turn into 与change intoturn into“(使)变成”,指形式或状态上的改变。Water turns into ice.水变成了冰。 His f

12、ace turned into red gradually.他的脸渐渐变红了。change into“(使)变成”,指外形上的改变。She changed into the working clothes. 她换上了工作服。7.Well,to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.哦,我了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公共车或地铁,而不是开车。 (1)to cut down在句中作目的状语。动词不定式在句中作目的状语时,可放在句首或句末,意为“为了”。I stayed there to

13、see what would happen.我呆在那儿,看看会发生什么。 To pass the English exam, I have to study English all day and all night.我了通过英语考试,我不得不整日整夜学习英语。(2)Cut down“减少;把砍到;裁短;缩减”,cut在此作不及物动词,其过去式过去分词都是cut。We cut down the big tree. 我们把这颗大树砍到了。Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words.你最好把这篇文章缩减到2,000字左右。(3)cut

14、 sb. sth.=cut sth. for sb.为某人切某物I cut him a piece of bread.= I cut a piece of bread for him.我给他切了一块面包。(4)cut sth. into sth.把某物切成某物First cut the meat into small piece.先把肉切成碎块。(5)cut in“插话;超车”。 Dont cut in when others are talking.别人说话时别插话。(6).cut off切断;隔断;断绝。The flood cut the village off from the rest

15、 of the world.洪水切断了村民与外界的联系。8.There are other advantages of bike riding.骑自行车有一些其他的优点。(1)other 在此为形容词,意为“其他的”。He is more clever than the other boys in his class.他比班上任何其他女孩都聪明。 (2)advantage作可数名词,意为“优点”,其反义词为disadvantage意为“缺点”。This is an advantage in some ways. 从一定意义上讲,这是一个有利条件含有否定前缀dis-的常见单词还有: like喜欢

16、-dislike喜欢不 order顺序-disorder没有顺序 honest诚实dishonest不诚实 appear出现- disappear消失 courage勇气-discourage使失去勇气9.Mmm ,I think simple things like bringing a bage to go shopping can help.嗯,我认为自带包去购物这些简单的事情能够有所帮助。go shopping=do some shopping.去购物,去买东西I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期天去购物。 I sometimes go shop

17、ping on foot.我有时步行去购物。“go+ doing”意为“去做某事”,表示体育或娱乐休闲活动。Go climbing去爬山go skating去滑冰go hiking去远足go sightseeing去观光go fishing去钓鱼 go swimming 去游泳go skateboarding 去踩滑冰go fishing 去钓鱼 go camping去野营 go surfing去冲浪 go bike riding去骑自行车 go boating去划船10. So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a

18、 better future.因此我们齐心协力就能改善环境,创造美好的未来。(1)make a difference起作用;有影响One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。We want to make a difference to the world.我们想对世界有所影响。Make the bed铺床make tea沏茶make trouble惹麻烦make money赚钱make a telephone call打电话make a visit拜访make a decision做决定 make a mistake犯错误ma

19、ke a living谋生make a noise弄出噪音make sure务必(2)lead to “(道路)等通往;引起(结果等)”。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 The heavy rain led to a flood.大雨导致洪水。(3)lead sb to do sth.致使/诱惑某人做某事。What led you to think so?什么使你这么想?(4)lead sb to some place带领某人去某地The roads leads you to the station.The roads leads you to the stat

20、ion.这条路指引你通往车站。 lead, guide 与directlead表示走在前面带路。He led the blind man across the street.他带领盲人过马路。(他走在盲人前面)guide表示边领路边讲解。He guided the tourists round the city.他引导游客参观了这座城市。(他边走边介绍)Direct表示向某人解释去某一地方Could you direct me to the station,please?请问到车站怎么走?(只是指点别人怎么做。)11.Many heard of shark fin soup. This fam

21、ous and expensive dishes is especially popular in southern China.很多人听说过鱼翅汤,这道著名而昂贵的菜肴在中国南方特别受欢迎。Hear of sb. / sth.听说某人、某事的情况I have never heard of him since he left. 自从他离开后,我在没听到过他的消息。Have you heard of the news?你听说这则消息了吗?south n. 南方 southern adj.南方的We live in the southern area. 我们住在南部地区。David comes f

22、rom southern Italy. 戴维来自意大利南部。Which way is south?哪面是南?12.But do you realize that youre killing a whole shake each time you enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?但是你意识到每次你享受一碗鱼翅汤时,你正在杀死一整条鲨鱼吗? whole与allWhole用于单数可数名词前,一般不修饰不可数名词,修饰可数名词复数时,一般前面有数量词。位于冠词、单数物主代词或所有格之后。All用于修饰不可数名词或复数名词;位于定冠词the、单数或复数物主代词或所有格之后。

23、the whole family/all the family.全家I worked the whole night. 我工作了整整一个晚上。All the children enjoyed themselves. 所有的孩子都过得很快乐。The whole building was burning.整座城都在燃烧。13.This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.这不但残忍而且对环境有害。Harmful adj. 有害的be harmful to sb. / sth.对某人/某物有害 The air pollutio

24、n is harmful to our health.空气污染对我们的健康有害。Dont you think smoking is harmful to health?难道你不认为吸烟对健康有害吗?Dont you think smoking is harmful to health?难道你不认为吸烟对健康有害吗?类似的词还有: Thank-thankful感激的;感谢的 use-useful有用的 wonder-wonderful 令人惊奇的forget-forgetful健忘的 success-successful 成功的care-careful细心的14.But in fact, aro

25、und 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year.但实际上,每年大约七千万的鲨鱼被捕捉并在这个行业交易。70million七千万。Million在此作数词,意为百万,其用法与这些数词相同:hundred百,thousand千;billion十亿。(1)与具体数词连用时,用单数。two hundred 两百 three million三百万(2)当表示不确定的泛指数目时,要用复数,且后接介词of,然后才能接名词。hundreds of数以百计;成百上千的 thousands of数以千计;成千上万的 millions of数百万的There are hundreds of books on the desks.桌子上有几百本书。 The sun was shining. thousands of people were lying on the beach.阳光灿烂,数以千计的人趟在海滩上。15.Two environmental groups against


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