1、Polysemy and homonymyLecturer: Duan BeiThe composition of word meaning Grammatical meaning Lexical meaningConceptual meaning Associative meaningConnotative meaningStylistic meaningAffective meaningCollocative meaningHomework 1. plod, trudge 2. waddle 3. strut 4. stagger 5. slouch 6. stride 7. mince
2、8. dawdle 9. shuttle 10.hustle 1. drawl 2. stammer 3. mutter 4. gabble 5. lisp 6. chat, yarn 7. tattle 8. prattle 9. sneer 10. raveExercise two 1. g 2. l 3. o 4. c 5. i 6. r 7. a 8. t 9. d 10. n 11. s 12. m 13. p 14. q 15. k 16. b 17. f 18. j 19. h 20. eExercise three 1. bookliterary 2. brotherfrate
3、rnal 3. catfeline 4. childpuerile 5. daughterfilial 6. daydiurnal 7. dogcanine 8. earauricular 9. earthterrestrial 10. eggoval 11. eyeocular 12. fatherpaternal 13. fireigneous 14. foehostile 15. foxvulpine 16. friendamicable 17. handmanual 18. headcapital 19. heartcordial 20. heavencelestial 21. hor
4、seequine 22. husbandmarital 23. kidneyrenal 24. knightequestrian 25. lifevital 26. lightlucid 27. lip-labial 28. man-human 29. milk-lactic 30. mind-mental 31. moon-lunar 32. mother-maternal 33. mouth-oral 34. name-nominal 35. night-nocturnal 36. nose-nasal 37. ox-bovine 38. room-spacious 39. sea-mar
5、ine 40. sheep-ovine 41. sightvisible 42. skincutaneous 43. sonfilial 44. springvernal 45. streamfluvial 46. starstellar 47. sunsolar 48. timetemporal 49. tonguelingual 50. toothdental 51. townurban 52. treearboreal 53. truthveracious 54. warbellicose 55. wateraqueous 56. wifeconjugal 57.worldmundane
6、 58. wormvermicular 59. womanfeminine 60. youth-juvenileExercise four 1. barium 钡钡 3. nitrogen 氮氮 4. iodine 碘碘 6. calcium 钙钙 7. uranium 铀铀 8. chromium 铬铬 9.mercury 汞汞 10. cobalt 钴钴 11. silicon 硅硅 12. helium 氦氦 13. potassium 钾钾 15. phosphorus 磷磷 16.sulfur 硫硫 17. aluminum 铝铝 18. chlorine 氯氯 19. magnes
7、ium 镁镁 20. manganese 21. sodium 钠钠 24. arsenic 砷砷 28. tungsten 钨钨 29. tin 锡锡 30. zinc 鋅鋅Exercise five 1. stylishly dressed person 2. loose woman 3. pistol 4. truancy 5. fellow 6. woman 7. fellow (usu. male) 8. silly 9. drunk 10. money 11. fine 12. accordion 13. girl 14. coward 15. Frenchman 16. bear
8、d 17. stupid person 18. swift ride 19. intellectual 20. fightExercise six 1. 气垫汽车气垫汽车 4. 模棱两可得用于模棱两可得用于 5. 优种学优种学 6.照相排版术照相排版术 7. 无菌学无菌学 8. 被劫持者被劫持者 9. 免疫组织学免疫组织学 11. 苏联问题专家苏联问题专家 12. 大型高级轿车大型高级轿车 13. 长裙长裙 18. 四声道的四声道的 19. 惩罚主义惩罚主义 20. 侦察卫星侦察卫星Exercise seven 1. albeitalthough 2. anonat nonce 3. athw
9、artacross 4. aughtanything 5. badebid 5. begatbegot 7. billowwave 8. brinesea, ocean 9. chargerhorse 10. cladclothed 11. clombclimbed 12. courserhorse 13. crewcrowed 14. diredreadful 15. ekealso 16. erebefore 17. erstformerly 18. evenevening 19. hallowedholy 20. haply-perhaps 21. ireanger 22. kineco
10、ws 23. mainsea, ocean 24. methinksit seems to me 25. mornmorning 26. quothsaid 27. satesat 28. soothtruth 29. spousewife 30. steedhorse 31. stovestaved 32. swainpeasant 33. thrallslave, slavery 34. throvethrived 35. trothtruth 36. vendsell 47. vernalspring 38. wertwere 39. whitthing 40. yorein ancie
11、nt timesExercise eight 1. Josweetheart 2. acquentacquainted 3. boniehandsome beautiful 4. brenthigh, smooth 5. heldbald 6. snawsnow 7. powhead 8. clambclimbed 9. thegither-together 10. moniemany 11. cantiecheerful 12. ane anitherone another 13. maun-mustExercise nine 1. fashionablestylisticmodish 2.
12、 accumulategatherhoard 3. friendcompanionaccomplice 4. scrupulouscarefulmeticulous 5. indignationangerrage 6. developingunderdevelopedbackward 7. clubgroupclique 8. promoteencourageinstigate 9. shortcomingflawsin 10. overlookforget-neglectExercise ten 1. The torch flashed. 2. The lantern gleams. 3.
13、The wet toad glistens. 4. The gun-barrel glints. 5. The headlight dazzle. 6. The sparks coruscate. 7.The gems scintillate. 8. The sun shines. 9. Embers glow. 10. Stars twinkle.Todays new topics 1. Polysemy 2. Homonymy 3. Distinguishing polysemy and homonymy 4.Context and the understanding of word me
14、aning 5. Ambiguity and vagueness1. Polysemy What is polysemy? Different kinds of meanings of polysemic wordsPrimary meaning vs. extended meaningGeneral meaning vs. specific meaningAbstract meaning vs. concrete meaningLiteral meaning vs. metaphorical meaningWhat is polysemy? Polysemy is the lexical p
15、henomenon that one word has more than one meanings. Words which have more than one meanings are called polysemic words. Most of the English words are polysemic words.Different meanings of polysemic words Primary meaning vs. extended meaning General meaning vs. specific meaning Abstract meaning vs. c
16、oncrete meaning Literal meaning vs. metaphorical meaningPrimary meaning vs. extended meaning Primary meaning refers to the original meaning of a word.Specifically speaking, the primary meaning of a words should be proved by etymological study. The meanings except for the primary meaning are extended
17、 meanings of a word.General meaning vs. specific meaning General meaning and specific meaning are the outcomes of the change of word meaning.General meaning refers to the fact that the referent of the word is a collective.Specific meaning means that the referent of the words is a specific thing. act
18、, ice, tongue, callAbstract meaning vs. concrete meaning Abstract meaning and concrete meaning are also the outcomes of the change of word meaning.Abstract meaning means that the referent of the word is a abstract thing, such as beauty, love and confidence.Concrete meaning means that the referent of
19、 the word is a concrete thing such as tree, book and car. It is also a very important phenomenon in English that abstract nouns can have concrete meaning, and concrete nouns can have their extended abstract meaning.stand, helpface, screenLiteral meaning vs. metaphorical meaning Literal meaning is th
20、e meaning of the words which dont employ any rhetoric usage. Metaphorical meaning of a words is the meaning when a metaphor is involved in the usage.Eden, ocean, soft2. Homonymy Definition The classification of homonymyAbsolute homonymyHomophoneHomograph or heteronymWhat is homonymy? Homonymy refers
21、 to the phenomenon that two or one than two words have the same spelling or/ the same pronunciation but have absolutely different meanings. Words which have the same pronunciation or the same spelling but different meaning are called homonyms.The classification of homonymy 1. Absolute homonymy (boun
22、d, bark)same spellingsame pronunciation different meanings 2. Homophone (hair, hare)same pronunciationdifferent spelling different meaning 3. Homograph (tear, bow)same spelling different pronunciationdifferent meaning3. Distinguishing polysemy and homonymy The most useful way is to study the meaning
23、 of the two words, from the etymological view.ball, date, bear The disintegration of polysemy:Two homonyms (flower, flour)Etymological doublets sceadushade and shadowwergwork and energy4. Context and the understanding of word meaning Context refers to the sentence, the paragraph the discourse the word appears. Context includes linguistic context and e
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