



1、入 学 考 试 大 学 英 语 模 拟 试 题 A本卷共分为 3大题50小题,总分100分,60分及格。DIRECTIONS FOR EACH SENTENCE THERE ARE FOUR CHOICES MfiARBEDC, D. CHOOSE THONEANSWER THAT BEST COMPLETES THE SENTENCEthe weather is suitable, we will play the football match on Tuesday.means ofany means no means all means参考答案:Bone of the five worki

2、ng language at . , which are very proud of. _Chinese, the Chineselanguage, Chinese,the Chineselanguage, the Chinese参考答案:Cwar lasted so long that people were tired of it. Everyday there was large crowds of demonstrators against the war. _参考答案:Asuppose that when I come back in ten years' time , al

3、l these old houses-down.have been pulledhave pulledbe pullingbe pulled参考答案:Ais the hotel I like to stay. _whichwhichwhichthat参考答案:Ayou mind keeping a (n)on the house for us while we are away ?B./lookC. hand参考答案:Asuggested the sports meet be because of the bad weather.awayupdownoff参考答案:Dheart faster

4、when she entered the exam hall. _参考答案:C'm afraid it tomorrow, but who knowshave rainedrainrainto rain参考答案:Bhas spent money on his new house. _large number ofnumber ofofof参考答案:Cam not sure whether we can give the right adviceemergency.account ofcase ofthe risk ofspite of参考答案:Blittle girl needs af

5、ter her fortedcomforted参考答案:Chorse ran away from the fire. _frightened参考答案:Cis of an actor.can take seat you like.matter whatmatter which参考答案:Dchanged his name , that nobody would find out what he had done before.thoughtthinkThe one in red.易考答案:Dis your English teacher ?you give me a light

6、for my cigarette I have my matches.out ofrid ofaway with out ofthe speaker the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.forafterintoon参考答案:Cknow Jonathan quite well and never doubt he can do a good job of it.DIRECTIONS THEREARE20 BLANKSN THEFOLLOWINPASSAGEANDFOREACHBLANKTHEREARE4 CHOIC

7、ES MARKEDA, B, C AND D AT THE END OF THE PASSAG.E YOU SHOULD CHOOSENEANSWER THAT BEST FITS INTO THE PASSAGiEMartin Luther King. Jr. was born in Georgia in 1929. when was 1 a boy Martin learned that his 2 , the black Americans, were 3 treated differently from most of 4 fellow Americans. Many could no

8、t attend good schools, 5 good jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their 6 . Martin knew that in a free country this was 7 . He wanted to help his black brothers, 8 he decided to go to school and 9 a minister. He became a pastor (牧)in Montgomery, Alabama . This is 10 Martin Luther Ki

9、ng's "peaceful fight" first began.Dr. King worked 11 equality in other cities. He knew that the 12 way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful, 13 in face of danger. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievements and 14 .The whole nation 15 the terrible ev

10、ent that 16 on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King, Jr, was 17 . The man who had preached (倡导)nonviolence (非暴力)died 电But Dr. King's dream can never 19 . Many Americans are still 20 to make that dream come true.21. (1)B. still C. such D. not 参考答案:B 22. (2)C. peopleD. country参

11、考答案:C 23. (3)C. seldomD. often参考答案:D24. (4)A. hisC. mostD. their25. (5)forC. havingD. to do 参考答案:A 26. (6)B, skinD. people 参考答案:B 27. (7)worseB, differentD. reasonable 参考答案:C 28. (8)A. asB. becauseC. soD. but 参考答案:C 29. (9)A. helpedB上 askC. visitedD. become 参考答案:D 30. (10)Bq whyD. because 参考答案:A 31.

12、 (11)A. withB. inC. byD. for 参考答案:D 32. (12)B- otherC. wrongD. second参考答案:A33. (13)C. ifD. not参考答案:B34. (14)8, victoryD, strength参考答案:C35. (15)参考答案:B36. (16)A, passedB, he didmanaged 参考答案:C 37. (17)A. defeatedC_ caughtD. put into prison 参考答案:B 38. (18)D. nonviolently 参考答案:B 39. (19)A. dieB. be belie

13、vedC. realize40. (20)B, workingC. preparedD. struggling参考答案:DDIRECTIONS EACHPASSAGtS FOLLOWEDY FIVE QUESTIONS FOREACHQUESTIONTHEREAREFOURCHOICES MARKEDA, B, C AND D. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER TO EACH QUESTIONThe study of philosophies should make our own ideas flexible. We are all of us apt to take cert

14、ain general ideas for granted , and call them common sense. We should learn that other people have held quite different ideas , and that our own have started as very original guesses of philosophers. _ A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by scien

15、ce. I think this is true for a great many of the questions on which philosophers still argue. For example , Plato thought that when we saw something , one ray of light came to it from the sun , and another from our eyes and that seeing was something like feeling with a stick. We now know that the li

16、ght comes from the sun , and is reflected into our eyes. We don ' t know in much detail how the changes in our eyes give rise to sensation. But there is every reason to think that as we learn more about the physiology of the brain , we shall do so , and that the great philosophical problems abou

17、t knowledge are going to be pretty fully cleared up. _ But if our descendants know the answers to these questions and others that perplex us today , there will still be one field of which they do not know , namely the future. However exact our science , we cannot know it as we know the past. Philoso

18、phy may be described as argument about things of which we are ignorant. And where science gives us a hope of knowledge it is often reasonable to suspend judgment. That is one reason why Marx and Engels quite rightly wrote to many philosophical problems that interested their contemporaries. _ But we

19、have got to prepare for the future , and we cannot do so rationally without some philosophy. Some people say we have only got to do the duties revealed in the past and laid down by religion , and god will look after the future. Other say that the world is a machine and the course of future events is

20、 certain , whatever efforts we may make. Marxists say that the future depends on ourselves , even though we are part of the historical process. This philosophical view certainly does inspire people to very great achievements. Whether it is true or not , it is powerful guide to actionWe need a philos

21、ophy , then , to help us to tackle the future. Agnosticism easily becomes an excuse for laziness and conservatism. Whether we adopt Marxism or any other philosophy , we cannot understand it without knowing something of how it developed. That is why knowledge of the history of philosophy is important

22、 to Marxists , even during the present critical days. _is the main idea of this passage ?main idea of this passage is the argument whether philosophy will ultimately be solved by science or not. importance of learning philosophies , especially the history of philosophy. difference between philosophy

23、 and science.discuss about how to set a proper attitude towards future. _ 参考答案:Bexample of what Plato thought in the passage shows thatdevelopment of science really can solve a great many of the problems on which philosophers still argueB. plato knew nothing about Physicsscientists have achieved a l

24、ot in terms of light theory people have different ways of perception参考答案:A43. What field can our descendants know ?origin of human beingsquestions that perplex us today.philosophical problems which Marx and Engels wrote rather little.D. The future. _ 参考答案:D44. How many kinds of ideas are there about

25、 the future ?B, ThreeD. Five参考答案:Bare the functions of studying philosophies mentioned in the passage ? study of philosophies would make our own idea flexible.study of philosophies would help prepare us for the future and guide our actions.study of philosophies would enable us to understand how thin

26、gs develop as to better tackle the future.D. All of the above. _ 参考答案:DDriving cars , trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to work , to school or to friends ' can be very convenient , but can also cause many problems. Waiting in line at a red light

27、, a driver may get impatient and decide just to drive right through it. If another car is coming from the other direction , there might be a terrible accident. Cutting another car off can make its driver angry , so that driver cuts off someone else. Pretty soon everybody is angry , and accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone , over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate from traff


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