



1、科教版五年级下册英语单词拼写名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出下列序数词的缩写形式。1first_ 2fourth_3twelfth_ 4twentieth_2. 看图片,写出正确的单词。1.  _ 2.  _3.  _ 4.  _3. 按要求写单词。1China (形容词) _2sit (现在分词) _3chat (现在分词) _4visit (第三人称单数) _5dance (现在分词) _6go (第三人称单数) _7her (主格) _8picnic (复数) 

2、_9uncle(对应词)_10writing (动词原形) _4. 将下列字母组成单词并写下来。1.d, e, c, i, l, u, o, s, i  _2.h, l, e, h, y, e, a   _3.f, s, r, e, h   _4.s, e, w, e, t &#

3、160; _5.o, t, h   _5. 根据首字母提示填空。I am a girl. I like a_ very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like d_ best. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly. I have a dog. H_ name is Bobo. She is a female(雌性的)dog. She comes f_ 

4、Beijing, China. She h_ two big eyes and a small m_. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. She has nothing to do. She likes e_ ice cream so much. So do I. When I eat ice cream, she will look a_ the ice cream carefully(仔细地).So I will give her some to eat. I think Bobo

5、 is the cutest(最可爱的) dog i_ the world.6. 看图完成句子。(1) My little sister likes to _ _. (2) Jenny likes to _.   (3) My cousin likes to _ _.(4) My mother likes to _ _.(5) My father likes to _ _ _ _. (6) Do you like _ _ _?   (7) My

6、family _ _ _ _ every morning. 7. 根据句意和首字母提示填空。1There are four s_ in a year.2I t_ I can do it well.3I like to eat an ice cream in s_.Because it''s very hot.4Do you like to skate in w_?5A_ is my favourite season.6W_ do you like spring?8. 根据汉语意思,写出正确的英语单词。(1)Jenny 

7、is _( 高一些)than Li Ming .(2)_( 北京 ) is the capital city of China .(3)I want to go on a _ . (旅行).(4)_  _ go shopping? (我可以?)  Yes,  you _.(5)I

8、 want to go to a _.( 旅馆)9. 字母宝宝站错队了,帮它们排好队,并写出相应的汉语意思。(1) leov _ _   (2) letrav _ _(3) plaen _ _ (4) palce _ _(5)Februyra _ _ (6) trpi _ _(7)Sunyad _ _ (8)trina _ _10. 单词默写。兽医_ 动物园_ 老师_学校_ 父亲_ 母亲_警察_ 护士_ 家庭_祖父_ 叔叔_

9、阿姨_11. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。(1)Today I won(赢了) a chess game. Now I feel h_.(2)Yesterday I lost(丢了) my pen. I am s_.(3)I want to eat something. I feel h_.(4)I helped my mother tidy(打扫) the room. I am t_.12. 看图写词。1. He likes _ .  2. It has two legs and two _ . 

10、0;3. You can see _  in Australia.  4. Are there any _ rooms?  5. There is a _ too. They''re on the third floor.13. 根据要求写单词。1shopping(原形)_2one(序数词)_3by(同音词) _4we(宾格)_5okay(缩写形式)_6let us(缩写形式)_7come(过去式)_14. 给下列单词分类。green rain glue

11、60;glad grass  train  May  growpaint  say  glove  wait/eI/:_/l/:_/r/:_15. 按要求写单词。1. find(过去式)_  2. on the school bus(中文)_  3. lose(过去式)_     4. it(物主代词)_5. my(复数)_   16. 选择合适的单词将句子补充完整。1Robin can speak English well.

12、 He is very _(clever/helpful).2_(Wednesday/Sunday)is between Tuesday and Thursday.3There are _(any/many)ducks on the lake.4He _(plays/play)basketball well.5Im _(hungry/thirsty). Id like some water.17. 根据首字母提示填空。I have a neighbour. His n_ is James. He is seven y_ old. He

13、 has a b_ head and looks very l_. He likes p_ basketball very much. Today he is play skateboard w_ his elder brother(哥哥). He is far b_. Just when his elder brother is near the final(最终的)place, he shouts suddenly(突然地).And he falls down to the ground(地面). His elder brother hurries(迅速) b

14、ack to h_ him. Oh, he p_ his elder brother down, then he quickly(迅速地)arrives the final place. W_ a cunning(狡猾的)boy!18. 根据上下文和首字母提示补全句子中的单词。1.When it''s winter in Beijing, it''s s_ in Sydney.  2.The post office is in f_ of the bank.  3.We are going to the s_ to buy some food and school things.  4.There is a short c_ from the cinema to my home.  5.Next week, we are going to have an o_ day.  6.Do you plan


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