1、密封 线专业班级姓名学号关系数据库(高级)01题号二三四五六七八总分评卷人分数一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. Once a user enters the data for his transaction, he can eithercommit the transaction to make the changes permanent or the transaction to undo the changes2. SQL consists of three components:Data Definition Language (DDL)Data Manipulation Langu
2、age (DML)3. By use of the SQL statement ALTER, delete the column Item_Size from the table ITEMCOPY.8. Create a synonym named ANOTHER_ITEM on the table ITEMCOPY.9. Insert the following record into the Franchise table:Franchise NoMF999Franchise NameMature Fashions (Shetlands)Franchise Address1, Lonely
3、 Spot, LerwickFranchisePostcode2E1 1AAFranchise Tel01595 1245Franchise Fax01595 2356FranchiseStart Date22nd January 200210. Update the above record and change the address to 1, Main Street,Lerwick and the Start Date 15th February 2002二、判断以下的说法是否正确,如果正确,将在括号中,填入T(TRUE),否 则,填入F(FALSE) o (每小题1分,本大题共10分
4、)1.SQL*Plus commands assist with querying2. There are several different character datatypes in oracle: The CHAR datatype stores character values with a fixed length The VARCHAR2 datatype stores variable-length characterstrings()3. The NULL value is one of the key features of the relational database
5、The NULL, in fact, doesn't represent any value at allit represents the lack of a value( )4. A view is an Oracle data structure constructed with a SQLstatement The SQL statement is stored in the database Every view contains data()5. An index is a data structure that speeds up access to particular
6、 rows in a database An index is associated with a particular table and contains the data from one or more columns in thetable.()6. The foreign key constraint is defined for a table (known as the child) that has a relationship with another table in the database (known as the parent) The value entered
7、 in a foreign key must be present in a unique or primary key of another specifictable.( )7. The ANSI standard Structured Query Language (SQL) provides basic functions for data manipulation, transaction control, and recordretrieval from the database, and most end users interact with Oracle through it
8、.()8. The HAVING clause works in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause.That is, you cannot have a HAVING clause without a GROUP BY clause()9. This SELECT statement will execute successfully SELECT forename, surname, MIN(Salary) FROMemployee;()10. This SELECT statement won' t execute successfully SELECT date_of_birth, COUNT(*)FROM employeeGROUP BY date.of.birthHAVING COUNT(*) >1;三、简答题(每小题3分,共30分)Candidate InstructionsY
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