1、江苏省苏州市2020-2021学年高二英语上学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研试题注意事项:1 .答卷前,学生务必将自己的姓名、调研序列号填写在答题卡上,2 .回答选择题时,要出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂里。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本卷上无效。3 .调研结束后,将本卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在调研卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将调研卷上的答案转涂到答 题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给
2、的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每 段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the dialogue take place?A. In a ra i I way stat i on.B. In an a i rport.C. In a theatre.2. What can we learn about the man?A. He has got employed.B. He was expecting a second interview.C. The i nterv i ew I eft him a deep imp
3、ression.3. What does the woman th i nk of James?A. He I acks r ich exper ience in math study.B. He i s not clever enough for the math cIub.C. He doesn't have enough interest in exp I or ing math.4. How does the man f i nd h i s Ii v i ng pI ace?A. Too crowded.B. Quite noisy.C. Acceptable.5. What
4、 does the woman advise the man to do?A. To go on a diet.B. To cut his jeans short.C. To buy a pair ofjeans.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的 作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why did Ann's parents argue?B. She f
5、ailed her math test.C. She spentA. She lost her job.too much on gifts.7. What does Tom advi se Ann to do for Mrs. Brown?A. V/a I k dogs.B. Teach the kids,kids.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Who has a p i ano c I ass?A. David.B. Eric.9. When are Eric and Macy going to the fai r?A. 18th October.B. 20th October.C.
6、 Look after theC. Al ice.C. 22nd October.110. What is the Halloween fai r intended for?A. Char i ty.B. Fr iendship.C. Entertainment.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What does the man v/ant to I earn?A. To repai r cars.B. To drive a car.C.To se I I cars.12. Which courses wi I I the man choose?A. V/eekend courses
7、.B. Full-time winter courses.C.Full-time summercourses.13.How many hours of training v/i I I the man get every day?A. 5B. 6C.1014.15.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。Why does the man want to h i re a car?A. Hi s own car broke down.B. He cannot afford to buy a car.C. He will be onWhat kind of carA. 7-seat Frenchvehi
8、cle.16.17.a tr ip with his family.does the man h i re i nthe end?car.B.A Japanese car.C.electr icHow much wi I I the man spend in hiringthe car?A. $400.B.$530.C.$560.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。How old i s the speaker?A. 53.B. 54.C. 55.18.Why did the speaker sit on the side of the pool?5A. She was unable to s
9、wim.B. She needed to have a rest.C. She instructed her family to swim.19. What did the speaker do after the ten swimming lessons?A. She took up other lessonsB. She went on with the Iessons. C. She taughtsw i mm i ng reguI ar Iy.20. What does the speaker want to tel I us?A. No pa i ns. no gains,B. Ne
10、ver too I ate to I earn. C. Pract i ce makesperfect.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AGrowing Green ThumbsEast Bentleigh Village Gardenwww.b i gpond. comLEARN: Ki ds of a I I ages can exp I ore the garden and co I I ect d i f ferent I eaves wi th the i
11、r parents. They wi I I be shown where to find different butterf I ies and how to create a hoteI for them to I ive i n with the I eaves. 9:00 71:00 on Sunday morning. (From March to November)COST: FreeCallie's Kids by Calloway Nurserywww. mytexasgarden. comLEARN: Kids aged 5-12 can explore and pl
12、ant in the CaIloway gardens with a parent at 9:30am on the f i rst or thi rd Wednesdays from June to August. A garden expert wi I I share t i ps for the best gardening practices during the 45flinute per iods. (beginning on June)COST: FreeDenton Children's Community Garden2200 Bowling Green Ave.L
13、EARN: Join the weekend work at the community garden, where caregivers, parents and master gardeners help chi Idren of al I ages p I ant new vegetab I es, water the plants, harvest from the gardens and more. Al I of our fresh, healthy produce goes home with our volunteers or garden visitors. 10:00 am
14、-5:00 pm on Saturdays.COST: FreeCoppell Community Gardens255 Parkway Blvd. CoppeI I.LEARN: Kids of a I I ages (with a parent/caregi ver) wi I I have the opportunity to t i I I (耕)the ground, plant vegetables, harvest from the garden and more. Master gardeners are avaiI able on site; al I harvested f
15、oods are donated to the area food bank. V/ork begins every Saturday at about 9 am.COST: Free21. Which place will attract a kid who is fond of insects?A. CoppeI I Community Gardens.B. East Bent leigh Vi I I age Garden.C. Callie's Kids by Calloway Nursery.D. Denton ChiIdren's CommunityGarden.2
16、2. What do the above four places have in common?A. They are a I I free of charge.B. They are a I I for kids of a I I ages.C. They a I I provide farming practice.D. They are a I I avaiI able atweekends.23. Which organization probably pub I ished the above information?A. A farm in need of gardening ex
17、perts.B. A char ity in supply of harvestedfood.C. A community selling gardening equipment.D. An association spreading gardeningknowledge.BEven when she was a young chi Id. Malia Hee began breaking boundar ies. The young champion discovered fencing (击剑)through her sister, who is also a fencer. Malia,
18、 who is now a student at Temple University in Pennsylvania, took up the sport at the age of 6.When Malia was growing up i n Vancouver, Washington. she ba Ianced other sports with fencing. “But I saw my potential in fencing,n she said.Malia has a I ready won five nat i ona I titles. I n 2014, when sh
19、e was 16. she qua I i f i ed for the Junior Olympics. A year later, she won the nationaI champion for the juniors.While talking about her greatest victories, Malia recalled her very fi rst tournament. She competed against just one boy-and placed second. "But I was reaIly happy just to win a med
20、aI, even though there were just two of us.n she said.Malia fenced throughout high schooI. Her skills earned her schoIarships to severaI col Ieges. uI was approached by Ohio State, Penn State. Notre Dame, Harvard, Columbia. Duck, and Temple,n She said. "The reason I chose TempIe was that I am a
21、very artsy person, and out of al I the programs I was offered, Temp had the most competitive arts program. nMalia i s now ma jor i ng i n graph i c des i gn and advert i s i ng at Temp Ie. Between academics and fencing, she i s doing very well. This past year, she won the El ite 90 Award in the Nat
22、i ona I Co I I ege Athletic Association Dision I Women's Fencing Championship. The award is given to athIetes who have reached the highest point in nat i onaI compet i t ion in thei r own sport, as we I I as the hi ghest academic I eve I among their peers.25uMov i ng forward, I' m not go ing
23、 to take fenc i ng as ser i ous I y, “ she said. After co I I ege, she hopes to work in the sports industry as a graphic designer or marketer. She wants to I ive neara fencing cIub, where she can compete v/ith fun.Wherever her career takes her, Malia will always be remember as an individua I who bro
24、keboundar ies.24. What can we I earn about Mali a's first tournament?A. She narrowly won the game.B. She was encouraged by the medal.C. She beat the boy i n the second round.D. She was happy to share the meda Iwith a boy.25. Why did Malia choose Temple University?A.It gave her an attractive scho
25、larship.B.It a I I ov/ed her to go on with her fenc ing tra i n i ng.C.It offered her the most competitive fencing program.D.It provided better arts program than otheruniversities.26. What wi I IMalia probably do after col lege?A. Go forfurtherstudy in sports industry.B.Compete for more champ i ons
26、i nfencing.C. Designpostersfor marketing campaigns.D.Be a profess iona I coachfencing club.27. What can we I earnfrom Malia's story?A. Hard work paysoff.B. Theear I ier. the better.C. Al I roads leadto Rome.D. More breakthroughs.moreachievements.In the last decade great changes have taken place
27、in the v/ay that scientists think about the brain. We now know that the origins of the decisions humans make I ie in the firing patterns of neurons (神经元)in specific parts of the brain. These discover ies have led to the field known as neuroeconomics, which studies the bra in* s secrets to success in
28、 an economic envi ronment that requi res innovation (创J新)and being able to do things differently from competitors. A brain that can do this i s an iconoclastic one. Briefly, an iconoclast i s a person who does someth i ng that others can't do. Neuroscientists have suggested that iconoclastic bra
29、ins are different in three ways: perception (感知),the fear response and soc i a I neg Iigence.The best way to see things d ifferent Iy is to f Iood the brain with things i t has never exper ienced before. Freshness forces the brain to make new judgments. Successful iconoclasts have an extraordinary w
30、illi ngness to be exposed to what i s fresh wh i Ie most people avoid things that are different.The problem with freshness, however, i s that it tends to set off the brain's fear system. There are many types of fear, but the two that prevent iconoclastic thinking are fear of uncertainty and fear
31、 of pub I ic ridicule (口朝笑).These fears may not seem I i ke someth i ng to be worr ied about. But the fear of pub I ic speaking, which everyone must exper ience from t ime to time, troubles one-thi rd of the population. 11 is simply a common feature of human nature, one which iconocIasts do not let
32、stop thei r reactions.Finallyr to be successful iconoclasts, individuals must sei I thei r ideas to other people. This i s where soc i a I intel I igence-the ability to understand and manage people i n a business setting- comes in. Neuroscience has shown which brain parts are responsibIe for functio
33、ns Iike empathy (the ability to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own) and fa i rness. These bra in areas pI ay key roIes i n whether peopIe conv i nee others of the i r ideas.Iconoclasts supply innovation and create new opportunities in every area, which are
34、 not easi ly achieved by others. It i s important for success in any field to understand how the iconoclastic mind works.28. What is neuroeconomics?A. It i s a subject about hov/ people make decisions.B. It i s a sub ject about how the iconoclastic brain works.C. It i s a discovery about why the bra
35、in requires innovation.D. It i s a discovery about why peopIe act differently from others.29. What do we know about iconoclasts?A. They avoid famiIiar env i ronment.B. They refuse to take the fresh road.C. They do things in a traditional way.chailenges.D. They are ready to face new30. What does the
36、under Ii ned word “one” i n Paragraph 3 refer to?A. The brain's fear system.B. The fear of fresh things.C. The fear of pub Iic speaking.D. The feature of the i r react i on.31. What kind of ability should a successfuliconoclast have?A. The abty to make people satisfied.B. The abty to make others
37、 convinced.C.The ability to controlsomeone eIse's feelings.D. The abty to know which brain parts work well.Kids often ask questions I ike those that are hard or not possible to answer, and adults tend to respond with explanations that try to solve the problem. It is naturaI to try to comfort a k
38、 i d who i s fee I i ng puzz led by the wor Id. But simple exp lanat i ons may not be what the child expects or wants. Sometimes, kids simply want to taIk about the i r questions and thought.I*m a phi losopher (哲学家)and educator who has been I i stening to chi Idren and talking with them about their
39、big philosophical questions for the past 25 years. I encourage al I young people to think for themselves about problems that matter to them because it's important for them to learn how to understand thei r ov/n exper iences.Most kids start wonder ing about big questions almost as soon as they le
40、arn to speak, and they continue to think about them throughout chi Idhood. Being ful I of curiosity about things that most adults take for granted, chi Idren a I I over the wor Id are wide open to the mysterious that Al human Iife. Research shows, though, that as they get older, kids ask questions l
41、ess and less.Whi Ie chi Idren do need adults' help and guidance, parents don*t always have to act as an expert provid i ng the answers. Th inking with chi Idren about thei r b igger quest ions can make Way for more communication. Since these k i nds of quest i ons tend not to have sett Ied and f
42、inal answers, discussions about them allow parents and chi Idren to v/onder together. In this way, adults feel less pressure to be the experts.Kids have few long-held be I i ef s about how the wor Id works and they are open to many possibiIities. In discussions about bigger questions, kids often sug
43、gest original and creative ways of Iooking at them. Talking with kids about what they are thinking can help parents explore thei r own concerns and ideas. Especially now. as famiIies are separated together in a time of great uncertainty, these conversations have the possibi Iity to allow parents and
44、 chiIdren to commun i cate more deep Iy and i n a traditional way.32. What is parents' usual response to thei r kids' question?A. Offer k i ds answers.C. Ignore their questions.B. Praise their cur iosity,D. Explore the puzzle together.33. What might the author suggest young peopIe do?A. Th i
45、 nk i ndependentIy.B. Turn to educators for help.C. Be cur ious about the worId.D. Learn from others exper ience.34. What is kids* attitude tov/ards questions when they grow up?A. They need aduIts' more help.B. They are wider open to questions.C. They tend to ask questions less frequently.D. The
46、y are more interested in asking bigger questions.35. What will probably happen if parents stop being expert?A. Kids wiI I not fol low parents' guidance.B. Parents and kids will become separated.C. Kids will have more uncerta i nty for thei r future.D. Thei r relationship with thei r kids wi I I
47、be deepened.第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you have chi Idren. you know that keeping peace in your fami ly can be di feu It. t One minute your ch i Idren are gett i ng a I ong we I I and the next minute they' re mad with each other. So tak i ng steps to en
48、courage healthy sib I ing (兄弟姐妹)relationships i s necessary.Respect each child's unique needsTreating your chiIdren the same way isn't always practical._36For example, instead ofbuying your chi Idren the same gifts to avoid conf I ict, consider buying them different gifts that reflect thei r
49、 individual i nterests.Avoid compar i sonsCompar i ng your ch i I dren' s ab i I it ies can make them fee I hurt and i nsecure. 37 When pra i s i ng one of your children, descr i be h i s or her act i on or accomp I i shment-rather than compar i ng it to how his or her sibI ing does it._38_Make
50、sure your chiIdren understand what you consider acceptable and unacceptable behavior when it comes to interacting with each other, as we I I as the consequences of misbehavior. For example, discourage your chi Idren from quarreling and correcting each other.Prepare for the problemsIf your chiIdren c
51、an't settle a disagreement by themselves or they routinely fight over thesame things, he I p them find a solution. For examp I e. i f you have young chi Idren V/ho have trouble har ing, help them create a weekly sharing,39_Listen too your chiIdren40 Allow your chi Idren to voice their bad feel i
52、ngs about each other. Respond by admitting the i r fee I i ngs I f you have sibl i ng. share stor ies of your own ch i Idhood conf I icts. fami I y d i nners also provide opportunities for talking and I istening.Remember, a I I sibl ings fight or argue. Sibling rivalry (竞争)i s normal and al I you ha
53、ve to do is to help control conf I ict between your kids.A. Set the ground rules.B. Being a sibling can be annoying.C. Stay away from children's battles.D. Focus on meting each chi Id's needs.E. Explain the results of not fol lowing it.F. Don' t discuss the differences between chiIdren i
54、n front of hemG. V/hen possibIe take your child aside to discuss his or her behavior.第三部分语言知识运用共两节,满分35分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was at home alone at midday, working at my typewriter, when the telephone rang. A man' voice said “Your name Bell? You'
55、d better 41 over to the hospital r ight away. Your 42 has beenhurt i n an acc i dent. nJanet had gone out ten minutes ear I i er. As she left, I * d k i ssed her absent-minded I y and she 43 me, “You don* t even know who you are 44 n She was laughing as she went out the door.The traffic was heavy an
56、d I was caught between 45 and despa i r (绝望).My thought turned to the evening last year. 46 I was strugg I ing at a job I didn' t like while longing to make a I iving at 47 She knew it and made the 48 easy for me- at a time when turning away froma (n)49 income wouId have been unthinkable to most
57、 women.In the last few blocks to the hospital, I said to myself our I ife together could not. 50 5here were too many good years ahead with our chiIdren. Too many tr ips we'd 51 and hadn* t made. They have to be shared to be 52 .Rushing into Emergency, I found Janet's face and clothing were covered with blood. But he reached her hand out to me. say i ng "I'm a I I r ight, dar I i ng. Just don11 53 me, “ There were the most wonderfuI words I'll ever hear.She was a I I r i ght. Vie are
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