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1、Dont be afraid to be rejected每当我微笑着向路人问道: “您对英语感兴趣吗?”Whenever I smiled and asked the passers-by:are you interested in English?有些人会假装看不到我,快速向前走Some people pretend to see me, quickly moving forward.我看不到你,看不到你I cant see you,I cant see you有些人老远看到我向他们走来,赶紧绕道走Some people saw me coming toward them, and mak

2、e a detour quickly有些人立马笑着对我说:“对不起,我很忙。”Some people immediately smiled and said to me: Im sorry, Im busy.有些人皱着眉头摇摇头,不说一句话Some people frowned and shook his head and said nothing有些人甚至会很凶地对我说:“不要烦我!”Some people even ferocious said to me: Do not bother me!只有极少数人愿意停下来,和我交流Only a handful of people stopped

3、to talk with me刚开始,这种被人嫌弃的感觉使我很沮丧At the beginning, this feeling by others despise makes me very depressed但是, But,换一个角度思考,我们的工作就是于千万人中找到那个对的人,这个过程中肯定就是会遇到很多困难的。Change a perspective, our job is to find the right person from thousands of people , this process is certainly encounter many difficulties.没有

4、拒绝就没有营销 No refuse no marketing拒绝陌生人是人的本能反应,是很正常的现象。营销是从被拒绝开始的,需要经历一个说服客户从不愿意合作到决定合作的过程。每化解一个拒绝,就扫除了一个与客户的障碍,就越接近客户。在遭到新客户拒绝时,我们无须太过沮丧,因为这是了解客户的真正需求,掌握更多信息的天然途径。Refuse stranger is a human instinct, it is a normal phenomenon. Marketing is to be rejected from the beginning, we need to convince customer

5、s to go through a reluctance to cooperate from the decisions collaborative process. Each defuse a refusal, it has removed an obstacle with the customer, the more close to the customer. Was rejected in new customers, we do not have too much frustration, because it is to understand the customers real

6、needs, grasp the natural way to more information.“不”可能意味着“是” No can mean yes营销的障碍不一定是客户的“拒绝”,而是我们无法理解“拒绝”的真实原因。客户随口而出的“不”字,可能不是在拒绝,而是意味着“你是否能说得更明白些”或者“我想知道更多的信息”,我们应该善于透过现象看本质,弄清楚客户口中的“不”是不是真的拒绝。Marketing is not necessarily a barrier to customers refusal, but we can not understand reject the real re

7、ason. Customer casually out of the word no, may not be in denial, but means if you can say it more clearly some or I want to know more information, we should be good to see through the phenomena of nature, get clear customer calls the no is not really refuse.“不”只代表今天的拒绝 No represent today rejected客户

8、今天没有需求,不代表明天没有需求。客户拒绝你,不代表拒绝英孚。在遇到客户非常坚决地拒绝时,我们应该知难而退、适可而止,同时不要忘记让客户填一张leads,给客户留下好印象,然后把握适当时机,择日再电话联系客户进行交流。Today there is no demand of customers, does not mean that tomorrow there is no demand. Customer refuses to you, does not mean refuse EF. In the face of customers are very firmly rejected, we

9、should know the difficulties and back, enough is enough, and do not forget to allow customers to fill out a leads, give customers a good impression, then grasp the appropriate time, and telephone customers another day.所以,我们不能害怕被拒绝,而是要勇于和那个你认为对的人交流,因为你一旦存在害怕被拒绝这种心理,你甚至根本不会开口与对方说话,这对我们的工作来说是致命的。 There

10、fore, we can not be afraid to be rejected, but must have the courage to talk with the right people, because you exist once this psychological fear of being rejected, you will not even speak with each other, which is fatal to our work.最后,我想说的是,我们应该有一颗强大最后,我想说的是,我们应该有一颗强大的内心。客户虐我千百遍,我待客户如初的内心。客户虐我千百遍,我待客户如初恋。只有不怕被拒绝,我们才能成功!恋。只有不怕被拒绝,我们才能成功!Finally, I want to say is that we s


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