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1、高中英语语法主谓一致公开课精华版主谓一致是指主语和谓语要保持人主谓一致是指主语和谓语要保持人称和数上的一致,主语的称和数上的一致,主语的“人称人称”和和“数数”决定谓语动词的变化。决定谓语动词的变化。但是如果主语不是单一的,或主语但是如果主语不是单一的,或主语名词的数比较特殊时,其主谓一致名词的数比较特殊时,其主谓一致一般要根据一般要根据语法一致意义一致语法一致意义一致就近原则就近原则原则原则概念概念例句例句语法语法一致一致原则原则指主语是单数形式,谓指主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;语动词用单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语主语是复数形式,谓语也用复数形式也用复数形式 Steve Ember

2、 is a good playerChildren like toys. 意义意义一致一致原则原则指主语形式上为单数指主语形式上为单数但表示复数意义,谓语但表示复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式;动词用复数形式;或主语形式上为复或主语形式上为复数但表示单数意义数但表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式谓语动词用单数形式My family are having lunch nowNews is travelling fast nowadays 就近就近一致一致原则原则谓语动词用单数形式还谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形式取决于最是用复数形式取决于最靠近它的主语靠近它的主语There is a knife an

3、d two forks on the deskEither you or he is to go 名词作主语时应注意的几个问题名词作主语时应注意的几个问题1. 表时间,距离,金额,重量,数字等的复数名词作表时间,距离,金额,重量,数字等的复数名词作“整体整体”看时,看时, 。 Two hours is quite enough.2. 以以-s结尾的名词作主语时,根据其意思来决定谓语结尾的名词作主语时,根据其意思来决定谓语动词的单复数。动词的单复数。表表学科的名词学科的名词(physics)、书报名、书报名(the Times)、国、国名名(the United States)或组织名称或组织名

4、称(the United Nations)及及news3) the Olympic Games谓语常用单数谓语常用单数谓语常用单数谓语常用单数谓语常用复数谓语常用复数The Olympic Games held once every four years. (be)are1. “_ twenty dollars a big sum to her?” “I suppose so.” Will be b. Is c. Are d. Were2. Three hours _ enough for us to finish the task.a. are b. has c. is d. were Hi

5、s “Selected Poems” _first published in 1970. was B. were C. had been D. have been 3. 集体名词作主语时,视其意义来决定谓语动词集体名词作主语时,视其意义来决定谓语动词的单复数:的单复数: 1) people, police, cattle等名词等名词 3) family, class, government,audience, class, committee, enemy等名词等名词 表示整体时,表示整体时, 表其中的成员时,表其中的成员时,谓语常用复数谓语常用复数谓语常用复数谓语常用复数谓语常用单数谓语常用

6、单数 1. His family _ always quarrelling among _. A.is;itself B.are;themselvesC.is;themselvesD.are;itself4. 有的名词表示的是由两个对称的部分构成的有的名词表示的是由两个对称的部分构成的物品。如:物品。如:trousers, glasses, shoes, gloves, shorts, scissors等,等, 这类名词作主语时,这类名词作主语时, 。 但如果其前有但如果其前有a pair of, a kind of 修饰时,修饰时, 则应被看作则应被看作谓语常用复数谓语常用复数单数形式,谓语

7、常用单数单数形式,谓语常用单数5. 名词有名词有each, every, no修饰时修饰时,被被and /or 连接时,即使有多个并列的主语,仍看连接时,即使有多个并列的主语,仍看作作 。 Each boy and each girl wants to have a holiday.单数形式,谓语用单数单数形式,谓语用单数1.Every desk and every chair _ made of wood. (be)3.No boy and no girl _ (be) in the classroom.isis 1. 以以and连接的两个名词作主语时,连接的两个名词作主语时, Walkin

8、g and riding are good exercises. 注意:当注意:当and连接的两个单数名词在意义上指连接的两个单数名词在意义上指的是同一人,物或概念时,的是同一人,物或概念时, 。The teacher and writer is popular with his students. (区别:区别:The teacher and the writer are)二、由连词连接的名词或代词作主语时二、由连词连接的名词或代词作主语时 的主谓一致问题的主谓一致问题谓语用单数谓语用单数谓语用复数形式谓语用复数形式2. 就近一致:就近一致: or eitheror neither.nor

9、not onlybut also not but There be 连接的词作主语,连接的词作主语,谓语与靠近的主语一致,就近原则谓语与靠近的主语一致,就近原则 1._ you or he to attend tomorrows meeting? (be) 2.Either you or he _ mistaken. (be) 3.Neither Mary nor her parents _ in for rock music. (go) 4.There _ a pen and some books on the table. (be) Are is go is3.就前一致就前一致: (即谓语

10、动词与前面的中心词一致即谓语动词与前面的中心词一致) + + 名词名词 B 这样的结构做主语,这样的结构做主语,2.The teacher as well as her students _ fond of popular music very much. 3. All but Tom _(know) the truth so far.with; together with; along with;but; except; besides, including; as well as; in addition to, not; rather than; like is- have known-

11、谓语动词仅与谓语动词仅与 A 一致一致4. + 名词名词 作主语时,作主语时, 1.One third of the students in our class _ girls. (be) 2.Seventy percent of the surface of the earth _covered with / by water. 分数分数 + of ; 百分数百分数 + of some of ; part of ; half of ; most of ; the rest of ; .- are- is-谓语动词取决于后面名词的数谓语动词取决于后面名词的数就后一致就后一致: (即谓语动词与后

12、面的中心词一致即谓语动词与后面的中心词一致)1. any, either, neither, none, all, some等作等作主语时,主语时, Now all changed. have All silent at the meeting. be视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。hasare三、代词作主语时的主谓一致问题三、代词作主语时的主谓一致问题 2. 不定代词不定代词(all指人除外指人除外),many a 名词单名词单数数, more than one作主语时作主语时, 但但more +复数名词复数名词+than one Mo

13、re students than one have gone there before.谓语用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用复数。谓语用复数。1.Many a boy and girl _made the same mistake. (have)2.Many a student _ (like) pop songs.haslikes找一找共同点:找一找共同点: 1. What we need _ hard work. What we need _ suitable materials. 2. Such _ what he told me. Such _ his words. 3. The follo

14、wing _ his advice on learning English. The following _ some tips to learn English. is are waswere is are 1)动名词、不定式或从句作主语时,谓语用动名词、不定式或从句作主语时,谓语用但但what引导的主语从句视后面的引导的主语从句视后面的表语表语而定。而定。 What we need time. ( be) What we need books. ( be) is are单数单数2) 单复同形的名词单复同形的名词,如:,如:means, works等。等。Every means has be

15、en tried. All means have been tried视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。视其在句中的意义,谓语动词可用作单数或复数。学案学案 特殊用法的总结特殊用法的总结 特殊1:more than one + 单数名词 many a +单数名词 特殊2:a large quantity(amount) of + 名词 quantities (amounts) of + 名词 特殊3:and 连接的两个主语指同一人/事物/概念 特殊4:集合名词police, people, cattle 特殊5:“the +形容词/过去分词” 表示一类人,谓语用单数。谓语用单数。谓语

16、用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用复数。谓语用复数。谓语常用单数。谓语常用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用单数。谓语用复数。谓语用复数。谓语用复数。谓语用复数。1. The blind _ in special schools.A. is studying B. studies C. study D. has studied3. The museum I have visited _ at the end of the street.A. stand B. stands C. is standing D. are standing4. Three weeks _ not enough for me to wr

17、ite the report.A. is B. are C. has D. have8. Large quantities of water_ needed for cooling purpose.A.is B. are C. has D. have 1. Our class _ a big one.(be) Our class _ fond of music.2. 1.The trousers _ mine. (be) 2.This pair of trousers _ mine. 类似地类似地: Apples of this kind _ (sell) well. This kind of

18、 apples _(sell) well. is are四、易错点汇总四、易错点汇总 are is sellsells比一比比一比 3. The population of China _ far larger than that of Japan.(be) Eighty percent of the population in China _ farmers.4. 1.Every means _ been tried to solve the problem.(have) All means _ been tried to solve the problem. is are has have

19、5. 1.The aged _ being cared for in the community. (be) 2.The beautiful _ not always good. 6. 1. A singer and dancer _ been invited to the party. (have) 2. A singer and a dancer _ been invited to the party. are is has have7. Tom is one of who _ fired by the company last week. ( be) Tom is one of the

20、workers who _ fired by the company last week.8. A large quantity of water _wasted every year. ( be) Large quantities of water _wasted every year. were was is are 1.(2013江苏)江苏)21. Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from others _ essential to their development. A. isB. areC. w

21、asD. Were 2.(2013湖南)湖南)33 The university estimates that living expenses for international students _around $8,450 a year, which _ a burden for some of them. Aare;is Bare,are Cis,are Dis,isConsolidation 3.(2013北京)北京)23. The famous musician, as well as his students, _ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo. A. were invited B. was invited C. have been invited D. has been invitedConsolidation 21. A。【句意】一般说来,他人对其期望值高的学生的内在动机对自身的发展是至关重要的。 分析句子结构,主语为students inner motivation with high expectations from others,中心词为inner mot


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