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1、复习册作文2016学年六年级总复习十二、书面表达。(一个话题,要求表意正确,时态恰当,语句通顺,书写规范。不少于40个单词。) 5分 根据给出的情景,用对时态,人称,单复数等 注意评分标准(一句正确给1分,满分为止。)以以“My idol(偶像偶像)”为题,为题,根据以下提示,写一段话,根据以下提示,写一段话,不少于不少于50个单词。个单词。分析题目要求:1.与本学期第二次单元测验小作文题目相像,可以参考。2. 在文章中要回答两个问题: 你的偶像是谁? My idol is 他/她有哪些让你喜欢的地方? (就是要写你偶像做过的事情)1.复习册复习册P22. 8My idol My idol i

2、s Dr Sun Yatsen. Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. What a great man!小练笔:小练笔:How to stay healthy?(你认为怎样保持健康?)(可以用到的提示词:FirstSec

3、ondThirdFinally要求:不少于40个单词,5个句子。)分析题目要求:1.参照六上Unit6课文的观点2.用上表示顺序的连接词:FirstSecondThirdFinally2.复习册复习册P32. 7 We can do some simple things to stay healthy. First, get plenty of sleep. We should sleep at least 8 hours each night, so we will feel good for the next day. Second, keep a good diet. Eat more

4、vegetables and less meat. Third, take plenty of exercise. We can run for 1 hour every day. Finally, the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy. We should always keep a smile on the face.How to stay healthy?小练笔:小练笔:根据提示词给你的好朋友你的好朋友写一封邀请函邀请函。提示词:reading party, at 10 on Saturday morning

5、, at home分析题目要求:1.邀请函的格式参考五下五下Unit6或复习册复习册P35.42.根据提示词,邀请函要包括:人物人物(你的好朋友),事情事情(reading party),时间时间(at 10 on Saturday morning),地点地点(at home)。3.要注意邀请函的格式格式和礼貌用语礼貌用语。3.复习册复习册P36.5Dear Janet, I would like to invite you to a reading party at my home. I hope that all my friends will come together and have

6、 fun. I think you will love it. The party will begin at 10 on Saturday morning. But please arrive at 9:45 a.m. If you are coming, please call me. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, Xiaoling 邀请函邀请函根据思维导图的提示,用英文描述你喜欢的一种动物,不少于40词。4.复习册复习册P39. 4AnimalsLive?Food?Abilities?Appearance?(外观)根据思维导图的提示,用英文描述你喜

7、欢的一种动你喜欢的一种动物物,不少于40词。分析题目要求:1.写你喜欢的一种动物:My favourtie animal is the 2.至少要写到题目要求的四个方面:appearance外外貌貌(It has /It is /It looks like ), live居住居住(It lives in ),food食物食物(It eats/It likes eating),abilities能力能力(It can /Its good at ).4.复习册复习册P39. 4 My favourite animal is the kangaroo. It usually has brown or

8、 grey hair. It has a small head. It has two strong back leg. It lives in Australia and it can jump very far. It usually puts its baby in the bag. It is lovely. I like kangaroos. My favourite animal书面表达:书面表达:假期快到了,如果你有机会出国旅游出国旅游,你会去哪个国家国家或城市城市呢?请谈谈你的旅游计划旅游计划。要求表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整,不少于不少于5句话句话或不少于或不少于40个单词。

9、个单词。Summer holiday is coming.分析题目要求:1.选择一个国外的国家国外的国家或城市城市。2. 旅游计划(一般将来时或表示计划的句子计划(一般将来时或表示计划的句子I plan to)(1)How(交通方式交通方式)I will go there by plane.(2)How long (逗留多久逗留多久)I will stay there for 1 week.(3)What to do (做什么做什么)I will visit the Sydney Harbour Bridge.5.复习册复习册P46.7 Summer holiday is coming. If

10、 I can travel abroad, I will choose Sydney. Sydney is a famous city of Australia. I plan to go to Sydney by plane. I will stay there for 1 week. I think I will visit the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I will see the kangaroos too. I will speak English everyday there. I cant wait t

11、o go there. Im so excited!6.复习册复习册P50.4 根据提示词,用40个以上单词写出近六年你的变化你的变化。分析题目要求:1.写变化,用两段: 第一一段,用一般过去时一般过去时写以前以前的情况。 第二二段,用一般现在时一般现在时写现在现在的情况。2.用表格中的提示词,一项一项对应着来写对应着来写。nowtallfatstrongcanwork harderbeforeshortthinweakcantlazy Six years ago, I was short. I was fat too. I was a weak boy. I couldnt swim. I

12、couldnt run fast either. I was very lazy. But now, I am tall. I am fat. I am a very strong boy. I can do many things now. I can swim. I can play basketball. I can speak English. I work harder than before. 书面表达:书面表达:快毕业了,相信你的日常生活一定过得很充实。请写一下上周末你做了什么上周末你做了什么。请写清时时间、地点、人物,做了什么及感想间、地点、人物,做了什么及感想。(要求句子正确

13、,表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整,且不少于40个单词。)分析题目要求:1.上周末:last weekend(last Sunday)2.时态:一般过去时3.写作思路:上周末(周日)从早到晚你做过的事,用学过的动词过去式。(可参照六上Unit7)7. 复习册复习册P56.8 Last weekend,I got up at 7:30 in the morning. I had noodles for breakfast. Then, I played basketball with my friends at the park. It was so much fun. After that, I

14、came back home and did my homework. In the afternoon, I stayed at home and cleaned my room. At night, I read a book after lunch. I went to bed at 10:00. It was a happy day.8.复习册复习册P64. 11根据表格中列举的礼貌行为和不礼貌行为,根据表格中列举的礼貌行为和不礼貌行为,仿照例子写话。仿照例子写话。(1) In class, it is polite to _and it is impolite to _.WhereP

15、oliteImpolitein classlisten to the teacherstalk with friendsin the classroomdraw pictures on the paperdraw pictures on the wallafter classwalk with friends slowlyjump on the stairsin the parksit on the chairsleep on the chairin the supermarketwait in linepush in8.复习册复习册P64. 11根据表格中列举的礼貌行为和不礼貌行为,仿照例子

16、写根据表格中列举的礼貌行为和不礼貌行为,仿照例子写话。话。分析题目要求:1.分清表格内容分清表格内容,第一列是地点第一列是地点,第二列是礼貌行为第二列是礼貌行为(it is polite to ),),第三列是不礼貌行为(第三列是不礼貌行为(it is impolite to)2.填写第一个例子,然后按例子按例子写出其他四项内容。(1) In class, it is polite to listen to the teachers, and it is impolite to talk with friends. (2) In the classroom, it is polite to draw pictures on the paper, and it is impolite to draw pictures on the wall. (3) After class, it i


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