1、1 / 41考点跟踪突破 32 复合句宾语从句一、把下列各句改为宾语从句。1.The teacher asked me, “Will you be a volunteer? ”The teacher asked me ifIwouldbe a volun teer.2.“Who is responsible for the food safety problem?”asked the reporter.The reporter askedwhowasesp on sible for the food safety problem.3.John asked,“Can you look after
2、 my pet dog?”John askedif/whetherIcouldlook after his pet dog.4.Does the earth go around the sun? Susa n wan ted to know.Suan wan ted to knowif/whetherthe earthgoesaround the sun.5.Does her daughter take an umbrella with her? Mrs. Brow n wan ted to know.Mrs. Brow n wan ted to knowwhetherher daughter
3、had/tookan umbrella with her or n ot.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。6.He asked if the lighttravels(travel) faster than sound.7.Our teacher told us that the sunrises(rise) in the east andsets(set)in the west.8.I will take back what Isaid(say).9.We did nt know that Lucywas(be) an America n girl.10. Anna said that she
4、would_make(make) Chinese friends in China soon.11. Jack wants to know how much the carcosts(cost) him.12. I hope that Iwill_visit(visit) Beijing soon.13.Can you find out that our cityhas_changed(change) a lot in recent years?三、用适当的引导词填空。14. The police wonderedwhosehandbag it was.15. rm thinking ofwh
5、etherwe should go to see the film.16. Do you knowwhatpositive energy means.17.Could you tell mewhenpeople eatyua nxiaoin China?At the Lantern Festival.18.Ms. Petty, can you tell mewherethe baby giraffe comes from?Africa.19.I won derif/whetherI may have a word with you.Yes, of course.20. Can you tell
6、 mewhatyou plan to do with the problem?21.Could you tell mewhenyoull go to Paris?Next mon th.22.Excuse me, could you tell mewhichbus I should take to get to the zoo?The No. 32 bus can take you there.23. The math problem is so hard. I really dont knowhowto do it.24.Could you tell mehow_oftenthe Win t
7、er Olympic Games are held?2 / 41Every four years.25.Wang Hai told mewhyhe did nt go cycli ng yesterday after noon.四、语法填空。阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Nirmala Toppo, a 14-year-old girl from In dia,can talk to elepha nts! And shehas saved the city of Rourkela in India with this ability (能力).On
8、e day, 12 wild elepha nts ran into Rourkela from a n earby forest. They were very huge. Localpeople tried their26.best(good) to drive the elephants into agym. But they did nt know 27.howto drive them back to the forest.It was a difficult task. The elephants became violent (暴力的)and startedto destroy
9、the gym area,”a local forest official 28.told(tell) the BBC.Then they thought of Nirmala Toppo, a tribal (部落的)girl 29.who/thatlivesin the n eighbori ng state of Jharkha nd. She is famous for being able to talk to elepha nts.She has30.successfully(success) drive n back elepha nts many times beforein
10、her hometow n.When Toppo arrived, she came close to the elepha nts. She was nt afraid at all.“I told them the gym was not their home. They should return where they belong. They understood 31.whatI said, ”said Toppo.The elepha nts started to leave the gym. Toppo walked many miles with them32.untilthe
11、y arrived back at the forest. Her 33.feet(foot) were badly hurt because of the long distanee.How did she lear n to talk to elepha nts ? Toppo said she lear ned that after a few elephants killedher mother. But 34.others(other) think thats because tribal people 35.have_lived(live) with wildanimals for
12、 so many years, and they know how to deal with them.状语从句一、句型转换。1.Jack is so shortthat he cant reach the book on the shelf.(改为同义句) Jackistooshort reach the book on the shelf.2.The teacher began his class. All the students were seated.(用until合并为一句)The teacherdidnt beginhis classuntilall the students w
13、ere seated.3.Hurry up, or youll miss the early bus.(改为同义句)Ifyoudonthurry up, youwontcatch the early bus.4.The childre nhave to stay in side because of the hot weather.(改为状语从句)The childre n have to stay in sidebecausethe weatherishot.5.Miss Gao wrote a letter to her friend at once after she had got t
14、o Shanghai.(改 为同义句)Miss Gaowrotea letter to her friendassoonasshereachedShanghai.二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。3 / 416.Iwont_go(not go) to bed until the programme ends.7.Theyhavent met(not meet) each other since they left college.8.Tomwas arguing(argue) with his brother when I went to see him yesterday.9.Helive
15、d(live) in the countryside when he was young.10.The filmhad_begun(begin) when I got to the cinema, so I missed the beginning of the film.11.He wont believe ituntilhe sees it with his own eyes.12.Will you come and staywith us for a while when youfinish(finish) doing yourhomework?13.I met an old frien
16、d of mine while Iwas_walking(walk) in the street.14.My parents are always worried about what will happen if Ifail(fail).15.I will send you an e-mail as soon as Iarrive(arrive) in London.三、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。although,before,un til,while,asso on as,because,when since,whatever,sothat16.He is train
17、ing very hardso_thathe can win a gold medal in the Olympics.17.When shall we begi n our trip?Well set outas_soon_asour head teacher arrives.18.Althoughhe is very tired, he continued working in his office.19.Zootopia,the cartoon, is popularbecausethere are many lovely animals in it.20.Its a good habi
18、t to wash your handsbeforeyou have meals.21.He always thinks rm wrong,whateverI may say.22.Jenny did nt go to bedun tilher mother came home last ni ght.23. Mother was worried because her son was ill, especiallywhenfather was away in Fran ce.24. Could you help me with houseworksinceyou are free today
19、?25. I was about to go to schoolwhileit began to rain.四、 语法填空。(原创)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中词语的正确形式填空。每空不多于3个单词。A wise man travelledin the mountains. 26.whenhe was walki ng, he 27.found(fi nd)a precious stone in a river.The next day, he met another traveler who was 28.hungry(hung
20、er).The wise manopened his bag to share his food 29.withthe traveler. The traveler saw the stoneand asked the wise man 30.to give(give) the stone to him.The wise man did so 31.withouthesitation.The traveler left very happy. He knew the stone was very valuable and he couldget much money by 32.selling
21、(sell) it. But a few days later, he came back to return the stone 33.tothewise man.Ive been thinking all these days,” he said.I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it backto you. 34.BecauseI hope I can get something more valuable. Could you tell me what made you giveme the stone without hesit
22、ati on?”35.Hearing(hear) this, the wise man smiled and said,I think you have gotwhat you want.”4 / 41From the story we can learn that sometimes its not the wealth you have but whats in side you ismore valuable to other people.定语从句一、将下列简单句改为定语从句。1.They like those books. Those books have scary monster
23、s.They like those booksthat/which_havescary mon sters.2.We are looking for the nurse. She looked after my little sister.We are look ing for the nursewho/thatlooked_aftermy little sister.3.Jane is my best friend. She can play the piano.Janethat/whocanplaythe pianoismy best friend.4.Please pass me the
24、 dict ion ary. Its cover is black.Please pass me the dictionarywhose_coverisblack.5.Ill never forget the farm. I visited it in 2012.Ill never forget the farmthat/which_lvisitedin 2012 .二、用who, whom, whose, which或that填空。6.The first thingthatyou must do is to have a meal.7.The womanthat/whoyou met in
25、the shop lives on the second floor of our buildi ng.8.This is the only Chinese bookthatJane can find.9.Which is the hotelthatyou like best?10. The boywhosefather is a doctor studies very hard.11. She got a computerwhich/thather parents bought for her.12.The designerswho/thathelped us build the libra
26、ry are from the UK.13.The Great Wall is the placewhich/thatI have been looking forward to seeing since I saw iton TV for the first time.14. Is this shopwhich/thatsells the childrens clothes?15. The womanwho/thatis talking to the teacher is her mother.16. Sitting down after a walk is relaxing. But do
27、 you dare to sit on a seatwhich/thattells you yourweight?17. Who is the girlthat/whomyour parents are talking with?18.Nowadays WeChat is very popular among frien ds.Yes. It seems to be the best way of com muni cati onthatpeople like.19. Is there anythingthatbelongs to you?20. I had an experienee with a young manwho/whompeople were always making fun of.
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