



1、 Unit 8 Is there a post office near herePart 1: 听写第八单元单词1.邮政_2.办公室_3.邮局_4.警察_5.警察局_6.旅店;酒店_7.餐馆_8.银行_9.医院_10.大街_11.付费_12.付费电话_13.在附近_14.过;穿过_15.在对面_16.前面_17.在前面_18.在后面_19.镇;市镇_20.到处;大约_21.n.北;北方adj.北方的_22.沿着_23.沿着(这条街)走_24.转向;翻_25.向右边;n.右边_26.向左边n.左边_27.十字路口_28.街区;街坊_29.花(时间、钱等)_30.花时间_31.爬_32.路_33.

2、时常;常常_34.空气_35.阳光_36.免费的_37.享受;喜爱_38.容易地_39.钱_Part 2: 本单元基本语法1. Is there a bank near here ? Yes, there is / No, there isn't。 It's on the street解析1:这是一个there be 句型的一般疑问句,其结构为_.肯定回答是:_; f否定回答是:_。并且遵循_ 原则 Eg:There _ an apple and three pears on the table.There _ five tigers and one panda in the

3、zoo.解析2:辨析have/has 与there be之间的区别:1) . have/has 在解释为“有”的时候,他表示所属关系,可指有生命的人或动物拥有什么,eg:I have two brothers A cat has four legs 2) . There be 句型表示“某地有某物”,be动词的单复数形式取决于后面紧跟的名词的单复数,即主谓一致,采用就近原则。 Eg: There is some water in the river解析3:表示“在街上”,既可以用on the street 也可以用in the street,但习惯上用on例1 : _ there a libr

4、ary near the post office? Yes, there _.A. Is ; is B. Is ; are C. Are ; is D. Are ; are 例2 : There _ a book and two pens on your deskA. are B. is C. am D. beExercise 1: 翻译他有3本字典和1个篮球_.你的床上有一件衣服和3条裤子。_. 2. The pay phone is across from the library.解析1.:across from 是固定短语,译为“在.对面”, 后面接表示地点的名词或者代词 如:They

5、live across from the street辨析:across和across fromacross为介词,译为“横过” 而across from 译为“在.对面”Eg:My school is across from the bridge.The little girl go across the bridge.例3:Excuse me,where is the museum? Is it _ the library? A. across B. across from C. from D. on3. The pay phone is next to the library.解析1.:

6、next to 是固定短语,译为“紧挨着,在.旁边”,相当于beside、 close to Eg:He sits next to me = He sits close to me.4. The pay phone is between the library and the post office.解析 1:between.and 表示“在.和.之间”它即可以表示时间,也可以表示空间 Eg: April is between March and May. It's between the bank and the library.拓展:between后面接名词的复数,可以表示“两个同

7、类人或者物之间”Eg: There is a desk between the two beds. 5. The pay phone is in front of the library.解析1.:in front of 通常指物体或人位于另外物体的外部或者前面 Eg1: There are some trees in front of the house. The girl is standing in front of the bus. 这个女孩站在公共汽车的前面(外面)拓展:in the front of 指某个物体本身或范围之内的前部,译为“在.的前部” Eg2 : There is

8、a big desk in the front of the classroom (教室的前部有一张大书桌)、 The girl is standing in the front of the bus. 这个女孩站在公共汽车的前部(里面)Exercise 2:单选1).Why are you standing there, Tom? I can't see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting _ me.A. in the front of B. in front of C. behind D. next to2).The

9、teacher is standing _ the desk when it begins to class.A.in the front of B. in front of C. behind D. next to3). The teacher is standing _ the classroom when it begins to class.A.in the front of B. in front of C. behind D. next to6. Excuse me , where is the bank? It's next to the post office.解析1:

10、表示询问方向的基本句型是:首先在问路时,要说Excuse me ,表达客气的语气,然后再用以下的几种表达方法:a) Where is .?b) How can I get to.?c) Can you tell me the way to .?d) Which is the way to.?e) Is there _ near here?f) Can you tell me how to get to .?拓展: 常用的客套话有:Excuse me(劳驾一下) All right (好的) never mind (不要紧) It depends (视情况而定)You are welcome (

11、不用谢)解析2:指引方向时,可根据具体情况具体回答,基本句型主要有:a) Go/Walk along the road.b) Take the second turning on the left/right=Turn left/right at the secend turning.c) It's about one hundred and fifty meters along on the right. 他在右前方约150米处d) It's about fifteen minutes's walk from here.e) Take the No. 3 bus on

12、 the left and get off at the third bus stop.例4:Excuse me,_ is the park? It's on the Center Street.A. What B. Which C. How D. WhereExercise 3:1. If you want to go to the bank,please go straight and _ right at the traffic light.A. take B. leave C. get D. turn2) 翻译: 请问我怎样才能到达邮局? 一直往前走,在第二个拐弯处左转。_?

13、_.7. I like to spend time there on weenkends.解析1:spend的用法:1) 在使用spend时,主语只能是人 Eg: He spends aot of money on books.2) 若表示“在.上花费(时间、金钱等)”,常用spend some money / some time on sth. Eg: Lily spends two hours on her homework.3 ). 若表示“花费(时间、金钱等)做某事”,则常用spend some money / some time (in) doing sth. Eg: They sp

14、end 4000 yuan (in) buying the color TV.拓展:表示花费时间的词语辨析:spend pay take cost (1) spend只能人做主语,并且后面的介词是on sth 或者 (in) doing sth,(2) pay的主语也是人,但是后面的介词是for Eg I paid 20 yuan for this book(3) take的主语是it Eg. It takes me 3 hours to go home.(4)cost 的主语是物, Eg. This T-shirt costs me 119 yuan.例5:He spends two hou

15、rs _ the movie Painted Skin (画皮1 ) A. watch B. on watch C. on watching D. watchingExercise 4: 单选1) This book _ me 3 dollars.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays2) I _ 3 dollars for this book.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays3) He _ 3 dollars on this book.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays4)It _ me

16、 3 hours to go to Hangzhou.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays8. The zoo is on the right.解析1:on the right译为“在右边” 在左边是:_. 在某人的左边:on one's left 在.的左边:on the left of.拓展:常用的指路短语:go straight 直走 turn right 右转 等等9. 单词辨析:across cross through over四者都可译为“穿过”,但词性和用法不同(1) across是介词,表示从物体的表面穿过,即穿过一个平面 如: He

17、often goes across the street to make a telephone call. 他经常穿过街去打电话(2) cross是动词,相当于go across 如:They look left,then right, and cross the street.(3) through是介词,指从物体的中间或里面穿过,如:The box is too tall! It can't go through the door.(4) over是介词,译为“横过,越过”,表示从物体的上空越过,跨过 如:Sun Wukong flies over his Huaguo Moun

18、tain and wants to see his littel monkeys.例6: The river runs _ our city.A. across B. cross C. through D. overExercise 5: 单选1) Look right and left before you go _ the street.A. across B. cross C. through D. over2) There is a brdige _ the river.A. across B. cross C. through D. over3) He wants to go _ the Amazon jungle.(亚马逊丛林).A. across B. cross C. through D. overPart 3: 本单元写作本单元的写作主要围绕建筑物的地理位置展开,意在训练学生对于本单元方位介词的掌握程度例7:你的一


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