1、Teaching Plan Time: 10 periods Arrangement: Reading (3 periods) Listening( 1 period) Language (2 periods) Speaking (1 period) Writing(1 period) More practice(2 periods)This chapter is about the famous book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark TwainThe story is from a book about boys i
2、n a small town in the middle of America in about 1830. Look at the pictures below.Which of these things did people have in America at that time?From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain1. Tom Sawyer feels sad, because he has to paint the fence. And can you guess if he painted the fence
3、 at last? 2. What was Ben going to do at first? What did he do at last? 3. Why did Ben prefer to help Tom paint the fence? How did Tom Sawyer and Ben Rogers feeling change?Tom SawyerBen Rogersfelt sadpaintedcarefullywith worry on his face but joy in his heartstood before the fence thought of the gam
4、es he planned for the boys would make fun of himwent on painting ignored Ben enjoyed himselfgave Ben his brush sat down under thetree started to eat Bens apple happy(would goswimming)more and more interestedwant to paint the fencecame along, singing happily and carrying an applelooked at Tom thought
5、 about was watchingbeggedgave Tom his appleDiscussion 1. What do you think of Tom sawyer?2. What do you think of Ben Rogers?Smart but dishonestA little stupid but honest3. How do you understand the win-win strategy(双赢政策)?1.and so on:and things continued in the same way;etc.First,Grade7 walks out of
6、the school hall,then Grade 8,then Grade9,and so on.2.beg:ask in a very desperate wayThe poor man went down on his knees and begged me to give some bread.3.depressed adj.very unhappy;gloomyI felt very depressed when I saw the exam paper,because I could not do any of the questions.4.encourage v.persua
7、de;lead someone to do sth in a friendly wayMy friend has a good voice.I will encourage her to take up singing.Vocabulary:5.gain v.get;obtain;haveShe gained confidence in playing the paino the more she practised.6.guess :image;thinkI guess I will go hiking at the weekend if the weather is fine.7.igno
8、re :do not look at or talk to someoneI waved to Mary this morning but she just ignored me,and did not wave back at me.8.Make fun of:laugh at sb in a nasty way;teaseHe thought his friends would make fun of his new hair perly:in the right way;well;appropriatelyWash those dishes properly,and
9、 make sure that they are completely clean.10.section:part of sthA section of each chapter includes a task.11.go on:continue;keep doing sthThe party went on untill 3a.m.12.while:a short period of timePlease take a seat.The doctor will see you in a while. encourageto do a book called everyexcept stood
10、 within his hands feel depressed long andhigh have a rest plan for just then pick up came,singing happily carry an apple go on doingenjoy myselfget a chancethink abouta bit more paintwatch Toms every moveget more and more interestedafter a whiledo some paintingPolly wants it to be donelet me tryend
11、up staying to paintfor a chance to paintby late afternoongain all sorts of toysthree coats of paintsso pleased that汤姆汤姆索亚历险记索亚历险记是马克是马克吐温的四大名著之一。小说吐温的四大名著之一。小说描写的是以汤姆描写的是以汤姆索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。他索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。他们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,作出了种种冒险经历。境,作出了种种冒险经历。 汤姆是个聪明爱动的孩子,在汤姆是
12、个聪明爱动的孩子,在他身上集中体现了智慧、计谋、正义、勇敢乃至领导等诸他身上集中体现了智慧、计谋、正义、勇敢乃至领导等诸多才能。他是一个多重角色的集合,足智多谋,富于同情多才能。他是一个多重角色的集合,足智多谋,富于同情心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出桎梏,去当绿林心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出桎梏,去当绿林好汉,过行侠仗义的生活。好汉,过行侠仗义的生活。 小说塑造的汤姆小说塑造的汤姆索亚是个有索亚是个有理想有抱负同时也有烦恼的形象,他有血有肉,栩栩如生,理想有抱负同时也有烦恼的形象,他有血有肉,栩栩如生,给读者留下了深刻的印象。在姨妈眼里,他是个顽童,调给读者留下了深刻的印象。在姨
14、些自己童年时的味道。所以,这是一本老少皆宜的书。己童年时的味道。所以,这是一本老少皆宜的书。 About this lessonThis lesson is an excerpt taken from the 2nd chapter of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Summary of this chapter: Tom was punished by Aunt Polly to whitewash the fence. Instead of doing the job by himself, Tom tricked the neighborhood boys
15、 into completing his entire chore by pretending to love whitewashing and made other boys covet the labor. As a result, he had not only finished whitewashing the fence for 3 times, but also bankrupted the other boys. Besides, he had discovered a great law of human actionin order to make a man covet a
16、 thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. Listening Mark TwainListening section is a note-taking task. Students will hear a lecture about the books auther, Mark Twain, and complete an outline set of notesReal name of MTSamuel Langhorne ClemensDate of birth1835 (died 1910)Pl
17、aces where he livedRaised in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, but travelled much of the US, and also lived for a time in Europe.Working experiencesprinter, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper reporter, a writera brief introduction.马克马克吐温(吐温(Mark
18、Twain,1835-1910)是)是美国著名的小说家,一生著述颇丰。他擅美国著名的小说家,一生著述颇丰。他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。他的作品对后漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克遍认为马克吐温是美国文学史上的一大里吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。程碑。 “马克马克吐温吐温”是其最常使用的笔名,一般认是其最常使用的笔名,一般认为这个笔名是源自其早年水手术语,马为这个
19、笔名是源自其早年水手术语,马克克吐温的意思是:水深吐温的意思是:水深12英尺,塞缪尔英尺,塞缪尔(即(即“马克马克吐温吐温”)曾当过领航员,与其)曾当过领航员,与其伙伴测量水深时,他的伙伴叫道伙伴测量水深时,他的伙伴叫道“Mark Twain !”,意思是,意思是“两个标记两个标记”,亦即水深,亦即水深两浔(两浔(1浔约浔约1.1米),这是轮船安全航行的米),这是轮船安全航行的必要条件。必要条件。 30,000 inheritance 三万元遗产 a real story 一个真实的故事 a good boy, a bad boy 好孩子的故事,坏孩子的故事 Card County Frog
20、卡县名蛙 the dogs narrate 狗的自述 The most famous play The Million Pound Note 百万英镑 Adjective clauses Adjective clauses:giving information about people and things:who,which,that 1.A.Adjective clauses about people start with who or that.e.g. Soon the boys who/that were free would come along. B.Those about th
21、ings start with which or that.e.g. He started to eat the apple which/that Ben had given him.2. The house was built last month. the house stands on the top of the hill. which stands on the topof the hill 3. The medicine which he bought is good for your health. 4. He is the only person who saw the acc
22、ident yesterday. 5. We wont forget the day when the hero was killed. 6. The student who the teachers are talking about has won the first prize in the English contest.7. The newspaper which you are reading is two days old. 8. Do you remember the time when we got lost in the park? 9. They are building
23、 a hospital on the street where we used to live. 10. This is the hospital where her mother works. 11. Tell me the reason why the American lady left. 12. I know the girl whose father is a doctor. 1.The village _ I once worked has changed a lot. 2. Pass me the book _ cover is red. 3. This is just the
24、place _ we visited last year. 4. This is the hotel _ last year. A. where we stayed B. at which we stayed it C. which we stayed D. where we stayed at 1.This is the present. My father gave it to me yesterday.This is the present which my father gave to me yesterday. 2. The skirt is green. I bought it t
25、wo weeks ago. The skirt is green. which I bought two weeks ago.3. We are ready to help those people who are in trouble. 4. This is the city where he was born. 5. Lets give a hand to the poor children whose parents died in the earthquakes. 6. The cake which he is making looks nice. 7. I will never fo
26、rget the day when we worked together. 8. The dog which he has kept for ten years died. 1.The section that was painted was so small. 2. Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him. 3. He began to think of all the games he wanted to play. 4. Im the only one that can do it right. 5
27、. He gave Tom a kite that he liked for a chance to paint the fence. that was paintedwho was free he wanted to playthat can do itright that he liked定语从句:在复合句中做定语的句子称为定定语从句:在复合句中做定语的句子称为定语从句语从句。e.g. The girl (who is riding a bike) is my classmate. 上句中上句中who is riding a bike 是定语从句修是定语从句修饰前面的饰前面的the gir
28、l,其中其中who 叫做叫做关系代词关系代词,前面的前面的the girl 是被修饰的成分,叫做是被修饰的成分,叫做先行词先行词。 引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词位于引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词位于 先行词和定语从句之间,并且作为定语从句先行词和定语从句之间,并且作为定语从句的一个成分。关系词分为的一个成分。关系词分为关系代词关系代词和和关系副词关系副词。关系代词有。关系代词有 who ,whom ,whose, which, that; 关系副词有关系副词有where, when, why. 一一.用来指人的关系代词有用来指人的关系代词有that, who(做主语)(做主语), w
29、hom(做宾(做宾语)语), whose(做定语)(做定语); 用来指物的有用来指物的有which, that.e.g. 1. The story (that/which you told me )was interesting. 2.The boy (who/that is there) is his brother. 3.My friend is the girl (whom/who/that you said goodbye to.) 4. The woman (whose bike was stolen ) decided to go there by bus.二二.关系副词有关系副词
30、有when(指时间指时间,做时间状语做时间状语), where (指地点指地点,做地点状语做地点状语),why(指原因指原因,作原因状语作原因状语).e.g.1. I still remember the day (when you left china.) 2. I still remember the day (_ you spent with me.) 3.This is the city( where you were born.) 4. This is the city (_ you visited last year.) (试分析上面试分析上面4个句中个句中the day 的区分和
31、的区分和 the city的区分的区分) 5. Please tell me the reason (why you didnt finish your homework.)注意事项注意事项:在定语从句中用在定语从句中用that that 的情况的情况. .1.1.先行词有先行词有adj.adj.最高级修饰最高级修饰. .2.2.先行词有序数词修饰先行词有序数词修饰. .3.3.先行词有先行词有only,any,few,little,no,all,one of,the same,theonly,any,few,little,no,all,one of,the same,the veryvery
32、修饰修饰4.4.先行词既有人又有物的情况下先行词既有人又有物的情况下. .5.5.先行词是先行词是 all,much,little,everything,anything,nothing,none,theall,much,little,everything,anything,nothing,none,the oneone等词时等词时. .6.6.疑问词是疑问词是whichwhich时时, ,句中修饰物的定语从句用句中修饰物的定语从句用that that 引导引导. .7.疑问词是疑问词是who 的时候的时候, 句中修饰人的定语从句用句中修饰人的定语从句用that 引导引导.1.他是我碰到过的最
33、好的人。他是我碰到过的最好的人。2. 正在和我爸爸谈话的那个人是我的正在和我爸爸谈话的那个人是我的 英语老师。英语老师。3. 我们想在汤姆住的房子里开个会。我们想在汤姆住的房子里开个会。4. 你昨天告诉我的那个故事很有趣。你昨天告诉我的那个故事很有趣。5. 我想和那个长着红色头发的女孩交我想和那个长着红色头发的女孩交 朋友。朋友。6. 这就是我居住的那栋楼。这就是我居住的那栋楼。7. 住在那里的人们都爱捕鱼。住在那里的人们都爱捕鱼。8. 他是一个从不放弃的人。他是一个从不放弃的人。1. Who is the girl _ is running there?2. This is the most
34、 beautiful girl _ I have ever seen before.3.There is nothing _ can make me sad.4.Ill never forget the time _ I first reached Beijing.5.I want to visit the place _ you went last year.6.A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan.7. I dont know the reason _ she was so angry with me last night.8.The
35、 foreigner _ visited our school is from Candan.9. Do you remember the night _ we went out for a walk last autumn? A,that B,in which C,on which D,which10.Have you read the book, Great Men and Women,_ the story is taken? A,from which B,in which C,from that中考聚焦1. The book_he bought yesterday is very in
36、teresting.A./ B. why C. when D. what2.I hate people_talk much but do little.A.Whom B. which C. who D. when3.Have you found the information about famous people _you can use for the report?_ Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet.A.Which B. who C.what D.whom4.This is the dictionary_mum gave me for m
37、y birthday.A.Which B. what C. whose D. whom5.What are you looking for?I am looking for the book_I bought yesterday.A.Who B. which C. whose D. what6.I prefer not to eat too much food_is fried, like French fries.B.What B. what C. it D./7.The whole world is fighting against the H1N1,a disease_has cause
38、d many deaths.C.Who B. which C. whom D. what8.I dont know the teacher _is talking with Miss Wang.D.What B. whom C. which D. who9. Jim dislikes people _talk much but never do anything.A.whom B. when C. whose D. who10.What do you think of the book A Haw Tree written by a woman writer?It reminds me of
39、the days _I spent in the countryside.B.when B. that C. who D. where11.I d like to tell you the table manners _you should know when you visit Korea.C.which B. who C.what12.We should give love to the children _lost their parents in the earthquake.A. who B.whom C. those D. whichUsing verbs together in
40、sentencesVerbs with todecide would like hope plan learn seem ask choose fail agree wish need help promise dare manage prepareVerbs with -ingconsider dislike enjoy excuse face finish forgive give up imagine include keep mind miss practise suggestlook forward to stick to be used to thank you for excus
41、e me for be busy have difficulty/trouble/problem (in) have a good/wonderful/hard time(in) spendin give up put off feel like In this part,it provides another narrative from the book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer to further this pattern: Summary:Dr Robinson is paying the other two men to dig up a body f
42、rom the graveyard,so that he can cut it up and study it.The men have an argument about money.Dr Robinson knocks out Muff Potter.Injun Joe kills Dr Robinson,but then tells Muff Potter that he(Muff)did it.The boys are the only witnesses to the fact that Injun is the real murderer.Speaking section incl
43、udes a discussion about reading story-books,and the problems which students have,and how these problems can be solved.SpeakingWriting The writing task is to describe another trick Tom Sawyer played on some peopleMore practice:An extract from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Main idea:Tom and Becky walked down a winding passage,holding their candles.They came to a place which looked like a
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