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1、Unit 4 active reading(2)paragraphs3-4Paragraphs 3 The decline is a long-term trend of 20 or more years , predating the internet . Four-fifths of Americans once read newspapers . Today ,it seems that fewer than half do . Among adults ,between 1990 and 2000 , daily readership fell from 52.6 per cent t

2、o 37.5 per cent . Among the young , the situation is even worse : Only 19 per cent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 claim to read a daily newspaper . A mere nine per cent trusted the information the newspaper contains .翻译翻译 这种下滑是20 多年来的长期趋势,在互联网问世前就出现了。五分之四的美国人曾经读报。如今,似乎只有不到一半的人读。1990 至2000 年间

3、,成年人中每天读报的人数从52.6% 下降到37.5%。年轻人中,情况更遭:只有19的18 至34 岁的人自称每天读报。仅有9% 的人相信报纸上的信息。1. Predate :pri:det v . 发生在之前,先于.出现eg. Its a tradition that predates the 20th century. 这是一个早在20世纪就有的传统。 predation : n.掠夺行为 predator : n.以掠夺为生的人;肉食动物2. readship : ri:dp 读者 eg. The newspaper has a large readership . 报纸拥有大量的读者。

4、3. claim : klem A.断言,宣称 eg.He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing . 他声称他未得到公正的申诉机会。 B. 索取,认领,索赔。eg. I dont claim to be an expert. 我不敢自称为专家。 claim to 要求;声称 claim for 索要赔偿 its claimed that 据说 claimant n.原告,索取者Paragraph 4 Advertising on the internet works differently than in print . . The adv

5、ertiser can monitor minute by minute if their ads are working , and no longer has to rely on circulation figures . The greater number of outlets which the internet can offer encourages ferocious competition for advertising revenue , while printing and production costs have risen remorselessly . . As

6、 a result , The New York Times Company has downsized by 700 jobs among its various paper . The Baltimore Sun is closing down its foreign news bureaux . . In the UK most newspapers have reduced the newspaper to tabloid size , , in a bid to capture younger readers , , although because “tabloid” has a

7、connotation of “downmarket” , , some of the papers refer to the new size as “compact”. .翻译 互联网广告的运作方式与报纸广告的不同。广告商可以逐分逐秒地监视广告是否在起作用,而不需要再依赖报纸的发行量。互联网可提供的更多的窗口鼓励着为增加广告收入所进行的激烈竞争,同时印刷和生产成本已无情地上涨了。结果,纽约时报公司旗下各种报纸裁减了700 份工作。巴尔的摩太阳报即将关闭其住外新闻机构。在英国,多数报纸都缩小了开本,意在吸引年轻读者,但是因为“小报”具有廉价商品的含义,有些报纸就称新开本为“缩编版”。4. a

8、dvertiser : dvtaz(r) 广告商5. monitor :mnt(r) n.显示屏;班长,监控人员 V. 监督,监视,记录eg. Every students progress is monitored . 每位同学的学习情况都收到密切的关注。 6. ferocious : frs adj.猛烈的,凶猛的,残暴的 eg. The plan met with ferocious criticism 这个计划遭到强烈的反对。 同义词:fierce wild cruel savage vicious 7. revenue : revnju: n.税收,国家的收入;收益eg. China

9、 is australias largest source of tourism revenue. 中国是澳大利亚旅游收入的最大来源国 sales revenue 销售额 fiscal revenue 财政收入 enterprise revenue 企业效益 tax revenue 税收 revenue and expenditure 收支 revenuer n.税务官员;缉私船8. While : conj.虽然,然而;当的时候; n.一会儿,一段时间;Vt.消磨,轻松的度过 过去式whiled 过去分词whiled 现在分词whiling a.当的时候(表示两件事同时发生)eg. I sa

10、t on the chair to unwrap the package while he stood behind me .我坐在椅子上打开包裹,当时他就站在我身后。b.正值之时(表示一件事是在另一件事发生过程中的某个时间发生的 )eg. The two ministers have yet to meet , but may do so while in New York . 两位部长还未见面,但他们在纽约期间可能见面。c.而(用于从句之首,因处于逐句内容相对比的信息)eg. Most digital camera owners are male , while women prefer

11、film .大部分数码相机的主人都是男性,而女性偏爱胶卷。d.一段时间eg. They walked on in silence for a while . 他们默默走了一会儿。 while 的短语:short while 不一会儿 DO WHILE 循环语句 while they 今朝有酒今朝醉after a while 过了一会儿a little while 不久,一会儿all the while 一直9.remorselessly : rm:slsl adv.无悔意的,冷酷的;不断恶化的同根词:adj: remorseful 懊悔的 remorseless 冷酷的,不知过错的 adv:

12、remorsefully 极为懊悔的 n: remorse 懊悔,同情同义词:stonily / inexorablyeg. In this state , the voice of the preacher thundered remorselessly , but unavailingly upon her ears .因此,那位布道者的声音虽在她耳畔残酷无情的响起雷鸣,但却无济于事。10.As a result 因此,结果(发生某种情况) as a/the result of 由于而,作为的结果;因此,结果eg. The plan foundered as a result of lac

13、k of finance . 这个计划由于缺乏资金而失败11.downsize : dansaz Vt.以较小尺寸设计,缩小尺寸;裁剪人数 过去式 downsized 过去分词 downsized 现在分词 downsizing 12.close down :关闭eg. Their factory had to close down for good . 他们的工厂只好关闭了。13.bureaux : bjrz n.办事处,分社;五斗橱eg. All bureaux and departments have their own home pages on the Internet. 各局和部门

14、在互联网上都各自设有本身的网页. 14.tabloid :tbld adj.通俗小报的 n.(版面较小,以名人新闻为主,没多少严肃性新闻的)小报,通俗报纸eg. The tabloid speculated as a whether she was having an affair , and with whom . 那些通俗小报猜测她是否正有风流韵事,以及跟谁有。15. bid: vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐 vi. 投标;吩咐 n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取 n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比德 过去式bade或 bid 过去分词bidden或 bid 现在分词bidding短语 : make

15、a bid for (拍卖中)出价竞买; 投标争取 (尤指许诺)企图得到,争取 bid for投标;出价;许诺获支持 in a bid to为了 bid on投标;出价;承包的投标。 tell / tender for vi.贸易投标;吩咐 tender for n.贸易出价;叫牌;努力争取同根词: adj. biddable 顺从的;可叫牌的 n. bidding 投标;出价;命令 bidder 投标人;出价人;命令者16. capture : vt. 俘获,夺得 n. 捕获;战利品;俘虏 eg: The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and capt

16、ured the pilot. 那些游击队员击落了一架飞机,并俘虏了飞行员。 短语 1. capture ratio 俘获比 ; 捕获比 ; 捕获率 ; 扑获率 2. Image Capture 图像采集 ; 图像抓取 ; 图像捕捉 ; 影像撷取 3. Screen capture 截屏 ; 屏幕截图。 同根词 adj. captive 被俘虏的;被迷住 n. captive 俘虏;迷恋者 captor 捕获者;俘虏者 capturer 捕获者17. connotation : n. 内涵意义;隐含意义 eg. What is the nature and connotation of the

17、 balanced development? 均衡发展的性质和内涵是什么?18. downmarket : adj. 面向低收入人消费者的;价廉质次的 adv. 面向低收入阶层。 eg. Other downmarket places might cut prices but we decided we wont do that. 其他一些低档的场所可能会降价,但我们决定不会这麽做。pact : n. 合同,契约;小粉盒 adj. 紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的 vt. 使简洁;使紧密结合。 短语 :1. compact cassette 卡式录音带 ; 紧密卡式 ; 小型盒式磁带 2. Fiscal Compact 财政协定 ; 财政条约 ; 财政协议 ; 财政契约 3. compact flash 小型快


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