



1、完形填空专题集训-历史文化类1、In Chin a, it is quite usual to ask people about their age. However, thisquesti on is ofte n regarded as_ 1_ in the West. This is quite trueof _2, and even more so if the inquirer (询问者)is a man. However,it is very _ 3_ to ask children about their age. Since it is not a secretfor them

2、, they dont4at all. In fact,some _ 5_ people are quite happy to talk about theirage,_ 6_ if they feel they look young for their age. However, it is notvery _ 7_ to ask a direct questi on like“ How old areyou?” _ 8_ elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhapsreceive _ 9_ on how young the

3、y look, they may easily bring up the topic(话题)by _10_ and ask the other to_ 11_ how old theyare. In such a _12, it is quite acceptable to discussage _ 13. They normally expect to be complimented (恭维)on theiryouthfu In ess rather tha n to be_14_ that they look very old.Even though _ _ do not usually

4、ask people directly how old they16_ that they are not in terested to know how oldother people are. They may ask some one else for the_ 18, sometimesdiscussions about educationalbackgro und and the nu mber of years of work ingC.difficultD.importa ntC.childre nD.wome nC.no rmalD.n ecessaryC.expectD.pr

5、omiseC.youngD.str ongC.ge nerallyD.especiallyC.stupidD.luckyclues ( 线索).Of course, not every one20_ that, so they ask littleare, this does not_ 17, or they maytry to bring up the topic19_ may provide some1.A.simpleB.impolite2.A.frie ndsB.speakers3.A.fu nnyB.helpful4.A.mi ndB.regret5.A.oldB.h on est6

6、.A.fi nallyB.probably7.A.quickB.wiseabout age.8.A.BeforeB.Si neeC.IfD.Although9.A.praiseB.doubtC. newsD.i nstructio n10.A.myselfB.yourselfC.ourselvesD.themselves11.A.guessB.decideC.a nswerD.explai n12.A.worldB.familyC.situati onD.se ntence13. A.secretlyB.freelyC.quietlyD.seriously14.A.toldB.war nedC

7、.taughtD.show n15.A. guestsB.stra ngersC.villagersD.westerners16.A.agreeB.mea nC.proveD.i nclude17.A. adviceB.supportC.i nformatio nD.kno wledge18.A.rece ntlyB.sudde nlyC.immediatelyD.i ndirectly19.A.e nvironmentB.experie neeC.populati onD.relatio nship20.A.k nows aboutB.l ives withC.cares aboutD.de

8、als with2、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There are too many fat people in America, so many America ns arefighti ng aga instoverweight. But the _1_ thing is that the Fren ch, who con sume richfood. _2_ to stay thi n. Now a_ 3_ by Corn ellUni versity suggests _ 4_ life style and decisi

9、 onsabout _ 5_ may affect weight. Researchers con cluded that the Frenchtend to stop eati ng whe n they feel_6_ . However, America ns tend tostop whe n their _ 7_ are empty or their favorite TV show is over.Accord ing lo Dr. Joseph Mercola, a_ 8_ expert, the French seeeati ng _ 9_ an importa nt part

10、 of their life style. They enjoy foodand therefore spe nd a _10_ time at the table, while America ns seeeati ng as _11_ to be squeezed betwee n the other daily activities.Mercola believes America ns _ 12_ the ability to sense whe n they areactually full. So they keep eating long after the French wou

11、ld13_ .In additi on, he points out that America ns drive to hugehaveFrench,15tend to shop daily, walking tosmall shops and farmers markets where they have a16of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggsas well as high-quality meats for each meal.After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author

12、 of French WomenDon t Get fat, decided to_ about the importa nee of knowing whe nto stop rather than suggestinghow to avoid18. Today she continues tostay slim and rarely goes to the gym.In spite of all these differe nces, evide nee shows that rece nt life19_ may be affect ing French eati ng habits.

13、Today the rate ofobesity(月肥月半)or extreme overweightamong adultsis only 6%.However, asAmerican20_ and the young reject older traditi ons, theobesity rate among French childre n has reached 17%supermarkets to buy canned and14foods for the week. Thestylefast food gainsand is grow ing.1.A.prese nt2.A.c

14、onti nueB.naturalB.moveB.novelC.stra ngeD.moder nC.tryD.expa ndC.bookD.n ewspaper4.A.thatB.whatC.howD.when5.A.worki ngB.liv ingC.studyingD.eating6.A.sensitiveB.sadC.happyD.full7.A.pocketsB.refrigeratorsC.housesD.plates8.A.educationB.healthC.literatureD.speech9.A.i ntoB.asC.insideD.to10.A. fairlylong

15、B.fairly shortC.very excitingD.rather fastD.nothing12.A.getB.bri ngC.loseD.receive13. A.keptB.enjoyedC.we ntD.stopped14.A.hotB.coolC.warmD.froze nD.merely16.A.choiceB.messageC.orderD.number17.A.writeB.readC.speakD.think11.A.a nythingB.somethingC.everything15.A.thereforeB.insteadC.however18.A. fruitB

16、.foodC.oilD.egg19.A.examplesB.traditi onC.changesD.stories20.A.failureB.successC.accepta neeD.rejection3、Letting go of successI want to make the most of every day.But thats not all. One can never fully too muchabout past successes, either. restingcomfortably on their laurels ( sometimes our successe

17、s hold us back more tha n our failures!I once _ 5_ a story about the Oscar owner, actor Clark Gable.A frie nd _6_ Gable one after noon at the actorshome. She broughtalong her_ 7_ son, who was playing happily with toy cars on the floor.He _8_ he was raci ng those cars around a great track, whichin _9

18、_ was an imagi nary circle around a golde n statue (雕像).The small statue the boy played with was actually the Oscar ClarkGable _10_ for his performanee in the 1934 movie It Happened OneNight.When his mother told him the time had come to_11_ ,the littleboy asked the actor,“ Can I have this? ”_ o the

19、Oscar.“Sure, ” he smiled. “Its yours. ”The horrified mother _13_ .“ Put that back immediately! ”Giving the child the golde n statue, Clark Gable said,“ Having the Oscar arounddoes nt mean anything to me;_14_ it does. ” The actor seemed toknow that past success could be a _ 15_ hammock(吊床)upon whichh

20、e may be tempted to _ 16_ , rather tha n a spri ngboard setti nghim to beg in a new start.You may have lear ned to let go of past_17_ and mistakes in orderto free the prese nt. But will you forget past successes and achieveme nts2today while thinkingPeople never3while荣誉).The4is thatIve1that the best

21、 way to doAn d, like most people,it is to let go of past failures.in order to free the18Will your past be a spri ngboard or anot the past, is where the rest of your life will be lived.4、The cultures of the East and the West really dist in guish from each othera lot. This is because the culture syste

22、ms are two whole.18.A.timeB.bodyC.futureD.brain19.A.ideaB.mea ningC.thoughtsD.dreams20.A.agreeB.permitC.wishD.obey17.A.difficultiesB.eventsC.achievementsrestful hammock?I like the19of the future better tha n the history ofthe past, ” said Thomas Jeffers on. I20. After all, the future,1.A.inferredB.d

23、iscoveredC.hopedD.worried2.A.enjoy3.A.struggle4.A.storyB.liveB.workB.ideaB.toldC.un derstandC.lear nC.factC.k newD.spe ndD.succeedD. newsD.wrote6.A.visited7.A.carefulB.recog nizedB.lo nelyB.preteC.metC.smallC.insistedD.sawD.cleverD.suggested9.A.case10.A.caredB.realityB.askedB.playC.turnC.lookedC.lea

24、veD.n eedD.wonD.wait12.A.runningB.gettingC.shout ingD.po in ting13.A.noticedB.objectedC.sufferedD.breathed14. A.sellingB.keep ingC.shari ngD.ear ning15.A.specialB.expensiveC.comfortableD.necessary16. A.cheatB.restC.stopD.sitD.failures1_ systems on thethat caught fire. Everyone was13afraid to go in b

25、ecause the fireThe origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries:Chinaand India.Both of the two cultures are gestated(孕育)by2.In China, the motherriver is the Yellow River3the Indian one is the Hindu River. Thesetwo cultures were developed for several thousa nd years beforethey _ 4_ the

26、ir own styles. Then in the Tang Dyn asty of China, theChin ese culture _ 5_ went overseas to Japa n, _6_ intothe Japa nese society and _7_ the Japa nese culture no wadays. Thoughits a bit differe nt from the Chin ese one, they bel ong to the same_8.When the two mother rivers gave birth to the easter

27、 n culture, ano ther famousculture was _ 9_ on the Mesopotamian Plain(美索不达米亚平原)一 theMesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the culturesof the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-k nown asthe _ 10_ of the Europea n culture._U_ the Chin eseculture, the

28、 Europea n one also_ aters. Whe n the colo ni sts ofEngland _13_ in America, their culture went with them over the AtlanticOcea n. Thus, the America n culture does nt_14_ from the Europea n onea lot.At the same time, the _15_ of the Ian guage systems adds to thecultural differe nces. In the East, mo

29、st la nguages bel ong to the pictographic(象形文字的)Ianguages while the Western Ianguages are_ 16_ based on theLatin system, for example, the one Im using to write this paper.Other factors like huma n race differe nee_ 17_ as well.However, _18_ the far dista nee and the steep areas betwee n the East and

30、West, the two cultures seldom_ 19_ un til recentcenturies. _ 20, they grew up totally in their own ways with almost noconnection with each other.I.A.c onn ectedB.c on traryC.separateD.ancient2.A.m oun tai nsB.plai nsC.lakesD.rivers3.A.whileB.forC.orD.whe n4.A.equippedB.formedC.selectedD.improved_ 1,

31、 she said she would go.2be the first time that his classmates andteacher _ is mother and he felt_ f her appeara nee.Although she was a beautiful woma n, there was a severe scar(疤痕)that _ early the en tire right side of her face. The boy n ever wan tedto _ hy or how she got the scar.At the meeti ng,

32、the people were_ y the kindn ess and n aturalbeauty of his mother _ he scar, but the little boy was stillembarrassed and _ imself from every one. He did, however, getwith in10of a con versati on betwee n his mother and his teacher.11,“ How did you get the scar on your5.A.graduallyB.quietlyC.sudde nl

33、yD.n aturally6.A.forcedB.changedC.corruptedD.mixed7.A.shapedB.foun dedC.expandedD.i nterrupted8.A.cultureB.systemC.i nflue neeD.n ati on9.A.give n outB.carried outC.brought upD.picked up10.A.resultB.baseC.contentD.sig n11.A.LikeB.ExceptC.Be neathD.With12. A.spreadB.crossedC.affectedD.chose13.A.joi n

34、ed upB.broke downC.settled dow nD.we ntup14.A.comeB.sufferC.resultD.differ15.A.developme ntB.appeara neeC.differe neeD.feature16.A. properlyB.mostlyC.simplyD.partly17.A.reduceB.lastC.countD.change18.A.in terms of19.A.com muni cate20.A.Furthermore5、A little boyB.i ncase ofB.concernB.HoweverC.as toC.d

35、isti nguishC.Origi nallyattend his schoolD.as a result ofD.tra nsformD.Therefores first teacher -parentmeeting. To the little boy sThisThe teacher askedface? ” The mother replied,12my son was a baby, he was in a roomthat caught fire. Everyone was13afraid to go in because the firewas _ ,so I went in.

36、 As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long pieceof wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I wasknocked15but fortunately,a fireman came in and saved both of us. ”She16the bur ned side of her face.“ This scar willbe17,but to this day, I have never18what I did.D.excite

37、mentD.hear about7.A.impressed8.A.in sightB.surprisedB.by mea ns of9.A.hidB.protectedC.separatedD.escaped10.A. un derstandingB.remindingC.heari ngD.l earningD.anxiously12.A.AsB.WhenC.Si neeD.While13.A.soB.muchC.quiteD.too14.A. out of controlB.un der con trolC.i ncontrolD.over15.A.helpless16.A.pointed

38、17.A.ugly18.A.forgotB.hopelessC.se nselessD.uselessB.showedC.wipedD.touched20. A.quietlyB.slightly11.A.carefullyC.n ervouslyB.seriouslyAt this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tearsin his eyes. He held her in his arms and felt a great19of thesacrifice( 牺牲)that his mother

39、 had made for him. He held herhand _ or the rest of the day.C.excitedD.comfortedC.by way ofD.i n spite of6、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Disn eyla nd ope ned on July 17, 1955 and in sta ntly became the worldrecog ni zable and popular theme park. This was the only Disney theme park visited byWalt

40、 Dis ney, who died in 1966. Dis neyla nd is_ one hour south of LosAn geles, Califor nia. You may get there by air or by bus.Disn eyla nd2most of its visitors from3. Soavoid weeke nds and school vacati ons to get the_ aits. The periodbefore or after Christmas Day is the busiest of the_ 5, with the pa

41、rkofte n holdi ng more extra guests each day. When ever you visit,_ arlyabout an hour _ he ope ning time to get the popular attract ionsbefore crowds8.Disn eyla nd also _ ickets on li ne, but does not allow youto_10_them at home. So you ll have to order fareno ugh_ or them to arrive by mail. Tickets

42、_ lso beavailable through your local auto club, Disney Store or your school or work activities office.2.A.wouldB.couldC.shouldD.must3.A.n oticedB.greetedC.acceptedD.met4.A.sickB.ashamedC.afraidD.tired5.A.i ncludedB.passedC.coveredD.shaded1.A.enjoymentB.disappo in tme ntC.surprise6.A.talk aboutB.thin

43、k aboutC.care abouts mostSpace Mountain _ in early July, 2005 after a two-year rehab(修复)to rebuild the track and improve show14_ . If you are travelling withlittle kids, you ll want to visit Fantasyland first in themorning, _15_ several popular kids rides in thatarea, _ umbo and Peter Pan, have low

44、capacities(容量)and buildlong_ arly in the day. _18_ , head west to Adve nture landand New Orlea ns Square _ he park ope ns, visit ing the In dia na JonesAdve nture and Splash Mountain, _ oming back to the Haun ted Mansionand Pirates of the Caribbea n.1.A.locatedB.limitedC.circledD.expanded2.A.pleases

45、B.drawsC.orga ni zesD.be nefits3.A.villagesB.foreig nersC.stude ntsD.lo cals4.A .Ion gestB.busiestC.shortestD.biggest5.A.timeB.weekC.dayD.year6.A.leaveB.arriveC.planD.book7.A.afterB.untilC.beforeD.past8.A.avoidB.buildC.breakD.combine9.A.showsB.sellsC.sendsD.collects10.A.reserveB.keepC.printD.copy11.

46、A.in caseB.in advanceC.in orderD.in turn12.A.oughtB.mustC.mayD.will13.A.openedB.reopenedC.closed D.reduced14.A.possibilitiesB.changesC.developmentsD.effects15.A.whenB.sinceC.asD.because of16.A.unluckilyB.unexpectedlyC.especiallyD.normally17.A.waitsB.rowsC.placesD.passages18.A.If notB.In a wordC.As a

47、 resultD.Whats more19.A.whereB.thatC.whenD.how20.A.nowB.andC.thenD.just答案1、答案: 1.B; 2.D; 3.C; 4.A; 5.A; 6.D; 7.B; 8.C; 9.A; 10.D; 11.A; 12.C; 13.B; 14.A;15.D; 16.B; 17.C; 18.D; 19.B; 20.C 解析:略2、答案: 1.C; 2.A; 3.A; 4.C; 5.D; 6.D; 7.D; 8.B; 9.B; 10.A; 11.B; 12.C; 13.D; 14.D;15.B; 16.A; 17.A; 18.B; 19.C; 20.C 解析:略3、答案: 1.B; 2.A; 3.D; 4.C; 5.A; 6.A; 7.C; 8.B; 9.B; 10.D; 11.C; 12.D; 13.B; 14.D;15.C; 16.B; 17.D; 18.C; 19.D; 20.A 解析:略4、答案: 1.C; 2.D; 3.A; 4.B; 5.D; 6.D; 7.A; 8.B; 9.C; 10.B; 11.A; 12.B; 13.C; 14.D;15.C; 1


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