1、犯罪心理讲述了美国联邦调查局总部下属的行为分析科部门(简称“BAU”)中,行为分析师们剖析最棘手的案件,分析凶手的心理和作案特征,并在他们再次施暴前预测出他们的下一步行动,协助当地警察捉拿凶手。Criminalpsychologytellsthe storyoftheFBIheadquartersstaffsbehavioranalysisdep-artment.Thebehavior analystsanalyzesthetoughestcases,analyzingthecharacte-risticofthepsychologicalandcommitcrimeofthemurderer
2、,andpredicttheirviolence,tohelplocalpolicearrestthemurderer. Aaron Hotchner 演员 托马斯吉布森He is the BAU teams competent, serious and responsible, private and clear. In the face of a higher level, Aaron is able to fully protect the crew members, and play space for the largest free. In business, he is suff
3、icient.In addition to a good side and writing ability, he is good at to interrogation and negotiations. And he is a marksman.BAU小组主管,为人认真负责,公私分明,正直不阿。在上级面前,Aaron能够全力地保护组员,给组员最大的自由发挥空间;在业务方面,他也是足够胜任的,除了出色的侧写能力外,还擅长于审讯与谈判,此外他还是一个神枪手。David Rossi 演员 乔曼特纳David Rossi is Italians. He seems to be good at th
4、e football, cooking. He is one of the founders of BAU.After retired,his activity is books,lectures, Due to a pile of unfinished case has been to heart,he is back to the BAU. In the third quarter of 14 to concentrate on his long cherished wish finally completed, with the players together uncovered le
5、t him about 20 years of case. 意大利人,似乎对于足球、烹饪、黑手党都是得心应手。原是BAU的创始人之一,元老级人物,退休后的活动是著书、演讲等,由于一桩未完成的案子心里一直耿耿于怀。在第三季14集中他终于完成夙愿,与队员们一起破获了让他牵挂20年的案子。Morgans expertise is cosplay.He can think from a criminal perspective, to reproduce the criminals every act and every move, and study these moves behind the p
6、sychological state. In addition, he was a judo black belt,.His hand to hand combat capability is very strong. Morgan的专长是角色扮演,他会在犯罪现场或者疑犯家中,从一个罪犯的角度去思考,重现罪犯的一举一动,研究这些举动背后的心理状态。此外,他还是一个柔道黑带选手,近身格斗能力很强。其幽默风趣的迷人气质使得英俊性感的他深受女性青睐。Derek Morgan 演员 谢玛摩尔She is the member of FBI technology , (former computer h
7、acker master). She is always in front of a computer screen, to provide information, phone tracking, network and the technology .But actually, she is just a humorous little girl. Garcias parents died in a traffic accident when she was 18 years old,.She was addicted to the computer, and because the ha
8、ckers skilled were recruited into FBI. The kind-hearted girl will help someone who have the same encountered in her spare time.FBI技术科成员,前电脑黑客高手。这位总是在无数电脑屏幕前,为大家提供信息查询、电话跟踪、网络破解等技术帮助的IT高手,其实只是一个打扮怪异,说话风趣幽默,花花肠子的小女生。Garcia的父母在她18岁时在交通事故中去世,她从此沉迷于电脑,并且由于黑客技术高超被招入FBI中。心地善良的她在闲暇时会帮助一些和自己有同样遭遇的家庭。Penelope
9、 Garcia 演员 克里斯汀范奈丝Dr.Spencer Reid 演员 马修格雷古柏勒智力超群,智商高达187;拥有三个博士头衔(分别是化学、数学以及工程学);拥有心理学、哲学和社会学的学士学位;记忆能力超乎常人;每分钟能阅读两万字;但情商很低。Reid的父亲是一名律师,母亲患有偏执型精神分裂症。从小双亲分离的他读书时经常遭受欺凌,使其性格内向孤僻,尽管智商超群但仍感自卑,有潜在的叛逆和愤怒,但更有的是一颗如孩童般纯真善良的心。Reid has superior intelligence, three doctorates (respectively, chemistry, math and
10、 Engineering),bachelor degree in psychology,philosophy and sociology,and superhuman memory ability. He can read twenty thousand words per minute but his EQ is low. Reids father is a lawyer, mothers suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Although he has superior intelligence but still inferiority com
11、plex, potentially rebellious and anger, but more is a childlike innocence and kind heart.Jennifer Jareau 演员 A.J.库克Jennifer Jareau is the foreign officer of the department.Colleagues call her JJ. JJ is calm, honest and courageous, good at communication with the family members. As the window to the outside world in the group, she should review all the polices cases, then pick out the most noteworthy cases to make BAU do psychological analysis. When the necessary occasion, she would act as a police spokesman.
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