



1、M1根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇短文。暑假已经结束了, 你一定旅游过很多地方, 去北京旅游了吗?请你根据提示写一篇有关 北京的简介,以便宣传北京。注意:1. 80词左右;2.所提供的英文提示词语必须涉及。提示词语:capital of China, lie in the north, many places ofin terest, autu mn, best seas on, Chin ese traditi onal food Beijing is the capital of China with a long history. There are lots ofplaces of

2、 interest, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, theSummer Palace and so on. Since it is in the north of China, it is verylong here and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season inBeijing because it is neither too cold nor too hot. One of the mostfamous traditional foods is Beijing duck. We

3、 held the 2008 OlympicGames successfully. Because of the Olympics, we have had thechance to let the world know more about China and Beijing. So if youhave time , plese come to Beijing and youll enjoy it.2.长城有两千多年的历史, 全长约 6,700 公里 , 它是世界上最伟大的人工(man-made 奇迹之一.请根据所给提示及你对长城的认识,向外国游客作一 介绍。要求 70 词左右 .The

4、Great Wall is one of the greatest man-made wondersin the world. Its about 6,700 emrsetlong, 6.7 meters high and4.5 meters wide, with a history of over 2,000 years. From fardistance, it looks like a huge dragon. All the work was finished byhand. Many people gave their lives to build it. Now it has be

5、comea place of interest. Many people from all over theworld go to visit it every year, because its so wonderful.M2以My Favorite Great Book为题,根据下面的问题写一篇80字的短文,注意适当发表自己的看法1.Who is the writer of the great book? 2. What is the main ideaof the book?3. Who are the important characters? 4. What is the theme

6、 of thestory?My favorite Great BookMy favorite Great Book is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer byMark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a lively and clever young boy. Helives with his auntie Polly. His auntie is very strict with him, so heruns to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River with twofriends, Huck F

7、inn and Joe. With Huck, he goes looking fortreasure, with Beck, he gets lost in a cave, and finally they find abox of gold.Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other importantcharacters. Huck is an outsider. Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joeis Toms best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man

8、of the story.The themes of the story are to do with children growing upand becoming more serious.鲁迅是一位伟大的作家。请你用所给提示词及对鲁迅的认识,以“ My favouritewriter 为题,写一篇不少于 60 词的英文短文。提示:tall, short hair, wise, known, a fighter with his pen, young people, in flue nee, thoughtMy favourite writerThere are many famous w

9、riters in the world. And my favourite isLu Xun. He was a tall man with short hair. He wrote many articles andbooks in his life. And he was known as a fighter with his pen. Nowmany young people are still in flue need by his thoughts. As a student,I will work hard and become a great writer like him.M3

10、请根据表格提示以“Wang Junxia 为题写一篇词数为 80 左右介绍著名长跑运动员(Ion g-dista nee runner 王军霞的短文。王军霞出生年月1973 年元月 19 日出生地吉林省的一个村庄身高1 米 62受训经历1988 年入大连体校开始进行长跑训练。主要成绩1994 年,在日本举行的亚运会上,获一 枚金牌;1996 年,在美国举行的奥运会 上,获得一枚金牌和一枚银(silver)牌, 成为中国第一位获奥运会长跑金牌的运 动员。Wang JunxiaWang Junxia was born on January 19, 1973 in a village in Liao

11、ningProvince. She is 1.62 metres tall. When she was fifteen, Wang Junxiawent to Dalian Sports School and began to train as a long-distancerunner. In 1994, Wang Junxia won a gold medal at the Asia Games inJapan and in 1996 won a gold medal and a silver medal at the OlympicGames in the USA. She became

12、 the first sportswoman to win a goldmedal in the long-distance running event for China at the OlympicGames.假设你是李华 en 读 Wanec 一则广告 ms,r 想要&应聘夏令根据广告要求和表格所 给的信息,替李华写一封应聘晋,介绍自己的个人情况、兴趣爱好和能力。信的Are you good with childre n? 开头已给出 oStSi 求 leCalm 有完整 d 的书信格式;2。词数:80 词左右。sportscomputersmusicCome and join

13、us ! Please send your e-mail to NameAgeSchoolIn terestsCanLiHua15No.7MiddleSchoolReadi ng,computers,Swimmi ng,basketballPlay the violi n,Sing, danceDear Daisy,I want to join your Summer Camp to help the children with music ,sports and computer.I like to tell you something about myself. My name is Li

14、hue.I fifteen and I study in No.7 Middle School. I interested in manything. I like reading, computers, swimming and playing basketball. Imgood at swimming and Im in the school swimming club. And I can playthe violin and sing and dance very well.I think I can be good with the children and I hope to g

15、et your letter soon.YoursLiHuaLet do sportsI think it very important for everyone to do sports .i like sportsbecause4 they are not only good for my health but also good for mystudy .My favourite sport is swimming .whenever I am free ,I will goswimming with my friends or my parents in the swimming po

16、ol .afterswimming ,I usually feel happy and relaxed .what more , I can putmore energy into my study .so let do sports and we will becomestronger and stronger.M4The invention that is the most usefulNow there are lots of inventions around the world ,such asbikes ,compters,phones. They have changed the

17、 world a lot .of all theinventions,I think the electronic dictionary is the most useful .why ?first , it is convenient and can help us to look up the words .second ,itis very easy to carry .wecan take it with us ererywhere .third , it is notvery expensive ,so most students can afford it .we should m

18、ake full useof it ,and then we can learn better and better in the future.M5 假如你陪你的外籍老师去某音乐厅, 在门口的布告栏里看见 一张观众须知,内容如下:观众须知1、一人一票凭票入场。2、场内严禁吸烟3、食品和饮料请勿带进场内。4、演出时请勿照相。5、演出时请勿使用电话。6、提前 30 分钟入场。Smith 先生不懂中文, 他很想知道布告栏里写的什么。 现在, 请你把观众须知的内容用英文告诉 Smith 先生, 并把要讲的 话写下来。Mr.Smith,it is a notice to the audience. I

19、t says that we should enter theconcert hall 30 minutes earlier before the concert starts. Entrance to thehall is by ticket only,each one each ticket. As a rule,food or drink shouldnot be taken into thehall .Of course,smoking is not allowed in the hall either. Please don tbring your digital cameras w

20、ith you because no photos can be takenduring the concert. And what is more,mobile phones must be kept offduring the concert.根据提示写一篇日记,记录十月一日(星期一)。你和你的朋友曹刚一起去参观上海博物馆的事。词数:70 左右。1. 距离:博物馆离家约两公里;2. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去;3. 时间:八点出发,十点回家;4. 内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到了很多内容。还看见了许多游人。Monday,Oct.1FineToday is the first day of

21、 the National Day. My friend Cao Gang and Iwent to visit Shanghai Museum. It is about 2 kilometres away from myhome. So we decided to go there by bike. We set off at 8 o clock. Atthe museum we saw many photos and other things. We learned a lot.There we saw a lot of children with their parents. At te

22、n we left themuseum for home. We had a wonderful time today.M6There is too much pollution in the world. How can we save the world?There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment.Whenever you visit a park, don throw away rubbish here and there.Maybe some waste at your home can also b

23、e recycled. If you do so,you can reduce much pollution. Turn off the lights or TV sets when youleave theroom. Giveyour old clothes to poor children instead of throwing them away. Try touse both sides of paper. Encourage all your friends to do the samethings you do to help protect the earth. If every

24、one tries their best toprotect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.M7你的朋友 Peter 看到了你国庆期间游览天马山时拍的相 片,询问你游天马山的经历。 请你根据以下提示, 将游览经 历写成一篇不少于 80词的英语短文。开头已给出,不计入 总词数。要求语句通顺,可适当发挥,不能逐句翻译。1. 天马山空气清新,以其优美的景色而著称,如:瀑布、绿草、花朵2. 你和家人一个小时就爬上了山顶 , 并在山顶玩游戏、唱 歌、野餐;3. 下午五点回到家,感觉累,但很开心。During Nati

25、onal Holiday, my family and I went to Mount Tianma.During National Holiday, my family and I went to Mount Tianma.Mount Tianma is a famous place that has many beautiful views, such aswaterfalls, green grass and nice flowers. And the air in Mount Tianma isquite clear.It took us an hour to climb up to

26、the top. What a beautiful view wesaw at the top! We played games, sang songs and then had a picnicthere.We got home at about 5:00 pm. Although we felt tired, we had agreat time. I hope I can go there again.M8My favourite photographLast summer I went to Changbai Mountain which is famous inChina. I we

27、nt there by train . I took a lot of photographs. The photographthat I like best shows the water is clean and hot . I was very surprisedthat it was very cold on the top of the mountains .you can see somesnow thereI stayed therefore two days .I enjoyed myself there .that s a nicetrip that I will never

28、 forget .M9I like watching cartoons .In my spare time ,I like watching cartoons. Cartoons are myfavourites.I like the cartoon Tom and Jerry .it is very interesting .Tom is acat .he likes sleeping and catching mice .Jerry is a little mouse .he isvery clever .Tom is often played jokes on by Jerry .The

29、y are friendssometimes. And they also fight each other from time to time .The cartoon always has a happy ending .I think everyone enjoyswatching it .M10 假设你们班要召开 “珍爱生命,远离垃圾食品 ”主题班会,请 你以 Feed me better 为话题写一篇发言稿。词数: 80 左右。 要点提示:1. 健康的重要性 ;2. 吃哪些食物、怎样吃更健康;3. 保持健康的其他方法。As a student, I know I need a hea

30、lthy body and mind. With thedevelopment of science, there are many kinds of food. But most of themare junk food. Typical meals include rice, dumplings, meat andvegetables. In my opinion, we should eat more green vegetables and alittle meat. Too much meat contains too much fat which is bad forhealth.I think three meals must be eaten on time. I lelat healthy food andtake exercise every day. I hope you all follow me and well keephealthy.M11 请根据提示内容,写一篇 80 词左右的短文,谈谈你对人口 问题的看法。提示:1. 世界人口迅速增长带来了许多问题, 如粮食不足、 失 业率高等。2. 中国是一个人口大国, 也是农业大国, 还有人生活在 贫困线以下。3.


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