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1、大学英语(全新版)第一册电子教案Unit Eight TravelI.Teaching Objectives:Students will be able to :1. understand the main idea and structure of the text;2. appreciate the fluid and sensual writing style;3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures inthe text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, s

2、peaking and writingactivities.II.Text Analysis:The text is beautifully written. That why we arrange apost-reading activity simply for students to share favoritesentences with each other. It may be true that the functionaluse of English will dominate in their life, but it pays to exposethem to the ae

3、sthetic side of English.There is an abundance of sensory impressions in the essay.All of our five senses are appealed to here. We hear thesongs of birds, insects and children. We feel the coolness ofdrinks and the night. We smell the sweetness in the air. Weobserve the wonderful sights and graceful

4、movements on theriver, on the lake and in the jungle. We taste thedelicious village food.Not only does the author move effortlessly from one sensoryimpression to another, but she also handles the changes intime and place in a smooth, seamless way. In part II, she firstwrites about what happened late

5、r that night ”,then movedback to narrate the incidents of that afternoon ”,finally backto now ”.she was sitting on a tree stump on the river banknear a palm-thatch village in Part I, then she sat in a camp inPart II, went on a journey away from the river into the jungleand finally returned to rivers

6、ide village in Part III.All through these movements there is overall coherence.There is an echo“lt would be worth it ”,The NapoRiver: it is not out of the way. It is in the way.”III.Cultural Notes:1. Amazon (river): river in northern South America, largelyin Brazil, ranked as the largest in the worl

7、d in terms ofwatershed area, number of tributaries,water discharged. Measuring 6,400 kmsource to mouth, it is second in lengthamong the rivers of the world. Withtributaries, the Amazon drains a territory ofmore than 6and volume of(4,000 mi) fromonly to the Nileits hundreds ofmillion sq km (2.3 milli

8、on sq mi), roughly half of which is inBrazil; the rest is in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Itis estimated that the Amazon discharges between 34 millionand 121 million liters (9 million and 32 million galleons) ofwater per second and deposits a daily average of 3 milliontons of sediment near

9、 its mouth. The annual outflow from theriver accounts for one-fifth of all the fresh water that drainsinto the oceans of the world. The outpouring of water andsediment is so vast that the salt content and color of theAtlantic Ocean are altered for a distance of about 320 km(about 200 mi) from the mo

10、uth of the river.2. Ecuador: republic in northwestern South America, boundedby Colombia on the north, by Peru on the east and south, andby the Pacific Ocean on the west. The country also includesthe Galapagos Islands in the Pacific, about 965 km (about600 mi) west of the mainland. Ecuador straddles

11、the equatorand has an area of 272,045 sq km (105,037 sq mi). Quito isthe country capital. Ecuador has a diverse populationcomposed of people of European, Native American, andAfrican descent. The majority are Mestizos, individuals ofmixed European andNative American ancestry. Most of the Native Ameri

12、cans live inpoverty in the highlands region, where a small elite of Europeandescent controls most of the land and wealth. Ecuador was aSpanish colony until 1822, when independence forces won adecisive victory over Spain. Ecuador has had a democraticallyelected government since 1979, but historically

13、 the governmenthas alternated between civilian rule and military dictatorship.Most political conflicts involved squabbles among groups withinthe upper classes who controlled the nation swealth.3.Andes: the principal mountains of South America and one ofthe greatest mountain systems of the world. The

14、 Andesinclude some of the worldhighest peaks. More than 50 ofthem soar higher than 6,100 m above sea level. Only theHimalayas of south central Asia are higher. The lofty plateausand high mountain valleys of the Andes contain some of thehighest permanent human settlements in the world. TheAndes are t

15、he longest system of high mountain ranges onearth. They extend for more than 8000 km in a narrow beltalong the western edge of the South American continent, fromthecoast of the Caribbean Sea in the north to the island ofTierra del Fuego in the extreme south. Along almost itsentire length, the Andes

16、rise abruptly from the Pacificcoast. The mountains reach into seven countries.Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile andArgentina.IV.Language Study:1. in the heart ofin the center of 在中心e.g. Apartments in the heart of the city are too expensive.The metropolitan museum is located in the h

17、eart of the city.2. hushvi. be or become silent 安静下来,变得安静e.g. Having cried for half an hour, the little boy hushed.Hush, you l wake up the baby.3. illuminevt. shine light on 照亮,照明e.g. The sky was illumined by flashes from the volcano.My balloon was illumined by the sun that was just rising.4. now.no

18、wat one time.at another time. 忽而忽而e.g. The junior officer who came into the room looked nervous; hiseyes swiveled quickly, now this way, now that, as if he werescanning the room for danger.Now soft, now loud, now cheerful, now sorrowful, the voiceof Uncle Tom told as much of the tale as his words di

19、d.5. in (all)silencewith (complete) absence of sound or noise (完全)不出声地 e.g.The kids were listening to the music in the classroom, in completesilence.The soldiers stood in the glaring sin as the minutes ticked away,in all silence.6. tanglevt. catch in or as in a net, trap; mix together or intertwine

20、in aconfused mass 使卷入,使陷入; e.g. I have the sort of hair thattangles easily.The bushes were tangles with vines.7. trailvi. extend over a surface 蔓延,伸展e.g. Roses trailing over the walls made her garden so beautiful.The strawberry is a trailing plant belonging to the rose family.8. loopvt. form or bend

21、 into a loop 使成环状e.g. She looped the scarf round her neck and went out into the coldnight air.The man looped the rope over the wooden pole.9. mutevt. reduce or stop the sound of 减弱(或停止)的声音e.g. At the sight of their teacher walking into the classroom, theymuted their voices.The strings are muted thro

22、ughout the closing bars of thesymphony.10. dissolvev. fade away, disappear 消散,消失e.g. The characteristics of gases vary widely. Some gases aretransparent, some dissolve in water, and some have a strongsmell.The panda ate the bamboo rapidly and then dissolved into theshadows.11. loosevt. untie, releas

23、e 解开,放开e.g. The hunter loosed the arrow without warning.It not a healthy habit to loose your belt when you are full.12. slumpvi. sit or fall down heavily 重重地坐下(或倒下)e.g. Kennedy had been hit and slumped to the floor of theautomobile.He slumped into a chair, completely exhausted.13. be dying to do sth

24、. /for sth.desire (to do) sth. eagerly 非常想做某事(或得到某物)e.g. She was dying to tell them the good news that she had wonfirst prize in the speech contest.Having worked in the sun for four hours, I was dying for a cup oftea.14. get ones hands oncatch hold of, find or get (sth.) 抓到,得到e.g. I wish I could get

25、 my hands on a copy of Harry Potter.The book here somewhere, but I don seem to be able to getmy hands on it just now.15. take apartseparate into its different parts 拆开,分开e.g. When I was young, my parents never blamed me for taking mytoys apart.When my computer broke down, I took it apart, found what

26、 waswrong, and put the whole thing together again.16. spectaculara. extraordinary; very attractive or impressive 与众不同的;弓丨 人入胜的,壮观的e.g. The British Museum, one of the most spectacular museums inthe world, is renowned for its extensive and diverse collection.The Sunsmovement can produce spectacular su

27、nrises andsunsets under the right atmospheric conditions.17. fringen. the outer edge or limit of sth. 边缘,边界e.g. Near the outer fringes of the solar system lies dark blueNeptune, a gas giant that probably has no true surface.With the new suburbs springing up on the fringes of the city, theurban life

28、has changed completely.18. in detailwith specifics 详纟田地e.g. The police asked the victim of the robbery to describe whathappened to him in detail.To maintain their place in the media world, newspapers try hardto cover news events in greater detail than television and radio do.19.opaquen. not clear en

29、ough to allow light through 不透光的,不透明的 e.g.Milk is often stored in opaque containers to prevent vitamins frombeing destroyed by light.Usually transparent, glass can nonetheless also be opaque.20. smearvt. make (sth.) dirty ; spread (a thick liquid, etc.) over a surface 弄脏;涂抹e.g. Dont smear the glasse

30、s; Ive just polished them.My sister smeared herself with suntan oil as she sat by theswimming pool.21. flockn. a group of certain animals (动物)群in flocks a. in groups 成群地e.g. Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even atsea.Many small birds feed in flocks.22. dartvi. move suddenly and

31、 rapidly 迅疾地飞(奔)e.g. The boy darted behind the sofa as his father stormed into theliving room.The lizard darted out its tongue at a fly.23. reputevt. believe, consider 认为,称为e.g. She is widely reputed to be 25 years younger than herhusband.Maradona is reputed to earn over two million pounds a year.24

32、. stripn. a long narrow region of land or body of water; a long narrowpiece 狭长的地域(或水域);条,带e.g. About 30 million people live along the Californian coastal strip.Our pay slips used to be printed on long strips of paper.25. paddlev.用桨划(船)e.g. Canoes can be paddled by one or more persons.One of the thin

33、gs you will be taught at the training school is howto paddle a canoe.26. out of sightno longer in view 在视野以外,看不见e.g. The woman didnt go into the house until her daughter droveaway and slowly faded out of sight.When out of sight of land, ancient seafarers used to deriveclues about their location by o

34、bserving the position of the sun.27. stripeda.有条纹的e.g. She looked slim in her green and white striped shirt.The room was decorated with striped wallpaper.28. clattervi. move quickly and noisily; (cause to) make continuous loudnoises by hitting hard objects against each other 喧闹地移动;(使)咔嗒咔嗒地响e.g. She

35、dropped the bucket and it went clattering down the stairs.His boots clattered on the stone floor, attracting our attention.29. fussvi. bustle about; give too much attention to small and unimportantmatters 忙乱;大惊小怪e.g. As soon as they saw the manager the waiters began fussingaround the tables.My wife was fussing over the food we were going to take.30. slapvt. shoot; hit with something flat 弹射;拍击e.g. Catherine responded to the mans attempt by slapping him.The pinch hitter slapped the ball.31. ou


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