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1、Lesson 332800 Years of Sports Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV? What did you watch? Do you think the Olympics are important? Why or why not?The Olympics What do you know about the history ofOlympics ? 奥林匹克旗帜五个不同颜色的圆环奥林匹克旗帜五个不同颜色的圆环(天蓝色代(天蓝色代表欧洲,黄色代表亚洲,黑色代表非洲,表欧洲,黄色代表亚洲,黑色代表非洲,草绿色代表大洋洲,红色代表美洲

2、)草绿色代表大洋洲,红色代表美洲)连接在连接在一起象征五大洲的团结,象征全世界的运动员以公正、一起象征五大洲的团结,象征全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥林匹克运动会上友好相坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥林匹克运动会上友好相见,欢聚一堂,以促进奥林匹克运动的发展。见,欢聚一堂,以促进奥林匹克运动的发展。奥运五环奥运五环 The Olympic ringsPierre de Coubertinthe father of modern Olympics顾拜旦男爵 Pierre de Coubertin(1863-1937) 生平介绍: 1863-1937 出生于法国,于日内瓦过世 189

3、4-1925 任国际奥委会委员。1925 以国际奥委会荣誉主席身份退休 重大业绩: 现代奥林匹克运动创始人,史学家,教育家,致力于文艺活动,顾拜旦1863年1月1日诞生于巴黎一个贵族家庭里,受过良好的教育。1894年在他积极努力和多方筹措下,召开年在他积极努力和多方筹措下,召开了巴黎国际体育会议,促进了国际奥了巴黎国际体育会议,促进了国际奥委会的成立,任职期间对有关奥运会委会的成立,任职期间对有关奥运会之举办、组织等完成详尽规划,堪称之举办、组织等完成详尽规划,堪称现代奥运会之父。现代奥运会之父。1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会时,发表了著名诗作体育颂1937年9月2日病逝于日内瓦,其遗体葬在国际奥

4、委会总部所在地洛桑,心脏则埋在奥林匹克运动发源地奥林匹亚。 Pierre de Coubertin 顾拜旦男爵顾拜旦男爵What else do you know about the history of the Olympics ?1932年刘长春作为中国刘长春作为中国体育代表团的唯体育代表团的唯一成员,首次参一成员,首次参加第加第10届届洛杉矶奥运会。洛杉矶奥运会。Task1984年7月29日,中国射击运动员许海峰在第23届洛杉矶奥运会上,获男子手枪60发慢射冠军,成为该届奥运会首枚金牌得主,也成为中国奥运会历史上的首位奥运冠军。TaskObjectives To understand t

5、he conversation.2. To learn some useful words and expressions about the history of the Olympics.New Words: BCathlete compete married host v. 主办;主办; 主持主持 n.(男)(男) 主人;(男)主持人主人;(男)主持人 hostess n. 女主人;女主持人女主人;女主持人 adj. 已婚的已婚的married women 已婚妇女已婚妇女n. 运动员运动员 竞争;比赛竞争;比赛(=before Christ)公元前)公元前Words: Olympic

6、amazed spirit representn. 奥林匹亚奥林匹亚(奥林匹克运动会) the Olympic Games; the Olympicsadj. 惊奇的;惊讶的惊奇的;惊讶的be amazed at sth 对对感到惊奇的感到惊奇的n. 精神;精灵精神;精灵a spirit of 一种一种的精神的精神v. 代表;象征代表;象征Greece 希腊希腊 Greek (s) 希腊人希腊人1 London is an old but modern city. It was the host of the 30th Olympic Games. Over 200 hundred count

7、ries and districts (地区地区) _(参赛参赛) in the games2 In 2012, London _ (主办主办) the 30th Olympics.3 She is _(吃惊吃惊)at the great changes in our city.4 My parents have been _ (结婚结婚)for over 30 years so far.5 The class meeting _ (举行举行) on Monday petedhostedamazedmarried takes placeExpressions:compete against t

8、ake placeevery four years be amazed atGood point.Read the lesson and match the questions with the answers. When did the Olympics begin? Where did the ancient Olympics start? When did the first modern Olympics begin?4.When were the Beijing Olympics?5.Was this the first time for China to hold the Olym

9、pic Games?In 1896.In 2008.Yes, it was.In 776 BC.In Greece.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.The Olympic Games are _and _. The ancient Olympics started in _BC and lasted for more than a thousand years. They took place every four years. _could not compete in the ancient Olympics. In 1896, a

10、 _ started the modern Olympic Games. He believed the games would help bring _and fair play to people all over the world. Now there are _and _Olympics every four years.newold776WomanFrenchmanfriendshipSummerWinter compete against take place every four years be amazed at Good point.do some research on

11、 ancient Olympics modern Olympicsat the highest level 和和.竞争竞争发生发生每四年每四年对对感到惊奇感到惊奇好主意;说得好好主意;说得好做一些关于做一些关于的研究的研究古代奥运会古代奥运会现代奥运会现代奥运会以最高水平以最高水平 compete against sb. 和和竞争竞争(对抗关系对抗关系) compete with sb. 与与竞争(竞争(共同参与共同参与) compete for sth. 为为竞争(竞争(目的目的) =good idea=be surprised at compete against take place e

12、very four years be amazed at Good point.do some research on ancient Olympics modern Olympicsat the highest level 和和.竞争竞争发生发生每四年每四年对对感到惊奇感到惊奇好主意;说得好好主意;说得好做一些关于做一些关于的研究的研究古代奥运会古代奥运会现代奥运会现代奥运会以最高水平以最高水平 compete against sb. 和和竞争竞争(对抗关系对抗关系) compete with sb. 与与竞争(竞争(共同参与共同参与) compete for sth. 为为竞争(竞争(目的

13、目的) =good idea=be surprised at合作探究合作探究1.让某人做某事让某人做某事 eg. 我让她关上窗户我让她关上窗户否定结构:让某人别做某事否定结构:让某人别做某事My mother asked me _ in that lake.A. not swim B. dont swimC. not to swim D. to not swimask sb to do sthI asked her to shut the window.ask sb not to do sthC合作探究合作探究询问有关某人或某事的情况询问有关某人或某事的情况要求得到某物要求得到某物恳求或请求某

14、人给予某物恳求或请求某人给予某物Eg. Many students write to Language Doctor to _ advice about learning English. A. look through B. ask for C. give up D. worry aboutask about sb./sthask for sthask sb for sth B2. do some research on 做一些关于做一些关于.的研究的研究拓展:拓展:on 的常考用法的常考用法 关于关于方面方面I want to write a book on the radio .通过通过

15、方式方式You can watch the games on TV.3. find out 通过一定方式通过一定方式找出查明找出查明 find 找到(找到(结果结果) look for 寻找(寻找(过程过程)Eg. 请查明火车什么时候离站。请查明火车什么时候离站。He didnt find his bike. He is looking for his shoes.please find out when the train leaves.Mrs. Green is _her purse, but she cant_ it.A. looking for; find B. looking at;

16、 find C. seeing; looking for C. finding; look for A4.The ancient Greeks wanted to have the best athletes compete agaist each other.have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事让某人做某事make sb. do sth. get sb. to do pete in参加比赛 compete for为了而竞争compete against/with与竞争Chinese ping-pong players compete_the players from Poland

17、_ the gold medal.withfor每四年每四年 He comes here every three days (every third day).他他每三天(每隔两天)每三天(每隔两天)来这儿一次。来这儿一次。8. take part in +活动 参加= join in +活动join + sb./ 组织join the army/ party Every+基数词+复数名词=every+序数词+单数名词every four years = every fourth year 5. I also found out that the morden Olympics began i

18、n1896 and took place every four years. take place 举行;举办;发生(有计划、安排的发生)happen 发生 (偶然发生)注:两者后都不加宾注:两者后都不加宾语,不及物,无被动语,不及物,无被动6. the first time for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说第一次做某事7. allow “允许”或“许可” 用法 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing 允许做某事be allowed to do 被允许做某事Fill in the blanks with the correct for

19、ms of the words. The first letter is given. Although Guo Wenjun was m_ and had a baby, she still practiced hard for the Olympics and finally won a gold medal. Xu Haifeng won the first Olympic gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. Since then, Chinese a_ have achieved excellent performances

20、throughout the world. 3. London is an old but m_ city. It was the h_ of the 30th Olympic Games. Over two hundred countries and districts c_ in the games.arriedthletesodernostompeted1.Do you know what the_(精神)of the Olympics is?2.How many_(运动员)competed in the 2012 Olympics?3.My friend Lily is_(已婚的)an

21、d has a baby.4.He has to see the doctor_.A. Every a little month B. every monthsC. Every a few month D. every few months5.Tom is an artist, but_his father_his mother likes painting. A.not only;but also B. both;and C.neither;nor D. either;orFill in the blanks with correct words. Do some _ (研究研究) on what is more or less healthy. But the Olympics is the goal of every _ (运动员运动员). Many businesses _ _ (与与竞争竞争) each other for profits. Tonight she _ (举办举办) a ball for 300 guests. researchathletecompete ag


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