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1、Unit-1-My-classroom-导学案-(分课时)第一单元 课题:lets talk (A) 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、理解并掌握句子:We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom?;2、会用near表示方位。 学习重点:会区分our 和my 的发音及用法。 课前尝试 1、复习句型:This is I have 如:this is my new dog. I have a dog , 2.练习说话:Where is it 回答:Its on/in/under/the 3、把单词补充完整并翻译。 w_nd_ _ ( ) d_ _

2、r ( ) p_ct_ _ _( ) b_ _rd ( ) l_ght ( ) cl_ssr_ _m ( )课堂探究 老师提问: 1、Whos he?2、Whats in the classroom 3、Is the new classroom big 4、Where is Sarahs picture 课后检测 1、结合实际情况用We have说句子。如:We have a new classroom. We have many desks. 2、互相问一问对方的学习用具在什么位置。Wheres your pen Its 3、将对话按顺序编号,使其成为一段完整的对话。Xiao Ming, w

3、e have a new classroomHello, Li Hong. Li Hong, this is our new classmate-Peter.Its near the window.Its so big!Where is my picture?Nice to meet you, too. Hello, Xiao Ming. Nice to meet you.Lets go and see. Ok. Wow! 作业设计一、选择填空。1. What colour is the ball( )s big. B. Its blue. C. Its near the window.2.

4、Whats in your classroom( ) is a desk. s nice. board, two lights, many desks and chairs.3. Where are your pencils ( )A. I have many bags. B. They are heavy. C. They are in my bag.4. Where is my seat( )A. Its in the desk. B. Its near the window.二、练习句子:We have第一单元 课 题:lets lean A 课型: 新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、理解句

5、子: Whats in the classroom?2、能够听、说、认、读classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light等单词。 学习重点:1 window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆。2在回答“Whats in the classroom”时,注意单词复数的读音。 课前尝试1、与同桌说说你知道的文具单词。2、把下列单词补充完整。 pe_cil, ru_er, b_g, b_ _k, pencil-c_se, era_er, cra_on, p_n3、小组做问答练习,如:Whats in the bag Whats in the

6、pencil-case 课堂探究老师提问:1、How many pencils/pens2、Whats in the classroom?我能正确使用单数和复数进行回答。课后检测 Listen, draw and say 1根据下面内容在纸上作画。 所听内容:This is my classroom. Whats in the classroom A picture, two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs. 2、说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。 3、两人一组,看图做问答:Whats in

7、the classroom 作业设计1.练习说话:Whats in the classroom / bag/pencil-case2.说出下列短语的汉语意思open  the  door .  turn  on  the  light .    sweep  the  floor  .  clean  the  window put  up  the  picture  .  

8、        clean  the  board .3.抄写单词。第一单元 课 题:lets spell(A) 课 题:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、学习书写英文字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee。2、认读单词:cake, face, name,make.学习重点:大写C和D, 小写b和d易混淆; 大写B和E的笔顺 课前尝试1、 英汉互译。开门- turn  on  the  light- 擦窗- put  up  the  picture

9、0;- clean  the  blackboard .-2、 背诵字母表。3、 看课本听录音跟读单词和字母。 课堂探究 1、字母的读音和书写笔顺 2、Whats this 3、what colour is it 课后检测 1、正确使用a和an。Its( ) hand. Its ( ) apple. Its ( ) ant2、游戏1:看谁找得快(找字母)3、 游戏2:给字母配对子 4、 正确书写以下字 母 D EaC a A B作业设计 1、补充单词,并选几个喜欢的单词话把图画下来。_at _ gg _ pple _uck _all _eef h_nd _esk

10、_lephant 2、选择( )1、Where is the teaches office A: Forty-five ( )2、Do you have a library B:Its on the second floor。( )3、How are you C: Sure ,here you are ( )4、 How many students are there in your class D: Yes,I do。 ( )5、May I have a look E: Fine ,thank you3、大声朗读单词第一单元 课 题: lets learn(B) 课型:新技授 主备人: 学习

11、目标:1、理解句子:This is my classroom The wall is white. The door is orange;2、能够听、说、认、读单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor 学习重点:1、复习色彩单词并运用修饰并描述教室。 2、表达复数时be动词的运用 课前尝试1、我们一起复习一下有关颜色的单词,把单词认真抄写一遍并翻译。red, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, orange, pink, brown 2、看课本,听录音,跟读单词和字母。课堂探究 老师提问: 1、

12、Whats in the classroom 2、Whats this 3、What colour is the wall What colour is the floor课后检测1、观看课件画面回答,What colour is the fan/computer/teacherss desk 2、对课文中的句子进行扩展练习。Look! This is my classroom. The wall is() The floor is ().The fan is ( )green, . The computer is ( ). The teachers desk is( ) . 作业设计1、扩展

13、对话练习。如:This is my classroom. Its so big. The door is yellow. The windows are green I like my classroom. 3、找出不同类的一项.( )1、A:teacher     B: student      C: go       ( )2、A: floor    &

14、#160; B: window       C: three     (  )3、A: garden      B: playground   C: cake (  )4、A: fan       B: light    

15、;   C: new   ( )5、A:bed        B: computer      C: beautiful第一单元 课 题:lets talk(B) 课型:新授主备人: 学习目标:1 .掌握句子Lets 和Let me及其表示赞同的回答:OK.和Thank you.2.会认读词组:clean the classroom, clean the teachers desk, clean

16、the windows, let me help you. 学习重点:会区分和正确使用Lets与Let me 课前尝试1、 补充单词并翻译。 Com _ _ter, ( ) tea_ _ers desk, ( ) f_n, ( ) w_ll, ( ) f_oor,( ) w_n_ow, ( ) d_ _r, ( ) p_ct_re, ( ) bo_ _d, ( ) l_g_t( )练习说话:Whats in the classroom 课堂探究 1、Who says: Lets clean the classroom ( ) Who says : Lets clean the teachers

17、 desk ( ) 2、Who wants to clean the windows. ( ) Who wants to help Mike ( ) 3、用Lets或Let me说话。课后检测1、你能用Lets或Let me说出多少个句子? 如:Let's learn. Let's do, Let's talk, Let's play.2、 以小组为单位运用本课所学知识自编情景对话,其他组进行评价。 3、根据A栏所给的内容在B栏中找到合适的答语。 ( ) 1. Wheres my picture A. Its nice. ( ) 2. Let me clean

18、the windows. B. OK. ( ) 3. Look at the picture. C. A book. ( ) 4. Whats in the desk D. Its near the window. ( ) 5. Can I use your book E. Sure. 作业设计 一、选择正确的答案1、How many _ are there in your family A:people B: peoples C: the people 2、Let _ clean the room. A: our B: me C: we 3、Where _ the computer A: i

19、s B: am C:are 4、The picture is _ the wall A: in B: on C: at 5、Go _ the classroom. A: to B: for C/6、Is this the pen A: Yes ,it does B: No, it is C: Yes .it is 7、_ school is cool A:your B: Your C: you 8、We have two _ . A: fan B: a fan C: fans9、Read books _ the classroom . A: in B: on C: at 10、_is the

20、computer It's on the teachers desk. A: Where B: Which C: What二、听音读句子第一单元 课 题:read and write (B) 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1、复习回顾三年级下册学过的Where is my car?中的句子;1、认读单词:newspaper bag computer等单词并应用描述自己的教室。 学习重点:在四线格内书写句子;复习回顾如何提问和回答物体的位置。 课前尝试1、回答问题。1) 想知道你的书在哪里时,你应该说:_ _ 2)你想帮助别人打扫教室时,你会说_ 。3)表达同意别人的观点和意见时,应怎

21、样说 _。2、复习所学过的方位介词:on in at near。3、练习提问物体位置的句子。 课堂探究 1. 复习回顾学习用具和教室内物品的单词。 2.写一写, 电脑 黑板 书包 讲桌 板凳课桌3、画一画。 b_g d_sk ch_ _ r c_mp_ter p_ncil penc_l-c_se 课后检测游戏1:看谁敲得快。( 听音敲相符的单词或图片)游戏2: 猜位置。(升降音量) 3、 单词竞赛:说出学习用具或者教室内有的物品的单词。4、请你选出不同类的一项,并将其字母编号填到题前的括号里。( ). desk ( ). good ( ). school ( )4A. light ( ) .

22、cake B. picture C. hamburger 作业设计1.抄写字母A-I。2把所学单词综合在一起,进行归类 。人物;- - - -动物:- - - -食品;- - - -用品:- - - -第一单元 课 题:unit1:my classroom 课型: 复习(C) 主 备 人: 学习目标:1、听懂故事,了解故事内容。 2、巩固所学内容。学习重点:巩固本单元所学的单词和句子。课前尝试一、 根据中文默写单词1、黑板_ 2、 电脑_ 3、风扇_ 4、地板_ 5、画_ 6、教室_ 7、窗户_ 8、讲桌_ 9、书包_ 10、门_ 11、灯_ 12、墙_二、 默写Aa 到I i 的大小写字母。三、你能说出几个和教室有关的单


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