高中英语必修三 Unit9 Wheels-语法篇(教师版)_第1页
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1、.Unit 9 Wheels 语法篇_1、 掌握过去完成进展时的用法。2、掌握如今完成进展时与如今完成时的区别。一. 如今完成进展时1. 构成:如今完成进展时由“have/has been + 动词的如今分词构成,第三人称单数用has,其他各种人称用have。2. 用法:表示动作从过去某时开场并且一直持续到如今,并由可能持续下去。这个动作可能刚停顿,也可能仍继续进展下去,常与延续性动词连用,并常带有表示动作起讫时间的状语,如since last week, since 1992等或由since引导的时间状语从句;也可以带有时间表示时间长度的状语,如for an hour, for a few

2、days, these days等。I have been watching TV the whole evening. 我整个晚上一直在看电视。Tom has been working hard since the new term began. 自从新学期开场,汤姆一直在努力学习。表示到目前为止的一段时间内动作时断时续、反复发生。You have been telling me not to be late all the way. 一路上你反复告诉我不要迟到。表示动作刚刚完毕,一般不再继续,有时会指出结果。I have been playing ping-pong all the mor

3、ning, so I'm sweating. 整个上午我一直在打乒乓球,所以浑身是汗。I've been painting the door, so my hands are dirty. 我一直在漆门,所以手很脏。表示某种感情色彩。You have been deceiving me. 你一直在骗我。误区警示:某些不能用于进展时态的动词同样不能用于如今完成进展时,但可以用于如今完成时,如:see, hear, know, like等。如今完成进展时多用延续性动词瞬间性动词词组go, get up, come, marry, finish等不能用于如今完成进展时。二. 如今完成

4、进展时与如今完成时的区别如今完成进展时是兼有如今完成时和如今进展时二者根本特点的时态。由于它有如今完成时的特点,所以它可以表示某一动作对如今产生的结果或影响,由于它由如今进展时的特点,所以它也可以表示某一动作的延续性、临时性、重复性、生动性乃至感情色彩。如今完成进展时和如今完成时的区别如下:时态根本语法功能动作的反复感情色彩如今完成进展时强调动作的持续可表示动作的反复可表示强烈的感情色彩如今完成时强调动作对如今的影响或产生的结果不表示动作的反复一般不表示感情色彩试比较:He has written a letter. 他写了一封信。信已写好He has been writing a lette

5、r. 他一直在写一封信。一直在写信,尚未写好Have you met him recently? 你最近见过他吗?不表示反复Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近常和他见面吗?表示反复I have waited for you for two hours. 我等了你两个小时。表示事实I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我一直等了你两个小时。表示不满例1. The manager _ _ the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.A. has tol

6、dB. is tellingC. has been tellingD. will have told解析:句意:经理从上午十点开场就一直在告诉工人们如何改善这个工程。考察动词的时态。此题的关键信息词是“since 9 am。since引导的时间状语多与完成时连用,而且此句强调从上午九点开场到如今,经理“一直在说,符合如今完成进展时的语法规那么。答案:C。例 2. The girl has a great interest in sport and _ _ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.A. tookB. is

7、takingC. takesD. has been taking解析:句意:这个女生热爱运动,在过去的三年里每周上两次羽毛球课。考察动词时态。over the last three years表示“在过去的三年里,常与如今完成进展时连用,强调反复的不连续动作。答案:D。例3.-I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?-Sorry, I _ _ the piano for years.A. don't playB. wasn't playingC. haven

8、't playedD. hadn't played解析:句意:-我记得你上大学时是个有才华的钢琴家。你能为我弹奏钢琴吗?-抱歉,我已经很多年没有弹钢琴了。考察动词的时态。根据答语中的时间张宇for years可知,此处应该是使用如今完成时。答案:C。例4. When I first met Bryan I didn't like him, but I _ _ my mind.A. have changedB. changeC. had changedD. would change解析:句意:当我第一次见到布莱恩的时候,我不喜欢他。但是,我已经改变主意了。考察动词的时态。

9、根据句意可知,说话人已经改变主意了,因此应用如今完成时。答案:A。例5. Tom _ _ in the library every night over the last three months.A. worksB. workedC. has been workingD. had been working解析:句意:在过去的三个月内,汤姆每天晚上都在图书馆工作。考察动词时态。over the last three months在过去的三个月内可知是到如今为止“一直在图书馆工作,因此用如今完成进展时。答案:C。例6.2019 福建高考-Where is Peter? I can't f

10、ind him anywhere.-He went to the library after breakfast and _ _ his essay there ever since.A. wroteB. had writtenC. has been writingD. is writing解析:句意:-彼得在哪儿?我到处找不到他。-他早饭后去图书馆了,并且从那时起一直在那儿写文章。考察动词时态。由ever since可知,彼得从早饭后一直在图书馆写文章说话时应该仍然在写,故用如今完成进展时表示动作从过去持续到如今,并且可能持续下去。答案:C。例7.2019 江西高考-Tony, why ar

11、e your eyes red?-I _ _ up peppers for the last five minutes.A. cutB. was cuttingC. had cutD. have been cutting解析:句意:-托尼,为什么你的眼睛发红?-在过去的5分钟里我一直在切辣椒。根据for the last five minutes可知,此处应该用如今完成进展时。此题易误选C,误以为动作是过去的过去发生的,其实此句是表达过去刚刚完成的动作对如今造成的直接影响。答案:D。例8.2019 湖南高考Since the time humankind started gardening,

12、we _ _ to make our environment more beautiful.A. tryB. have been tryingC. are tryingD. will try解析:句意:自从人类开场园艺技术的时候起,我们就一直在努力让我们的环境变得更加美丽。考察动词时态。根据从句since the time.可知,主句应该使用完成时,而“让我们的环境变得更加美丽这一动作一直在进展,所以用如今完成进展时。答案:B。根底演练一. 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。1. You know, I look for a job for three months, and this is m

13、y first formal interview.2. The little boy is dirty all over because he play in the mud all the morning.3. He read in the library out since it opened this morning.4. Here he is! We wait anxiously for him since last night.5. She has live here ever since she was ten.6. Both of them be in Hong Kong for

14、 ten days.7. Both of them come to Hong Kong ten days ago.Keys: 1. have been looking; 2. has been playing; 3. has been reading; 4. have been waiting; 5. lived/been living; 6. have been; 7. came二. 单项选择。1. In order to find the missing child, villagers _ _ all they can over the past five hours.A. didB.

15、doC. had doneD. have been doing2. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the children _ _ everything!A. had been eatingB. had eatenC. have eatenD. have been eating3. When Alice came to life, she didn't know how long she _ _ there.A. had been lyingB. has been lyingC. way lyingD. has lain4. I

16、 have to see the doctor because I _ _ a lot lately.A. have been coughingB. had coughedC. coughedD. cough5. -Hello, I didn't know you were in America. How long _ _ here?-About one year.A. have you beenB. areC. wereD. had you been6. My brother is an actor. He _ _ in several films so far.A. appears

17、B. appearedC. has appearedD. is appearing7. The telephone _ _ four times in the last hour, and each time it _ _ for my roommate.A. has rung; wasB. has been ringing; wasC. had rung; wasD. rang; has been8. -How is your grandfather?-My grandfather _ _for two years.A. diedB. has diedC. had been diedD. h

18、as been deadKeys:1-8 DBAA ACAD稳固进步一. 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Half an hour _ _ _ pass since the train _ _ _ leave.2. Mary _ _ _ lose her pen. _ _ _ you _ _ _ see it here and there?3. _ _ _ you _ _ _ find your watch yet?4. -Are you thirsty?-No, I _ _ _ just _ _ _ have some orange.5. We _ _ _ already _ _ _

19、return the book.6. _ _ _ they _ _build a new school in the village.7. I _ _not finish my homework. Can you help me?Keys: 1. has passed; left; 2. has lost; Have; seen; 3. Have; found; 4. have; had; 5. have; returned6. Have; built; 7. haven't finished二. 单项选择。1. -We've spent too much money rece

20、ntly.-Well, it isn't surprising. Our friends and relatives _ _ around all the time.A. are comingB. had comeC. were comingD. have been coming2. Over the past decades, sea ice _ _ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A. had decreasedB. decreasedC. has been decreasingD. is decreasing3. Pleas

21、e stop to have a rest. You _ _ the washing machine the whole morning.A. have repairedB. were repairingC. have been repairedD. have been repairing4. He _ _ articles for four newspaper these three years, and he _ _ about forty articles.A. has been writing; has writtenB. is writing; wroteC. is writing;

22、 has been writingD. has written; has written5. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _ _ going back to school, but she hasn't decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to consider6. -Would you like to go to Shanghai?-Yes. In the last ten years, great changes _ _ i

23、n Shanghai.A. have been happenedB. have happenedC. have taken placeD. have been taken place7. The housing prices _ _, but I doubt whether they will remain so.A. went downB. will go downC. have gone downD. were going down8. When you are home, give a call to let me know you _ _ safely.A. are arrivingB

24、. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive9.2019 北京高考In the last few years, China _ _ great achievements in environmental protection.A. has madeB. had madeC. was makingD. is making10.2019 陕西高考Marty _ _ really hard on his book and he thinks he'll have finished it by Friday.A. workedB. has been wo

25、rkingC. had workedD. has workedKeys:1-10 DCDAB CCBAB一. 改错题。1. All these years they are contributing articles to our magazine.2. I have been drinking five cups of coffee this afternoon.3. What have you been doing before you left Oxford?4. It's a good job. Have you done it all by yourself?5. It

26、9;s a long time since you come to see me.6. Alice didn't see much of Henry lately.7. I'm glad to tell you that you passed the exam.Keys:1. are have been; 2. have been drinking have drunk; 3. have had; 4. Have you done Did you do; 5. come came; 6. didn't seen hasn't seen; 7. passed ha

27、ve passed二. 单项选择。1. - I'm sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.-I think so. He _ for it for months.A. is preparingB. was preparingC. had been preparingD. has been preparing2. By the time he realizes he _ into a trap, it'll be too late for him to do anything about it. A. walks B.

28、 walkedC. has walkedD. had walked3. So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.A. sawB. seeC. had seenD. have seen4. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ English for a year.A. studiesB. studiedC. is studyingD. has been

29、studying5. Danny _ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A. worksB. is workingC. has workedD. had worked6. -I have got a headache.-No wonder. You_ in front of that computer too long.A. workB. are workingC. have been workingD. worked7. The unemployment rate in this district_ from 6

30、% to 5% in the past two years.A. has fallenB. had fallenC. is fallingD. was falling8. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school,but she hasn't decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to consider9. - _ you _ him around the museum yet?-Yes. We had

31、 a great time there.A. Have; shownB. Do; showC. Had; shownD. Did; show10. -Hi, Tracy, you look pale.-I am tired. I _ the living room all day.A. paintedB. had paintedC. have been paintingD. have paintedKeys:1-10 DCDDC CABAC_一、单项选择。1. -In my opinion, this English TV play can help students to learn new

32、 words.- _, I think it's too hard to understand.A. I don't agree.B. Why notC. I can't agree moreD. Sorry, I'm not sure2. After dinner, she gave Mr. Smith _ ride to _ Red Bridge Airport where he would start his five-day holiday.A. a; aB. a; /C. /; theD. the; a3. I _ along the street l

33、ooking for a place to park when the accident _.A. went; was occurringB. went; occurredC. was going; occurredD. was going; had occurred4. As English is getting more and more difficult to learn, my son has _ English now.A. turned onB. turned offC. turned upD. turned down5. The treatment will continue

34、until the patient reaches the point _ he can walk by himself.A. whenB. whichC. whoseD. where6. Although the value of the pound has been falling recently, Britain can still _ with the help from other countries.A. pull throughB. go throughC. put throughD. let through7. _ to the left, and you will find the path_ to the park. A. Turn; leadingB. Turned; to leadC. Having turned; ledD. Turning; leading8. -Justin kicked the ball into his own goal.-Thanks to his stupidity and we got _ as


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