



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上PEP五年级英语下册第五六单元测试题PEP五年级下学期第五至第六单元练习题 班级: 姓名: 一、辨音题。 ( )1.go over ( )2.swim swing ( )3.under study ( )4.jump run ( )5.have skate ( ) watch ( )7.walk call ( )8.catch kangaroo ( )9.insects experiment 二、写出下列动词的ing形式。 1. climb_ 2.run_ 3. swim_ 4.get_ _ 6.take_ 7.make_ 8.write_

2、9. have_ 10.shop_ 11.plant_12.walk_ 三、选择题。 ( )1 Thank you for _ about your day. A. to tell me B. telling me C. tell my ( )2.Everyone _ to get birthday cards. A. like B. likes C. likes to ( )3.I am _ a birthday chart. A. make B. makes C. making ( )4.Can she _ a snowman? A. makes B. making C. make ( )

3、5.Do you _TV in the evening? A. looking B. watch C. watching ( )6.What_ your sister _? A. is,doing B. is, do C. do,do ( )7.What_ the elephants _?,doing B. are, doing C.are,do ( ) 8. The birds_ flying. A. are B. can C. is ( ) 9. Mother lion isnt_. A. walks B. walking C. walk ( )10. What do ants

4、_ eat? B.liking C. like to ( )11.Can the tigers really _? A. runs B. running C. run ( )12.Look,the tiger_. A. is sleeping B. sleeps C. sleep ( )13.Listen!The students_English. A. is read B .reading C. is reading ( )14.Look,the boy can_ABC. A. writes B.writing C. write ( )15.Here_ two tigers.

5、A .come B. comes C. coming ( )16.He_ the desk and chairs now. A. clean B. is cleaning C. cleaning( )17.Do you see _ tigers? A. some B. any C. a ( )18.What _ Sarah _ over there? A .is doing B. does do C. are doing ( )19.I can play_ the cat. B.and C.with ( )20.The elephants are drinking water_ th

6、eir trunks. B.on C. with ( )21.We can write E-mail _ my computer. B.and C.with ( )22.Are there_sheep in the nature park?. A. some B. any C. a ( )23.Are your friends and you walking?-_ A.Yes, we are. B.Yes,they are. C. No, Im not. 四、填上所缺的单词。 1. Are the pandas _(爬) trees? 2. Mike likes _(观察)

7、insects. 3. Chen Jie is _(捉)butterflies. 4. Lets do some _(实验). 5. How many _(季节)are there in a year? 6. My teachers are writing _(报告). 7. Do you see any _(袋鼠)? 8.Lets _(游泳). 9.猴子在荡秋千吗?_ the monkeys _? 10.爸爸不在散步。Dad _ _. 11.妈妈每个星期写信给我。Mom _ a _ to me every week. 12.那些蜜蜂在做什么?What _ the bees _? 13.你的同

8、学在喝水吗?不是。 _ your classmates _ water? No, they _. 五、连词成句。 1.they,are,the,honey,eating,_? 2.counting,she,insects,is_. , look , tiger , the _. 4.trees , are , they , climbing _? , what , it , doing _? 6. see, the, lions, can, you_?六、句子改错,在错处下面划一横线,并在横线上写出正确的句子。 1. The tiger is run. _ 2. The f

9、ish is swimming. _ 3. What is he do?_ 4. I often walking with my mom._ 5. Hes write a letter in the study._七、仿写。 例子:They are fight. _. 例子:The bear is swimming. _. 例子:He is catching butterflies. _.例子: What is he doing? He is answering the phone. _.八、阅读理解。 Its very hot today.We are in the zoo. We can

10、see many animals. Look, the monkey are very interesting. The baby monkey is eating an ice-cream!The mother monkeys are climbing from trees to trees. The elephants are walking. The tigers are swimming in the lake. The bears are not eating; they are playing under a big tree.The giraffes are watching around. They want to pick up leaves. Oh, a lion is running to them. It looks very hungry.Help! ( )1. Its warm today. ( )2. The baby monkey is eating an ice-cream. ( )3.The elephants are swimming. ( )4. The bears are eating under a big tree. ( )5. The giraffes want to pick


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