




1、spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd inspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of pr oduction safetyand theOlympic Games an d otherDelegates,staff:Hell o! inthe run-uptothe Spri ng Festival,we held onesession offourstaffrepresentatives Conference 2013 -w orkshop,fu
2、ll ba ckin 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe current situati on, discuss2013 devel opme nt pla ns.Here,onbe halfofmycompa ny2013 work re ports t o the GeneralAssembly,forconsideration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XXpower companiesadhere to theparty's 17 greatspiritforguida nce, comprehensiv elyimplement
3、t he scientifi c concept of development, promoti ngcost-lea dershipstrategy,standards,focus on implementation, lea n manage ment,continuouslyimprove,smooth prese nt safetysituati on of e nterprisemanageme nt,business ma nagementa nd controlscientific and standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,man
4、agea harmonious anddemocratic atmosphereofthegood situati on. Main i ndi cators area s follows: -the batter yindicat or: powerge nerationtotale d7.815bil lion kWh, bey ondthe a nnualbudget im plementati on capacity of315million k Wh, an increaseof757 million kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh, exce
5、edi ng sal es of330 million k Wh t he annua lExecutive budget,a n increase of729milli on k Wh. -Securitymeasures:unplanne d outages 2.5 times.No personalinjury a cci dent occurred,nomajora cci de ntand above,nomajorfireacci dentswithout environmental poll ution accide nts, safetyforthreeconsecutivey
6、earsto maintain stabil ity to good posture.Business fina ncialindi cators:total pr ofitsof255 million Yua n, beyond theannualbudgetof207 millionYuan,beyond the Datang companyindex41.89 millionYuan,an increaseof 1.76 millionYuan,FCM asse ssmentat gra de four.-Energy:powersupplystandardcoal com pletin
7、g 312.25 g /kWh,down0.1 g /k Wh; integrateda uxiliary power consumptionratioi n 5.12%,dow n 0.26%; polluta ntemissi ons performance grea tly reduce d compare d to lastye ar, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxide0.104 g /kWh NOx0.512 g /kWh; dustrem ovalefficiencyof more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex:
8、e quivale nt availabi lity factor in93.47%,i ncreased7.95%from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate0.08%, 0.16% reduction overt hesame perioda year earlier.Majorachi evements:first,we shoul dadheretothe two"managementsystem" basis, stre ngthe ningte chnol ogicalrese arch,strengthen hi
9、 ddenha zards controlandintri nsi csafetyEnterprise constructiontooknewste ps. -Thetwo "management system"forimprovement.Focus onpromoti ng the power ofthe companymanagement systemand theappli catio n and implementati on ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafety manageme
10、 nt system, realizethe systemof safety control.Furtherregulatesecurity routines, safety supervi sion and managementnetworkr oletoplayto achieveclosed-l oop.Strengtheni ngthe supe rvisionand management of ha bitualvi olation of,strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on ofoutsour cing contra ctors.Carri
11、ed out in电气仪表热工专业试题及答案一 .填空题1. 仪表常用直流信号的优点有(干扰少)、(对负载要求p 简单 p) 、(远距离传送信息p) 。2. 仪表主要由(传感器p) 、 (变换器p) 、 (显示装置p) 、 (传输通道)四部分,其中(传感器p)是仪表的关键环节。3. 误差的来源有(仪器装置误差p) 、 (环境误差p) 、 (方法误差)、 (p人员误差p)四个方面。4. 误差的分类有(系统误差p) 、 ( p 随机误差p) 、 (粗大误差)。5. 从干扰作用于仪表的形式上来分,可分为(p 横向干扰 )、( p 纵向干扰p) 。6. 标 准 容 积 流 量 是 指 温 度 在 是
12、指 温 度 在 ( 20 。 Cp ) , 压 力 在 (1.01 M05Pa)的容积数;我们最常用的标准截流装置为(孔板p),ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooting,managementmechanism, givefull playtor ole oftechni calsupervisi on and real ization of troubleshooting,management,improved proce ss manageme nt.Thisyearcompletedt heb
13、oiler l owerhea derleakage ,boiler pre ssur e,a majorri sk manageme nt,com pleted29ofgreat risks and3 Generalpr oblem s ofgoverna nce.Completechemistrylabconstruction,thermalcontrol, andcomplete the boilerscale integratedmanagement, host shaftingvi bration of10 scientifica nd te chnol ogical proje c
14、ts,suchas.Completesupercritical 630MW on-line simulati on systemdevelopmentand application ofcirculatingwater M CC sta ndbypower transformation,the transformationofdesulfurizationwastew ater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valve modificationofcoalmill5 key technologi
15、caltransformation projects,grouphealt h isimpr oved. -S cience a nd te chnology i nnovation i sfurtherDelegates,staff:Hell o! inthe run-uptothe Spri ng Festival,we held onesession offourstaffrepresentatives Conference 2013 -w orkshop,full ba ckin 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe current situation, discu
16、ss2013 devel opme nt plans.Here,onbe halfofmycompany2013 work re ports t o the GeneralAssembly,forconsideration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XXpower companiesadhere to theparty's 17 greatspiritforguida nce, comprehensiv elyimplementt he scientifi c concept of development,promoti ngcost-lea derships
17、trategy,standards,focus on implementation, lean manage ment,continuouslyimprove,smooth present safety situati on of e nterprisemanageme nt,business managementa nd controlscientificandstandardize d,a ndthe de dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ous anddemocratic atmosphereofthegood situati on. Main i n
18、di cators area s follows: -the batter yindicat or: powerge nerationtotale d7.815bil lion kWh, bey ondthe a nnualbudgetim plementation capacity of315million k Wh, an increaseof757 million kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh, exceedi ng sal es of330 million k Wh t he annua lExecutive budget,a n increa
19、se of729milli on k Wh. -Se curitymeasures:unplannedoutages 2.5 times.No personalinjury acci dent occurred,nomajora cci de ntand above,nomajorfireacci dentswithout environmental poll ution ac cidents, safetyforthreeconsecutiveyearsto maintain stabil ity to good posture.Business fina ncialindi cators:
20、total pr ofitsof255 million Yuan, beyond theannualbudgetof207 millionYuan,beyond theDatang companyindex41.89 millionYuan,an increaseof 1.76 millionYuan,FCM asse ssmentat gra de four.-Energy:powersupplystandardcoal com pleting 312.25 g /kWh,down0.1 g /k Wh; integrateda uxiliary powerconsumptionratioi
21、n 5.12%,dow n 0.26%; polluta ntemissi ons performance grea tly reduce d compare d to lastye ar, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxide0.104 g /kWh NOx0.512 g/kWh; dustrem ovalefficiencyof more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: e quivale nt availabi lity factor in93.47%,i ncreased7.95%from ayearearlier.Equ
22、ivalentforced outage rate0.08%, 0.16% reduction overt hesame perioda year earlier.Majorachievements:first,weshoul dadheretothe two"manage mentsystem" basis, strengthe ningte chnol ogicalrese arch,strengthen hi ddenha zards controlandintri nsi csafetyEnterprise constructiontooknewsteps.-The
23、two "management system"forimprovement.Focus onpromoting the power ofthe companymanagementsystemand theappli cationand implementation ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafety manageme ntsystem, realizethe systemof safety control.Furtherregulatesecurity routi nes,safetysu
24、pervi sion and managementnetworkr oletoplayto achieveclosed-loop.Strengtheni ngthe supe rvisionand management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengtheningthe safety supervisi on ofoutsour cing contractors.Carried out in取压方式为(角接取压)、 (法兰取压)。7. 仪表调校的主要内容(调零点) 、 (调量程)、 (调线性p)。8. 测量过程有三要素:一是 (测量单位)、 二是 (测量方法)
25、、 三是 (测量工具) 。9. 按参数种类不同,热工仪表可为(温度) 、 (压力) 、 (流量) 、 (料位) 、(成分分析)及(机械量)等仪表。10. 根据分类的依据不同,测量方法有(直接测量与间接测量)、 (接触测量与非接触测量)、 (静态测量与动态测量)。11. 屏蔽分为(磁场屏蔽)和(电场屏蔽)两种。12. 在管道中安装孔板时,如果将方向装反指示会(变小)。13. 单位时间内流过管道截面的流体数量,称为 (流量) ; 流量分为 (瞬时流量)和(累积流量)又可分为(体积流量)和(质量流量)。1.1. 三相电动势或电流的幅值出现的次序为相序,相序为 A-B-C,通常称为(正序或顺序);相序
26、为C-B-A,通常称为(负序或逆序);spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspections,floodcontrol and inspecti on,safetyprh, daysupervision of production safetyand theOlympic Games andotherDelegates,staff:Hell o! inthe run-uptot million k Wh, an increaseof757 million kWh.I- . - I Iefficiencyof more than 99.8%.he Spri n-Rel
27、ia bilityindex: ei ng Festival,we held onesession offourstaffrepresentatives ConSalestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh, exceedi ng sal es of330 million kncreased7.95%from ayearearquivale nt availabi lity factor in93.47%,ioduction montConference 2013-w orkshop,full ba ckinlion k Wh t he annua lExecutive bud
28、get,aEquivalentforcedearearlier.ckin 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe current situati on, discuss2013 devel opme nt pla ns. get,a n increase of729milli on k Wh. -Securitymeasures:unplanne d outages 2.5 times. - -一.一I I-outage rate0.08%, 0.16% reductiHere,onbe halfofmycompa ny2013 work re ports t o the G
29、eneralAssembly,forconsiNo personalinjury a cci dent occurred,nomajora cci de ntand above,nomajor-II I- IL I - - _ -I -I Majorachi evements:first,weshoul dadheretothe two"managementsystem" basis, strederation.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XXfireacci dentswithout environmental poll utngthe ningt
30、e chnol ogicalrese arch,strengthen hiddenha zardsrgo maintain stabiluida nce, comprehensiv elyimplementt he scientifi c concept of development, promoti ngcost-lea dershipstrategy,standards,focus on implemeity to good posture.Business fina ncialindi cators:total pr ofitsof255 million Yua n, beyond th
31、eannualbudgetof207 millionYua.IL. L .L 一_. II 一.11 一一 . 一 -I 一 .-uctiontooknewste ps. -Thetwo "managementation, lea n manage ment,continuouslyimprove,smooth present safety situati on of e nterprisemanageme nt,business ma nagementa nd controlscientific and standardize d,and thede dicati on ofsta
32、ff,managea harmonious anddemocratic atmosphereofthegood situati on. Main i ndi cators area s follows: -the batter yindicat or: powerge nerationtotale d7.815bil lion kWh, bey ondthe a nnualbudgetim plementati on capacity of315n,beyond the Datang companyindex41.89 millionYuan,an increaseof 1.76 millio
33、nYuan,FCM asse ssmentat gra de four.-Energy:powersupplystandardcoal com pleting 312.25 g /kWh,down0.1 g /k Wh; integrateda uxiliary power consumptionratioi n 5.12%,dow n 0.26%; polluta ntemissi ons performance grea tly reduce d compare d to lastye ar, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxide0.104 g /kWh N
34、Ox0.512 g /kWh; dustrem ovalppli cationand implementation ofthe safety loo pfive-star managementsystem,improvethesafety manageme nt system, realizethe systemof safety control.Furtherregulatesecurity routines,safetysupervi sion and managementnetworkr oletoplayto achieveclosed-l oop.Strengtheni ngthe
35、supe rvisionand management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengthening t he safety supervisi on ofoutsour cing contra ctors.Carried out in15. 执行器按能源不同,可分为(气动)、 (电动) 、和(液动)三种;执行器应 (顺着) 介质的流动方向安装,检查的方法是看阀体上的(箭头)是否与介质的流向一致。16. 物位检测包括(p料位p)检测和(液位p)检测。17. 控制方式一般分为(手动)和(自动)两大类,如果纠正系统的偏差是由人直接操作,这种回路称为(手动控制系统);
36、如果系统具有反馈通道组成的闭环回路并能自动纠正偏差,这种系统称为(自动控制系统)。18. 电路一般由(电源)、 (负载) 、 (导线) 、 (开关) 。若电路中的某两点间电阻为零,则这两点叫做(短路)。若电路中的某两点间电阻为无穷大,则这两点就叫做(开路)。各种电气设备运行在额定状态下,叫做(满载);超过额定值工作时,则叫做(过载)。19. 仪表的校验一般都采用被校表与标准表的示值直接比较的方法,称为(直接比较法),标准表的测量上限不应超过被校表上限的( 25% ) ;量程调整应包括(下限调整)和(上限调整)两个方面。20. 取压口一般是(垂直)于容器或管道内壁面的圆形开孔;导压信ctivit
37、ies,comprehensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooting,managementmechanism, givefull playtorole oftechni calsupervisi on and real ization of troubleshooting,management,improved proce ss manageme nt.Thisyearcompletedtheboiler lowerhea derleakage ,boiler pre ssur e,a majorri sk manageme nt,com
38、 pleted29ofgreat risks and3 Generalpr oblem s ofgoverna nce.Completechemistrylabconstruction,thermalcontrol, andcomplete the boilerscale integratedmanagement, host shaftingvi bration of10 scientifica nd te chnol ogical proje cts,suchas.Completesupercritical 630MW on-line simulati on systemdevelopmen
39、tand application ofcirculatingwater M CC sta ndbypower transformation,the transformationofdesulfurizationwastew ater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valve modificationofcoalmill5 key technologicaltransformation projects,grouphealth isimpr oved.-S cience a nd te chnol
40、ogy innovation i sfurtherspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd inspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of pr oduction safetyand theOlympic Games an d otherDelegates,staff:Hello! inthe run-uptothe Spri ng Festival,weheld onesession offourstaffrepresentatives Confer
41、ence 2013 -w orkshop,full ba ckin 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe current situation, discuss2013 devel opment plans.Here,onbe halfofmycompany2013 work reports t o theGeneralAssembly,forconsideration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XXpower companiesadhere to theparty's 17 greatspiritforguida nce, comprehe
42、nsiv elyimplementt he scientific concept of development, promoti ngcost-lea dershipstrategy,standards,focus on implementation, lean manage ment,continuouslyimprove,smooth present safety situati on of e nterprisemanageme nt,business ma nagementa nd controlscientific and standardize d,a ndthe de dicat
43、ion ofstaff,managea harmonious anddemocratic atmosphereofthegood situati on. Main i ndi cators area s follows: -the batter yindicat or: powerge nerationtotale d7.815bil lion kWh, beyondthe annualbudgetim plementati on capacity of315million kWh, an increaseof757 million kWh.Salestotaled 7.425billion
44、k Wh, exceedi ng sal es of330 million kWh t he annua lExecutive budget,a n increase of729milli on k Wh. -Securitymeasures:unplanne d outages 2.5 times.No personalinjury acci dent occurred,nomajoracci de ntand above,nomajorfireacci dentswithout environmental poll ution ac cidents, safetyforthreeconse
45、cutiveyearsto maintain stability to goodposture.Business financialindi cators:total profitsof255 million Yua n, beyond theannualbudgetof207 millionYuan,beyond theDatangcompanyindex41.89 millionYuan,an increaseof 1.76 millionYuan,FCMasse ssmentat grade four.-Energy:powersupplystandardcoal com pleting
46、 312.25 g/kWh,down0.1 g/k Wh; integrateda uxiliary power consumptionratioin 5.12%,down 0.26%; pollutantemissi ons performance grea tly reduce d compare d to lastye ar, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide0.104 g /kWh NOx0.512 g /kWh; dustrem ovalefficiencyof more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: e quiva
47、le nt availabi lity factor in93.47%,increased7.95%from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate0.08%, 0.16% reduction overt hesame perioda year earlier.Majorachi evements:first,we shoul dadheretothe two"managementsystem" basis, stre ngthe ningte chnol ogicalrese arch,strengthen hiddenha z
48、ards controlandintri nsi csafetyEnterprise constructiontooknewste ps. -Thetwo "management system"forimprovement.Focus onpromoti ng the power ofthe companymanagementsystemand theappli cationand implementation ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafety management system, re
49、alizethe systemof safety control.Furtherregulatesecurity routines,safetysupervi sion and managementnetworkr oletoplayto achieveclosed-l oop.Strengtheni ngthe supe rvisionand management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengthening the safety supervisi on ofoutsourcing contractors.Carriedout in号管路长度不超过(60)
50、 m,为防止高温介质冷却时进入压力表,导压管长度也不宜小于(3) m。21. 节流式流量计由(节流装置)、 (压差信号管道)、 (差压计)组成。节流装置是仪表的(检测元件),其作用是将流体流量信号转变为相应的(压差信号), (压差信号管道)是信号的传输部件,(差压计)是仪表的显示部分。22. 我们常用的温度一次元件的安装方式有(螺纹连接)、 (法兰固定)。二 .问答题1. 什么叫仪表的灵敏度、回差、分辨率?仪表的灵敏度是指其输出信号的变化值与对应的输入信号的变化值的比值。 被测量分别按增加和减少两个方向缓慢变化,使仪表指示同一示值的两个输入量之差称为该仪表在该点的回差。分辨率反映仪表对输入量微
51、小变化的反应能力。2. 热电阻由几部分组成?引线为什么采用三线制?由热电阻体、绝缘套管、保护套管及接线盒组成。采用三线制的目的ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubleshooting,managementmechanism, givefull playtor ole oftechni calsupervisi on and real ization of troubleshooting,management,improved proce ss manageme nt.Thisyearcompletedt hebo
52、iler l owerhea derleakage ,boiler pre ssur e,a majorri sk manageme nt,com pleted29ofgreat risks and3 Generalpr oblem s ofgoverna nce.Completechemistrylabconstruction,thermalcontrol, andcomplete the boilerscale integratedmanagement, host shaftingvi bration of10 scientifica nd te chnol ogical proje ct
53、s,suchas.Completesupercritical 630MW on-line simulati on systemdevelopmentand application ofcirculatingwater M CC sta ndbypower transformation,the transformationofdesulfurizationwastew ater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valve modificationofcoalmill5 key technologic
54、altransformation projects,grouphealt h isimpr oved. -S cience a nd te chnology i nnovation i sfurtherDelegates,staff:Hell o! inthe run-uptothe Spri ng Festival,we held onesession offourstaffrepresentatives Conference 2013-w orkshop,full ba ckin 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe current situati on, discus
55、s2013 devel opme nt pla ns.Here,onbe halfofmycompa ny2013 work re ports t o the GeneralAssembly,forconsideration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XXpower companiesadhere to theparty's 17 greatspiritforguida nce, comprehensiv elyimplementt he scientifi c concept of development, promoti ngcost-lea dershi
56、pstrategy,standards,focus on implementation, lea n manage ment,continuouslyimprove,smooth present safety situati on of e nterprisemanageme nt,business ma nagementa nd controlscientific and standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmonious anddemocratic atmosphereofthegood situati on. Main
57、 i ndi cators area s follows: -the batter yindicat or: powerge nerationtotale d7.815bil lion kWh, bey ondthe a nnualbudgetim plementati on capacity of315million k Wh, an increaseof757 million kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh, exceedi ng sal es of330 million k Wh t he annua lExecutive budget,a n i
58、ncrease of729milli on k Wh. -Se curitymeasures:unplanne d outages 2.5 times.No personalinjury a cci dent occurred,nomajora cci de ntand above,nomajorfireacci dentswithout environmental poll ution ac cidents, safetyforthreeconsecutiveyearsto maintain stabil ity to good posture.Business fina ncialindi cators:total pr ofits
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