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1、必修二Unit 4Lesson 1 Tomorrow s World 明天的世界The Future of Cyberspace 网络空间的未来Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives.彼得泰勒发现了计算机和因特网会怎样影响我们的生活。In last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet;

2、 now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue.Some expert are pessimistic about the future. One worry is crime in cyberspace. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, terrorists may “ attack ” the world s computers, c

3、ause chaos, and make planes and trains crash.一些专家对未来感到悲观。一个担心是网络犯罪。即使是现在,年轻的黑客可以进入银行和政府的电脑。在未来,恐怖分子可能会“攻击”全世界的计算机,造成混乱,使飞机和火车事故。However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet.Already, users can buy books, find out about holidays offers, books tickets, and get all sorts of infor

4、mation from the Internet.然而,许多人对因特网的未来持乐观态度。已经,用户可以购买书籍,发现假期提供,书票,并从 网上获取各种各样的信息。“ In the next few years, ” say Angela Rossetto of Cyberia magazine, “ it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet. ” She also believes that, in the future, we will get entertainment fr

5、om the Net and that television will probably disappear. The mail service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail.“在未来的几年里, ”安吉拉说, 在罗塞托的杂志, “很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的巨大增长。 ” 她还认为,在未来,我们将从网上,电视可能会消失,得到娱乐。邮件服务可能会随着电子邮件的消失。Some experts see our future in virtual reality the use of computers with sound

6、s and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation. “ Personally, I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life, ” say Australian expert Peter Anderson.有些专家看到了虚拟现实的未来-使用电脑的声音和图片,让你觉得如果你在真实的情况。“就我个人而言,我认为虚拟现实将成为现代生活的一部分, ”说,澳大利亚专家彼得。“ I see people living and working in a

7、virtual world. We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarkets, and we will even study in virtual schools. ”“我看到人们在虚拟世界里生活、工作。我们将在虚拟办公室工作,在虚拟超市购物,甚至会在虚拟学校学习。”Lesson 3 Virtual Reality 虚拟现实Tom: Hi, Cathy. What are you up to this weekend?汤姆:嗨,凯西。这个周末你打算做什么?Cathy: Don t ask, Tom. I have lo

8、ts of work to do. If I don t finish my project on the history of the Internet for next Monday s lesson, the science teacher will be angry. What about you? Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday?凯西: 别问, 汤姆。 我有很多工作要做。如果我没有完成我的项目在互联网的历史为下星期一的课,老师会生气的。你呢?你有计划在星期六和星期日的事吗?Tom: It depends on

9、the weather. If it s good, Dad, and Mum and I will probably go camping. But we won t go if it rains. Hey, if I stay home, I ll help you help with you project if you like.汤姆:这取决于天气。如果是好的,爸爸,妈妈和我可能会去野营。但我们不会下雨。嘿,如果我 呆在家里,我会帮助你,帮助你的项目,如果你喜欢。Cathy: Thanks for the offer. Tom, can you suggest any good boo

10、ks for my project? If you tell me some titles, I ll look for them in the library.凯西谢谢你的热情。汤姆, 你能推荐一些好的书我的项目?如果你告诉我一些书名,我会在图书馆找到他们。Tom: Use the library computer, If you go to the Science Museum website, you ll find lots of good information. I ll send you the website address when I get home.汤姆:使用图书馆的电

11、脑,如果你去科学博物馆的网站,你会发现很多很好的信息。我会给你的网站地址,我回家的时候。Cathy: Thanks. Just think, if we had virtual reality holidays, we wouldn t have any problem with the weather. What s more, we wouldn t have to spend a long time travelling in planes to get to our holiday destinations.凯西:谢谢。试想,如果我们有了虚拟现实的假期,我们就不会有任何问题与天气。更重

12、要的是,我们不必花长时间坐飞机去我们的度假胜地。Tom: What do you mean?汤姆:你是什么意思?Cathy: Well, in the future, we ll be able to use modern technology to go anywhere we like. We won t have to go there in the flesh at all! Wouldn t that be great? I feel excited just thinking about it.凯西:好的,在未来,我们将能使用现代技术,我们想去的任何地方。我们不必去肉在所有!那不是

13、很好吗?我感到兴奋,只是想着它。Tom: I don t understand. Cathy, do you mean we ll use the computer to travel around the world, entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites?汤姆:我不明白。凯西,你的意思是我们可以使用计算机来环游世界,进入和退出国家秒和参观历史遗迹吗?Cathy: That s right! Just imagine never having to pack a suit

14、case! We would not only be able to travel around the world, but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to.凯西没错!想象一下没有收拾行李!我们不仅能周游世界,而且去一所世界知名的大学学习我们想。Tom: That could be really exciting! But I still find it hard to imagine. You would see it but you couldn t dip your toes in the s

15、ea or eat the foods you saw. You would not experience it.汤姆:那可真是令人兴奋的!但我仍然觉得很难想象。你会看到它,但你不能把脚浸在海水或吃的食物,你看到的。你不会体验。Cathy: Well, if they invented virtual reality holidays, I d go on an around-the-world tour. Tom, what would you like to do if someone gave you the change?凯西: 嗯, 如果他们发明了虚拟现实的假期,我会环游世界。汤姆,

16、 你如果有人给你改变想做什么?Tom: I don t really know. Personally, I m more interested in virtual universities than virtual reality holidays. I d like to go to a world-famous university, like Stanford. But I guess, a virtual university just wouldn t be the same, would it?汤姆:我真的不知道。就我个人而言,我对虚拟大学比虚拟假日更感兴趣。我想去一个世界著名

17、的大学,如斯坦福大学。但是我想,一个虚拟的大学是不相同的,对吗?Cathy: True, but just think-you would be able to study in such a world-famous university without going out of your room!凯西:真的,只是想你就可以研究在这样一个世界知名大学没有走出你的房间!Lesson 4Virtual Tourism 虚拟旅游AUCKLAND * new Zealand 奥克兰新西兰a guide 指导Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. I

18、t has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island. This seaside city is an important centre for business and industry. It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living there.奥克兰是新西兰最大的城市。它有一个只有一百万人口,位于北岛。这个海滨城市是一个重要的商业和工业中心

19、。在与不同文化背景的人生活在那里,它是新西兰最令人兴奋的城市。The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area. European settlement began in 1840 when the British arrived, Auckland was the capital of New Zealand for some time. Later, the capital moved to Wellington, because it was more central. Sinc

20、e 1945, the city of Auckland hasgrown and it now has large modern suburbs. In 1985, the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific.这个城市的历史可以追溯到650 年前,当毛利人定居在这个地区。欧洲移民开始在1840 时抵达英国,奥克兰

21、曾是新西兰的首都。后来,首都迁至惠灵顿,因为它是更重要的。自1945 以来,奥克兰市已经长大,现在拥有现代化大型郊区。1985,新西兰政府使全国成为无核区,从此奥克兰成为亚太地区反对核试验的中心。Famous sights include Mt Eden, one of many large volcanoes, as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge. At the Parnell Village, you can visit amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city s tallest Tow

22、er. You can also see Maori traditional dances at the Auckland Museum.著名景点包括机器翻译的伊甸园,大火山之一,以及奥克兰港湾大桥。在帕内尔村,你可以参观天空塔惊人的观点,这是这个城市最高的塔。你也可以看到毛利人的传统舞蹈在奥克兰博物馆。From anywhere in the city, you can see the sea. Auckland is called “ the city of sails ” because it has more boats than anywhere else in the world.

23、 It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine - the average temperature in January (summer) is 23.4 and in July (winter) it is 7.8. It has some ofthe best beaches in New Zealand for doing water sports: swimming, diving, fishing, sailing and surfing.从城市的任何地方,你可以看到大海。奥克兰被称为“帆船之城”因为它有比世界其他地方更多的船。它有一个阳

24、光-一月平均温度足够温暖的气候(夏季)是 234C和七月(冬季)是7.8C。它有一些最好的沙滩在新西兰做水上运动:游泳,潜水,钓鱼,帆船和冲浪It is easy to travel between Auckland and the rest of New Zealand. There are regular international flights, too. However, flights from Europe take over twenty-four hours and are expensive.这是很容易的奥克兰和新西兰其他地区之间的交通。有定期国际航班,太。然而,从欧洲飞接

25、管二十四小时,是昂贵的。文化角Culture cornerNew Zealand Fact File新西兰的事实文件Government政府New Zealand has its own government, but it is also part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore the official head of state is Elizabeth II, the Queen of England, Scotland and Wales. New Zealand was the first country in the worl

26、d to give the vote to woman in 1893, to have old age pensions and the eight-hour working day.新西兰有自己的政府,但也正是英联邦的一部分,因此, 国家的官方首脑是英国女王伊丽莎白二世,苏格兰和威尔士。在世界给投票的女人在1893新西兰是第一个,有养老金和八小时工作日。Geography地理New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 2

27、70,000 sq km. North Island has a warm climate and there is quite a lot of volcanic activi ty. South Island is cooler and has a higher rainfall. In the South Island, there are the Southern Alps with Mount Cook (3,754 m), the higher mountain in New Zealand.新西兰,在南太平洋,由两个大岛和其他小岛,面积270000平方公里。北岛气候温和,有非常多

28、的火山活动。南岛冷却器和具有较高的降雨。在岛的南部,有库克山的南阿尔卑斯山(3754米) ,在新西兰高山。Economy经济New Zealand has some industry but agriculture is more important there are 55 million sheep, 8 million cows and I million goats in New Zealand!新西兰有一些行业,但更重要的是-Wildlife野生动物New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 mi

29、llion years and has some unique animals and plants. For example, th e kiwi (the symbol of New Zealand) is a large bird which cannot fly.The People人Over 80 of the 3.6 million people are of European (mainly British) origin. Around 9 of the population are Maoris who came to New Zealand from other Pacif

30、ic islands in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The two official languages in the country are English and Maoris.在 3600000人中有80%人是欧洲人(主要是英国人)的起源。 大约9%的人口是毛利人来自太平洋群岛新西兰在第十三和第十四世纪。在两个国家的官方语言是英语和毛利。Lifestyle生活方式New Zealanders, who are also known as “ Kiwis” , are relaxed people w ho love outdoor

31、 life. It is not surprising that New Zealand is successful at many sports. Its national sport is rugby and its team, “ The All Blacks ” , are often the best in the world.新西兰人,谁也被称为“奇异果”,是放松的人谁爱户外生活。新西兰是成功的在许多体育是不足为奇的。国家橄榄球和其团队, “黑人” ,往往是世界上最好的。Places to visit要参观的地方New Zealand has beautiful scenery.

32、In North Island, the Bay of Islands has lovely old forests and beautiful beaches and the Coromandel is perfect for sailing and watersports. Rotorua is the centre of Maori culture and has wonderful hot springs. In South Island, the Southern Alps, the West Coast region and the national park of Fiordla

33、nd all have beautiful scenery.新西兰有着美丽的风景。在北方岛屿,岛屿湾有可爱的古老的森林和美丽的海滩和乌木是完美的帆船和水上运动。罗托鲁瓦是毛利文化的中心和美妙的温泉。在岛的南部,南阿尔卑斯山,西海岸地区和国家公园”都有美丽的风景。Bulletin Board公告板A student is doing research on people s opinions on the Internet. Read the note and the two responses. Then add your ideas on the board.一个学生在互联网上人们的观点研究

34、。读了纸条,这两种反应。然后添加你的想法在板上。Hi, guys!I m doing some research on why people use the Internet. I need your help. Let me know what you think about the Internet and for what purposesyou use it. Please send your views to Looking forward to receiving your replies.嗨,伙计们!I don t surf the Internet any more. It t

35、akes me a long time to find theinformation I need. Since giving up using the Net. I ve spent more time doing sports, talking with my parents and going out with my friends. Giving up using the Net is the best decision I ve ever made.我不上网更多。我需要很长的时间才能找到我需要的信息。自从放弃使用网络。我花了更多的时间做运动,和我的父母去谈论我的朋友。放弃使用网是我做

36、过最好的决定。I use the Internet to find information for assignments, and tokeep up-to-date with events happening around the world. I think finding information on the Net is more convenient than searching for books in a library. The Internet also helps me to keep contact with my friends. We chaton the Net

37、and send e-mail to each other. With the Net I think we re closer and the world becomes smaller. I like using the Net.我利用互联网为工作分配找到信息,并与世界各地保持最新发生的事件。我想找到网络上的信息比在图书馆找书更方便。互联网也帮助我与我的朋友保持联系。我们在网上聊天,互相发送电子邮件。用网我想我们离世界变得更小。我喜欢使用网络。本单元单词有可能的likely概念concept表格,图表chart集中注意focus跳过skip拳头fist腰waist指甲,趾甲 nail 画廊

38、 gallery 网络空间cyberspace (愿望,梦想等)实现come true 人造的 artificial 气候climate 全球的, 全世界的global 全球变暖global warming 洪水, 水灾 flood 虚拟的 virtual 真实, 现实 reality 病毒 virus 影响 affect 快, 迅速地 rapidly 增长, 生长 growth 悲观的, 厌世的 pessimistic 犯罪,罪行crime电脑黑客hacker恐怖分子terrorist攻击,反攻attack混乱,无秩序chaos (汽车,飞机等)撞毁,坠毁crash 乐观的 optimist

39、ic 娱乐,款待entertainment 消失 disappear 好像,仿佛 as if 伤害,损害harm 明显的,显而易见的obvious 破坏,毁坏destruction 军事的,军用的military科学的scientific (美国)五角大楼the pentagon原子能的nuclear网络network课题,方案,工程project 取得联系get in touch (电话用语)别挂断hang on 做,从事于be up to 时髦,时尚 fashion (非正式)想要做,幻想fancy 建议,提议suggestion 拒绝,不接受reject 安排arrangement 标题

40、, 题目 title 目的地 destination 肉, 肉体 flesh 本人亲身in the flesh 出, 离开 exit历史的,有关历史的historical (事件或事件发生)场所,位置site 收拾(行李),打包 pack 浸 dip脚趾toe百万富翁millionaire吸烟者smoker非吸烟者non-smoker观光,游览tourism指南,导游,向导 guide 坐落于,位于locate 海滨,海洋seaside (新西兰)毛利人Maori 定居 settle (新)定居地 settlement 中央的,中心的central 市郊,郊区suburb 地域,地区zone

41、火山 volcano 也,又 as well as 海港 harbour 景色,风景view阳光sunshine平均的,平均数average冲浪surfing定期的;规则的regular位置,场所location钢, 钢铁 steel 材料,原料material 被认为是be known as唐人街 Chinatown 正式地 officially 风景,景色scenery 烹饪 cuisine 吸引人的,有魅力的attractive 蜘蛛 spider 蜘蛛网;网状物webUnit 5Lesson 1 performanceAlanis-A true performer alanis-a 真

42、正的表演者Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette, is used to being in the public eye. Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill, came out in 1995 when she was only twenty-one years old. It sold 15 million copies and made several more albums and she has continued giving great performances on st

43、age.Last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see Alanis Morissette performing in concert. It was Morissett s first performance in England since her song “ Uninvited ” won this year s GrammyAward for the best rock song. The 30-year-old singer has a stro

44、ng fan base in England. There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last Thursday s event,although it was an extremely cold night. “ Sure it s cold outside, but hope we ll warm it up in here for you , ” Mirussette said to the large crowd before she started to play.上周四晚上,数百名粉丝前往剑桥谷物交易

45、所的英格兰,看到艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特表演的音乐会。这是她在英国的首次演出莫莉塞特的歌曲“不速之客”获今年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖。这位 30 岁的 歌手, 在英国有一个强大的粉丝基地。在上周四的事件中音乐厅的任何地方都没有一个空座位,尽管它是一个非常寒冷的夜晚。 “外面确实很冷,但希望我们将温暖带给大家, “ mirussette 对观众 说她之前就开始准备。During the 3-hour concert, Morisstte used a lot of material from her award-wining album “ Jagged Little Pill ” . She also p

46、layed a few songs from her new album, such as “Everything But " which tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places. Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song “ Utopia ” . Her singing was full of feeling; the first part of the some was filled with ang

47、er, while the last part expressed love and joy.在三个小时的演唱中,morisstte 用了很多的材料从她获奖专辑“Jagged Little Pill ”。她还唱了几个新专辑中的歌曲,如“除了”讲述的故事为,有人在不恰当的地方寻找爱。莫莉塞特给 了一个创造性的和强大的性能在另一首歌“乌托邦”。她的歌唱充满了感情的部分;第一部分充满愤怒,而最后一部分表达了爱和快乐。Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems, the audience c

48、ould still enjoy the concert. Many people in the crowd were obviously long-time fans and they knew the words and sang along to nearly every song. Inside the concert hall was extremely exciting. Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissette s brilliant music and singing.尽管音乐厅是冷的,健全的制

49、度引起了几个问题,观众还是欣赏音乐会。人群中许多人显然是长期的歌迷,他们知道歌词,几乎每首歌都能跟着一起唱。音乐会大厅里是非常令人兴奋的。每个人都同意他们印象深刻,莫莉塞特的精彩的音乐和歌唱。At the end of the three hours, Morissette showed that she was a true performer, singing a well-known song “ Heartache ” . She finished the evening with a new song about the life of a superstar. While I wa

50、tched and listened, I knew that I was seeing the performance of a real superstar.在三个小时的结尾,莫莉塞特显示出她是一个真正的演员,唱的著名歌曲“心痛”。她在晚上用一首新歌完成了关于超级明星的生活。当我看着、听着, 我知道我看到了一个真正的超级明星的表演。Lesson 3 第 3 课Experiment in FolkKong goes for folk!民间试验孔去民间The famous classical pianist, Kong Xiangdong, surprised his fans last we

51、ek by giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music. Kong explained that he tried this because he wanted to create something new. “ As a musician, playing the same music in different cities of the world is very boring,” say Kong. He alsofeels that playing Chinese folk music on t

52、he piano can help bring it the rest of the world.著名的古典钢琴师,孔祥东, 让他的歌迷们上周通过音乐会结合古典音乐与中国民间音乐。孔祥东解释说,他尝试这样做是因为他想创造一些新的东西。 “作为一个音乐家,在世界不同的城市演 奏相同的音乐是非常枯燥的,”孔祥东说。他还觉得,用钢琴演奏中国民族音乐帮助它在这世界上站稳脚步。Music has always been part of Kong s world. As his mother was a great music lover, he lived with music from birth.

53、But it wasn t always easy for the young Kong Xiangdong. His mother couldn t buy him a piano until he was seven. She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible. The 5-years old Kong would practise on the paper piano as his mother clapped the rhythm.

54、 He was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up. However, he didn t quit, and he became a great pianist. In 1986, at the age of 18, he become the youngest prize winner in Moscow s Tchaikovsky International Competition. He went on to win awards in competition acr

55、oss the world.音乐是孔祥东世界中的一部分,他的母亲是一个音乐爱好者,他的生活伴随着音乐的诞生。但是它对于年轻的孔祥东不是很容易。他的母亲在他七岁之前不会给他购买钢琴。她不得不把琴键画在一张纸上,让他尽早的学习。伴着母亲用手拍的节拍,5 岁的孔祥东在纸钢琴上练习。他在纸上钢琴上练习了很久,他有时想放弃。但是,他没有放弃,最终他成为了一个伟大的钢琴家。在1986年,他 18 岁时,获得了莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际大赛奖。他在世界各地的比赛中获得了竞赛奖Because of Kong s talent and hard work, he became famous worldwide. Bu

56、t after years of performing, he became that in some ways he had lost his identity.This is why he went back to his rootsand rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music. He began experimenting with different styles and his Dream Tour Concert is the result.因为孔祥东的才能和勤劳,他才能闻名于世界。但是经过多年,他迷失了自己。这就是他要落叶归根

57、且重新发觉中国民间音乐的美妙的原因。他开始尝试在自己的梦想巡回演唱会上用不同的风格。Kong s new experiment in Chinese folk music is so important tohim that he even changed his appearance. When he arrived at his concert last week, he had shaved off all his hair! Since his music style was new, he decided his hairstyle had to be new too!孔祥东在中国民间音乐的试验是多么重要,他甚至改变了他的容貌。当到他音乐会之前的最后一周时,他剃了他所有的头发!因为他的音乐风格是新的,他决定他的发型也应该是新的!Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today. The concert last week was such a success that Kong s Dream Tour Concert is expected to run for the next two years in B


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