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1、义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册Section A(1a-2d)facehaireyenoseeareyebrowmouth toothchin下巴下巴eyelash 睫毛睫毛cheek脸颊脸颊forehead额头额头tongue舌头舌头throatheadeararmhandstomachlegfooteyenosetoothmouthtwo feettwo teeth 1a (p1). Look at the picture. Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body. _ arm

2、_back _ear _eye _foot_hand _head _leg _mouth_neck _nose _stomach _toothhegibajlcdmkf他们怎么了?他们怎么了?What the matter with her?She has a headache.Whats wrong with her?She has a stomachache.问:问:Whats the matter with sb/sth.? =Whats wrong with sb/sth?答:答:Sb./Sth.+ have/has+病症病症 There is something wrong with

3、 ones+部位部位例子:例子:Whats wrong with you? I have a sore eye. There is something wrong with my eye.问问“某人某人/ /某物怎么了某物怎么了”的句型的句型 have a sore throatWatch and say the illness.Watch and say the illness.have a sore back have a fever have a cold have a coughShe has a fever.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?She

4、has a cold and a cough.Whats the matter?He has a sore back.He has a sore neck.She has a sore throat.Whats the matter?He has a headache.He has a toothache.He has a stomachache.ListeningNancy _Sarah _David _Ben _Judy _123451.fever2. stomachache3.Cough and sore throat4.toothachea. lie down and restb. D

5、rink some hot tea with honeyc. see a dentist and get an X-rayd. Take your temperature5. Cut myselfe. Put some medicine on itI have a sore throat.You should drink some hot tea with honey.I have a toothache.You should see a dentist.I have a headache.You should drink lots of water.Discuss questions wit

6、h partner, and finish the exercise.Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙. See you next time义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册Section A(3a-4c)Translate these phrases into English. 1. 胃胃/肚子疼肚子疼 2. 脖子疼脖子疼have a stomachache3. 头疼头疼4. 嗓子疼嗓子疼, 喉咙疼喉咙疼5. 背疼背疼 6. 感冒感冒7. 发高发高

7、/低烧低烧8. 咳嗽咳嗽9. 牙痛牙痛have a sore throathave a headachehave a sore backhave/catch a coldhave a high/low feverhave a coughhave a toothachehave a neck ache/sore neck1. 量体温量体温 2. 听起来像听起来像 3. 远离电脑休息远离电脑休息 4. 同样的方式同样的方式 5. 没有动没有动 6. 发烧发烧take ones temperaturesound liketake breaks away from the computerthe sa

8、me waywithout movinghave a feverPre-readingCan you guess: 1. What happened to the old man? 2. Will the driver save the old man?driver1. What did the driver see when bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road? 2. Thanks to whom, the doctor saved the man in time? He saw an old man lying on the side of th

9、e road. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctor saved the man in time. Scan the passage and check ( ) the things that happened in the story.1. _ Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.2. _ Bus No. 26 hit an old man on Zhonghua Road.3. _ The old man had a heart problem

10、 and needed to go to the hospital. Scan the passage and check ( ) the things that happened in the story.4._ The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping went with the woman and the old man.5. _ Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the bus.6. _ The old man

11、 got to the hospital in time.Fill in the blanks according to the story. Wang Ping, a bus driver, was going _ Zhonghua Road when he saw an old man _ the other side of the road. He stopped the bus without _ twice. He got off the bus and asked the woman next to the old man _ happened. She said that the

12、 man had a heart _ and should go to the hospital. Wang Ping told the passengers that he must _ the man to the hospital. problemthinkingwhatlyingtakealongFill in the blanks according to the story.He expected the passengers to get off and_ for the next bus. But to his _, they helped him move the man _

13、 the bus. _ to these people, the doctor saved the man in time. waitsurpriseThanksonto3c Discuss the questions with a partner.1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him? Because he thought most of the passengers would get off the bus and wait for the next

14、 bus. But none of the passengers complained, and all of them agreed to go to the hospital.3c Discuss the questions with a partner.2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing? How do you know? Yes, they did. We know this from the last passage/from what the one passenger said.3. Do you a

15、gree that people often do not help others because they do not want to get into trouble? Why or why not? I agree, because. I dont agree, becauseExplanationA. When 引出时间状语从句,引出时间状语从句, 主句用过去进行时,主句用过去进行时, 从句用过去时。从句用过去时。At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw a

16、n old man lying on the side on the road.26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一 位位老人躺在路边。老人躺在路边。She was taking a shower when her mother came back yesterday.当她妈妈昨天回来时,她正在冲凉。当她妈妈昨天回来时,她正在冲凉。B. See sb doing (sth) 看到某人正在做某事看到某人正在做某事 (强调强调动作正在进行)动作正在进行) see sb do (sth) 看到某人做了看到某人做了某事(强调整个动作的过程)某事(强调整个

17、动作的过程) I often see them play basketball on the playground. 我常常看到他们在操场上打篮球。我常常看到他们在操场上打篮球。 When I came back, I saw them playing basketball on the playground. 当我回来时,我看到他们正在操场上打篮球。当我回来时,我看到他们正在操场上打篮球。ExplanationC. Think twice 是是“认真思考;权衡利弊认真思考;权衡利弊” 。 stopped the bus without thinking twice. 没有多想便停下了车。没有

18、多想便停下了车。 Think twice about it. Maybe youll change your mind. 认真思考下这个事情,也许你会改变主意的。认真思考下这个事情,也许你会改变主意的。 We must think twice before we make thi decision. 在我们做出决定之前,在我们做出决定之前, 必须认真思考。必须认真思考。ExplanationD. To ones surprise 意思是意思是 “令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是” But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. 但是令他惊讶

19、的是,他们都同意和他一起去。但是令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。To his surprise, the door was open. 令他惊讶的是,门是开着的。令他惊讶的是,门是开着的。 其他相关词组:其他相关词组: in surprise 惊讶地惊讶地 be surprised at 对对感到惊讶感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶对做某事感到惊讶 be surprised that +从句从句Explanation He turned around and looked at me in surprise. 他转过身,他转过身, 惊讶地看着我。惊讶

20、地看着我。 We were surprised at the news. 我们对那个消息感到很惊讶。我们对那个消息感到很惊讶。 She was surprised to find her handbag missing. 她很惊讶的发现她的手提包丢了。她很惊讶的发现她的手提包丢了。 I was surprised that it took him 2 hours to work out the problem. 我很惊讶算出这道题用了你我很惊讶算出这道题用了你2个小时的时间。个小时的时间。Explanation E. agree with 通常接人或人说的话。通常接人或人说的话。 agree

21、to(介词)通常接表示计划,提议或安(介词)通常接表示计划,提议或安排等的词。排等的词。 agree on 就就达成协议。达成协议。 agree to do 同意做某同意做某事。事。 I agree with them. I agree to the plan. They cant agree on the date. He agreed to help me. Explanation我同意他们的意见。我同意他们的意见。我同意这个计划。我同意这个计划。他们不能就日期达成协议。他们不能就日期达成协议。他同意帮助我。他同意帮助我。 F. Thanks to sb/sth 表示表示“ 多亏,因为,由

22、于多亏,因为,由于”的意的意思。思。 Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctor saved the man in time. 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。 多亏了你们的节目,我们方能相互认识。多亏了你们的节目,我们方能相互认识。 多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时到家。多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时到家。Thanks to your program, we got to know each other.Thanks to your help, I got home on time.

23、ExplanationFind these phrases on page 3.1. 看到一个老人躺在路的一边看到一个老人躺在路的一边2. 紧挨着他的一个妇女紧挨着他的一个妇女3. 呼喊救命呼喊救命4. 没有权衡利弊没有权衡利弊 see an old man lying on the other side of the roada woman next to himwithout thinking twiceshout for helpFind these phrases on page 3.5. 下车下车6. 有心脏病有心脏病7. 带他去医院带他去医院8. 期望乘客们下车期望乘客们下车9.

24、等下一趟公车等下一趟公车10. 令他惊讶的是令他惊讶的是 get off the bushave a heart problemtake him to the hospitalexpect the passengers to get off the bus wait for the next busto his surprise11. 搬那个人上了车搬那个人上了车12. 多亏了多亏了13. 及时及时14. 考虑他自己考虑他自己15. 考虑挽救一个生命考虑挽救一个生命 move the man onto the busthanks toin timethink about himselfthin

25、k about saving a lifethink about saving a lifeShe should cover the cut with the clean cloth.She shouldnt eat candy any more.They should take some medicine.He should often exercise .Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙. See you next time义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册义务教育教科书(人教)八

26、年级英语下册Section B(1a-1d)1. 胃胃/肚子疼肚子疼 2. 脖子疼脖子疼3. 头疼头疼4. 嗓子疼嗓子疼, 喉咙疼喉咙疼5. 背疼背疼 6. 感冒感冒7. 发高发高/低烧低烧8. 咳嗽咳嗽9. 牙痛牙痛I.Do you know how to say the following health problems in English?have a stomachachehave a neck ache/sore neckhave a headachehave a sore throathave a sore backhave/catch a coldhave a high/low

27、 feverhave a coughhave a toothache1. Whats the matter (with sb)? Whats wrong (with sb)?II. If you care about others health, what can you say?(关心他人健康可以怎么说)(关心他人健康可以怎么说)? 2. A: 你你感冒了吗?感冒了吗? Do you have a cold? B: 是的。是的。/我不知道。我不知道。 Yes, I do./I dont know. 3. A: 他他/她她牙疼吗?牙疼吗? Does he/she have a toothach

28、e? B: 是的。是的。/ 不,不是的。不,不是的。 Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt. 4. A: 他们他们喉咙痛吗?喉咙痛吗? Do they have a sore throat? B: 是的。是的。/ 不,不是的。不,不是的。 Yes, they do. / No, they dont.III.How to give advice(如何给建议)(如何给建议)You/We/He/She/They should doYou/We/He/She/Theyd better doYou/We/He/She/They shouldnt doYou/We/H

29、e/She/Theyd better not doQ1: He has a toothache. What should he do?他应该看牙医,照他应该看牙医,照X片。片。 Q2: Mary has a sore throat. What should she do? 她应该喝点热蜂蜜水。她应该喝点热蜂蜜水。 Q3: My two brothers have a high fever.How do you give advice in English?他们应该量体温。他们应该量体温。 He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. She should

30、drink some hot water with honey. They should take their temperature. When accidents (事故事故) happen(发生),(发生),what should you do?What happened in the pictures?The boy hurt his back.The girl had a nosebleed.Someone cut his/her finger.hurt ones back某人背部受伤某人背部受伤have a nosebleed 流鼻血流鼻血cut ones finger切伤手指切伤

31、手指1a Here are some treatments (治疗治疗) from a doctor. Can you put them in the right order? Go to the hospital._ Get an X-ray._ Rest for a few days.123First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-ray. Finally, he should rest for a few days.What should he do ?_ Clean her face._ Put her h

32、ead back._ Put on a clean T-shirt._ Put a bandage on it._ Run it under water._ Put some medicine on it. 312213What should she do ?First, she should Second, she should Finally, she should1b Listen to the school nurse. Check ( ) the problems you hear.Problems Someone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee

33、. ( ) Someone had a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( ) 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.Problems TreatmentsSomeone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee. ( ) Someone h

34、ad a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( ) a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperaturec. told him to rest d. put some medicine on ite. took him to the hospital to get an X-rayf. told her to put her head backa、dfeTreatmentsb、c1d Role-pl

35、ay a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.A: Who came to your office today?B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class.A: What happened?B: B: He hurt his back.A: What should he do?B: First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-r

36、ay. Finally, he should rest for a few days. PairworkTeacher: Who came to your office today?Nurse: First, a girl/ boyTeacher: What happened?Nurse: Make a conversation with your partner.illness: a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill指身体上或精神上的疾病。指身体上或精神上的疾病。accident: sth that happ

37、ens without anyone planning or intending it一般是指造成死亡、伤害、一般是指造成死亡、伤害、损坏或者其他损失的意外情况。损坏或者其他损失的意外情况。 1. 区分区分 illness和和accidentWhat happened?happenvi.引起,发生。引起,发生。 通常指发生意外和事故。通常指发生意外和事故。 eg. 意外有时候会发生。意外有时候会发生。 Accidents sometimes happen.常用的搭配有:常用的搭配有: happen to sb 降临到(某人)身上降临到(某人)身上 What happened to you? 你

38、怎么了?(意为你怎么了?(意为 “什么事情降临到你身上了什么事情降临到你身上了”)2. 如何询问发生事情。如何询问发生事情。What should I/he/she/we/they do? 我我/他他/她她/我们我们/他们应该怎么做?他们应该怎么做?在给别人建议时,应该说:在给别人建议时,应该说:Sb. should do sth (should + V原形原形)你应该好好休息。你应该好好休息。You should have a good rest.他们应该睡一觉。他们应该睡一觉。 They should get some sleep.他应该去医院看看。他应该去医院看看。He should g

39、o to the hospital.3.如何询问建议。如何询问建议。 4. 碰到意外事故时,应该如何给别人建议。碰到意外事故时,应该如何给别人建议。 因为意外事故通常比普通的病痛较难处理,因此因为意外事故通常比普通的病痛较难处理,因此 在给对方建议时应该有步骤的说明该做的事情。在给对方建议时应该有步骤的说明该做的事情。e.g. A:发生什么事了?:发生什么事了? What happened? B: 我腿受伤了。我该怎么办?我腿受伤了。我该怎么办? I hurt my leg. What should I do ? A: 首先,你应该去医院。首先,你应该去医院。 其次,你应该照其次,你应该照X片

40、。片。 First, you should go to the hospital. Second/Then, you should get an X-ray. 最后,你应该好好休息几天。最后,你应该好好休息几天。 Finally, you should rest for a few days. 注:可通过使用注:可通过使用first (首先首先)和和 second(其次(其次/第二)第二)等序数词等序数词 来表达动作先后顺序。也可以用来表达动作先后顺序。也可以用then (然后然后)来说明中间的步骤。来说明中间的步骤。 最后的动词可以用最后的动词可以用finally (最后最后)来表示。来表示

41、。用绷带包扎一下用绷带包扎一下put a bandage on it用水冲洗用水冲洗 run it/sth under water上药上药 put some medicine on it把头后仰把头后仰put ones head back穿一件干净的穿一件干净的T恤恤put on a clean T-shirt5. 常见的伤口处理方法常见的伤口处理方法洗脸洗脸clean ones face去医院去医院go to the hospital照照X片片get an X-ray休息几天休息几天 rest for a few daysKnowledge is a measure, but practis

42、e is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙. See you next time义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册Section B(2a-selfcheck)New Words and phrasesbreathe v.sunburned adj.ourselves pron.climber n.be used to risk n. v.take risks (take a risk)呼吸呼吸晒伤的晒伤的我们自己我们自己登山者;攀登者登山者;攀登者习惯于习惯于;适应;适应于于危险;风险;冒险危险;风险;冒险冒险冒险accide

43、nt n. situation n.kilo n.rock n.run out (of)knife n.cut off blood n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇(交通)事故;意外遭遇情况;状况情况;状况千克;公斤千克;公斤岩石岩石用尽;耗尽用尽;耗尽刀刀切除切除血血mean v.get out of importance n.decision n.control n.v.be in control ofspirit n.death n.give up nurse n.意思是;打算;意欲意思是;打算;意欲离开;从离开;从出来出来重要性;重要重要性;重要决定;抉择决定;抉择限制;约束;管理限制;约束

44、;管理掌管;管理掌管;管理勇气;意志勇气;意志死;死亡死;死亡放弃放弃护士护士housemoneycarlifejob?What is the most important in our life?But our life is very weak!Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations?What should you do if you find a person fall off the second floor? a person who has stop

45、ped breathing? a person whose leg is bleeding? Discussion Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.2a A=soccer B=mountain climbing C=swimming_fall down _have problems breathing _get hit by a ball _get sunburned _cut ourselves _hurt our back or armDiscuss these

46、questions in groups.1. Do you think everyone has the will to survive in a dangerous situation?2. Is it possible to save yourself in any situation?3. Can a bad accident change your life?4. Is it important to think positively after you have been badly hurt?YesYesYesYes2bRead the passage and underline

47、the words you dont know. WordsMeanings2cRead the statements and circle True, False or Dont know. 1. Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.2. Aron had a serious accident in April 2003.TRUE FALSE DONT KNOWTRUE FALSE DONT KNOW3. Aron ran out of water after three days.4. Ar

48、on wrote his book before his serious accident.5. Aron still goes mountain climbing.TRUE FALSE DONT KNOWTRUE FALSE DONT KNOWTRUE FALSE DONT KNOW2dRead the passage again and answer the questions. 1. Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003?2. Why couldnt Aron move?3. How did Aron free himself?4

49、. What did Aron do after the accident?5. What does “between a rock and a hard place” mean?2ePut the sentences in the correct order. _ On April 26, 2003, he had a serious mountain climbing accident._ Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks._ Aron did not give up after the accident a

50、nd keeps on climbing mountains today._ He wrote a book about his experience._ Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.cut 在这里是动词,意为在这里是动词,意为“切,割,砍切,割,砍”。如:如: She cut her finger with a knife. 她被小刀割伤了手指。她被小刀割伤了手指。含有含有cut的常见短语动词还有的常见短语动词还有cut down (砍砍倒,砍伐倒,砍伐),cut in (插嘴,插队插嘴,插队),cut up (切碎

51、,剁碎切碎,剁碎)等。例如:等。例如:The apple tree was dead and he cut it down. 那棵苹果树枯死了,所以他把它砍掉了。那棵苹果树枯死了,所以他把它砍掉了。The moment I began to speak, he cut in. 我一开始说话,他就插嘴。我一开始说话,他就插嘴。His mother always cut up vegetables into smallpieces while making dishes. 他妈妈在做饭时总是把蔬菜切碎。他妈妈在做饭时总是把蔬菜切碎。take risks ( a risk) 冒险冒险Still I

52、dont want to take any risks.We ought not to take risks.Youre taking a big risk driving so fast.tell of 意为意为“讲述,告诉讲述,告诉”,也可分开来。如:,也可分开来。如: He told me of his worries. 他告诉了我他的烦恼。他告诉了我他的烦恼。in control of 意为意为“管理,掌握管理,掌握”。如:。如: Our fate is in control of ourselves. 我们的命运掌握在我们自己手中。我们的命运掌握在我们自己手中。 under the

53、control of . 受受的管理的管理beyond control 无法控制无法控制out of control 失去控制失去控制in control 控制着控制着Do you know other people who once were “between a rock and a hard place”, how did they solve their problem?Share your story with your group.Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙. See

54、you next time义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册Section A(1a-2d)What does the picture symbolize?It symbolizes volunteering.I could Id like to I hope to Have you ever been a volunteer ?As a volunteer ,what could you do to help others?1a. Look at the ways you could help people in the picture. Then li

55、st other ways.Other ways you could help people:_ _ _clean up the city parksvisit the sick children in the hospital help stop hungerListening 1b Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others._ The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up._ The boy could give out

56、 food at the food bank._ The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids._ The boy could help to clean up the city parks.32411. A: Id like to _ outside. B: You could help _ _ the city parks.2. A: Id like to _ homeless people. B: You could give _ food at the food bank.3. A: Id

57、 like to cheer _ sick kids. B: You could _ them in the hospital. 4. A: Id like to help kids _ their schoolwork. B: You could _ in an after-school study program.workuphelpoutupvisitwithvolunteerListen again and fill in the blanks课后学习小组课后学习小组在食品救助中心在食品救助中心cleanId like to work outsidehelp homeless peop

58、lecheer up sick childrenhelp kids with their homework 在外面工作在外面工作帮助无家可归的人帮助无家可归的人让生病的孩子高兴让生病的孩子高兴起来起来帮助小孩子他们的作业帮助小孩子他们的作业Id like to = I would like to How to express hopeYou could help clean up the city parksgive out food at the food bankvisit sick kids in the hospital volunteer in an after-school stu

59、dy program帮助清洁城市公园帮助清洁城市公园在食物救助站在食物救助站 发放食物发放食物到医院看望生病到医院看望生病的孩子的孩子在课后学习小组做志愿者在课后学习小组做志愿者How to offer help1c. Practice the conversation in the picture above .Then make other conversations using the information in 1b.A: Id like to help others.B: You could A group of students are planning a City Park

60、Clean-up Day. What are some things you can do to tell people about it?a City Park Clean-up Day城市公园清洁日城市公园清洁日Listening 2aListen and check the things they are going to do.advertise on TVput up signscall up studentsadvertise in newspapershand out notices2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks.1. We need t


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