1、学习必备欢迎下载、名 词名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词,我们必须掌握名词的数、名词的格。 可数名词1 可用 a/an 修饰可数名词单数,在元音音素开头的单词前用an.女口: a job a worker an apple an Englishman2、复数的构成方法:(1) 一般在可数名词后加s,如:dog-dogs(2) 以 s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词加 es,女口: watch-watches,class-classes,box-boxes(3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,变 y 为 i 加 es,如: country-countries,注意:day-days boy-
2、boys mon key-mon keys元音字母+y 结尾的名词直接加 s.(4) 以 o 结尾的名词,只有 potato,tomato,hero,negro力口 es 构成复数。注意:radio-radios photo-photos zoo-zoos pia no-pia nos(5)以 f fe 结尾的名词,变 f/fe 为 v 再加 es。女口: knife-knives wolf-wolves3、 单复数形式相同的词。 Sheep-sheep fish-fish chin ese-ch in ese Japa nese-japa nese4、特殊变化的单词有:(1)tooth-te
3、eth foot-feet goose-geese(2)man-men woman-women policeman-policemen注意:German(德国人)-Germans(3)child-childre n ox-oxe n mouse-mice5、常以复数形式出现的名词:people/police/clothes/trousers/glasses/cattle等,这些名词做主语时,应特别注意他们的谓语,用复数。如:several hundred police were on duty.几百个警察在执勤。My clothes are newer tha n yours.我的衣服比你的新
4、。6、 有些名词看似复数形式,实际上是单数,应特别加以记忆。如:non ews is good news.7、 可用 how many,many,a few,few,a lot of,lots of,some,any等来修饰可数名词复数。 不可数名词1、 常见的不可数名词有: water rice fish meat 等。特另 U 记忆: medic ine n ews work homework housework money chalk weather cott on wood等。2、 不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数。如:some bread is over there.3、 常用
5、how mach/much/a little/a lot of/some/any/等来修饰不可数名词。4、 常用 a piece of/a cup of等来修饰不可数名词的量。如要表示两片面包”这样的意义,bread 为不可数名词,不加 s,而 piece 则加 s,即 tow pieces of bread.注意:three boxes of apples可数名词 Three bottles of water不可数名词例如:these two pieces of bread are over these.名词的格1、 名词所有格的构成方法,在名词的后加s” ,译为(的).如:tom-tom
6、s(汤姆的)2、 若遇上以 s 结尾的复数名词,则在s 后加“ ”即可。女口: teachers day ,tow mon thsholidy(=tow-m onth holiday)不以 s 结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加“,s”。女口: children,s day,women,s day3、 可用名词所有格表示地点如:my aunt,s home 我姑姑家 At the tailor,s 在缝纫铺Go to the doctor,s 去医生家4、 表示两人共同拥有,在最后一名词后加“,s”。女如: luck and lily,s room 露西和莉莉的房间5、 掌握词组:a frie
7、nd of mine 我的一个朋友 a girl of five一个五岁的女孩一可数名词的复数规则变化学习必备欢迎下载1.map_ girl_ pen_ bag_ car_2.bus_ brush_ watch_ box_学习必备欢迎下载3.babycitycountry4.heropotatozootomatophoto5.knifeleafwolfwifelife二可数名词复数不规则变化childfoottoothmouseman三国人单复数变化 GermanEn glishma nChin ese四. 单复数同形 deersheepyua n中等题1.There are twoover
8、there.(watch)2.I like tak ing. (photo)3.l can see aand twosta nding there. (ma n, woma n)4.There are two baskets ofon the floor. (apple)5.Look at those. (child)6.He does nt like these.(glass)7.How manycan you see? (radio)8.There are more and moredrivers in Shanghai now.(woma n)9. Give me some_, plea
9、se. (water)含性别的复合名词1.There are twen tyin our hospital.A. woma n doctorsB. wome n doctorC. wome n doctorsD. woma n doctor2.are usually careful in doing exercises.A.Girl stude ntsB. Girls stude ntsC.Girls stude ntsD.Girl s students可数名词复数不规则变化1.What are these?-They are.A. deersB. radiosC. RadioesD.toma
10、tos2.How manyare there in these?A. tomatos, photosB. tomatoes, photosC. tomatoes, photoesD.potatos,photoes3.Mr. Che n has twoA. toothsB. teethC. teethsD.toothes4.Here arefor you, Sue.A. potatosB. some potatoesC. three tomatosD. some tomato5.The n thebega n to eat the gree nof young trees.A. deer, le
11、afsB. deer, leavesC. deer, leafD. deers, leafs国人复数变化专项1.I met somein the park and talked with them the other day.A. JapaneseB. America nC. Chin esesD. En glish2.-Excuse me, are you? - Yes, I m from.A. Japan,JapaneseB. China, Chin eseC. En gla nd, En glishD.America n, America3.A group ofare talki ng
12、with twoover there.A. Fren chme n, Germa nsB. Fren chme n, Germe nC. Fren chme n, Germa nD. Fren chma nes, Germa ns4.Yesterday a fewcame to visit somein Shan tou.A. Germa n, places of in terestB. Germa ns, places of in terestsC. Germa ns, places of in terestD. Germen, places of interest。5.Twoand fiv
13、eare study ing Chin ese at Beiji ng Uni versity.A. Germa n, En glishB. Germa ns, En glishC. Germa ns, En glishme nD. Germe n, En glishmen复合名词1.The delicious dishes are cooked by_.学习必备欢迎下载A. wome n cookersB. wome n cooksC .woma n cooks2.Julie went to the_to buy a pair of shoes.A. shoes storeB. shoe s
14、 storeC. shoe store简单题D. woma n cookersD. shoes store学习必备欢迎下载After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some_in the mall n earby. (08 上海)A. furnitureB. chairC. tableD. shelfWe haven t got much_for our picnic. Will you go and get some?(07 上海)A. appleB.tomatoC. breadD. biscuitHe knowsChin ese an
15、d hasChin ese frien ds.A. much, manyB.many, muchC. much, muchD. many, manyI m thirsty. I think Ill buy someA. waterB.breadC. eggsD. apples-Would you like some? -Oh, yes, just (只) a little.A. pearsB.oran gesC. milkD. grapesLook ! There are someon the floor.A childB boxesC waterD girlThere are many_ i
16、n the fridge. A. fish B. fruitC. eggs D. breadDon t hurry! We still have_ time left. A. littleB. few C. a little D. a few中等题Take some_ to school. ItA. meatB. breads so hot and you may feel thirsty.D. orange.....A..A.5.A.We see many_ and_on the hill.A. horses
17、; sheepsB. horse; sheepC. horses; sheep-Could I have someth ing to eat? -Sure. Here s some_A. chicke nB. tomatoesC. orangeD. horse, sheepsD. PotatoThere are_stude nts play ing in the playgro und.A. a great deal ofB. a large amount of C. a large qua ntity of D. a nu mber ofThere is_ milk and_ apples
18、in the fridge. Let get some.A. little, a fewB. little, fewC. a little. few不可数名词简单题I ve read_opts news about the F1race today.A. twoB. piecesC. two piecesMy teacher game me_ .A. a good adviceB. some good advicesC. some goodadviceUsually, young people have black_ and old people have whiteD. few. a lit
19、tleD. two pieces ofD. good advicesA. hairs, onesB. hair, onePeter was busy with his work yesterday. He did nA. much sleepB. many sleepsI thi nk it is a won derful_. A. workHave you found some_ on the leaves?A. drops of waterB. drops of watersI want to buy _two bottles of ink中等题C. hair, onesD. hairs,
20、 onet getC. more sleepB. i nformatio nD. most sleepC. idea D. n ewsB. two bottle of inkC. drops waterD. drop of watersC. two bottle of inksD. two bottles of inksHow many_ did you have for breakfast?A. loaves of breadB. loaves of breads C. loafs of breadD. loaf of breadWe are very happy with our_ in
21、our studies.A. great progresses B. great progressC. many progressD. lot of progressPlease pass me_ . I will correct them.A. the test paperC. the test papersI d like to have a glass of milk ad_B. some pieces of test paperD. some piece of test papertwo breads B. two pieces of breads C. two pieces of b
22、read D. two piece of bread He bought_ .two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoeC. juice学习必备欢迎下载抽象名词具体化climb ing up to the top of the hill.B. the good timeThey had_A. good timeShe has give n usA. a great helpB. many helpsI have to write_ , but I have _A. a pape
23、r, no paper, onC. a paper, not any papers, on简单题This is_ room.A. Tom and Mary s B. Tom_mothers could nA. Li Lei and Lucy. LsLISi _came to visit usA. My father friendC. A friend of my fatherIt s only ten_C. a good timeD. good timesC. a large nu mber of help D. a lot of helpto write_ .B. paper, no pap
24、er, withD. a paper, not a paper, ons and Mary Tom s and Mary D. Tom and Mary t go to themeet ing, because they have gone to Chen gdu.s and LucyC. Li Lei and Lucy D. Li Lei and Lucy this morning.sbreak. A. minutesB. friend of my fatherD. One of my father s friendB. minute s C. minutes D. minutes s ra
25、ce inour school sports meeti ng.Tom won the boys _A. 15000-metreB .15000-metresC.15000-metre sLook at the shoes with adjustable heels. They are my_A. sisterB. sister sC. sistersYou must finish the work in_.three weeks time B. three weeks time, three week-Whose room is this? - It s_A. Li MingB. Li Ming 中等题Look at the shoes. They are my_This is_ room. Come in, please.John and Joa n of B. Joh n and Joa n C. Li Mings.A. sisterD.1500 metersD. sisterss timeD. three-weeks timeD. Li Min gs B. sisters C. sisters D.sisterssC. John s and Joan D. John s and JoanWe sell_ in o
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