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1、企业战略管理(英) 重点题型:单选、判断、简单、作图、案例分析(与样卷一致)注:1 这份重点是按照老师上课划出的所有上课涉及到的内容,因为都很重要,所以全部收录 其中,内容会比较多;2、 *表示非常重要的,老师特地提及到的内容,表示次重要的内容(层级为“掌握”) ,即可能会涉及在客观题以及主观题当中的其它重要知识点,剩下的内容作为“了解”层次;3、内容是中英双语对照,仅供参考,不保证翻译一定准确;4、 有些内容是来源于书本,有标注页码,有些是来源于PPT。Chapter 1 The Nature of Strategic Management (战略管理的本质)1、 The Definitio

2、n of Strategic Management (战略管理的定义) (P6)AArt & scie nee of formulati ng, impleme nti ng, and evaluati ng cross-fu nctional decisi ons that enable an orga nization to achieve its objectives.(制定、执行和评估确保一个组织达到其目标 的多职能的决策的科学与艺术)2、 Stages of Strategic Management (战略管理的阶段) (P6-P7)(1)Strategy Formulati

3、on (战略制定)1Developing a vision and mission (制定愿景与使命);2Identifying an organization external opportunities and threats (确定一个组织的外咅 B 机遇和挑战);3Determining internal strengths and weaknesses (确定内部优势和劣势);4Establishing long-term objectives (建立长期目标);5Gen erat ing alternative strategies (制定可选择的战略);6Choosing par

4、ticular strategies to pursue (选择可执行的战略)。(2)Strategy Implementation (战略执行)1Establishing annual objectives (制定年度目标);2Devising policies (制定政策);3Motivating employees (激励员工);4Allocating resources (分配资源)。(3)Strategy Evaluation (战略评估)1Reviewing external and internal factor s (对内外部因素进行评估);2Measuring perform

5、ance (评估绩效);3Taking corrective actions (采取正确的行动)。3、Competitive advantage (竞争优势)(P9)Anything that a firm can do especially well compared to rival firms(任何使一家公司相比于竞争对手公司做得好的事情)。4、 Vision & Mission Statement (愿景与使命陈述) (P11)A(1) Vision Statement (愿景陈述):What do we want to become?(我们想成为什么样的企 业)(2)Miss

6、ion Statement (使命陈述):What is our bus in ess?(我们的业务是什么)5、 External Opportunities & Threats (外部机遇与挑战)(P11)A(1)Economic (经济方面);(2) Social/Cultural/Demographic/Environmental (社会 /文化 /人口 /环境方面);(3)Political/Legal/Governmental (政治 /法律 /政府方面);(4)Technological (技术方面);(5)Competitive trends and events (竞争

7、趋势和事件)。6、Long-term Objectives (长期目标) (P13)(1)Definition(定义) : Specific results that an organization seeks to achieve in pursuing its basicmission (个组织在实现其基本使命时需要达到的特定结果)(2)Essential for ensuring the firm s suc 长期目标对公司成功的必要性)1Provide direction (提供方向);2Aid in evaluation (对战略评估上的帮助);3Create synergy (创造

8、协同效应);4Focus coordination (关注协调性);5Basis for pla nning, motivat ing, and con trolli ng(是计划、 激励和控制的基础)。Chapter 2 The Business Vision & Missio(企业愿景与使命)1、Vision (P43)(1)Definition (定义): Agreement on the basic vision for which the firm strives to achievein the long run is critically important to the

9、 firm(某种让员 c 工感到美好、感至 U 自己是某项事业的组成部分的东西)(2) Characteristics (特点): Be short, preferably one sentenee.(简短,往往是一句话)(3)Features of Shared Vision (共同愿景的特征)1Creates com mon ality of in terests (创造共同兴趣);2Reduce daily monotony (减少日常的单调);3Provides opportu nity & challe nge (提供机遇与挑战)。2、Mission (P43-P44)(1)

10、Definition (定义)1An en duri ng stateme nt of purpose that dist in guishes one orga ni zati on from other similarenterprises (区分一个组织和其它类似企业的对于发展目标的持久性陈述);2A declaration of an organization“ reason for being ”(对组织“生命的意义”的陈述)(2)Reveals (透露)1what the organization wants to be (组织想成为什么样);2whom we want to se

11、rve (我们希望服务谁)。3、The Sequence of Vision & Mission (愿景和使命的顺序)Clear Business Vision (清晰的业务远景)JComprehensive Mission Statement (周密的使命陈述)4、 Importance of Vision and Mission Statements (远景和使命陈述的重要性)(P47)(1)Twice average return on shareholder s equity得所有者权益的平均回报增长为原来 的 2倍);(2) Positive relationship wit

12、h company performance (对公司的绩效表现有积极意义) ;(3) 30% higher return on certain financial measures (某些财务措施可以带来 30% 的更高 回报)。5、 Vision and Mission Statements Relationship with Resolution of Divergent Views(愿景禾口 使命陈述与解决不同的看法的关系)(1)A genuine decision must be based on divergent views to have a chance to be a rig

13、ht andeffective decision (一个真正的决策需要基于不同的看法,这样可以使公司获得做出正确和有效决策的机会)(2)Considerable disagreement over vision and mission statements can cause trouble if notresolved (对于愿景与使命陈述上的重大异议一旦未能解决,会引起很大的麻烦)Chapter 3 The External Assessment外部评估)1、 Purpose of External Audit (外部评估的 目的)(P61)Develop ing a fin ite li

14、st of opport un ities that could ben efit a firm and threats that should beavoided (制定出一个对公司有利的机遇和应当避免的威胁的有穷列表);(1)Being aimed at identifying key variables that offer actionable responses(确认影响公司 发展的外部关键变量);(2)Firms should be able to respond either offensively or defensively to the factors byformulat

15、ing strategies that take advantage of external opportunities or that minimize the impactof potential threats.(公司应当积极主动地或者防御式地应对这些外部因素,通过制定战略充分利用外部机遇,最小化潜在威胁的影响)。2、The External Environment of the Organization (组织的外部环境)(1) Largest (最大):Macro Environment (宏观环境)1Political (政治环境)2Economic (经济环境)3Social (

16、社会环境)4Cultural (文化环境)5Technological (技术环境)6Environmental (自然环境)7Legal (法律环境)(2)Medium (中等):Industry Environment (行业环境);(3) Smallest (最小):Strategic Group (战略组)。3、 Key External Forces (关键的外部力量) (P61-P62)(1)Economic Forces (经济力量);(2) Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces (社会、文化、人口与环境

17、力 量);(3) Political, Governmental & Legal Forces (政治、政府与法律力量);(4)Technological Forces(技术力量);(5)Competitive Forces (竞争力量)。8、Porter Five Forces Model (波特五力模型) (P74-P78 )1A Weak Competitive Force (较弱的竞争力量)May be viewed as an opport un ity as it allows compa ny to earn greater profits (可以被视 为是一种让公司获得

18、更高额的利润的机遇)2A Strong Competitive Force (较强的竞争力量)May be viewed as a threat as it depresses industry profits (可以被视为是一种让公司禾 U润下降的威胁)4、PEST Analysis ( PEST 分析)(P63-P73 )(1) Political, Governmental & Legal Forces (政治、政府与法律力量);(2)Economic Forces (经济力量);(3) Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmen

19、tal Forces (社会、文化、人口与环境力量);(4)Technological Forces(技术力量)。5、Characteristics of the most competitive companies (最具有竞争力的公司的特征)(P71-P72)(1)Market Share (市场份额);(2)Understanding and remembering precisely what business you are in (理解和精确的记住你经营的业务);(3)Fixing the company and make it better whether it broke or

20、 not (无论企业处于下坡还是不是,稳固企业并且使得企业越来越好);(4)Innovate or evaporate, particularly in technology-driven businesses (创新或者缩减规模,尤其是在技术驱动的企业当中);(5)Acquisition (并购);(6) Peoples view (人们的观点,即品牌知名度和口碑);(7)Quality and Cost-competitive (质量和成本竞争力)。6、Competitive Intelligence (竞争态势) (P72)A systematic and ethical process

21、 for gathering and analyzing information about the competiti onactivities and gen eral bus in ess trends to further a bus in ess s o 一个 g 收集 s和分析关于为了企业发展的长远目标而进行的竞争活动和商业趋势的系统性和伦理性的过程)7、The Basic Objectives of a Competitive Intelligence Programs (竞争态势分析的基本目标)(P73)(1)To provide a general understanding

22、 of an industry and its competitors (简要理解一个行业和行业中的竞争者);(2)To identify areas in which competitors are vulnerable and to assess the impactstrategic actions would have on competitors (认识在行业当中,哪些竞争者易受攻击,评估战略行动对于这些竞争者的影响);8、Porter Five Forces Model (波特五力模型) (P74-P78 )(3)To identify potential moves that a

23、 competitor might make that would endanger a firm sposition in the market (认识一个竞争者对于一个企业的市场地位的潜在威胁)。(1) Rivalry Among Established Companies (现有竞争者的威胁);(2) Potential Entry by Potential Competitors (潜在进入者的威胁);(3)Bargaining Power of Buyers (购买者议价能力);(4)Bargaining Power of Suppliers (供应商议价能力);(5)Substit

24、ute Products (替代品威胁)。9、 Rivalry Among Established Companies (现有竞争者的威胁) (P75-P76 )(1)Definition (定义)The competitive struggle betwee n compa nies in the same in dustry to gain market share from eachother.(公司在同一行业进行竞争,以从对手那里抢夺市场份额)(2)Influencing Factors (影响因素)1Number and Size of Competitors (竞争者的规模和数量)

25、Large number of sellers, similar in size and capability, rivalry is strong(销售者数量越多,规模和能力越相近,竞争越强);2Supply and Demand (需求和供给)Rivalry weaker in a fast-growi ng market or where supply is not eno ugh(在快速成长的市场当中,或者需求不足的情况下,竞争会较弱) ;3Buyer Cost of Switching Brand (购买者转换品牌的成本)The less expe nsive for buyers

26、to switch, the stron ger the rivalry (购买者转换品牌的成 本越便宜,竞争越激烈)(3)Strategies (战略)1Number and Size of Competitors (竞争者的规模和数量)a. Cost leadership (成本领先战略)i. Lower prices (低价);ii. Bigger dealer (大的经销商);iii. Network (网络);iv. Low Cost Financing (低成本融资)。b. Differentiation (差异化战略)i. Better product (更好的产品);ii. S

27、tronger brand (更强势的品牌);iii. Better customer service (更好的消费者服务);iv. Wider selection of models (更广阔的榜样选择);c. Monopoly (垄断):Merger and Acquisition (并购)。2Supply and Demand :a. Retren chme nt from decli ning market (在萧条的市场上缩减规模);b. Diversify into emergi ng market (在发展迅猛的市场上采取多元化);c. R&D (研发)。3Buyer C

28、ost of Switching Brand : Inducing switching cost (引发转换成本的增加)10、 Potential Entry by Potential Competitors (潜在进入者的威胁)(P76-P77 )(1)Definition (定义):Companies that are not currently competing in an industry but have thecapability to do so if they choose.(现在在行业当中没有竞争力,但一旦他们想要提升竞争力 的话,本身有能力这样做的企业)(2)Factor

29、 affect this force (影响因素):Barriers to new entrants (对新进入者的壁垒)1Economies of Scale (规模经济);2Brand Loyalty (品牌忠诚度);3Tariffs and International Trade Restrictions (关税与国际贸易限制);4Block of Established Companies (现有企业的阻碍)。(3)Strategy to respond (应对战略):Build Barriers to new entrants (建立新进入者的壁垒)11、 Bargaining Po

30、wer of Buyers (购买者议价能力) (P77)A(1)Definition(定义):May be the consumers or end-users who ultimately use the product or intermediaries that distribute or retail the products.(可能是那些最后使用产品的消费者或者最终使用者,或者分销或零售产品的中间商);(2)Situation (发生的情形)1Buyers are dominant (购买者占主导) :Buyers are large and few in number.(购买者实

31、 力强并且数量少);2Buyers purchase in large quantities (购买者购买数量大):Buyers have purchasingpower as leverage for price reductions.(购买者有购买能力,在价格降低方面具有杠杆 效应);3Switching costs for buyers are low(购买者的转换成本低) : Buyers can play off the suppl yingcompa nies aga inst each other.(购买者可以使得一家企业在其他企业面前落败)。(3)Strategies (战略)

32、1Forward integration (前向一体化);2Differentiation (差异化);3Establishing switching cost (建立转换成本)。12、 Bargaining Power of Suppliers (供应商议价能力) (P77)A(1)Definition (定义):Organi zati ons that provide in puts such as material and labor into theindustry. These suppliers are most powerful (那些提供例如原材料和劳动力的行业投入的组织, 这

33、些供应商是最有议价能力的)(2)Situation (发生的情形)1The product supplied is vital to the industry and has few substitutes (提供的商品对行业来说很重要,而且没有很多的替代品);2Number of suppliers is very small (供应商数量非常少)3The industry is not an important customer to suppliers (行业消费者对供应商来说影 响不大):Suppliers are not significantly affected by the i

34、ndustry.(供应商不受行业的明显影响)(3)Strategies (战略)1Backward integration (后向一体化);2Alliance purchasing (联合购买)。13、 Substitute Products (替代品威胁)(P77-P78)(1)Definition (定义):The products from differe nt bus in esses or in dustries that can satisfysimilar customer needs (来自不同企业或者产业的,可以满足相近的顾客需求的产品)(2)Situation (发生的情形

35、)1Substitutes are readily available and attractively priced (替代品是现成的,并且在价 格上具有吸引力);2Comparable or better quality, performance (质量具有可比性并且质量高,市场表现 好);3Low switching cost (低转换成本)(3)Strategies (战略)1R&D (研发);2Horizontal diversification (水平多样化)。14、The External Factor Evaluation Matrix (The EFE Matrix

36、) (EFE 矩阵)(P80-P81 )(1)Steps (步骤)1List 10 to 20 key external factors (列出 10-20 个关键的外部因素);2Assign to each factor a weight from 0 to 1.0 , indicating relative importanee of that factorto being successful in the firm(将每 s 个因素赋权重,权重范围为0-1,权重表明了该因素影响企业处于行业竞争中成功的重要程度,总和必须为 1);3Assign a 1-to-4 rating to ea

37、ch factor to indicate how effectively the firm s currentstrategies respond to the factor (将每个因素进行打分,分值为1-4 分的整数,表明公司的现有战略反映出的因素表现如何)4Multiply each weight by its rati ng to determ ine weighted score (将每个因素的权重与赋值相乘,得出最终每个因素的赋权分数);5Sum the weighted scores to determine the total weighted score of the or

38、ganization (将每个 因素的赋权分数相加,得出总分)。(2)Evaluation Standards (评估标准)1Highest possible total weighted score of 4.0(最高总分为 4): Organization response isoutstanding to threats (在外部威胁方面应对突出);2Lowest possible total weighted score of 1.0 (最低总分为1): Firm sstrategies notcapitalizi ng on opportu nities or avoidi ng t

39、hreats (公司在利用机遇和避免威胁方面做得不是很好);3Average Total weighted score of 2.5 (平均总分为 2.5)(3)Form (形式)Key Exter nal FactorsWeightRat ingWeighted ScoreOpport un ities1. 4 The Internal Assessment 内部评估)1、 The Nature of an Internal Audit(内部评估的实质)(P93)Fu nctio nal Areas

40、of Busin ess (企业的功能模块)(1)Includes Strengths and Weaknesses(包括内部优势和内部劣势)(2)Controllable activities performed especially well or poorly (企业的可控活动,观察其 表现是好是坏)2、Key Internal Forces (关键的内部因素) (P94-P96)(1)Management (管理);(2)Marketing (营销);(3)Finance/accounting (财务 /会计);(4)Production/operations (生产 /运营);(5)

41、Research & Development (研究与开发);(6)Management information Systems (管理信息系统);(7)Culture (企业文化)。3、Organizational Culture (组织文化) (P97)A(1)Definition(定义):Pattern of behavior developed by an organization as it learns to cope withits problem of external adaptati on and internal in tegrati on, that has w

42、orked well eno ugh to beconsidered valid and to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel。(由一个组织产生的行为定式, 这种行为定式是在其解决外部适应性和内部凝聚力的问题上学习到的,并且这种行为定时可以很好的有效的适用于企业的日常运作,并且用于引导新员工正确感知、思考和感受)(2)Characteristics (特征)1Subtle, elusive, unconscious (微妙的,难以捉摸的,不易察觉的);2Resista nt to c

43、ha nge (难以改变);3May represent Strength & Weakness (可以代表组织的优势和劣势)。4、Cultural Products (文化产品) (P98)AProducts (产品)Definition (定义)Rites (习俗)Planned sets of activities that consolidate various forms of culturalexpressions into one events.(有计划的将不冋的文化表达形式融合 在一个事件当中的系列活动)Ceremonial (礼节)Several rites conn

44、ects together.(一系列的习俗结合在一起)Ritual (礼仪)A sta ndardized set of behaviors used to man age an xieties.(一系列标 准化的行为以管理焦虑)Myth (神话)A n arrative of imag ined even ts, usually not supported by facts. (对于 想象当中的事件的描述,往往不基于事实)Saga (传说)A historical narrative describing the unique accomplishments of a groupand it

45、s leader.(历史性的描述一个群体和其领袖独一无一的 的成就)Legend (传奇故事)A handed-down narrative of some wonderful event, usually not supportedby facts.(关于一些传奇的事件的流传下来的描述,往往不基于事实)Story (故事)A narrative usually based on true events.(往往基于现实的描述)Folktale (民间传说)A fictio nal story.(虚构故事)Symbol (象征)Any object, act, event, quality, o

46、r relation used to convey meaning.(任何物体、动作、事件、品质,或用于传达含义的关系)Language (语言)The manner in which members of a group com muni cate.(一个团体的 成员交流的方式)Metaphors (隐喻)Shorthand of words used to capture a vision or to reinforce old or newvalues.(用于说明一种愿望,或者强化新价值观或旧价值观的缩 略词)Values (价值观)Life-direct ing attitudes t

47、hat serve as behavioral guideli nes.(作为行为 准则的生活引导式的态度)Belief (信念)An un dersta nding of a particular phe nomenon. (对于特殊现象的理解)Heroes/Heroines (英雄) In dividual greatly respected.(被敬重的个人)5、Organizational Culture s Inhibit on Strategic Management (组织文化对战略管理的抑制 作用)(1)Miss external changes due to strongly

48、held beliefs (由于强烈保留的信念使得外部机遇被错过);(2)Natural tendency to “ hold the course ” eueing times of strategic change (即使在战略转变期也会出现的“保持航线”的自然倾向)。6、 Tips in Integrating Strategy & Culture(在将战略与文化一体化的过程中需要注意的内容)(1)Organizational culture must be evaluated during an internal audit(组织文化必须在内 部评估时进行);(2) To se

49、e if the company s culture is suppo(i 要观察企业文化是否是支持企业发展的);(3)Success is often determined by a linkagesbetween a firm s culture and strategies 企业的成功往往取决于企业文化与战略的关系)。7、Management Function (管理职能)(P99-P103)Function(职能)Description (描述)Stage When MostImportant (对应最重要的阶段)Planning(计划)(1)Definition (定义)Planni

50、ng con sists of all those man agerial activities relatedto prepari ng for the future.(由所有为企业未来发展 而准备的管理活动)(2)Specific tasks(特疋表现)-Forecasting (预测);-Establishing Objectives (制定目标);-Devising Strategies (设计战略);-Developing Policies (制定政策);StrategyFormulati on(战略制定)-Setting Goals.(设定目标)Organizing(组织)(1)D

51、efinition (定义)Orga nizing in eludes all those man agerial activities thatresult in a structure of task and authority relati on ships.(形成 任务与权力关系组织的管理活动)(2)Specific areas (特疋表现)-Organizational Design (组织设计);-Job Specialization (工作专业化);-Job Descriptions (工作描述);-Job Specifications (工作说明书);-Span of Cont

52、rol (管理控制幅度);-Un ity of Comma nd (统一指挥);-Coordination (协作);-Job Design (工作设计);-Job Analysis (工作分析)。StrategyImpleme ntati on(战略实施)Motivating(激励)(1)Definition (定义)Motivating involves efforts directed toward shaping humanbehavior.(为直接塑造人格作出的努力)(2)Specific topic (特疋表现)-Leadership (领导力);-Communication (交

53、流); -Work Groups (工作组);-Behavior Modificati on (行为矫正); -Delegation ofAuthority (授权); -Job Enrichment (工作改进); -JobSatisfaction (工作满意度); -Needs Fulfillment (需求满足);-Organizational Change (组织变革);-Employee Morale & Ma nagerial Morale(职员与经理士气)StrategyImpleme ntati on(战略实施)Staffing(人员)(1)Definition (定义

54、)Staffing activities are centered on personnel or humanresource management (以人员和人力资源管理为核心)(2)Key areas of concern (特疋表现)-Wage and Salary Admi nistratio n (薪酬管理);-Employee Ben efits (员工利益);-In terviewi ng (面试);-Hiri ng (招聘);-Training (培训);-Management Development (开发);-Employee Safety (人员女全);-Affirmat

55、ive Action (平权法案);-Equal Employme nt Opportu nity (平等职业机会);-Union Relations (联合关系);StrategyImpleme ntati on(战略实施)-Career Development(职业发展);-Personnel Research(人事研究);-Discipline Policies(纪律政策);-GrievaneeProcedures(申诉程序); -Public Relations(公共关系) 。Controlling(控制)(1)Definition (定义)Con trolli ng refers t

56、o all those man agerial activitiesdirected towards ensuring that actual results are consistent withplanned results (直接衡量最终结果与预期结果的对比 的管理活动)(2)Key areas of concern (特疋表现)-Quality Co ntrol (质量控制)-Fi nan cial Co ntrol (财务控制)-Sales Control (销售控制)-Inventory Control (存货控制)-Expense Control (费用控制)-Analysis

57、of Variances (变量分析)-Rewards and Sanctions (奖励与处罚)Strategy Evaluati on(战略评估)8、Process of Marketing for Customer Needs/Wants for Products/Services (营销关于顾客对 产品/服务的需要的过程)(P103-P106)(1)Defining (定义);(2)Anticipating (参与);(3)Creating (创造);(4)Fulfilling (实现)。9、Marketing Function (营销职能) (P103-P106)Function (

58、职能)Description (描述)Customer Analysis(顾客分析) (1)Definition (定义):The exam in ati on and evaluatio n ofcustomer needs, desires, and wants (对于顾客需求、渴望的考 察和评估)(2)Important Activity (重要活动)-Customer Surveys (顾客调查)-Consumer Information (顾客信息)-Market Positioning Strategies (市场定位战略)-Customer Profiles (顾客档案)Sell

59、ing Products/Services(销售产品/提供服务)Important Activity (重要活动)-Advertising (广告)-Sales (销售)-Promotion (促销)-Publicity (宣传)-Sales force management (销售人员管理)-Customer relations (与顾客的关系)-Dealer relations (与经销商的关系)Product & Service Planning(产品与服务计划)Important Activity (重要活动)-Test Marketing (试销)-Brand Positio

60、ning (品牌定位)-Devising Warrantees (设计质量保证)-Packaging (包装)-Product Features/Options (产品特征 /选择)-Product Style (产品风格)-Quality (质量)Pricing (定价)(1)Major Stakeholder Affect Pricing Decision -Consumers(消费者)-Governments (政府)-Suppliers (供应商)-Distributors (分销商)-Competitors (竞争者)(2)Important Activity (重要活动)-Forward Integration (前 向一体化)-Discounts (折扣)-Credit Terms (信用证条款)-C


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