



1、8A Unit3 基础测试卷(Class_ Name_Score单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) )1. The coat iswool.A. made of B. made from C. made in D. made into2. Houst on Rockets lost the match_ .A. finalB .at the end of C .by the end D. at last3. I_do some exercise before the trip.A. n eed toB. n eed ingC. n eeds toD. n eeds4.

2、- Do you mind if I sit here? - _ .A. Yes, do pleaseB. Of course notC. No, you carPt do thatD. Yes, of course not.5. Red Hill Forest is a won derful place_A. visited B. visit C. visits6. I like walki ng_ the river.A. toB. byC. on7. _a heavy rain this after noon.A. There have B. There will be C. It ha

3、sD. to visitD. in8. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listenD. There is going to havewe speak.A. twice as much asB. as twice much asC. as much as twiceD. as much twice as9. Mike always does his homework as_ as the exams.A. good B. wellC. betterD. best10. -1 don? know the way to the libra

4、ry. - let?5 show you_A. what to get B. whe n to get C. how to get11.does it take to reach there?C. How soonA. How ofte n B. How long12. It rains_ in win ter here.A. lots ofB. very much13. Mr Li asks the stude nts_A. swimB. to swim14. I bought a book_A. hasB. with15. Sorry, I know only _A. little of

5、B. a bitthere.D. how to get toD. How wideD. a lots ofC. quite a lot_ in the river becausePk too dan gerous.C. not to swim a lot of pictures.C. and _ En glish.C. a littleD. to not swimD. aboutD. a few完型填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Mr. and Mrs. Harris had always spe nt their summer holidays in a small hotel at t

6、heseaside n ear their hometow n. One year, howeve 然 而),Mr. Harris made a lot of 1_ inhis bus in ess, 2 they decided to go to a foreig n country and stay at a really good 3.They flew to Rome, and 4 at a 5-star hotel late in the eve ning. They thought theywould have to go to bed hungry, because in tha

7、t 5_ hotel where they hadbeen used to stay in the past, no meals were served (供应)_6_ seven in theeve ning. They were 7 to be told that the hotel served dinner un til ten.“Then what are the times 8 meals? ” asked Mrs. Harris.“ Wellmadam, we serve breakfast from seve n to eleve n, lunch from twelve to

8、 three, 9 from four to five,and dinner from six to ten.”“ But that hardly10any time for us to see the city!” said Mrs. Harris()1. A. mistakesB.timeC. frie ndsD.money(2. A. butB.soC. thoughD.yet()3. A. hotelB.placeC. cityD.restaura nt()4. A. stayedB.gotC. arrivedD.reached()5. A. smallB.bigC. foreig n

9、D.good()6. A. onB.afterC. duri ngD.until(7. A. tiredB.in terestedC. surprisedD.worried(8. A. withB.onC. atD.of()9. A. drinkB.teaC. beerD.food()10. A. takesB.doesC. hasD.leaves二、阅读理解(每小题1 分,共 10 分)ABruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. Helived not fa

10、r from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he hadto pass a playgro un d. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were allwet. His mother became an gry 生 气的)and said,“ Don?t play in the water on your way homefromschool! ”On the nex

11、t day Bruno came home with wet and dirty(脏的)clothes. His mother became eve nan grier.“ l?ll tell your father if you come back wet aga in,his mother.“ He?isp(惩罚)You, you know. ”The third day the little boy was dry whe n he came home.“You?re a good boy today ” , his mother said happily.“ You didn?t pl

12、ay inthewater. ”“ No, ” the boy said unhappily.“ There were too many older boys in the waterwhe n I got there this after noon. There was n?t any roon 空 地方)for me at all! ”()1.Br uno went to school_ every day.A. by bike B. by busC. by carD. on foot()2.The playground was between 在.之间)_。A. two classroo

13、msB. the ci nema and shopC. Bruno?s house and schoolD. the shop and Bruno?s school()3. The little boy liked to play on the playground_ .A. whe n it sno wedB. whe n there was some water thereC. when the children played football thereD. whe n his father was busy with his work()4.Bruno was afraid of_ t

14、he most.A. his father B. his mother C. his teacher D. the older boys()5. That after noon, the boy?s clothes were dry because_ .A. nobody made room (地方)for him in the waterB. there was no water on the playgro undC. he took off his clothes before he played there13. The sweater(fit) him perfectly last

15、year.D. he played in the water carefullyI?m going to take my family to have an overseas trip. My wife, our two childre n and I will all goalong. My elder brother is going with us. He has n ever bee n overseas and he is even more excitedthan the children. My father is so old that ? like to stay at ho

16、me and takes care of the house.We?e going by train to New York, and the n take a ship to Europe. Whe n we arrive in Europe,weTe going to several coun tries for sightsee ing. Wel go to places either by train or by bus. WGe goingto fly home.It took us a long time to decide where to go, but I thi nk we

17、 have pla nned a ver y in teresti ng trip.We will go to En gla nd, France and Italy. My wife is very in terested in going to France because she isa teacher of Fren ch. And my brother, who speaks very good Italia n, is look ing forward to the trip toItaly.We also talked about how we would go to Europ

18、e. At first we wan ted to fly because it would be fasterand would save more time. But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the childre n enjoy that, too.1. My brother is very excited because_ .A. he has many frie nds in other coun triesB. he has n ever traveled by pla neC. he wan ted to buy some

19、 books in ItalyD. he has n ever bee n overseas2. We re coming back home by_ .3. In Europe,we will_ .A. go sightsee ing at the seasideC. buy a lot of prese nts4. My wife works in a_.A. hospitalB. factory5. My brother and my childre n wouldA. do some shopp ing in EuropeC. enjoy a trip by ship四、词汇(每小题

20、1 分,共 20 分)1. How many_飞机场)are there in this city?On ly one.2. His father is going to_澳大利亚)for a trip this summer.3. Let s_ 欢呼)for our basketball team, OK?4. Which team will win the World_ (奖杯)in 2014?5. How will we go to the World Park, by train or by_(长途汽车)?6. Stude nts stopped_(laugh) whe n the t

21、eacher came in.A. seaB. airC. busD. trainB. go to differe nt coun tries by shipD. go from place to place by train or by busC. shopD. schoollike to_ .B. study the Italia n Ian guage in ItalyD. lear n French in France13. The sweater(fit) him perfectly last year.7. You can lear n about En glish_ (cultu

22、ral) and enjoy local food.8. He is so_ (bore) -all he ever talks about is football.9. He bega n to feel depressed!丧的)and_ (help) whe n he heard the sad n ews.10. Did you enjoy_ (you) at the party last ni ght, childre n?11. Mother asks me_(not play) computer games.12. Kitty_ (come) back in a week.14.

23、 I will learn_(ride) a bike n ext weeke nd.15. _ (take) this medici ne, and you will be better soon.16. The USA p_ , Obama, paid a n ati onal visit to Chi na last year.17. The doorway wasn? quite w_eno ugh to get the pia no through.18. He missed his pare nts so much that he booked a train t_ to his

24、hometow n.19. There are o_2000 people wait ing for the superstar.2O.Some brave c_reached the top of Mount Qomola ngma.五、句型转换(每空 0.5 分,共 5 分)1. We had a good time in the park last Sun day.(改为同义句)We_ in the park last Sun day.2. Lily is a beautiful girl. Her sister Lucy is beautiful, too.(两句合并为一句)Lucy

25、is_ Lily.3. He came and gave us a talk last Sun day.(改为动词不定式)He came_ us a talk last Sun day.4. Let?s go to the Temple of Heaven.改为同义句)going to the Temple of Heave n?5. The school bus takes more tha n two hours to get back to my school.改为同义句)The school bus takes_ two hours to get back to my school.六

26、、完成句子(每空 0.5 分,共 10 分)1. 汤姆的铅笔盒和米莉的铅笔盒一样大。Tom?s pencil box is_ as_ .2. 爸爸坐在车的前面。My father is sitti ng_the car.3. 快点,只有五分钟了,我们不能再等了Hurry up. There re only five minutes left. We_wait_ .4.Sam 邀请了我们参加聚会。Sam_in the party.5. 他靠自己买了一辆小汽车。He bought a car_.6. 人不应该专为自己而活着。One should not live just_ .七、任务型阅读(10

27、 分)In com mon with coun tries, Brita in has serious en vir onmen tal problems. In 1952,more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situati on improveda lot.Today, London is much clea ner but there is

28、 a new problem: smog from cars. InDecember 1991, there was very little wind in London and polluti on in creased a lot. As aresult, about 160 people died from polluti on in just four days.Part of the problem is the new ,out of tow n ?shopp ing cen tres. In the past, peopleofte n walked to shops n ear

29、 their home or want by bus. Now, many people drive to thenew shopp ing cen tres. As a result, the small shops have disappeared and more peoplehave to travel to do their shopp ing.Critics say that Brita in n eeds better and cheaper public tran sport. Tran sport inBritain is very expensive. An early m

30、orning train trip from Glasgow to London (about600km) can cost about 100, for example. A short 15-minute bus trip can cost over 1.00.Many people are trying to reduce the use of cars in Brita in. Some cities now havespecial bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. Some people also travel to workt

31、ogether in one car to reduce the polluti on and the cost.Environmental 1 in BritainTimeCauses2Soluti onsIn the3Smog4 coalfires and factories54,000people died in 1952.Newlawswere6.TodaySmog caused by 7. About 160 people8 in a few days in1991. Provide betterand9public tran sport.Build specialpaths for

32、 bicycles.Travel towork10 inone car.八、根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出合适单词(每空1 分,共 10 分)Brita in is a won derful coun try. I am g 1 to hear that you may want to v 1 Britain. I thi nk the b1 time to come is in O 1.Its usuallyw 1 but there may be some rain. And it might be cold, so bring a sweater. Best of all, therew

33、on?t be so m 1 people. Make sure you bring an umbrella. You may like to s 1 in a smallhotel. You won?t h 1 to pay much for it. Whe n you1 in London you might like to buya railcard to travel around therest of the coun try, I hope this is u 1.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7_8_9_10_Wang Hai九、书面表达(10 分)根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文。 你和朋友要去杭州,请根据下面的提示写一篇 8 0 词左右的旅游计划 杭州是我国最美丽的城市之一,有很多名胜古迹,以西湖(West Lake)而闻名 旅游出发时间是下周五上午 8:0 0,乘公共汽车,大约六个小时达到杭州市区,住蓝天宾馆(Blue Sky Hotel.)在杭州游公园,戈哪,爬山等 旅途中要照顾好自己,注意安全(keep sa 囘 仔细计划,要玩得开心.8A Unit3 基础测试卷答案一、单项选择1-5ADABD6-10BBABC


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