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1、精选 word 文档下载可编辑全国自考综合英语 ( 二) 全真模拟卷及答案解析卷面总分: 75 分答题时间: 80 分钟试卷题量: 31 题一、单选题 (共 30 题,共 60 分)题目 1:I was shocked by the number of people who seemed to have nothing better to do with theirtimethanto know fish better.A. getB.getsC.gettingD.got正确答案: C题目 2:Not all birds can fly ,do all birds build nests.A.

2、 notB.noC.neverD.nor正确答案: B题目 3:When you fall in love for the first time, its surprisinginconveniences you can put upwith.第 12 页/ 共 12 页A. that B.what C.whichD.those正确答案: A题目 4:I know my limitations, so I wont do anythingmy ability.A. beyond B.under C.aboveD.below正确答案: B题目 5:The hosts apologized for

3、that some of their guests might be vegetarians.A. having not consideredB. not having consideredC. having not been consideringD. not considering正确答案: D题目 6:Mrs. Smith locked both the front and the back doors before she went tobedthatsomeone might steal into the house at night.A. soB. for fear C.unles

4、sD.on condition正确答案: D题目 7:We have to wait for the bus,?A. have weB. haven t weC. do weD. don t we 正确答案: C 题目 8: the popularity of robots in Japan, the countrys robot-production growth is slowing down.A. As B.Although C.WithD.Despite正确答案: D题目 9:The proposal deserves support as it givesto the needs o

5、f children.A. curiosity B.awarenessC.priorityD.emphasis正确答案: B题目 10 :Those familiar with evening dress will alwaysblack with elegance.A. link B.associate C.connectD.relate正确答案: A题目 11 :If you re sitting around a lonely campfire at night, the howl of a wolf can sound pretty.A. fearful B.threatening C

6、.dreadfulD.frightening正确答案: A题目 12 :The suspect cooperated fully with the police whenabout his role in the incident.A. required B.questioned C.demandedD.negotiated正确答案: B题目 13 :Homing pigeon is useful as acarrier because when taken from home, it will returnatthe first opportunity.A. meaning B.inform

7、ation C.messageD.content正确答案: C题目 14 :One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all shipsfollowtrafficrules in busy harbors.A. conveniently B.obediently C.sufficientlyD.reluctantly正确答案: B题目 15 :She was sothe noise that she sent the children to bed.A. broken down byB. filled

8、 in withC. taken over byD. fed up with正确答案: D题目 16 :Mr. Johnsonrather not invest that money in the stock market.A. should B.couldC. wouldD.must正确答案: A题目 17 :Americans eatvegetables per person today as they did in 19题目 10 :A. more than twice manyB. as twice as manyC. as many as twiceD. twice as many正

9、确答案: A题目 18 :In 1900, the energy derived from burning petroleum was only four percentof coal.A. that B.this C.whatD.which正确答案: A题目 19 :Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital,they have no schedulesto keep.A. sinceB. even though C.soD.as if正确答案: B题目 20 :In summer, she would sit i

10、n the garden enjoying the fresh air and the smell of the things she .A. was plantingB. had plantedC. has plantedD. would plant正确答案: B题目 21 :Therenothing more for discussion, the meeting ended earlier than expected.A. to beB. to have been C.beingD.be正确答案: A题目 22 : we can hope for is to avoid complete

11、 failure in the coming game with that strongteam.A. For the best B.With the bestC. At bestD.The best正确答案: D题目 23 :While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest theyby wild animals.A. should be attackedB. must be attackedC. could be attackedD. would be attacked正确答案: D题目 24 :Her tale

12、nt and experienceher to the respect of her colleagues.A. authorized B.qualified C.deservedD.entitled正确答案: C题目 25 :Those who change mobile phones too frequently will have to pay for being.A. graceful B.fashionable C.popularD.perfect正确答案: B题目 26 :We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the e

13、nd of the month, but things didntas we expected.A. work outB. move outC. get outD. carry out正确答案: D题目 27 :On arriving home, the boy told his parents about all thewhich occurred in hisdormitory.A. occasions B.affairs C.incidentsD.issues正确答案: C题目 28 :He complained to the bookseller that there were sev

14、eral pagesin the book.A. losing B.missing C.droppingD.lacking正确答案: B题目 29 :Jeans are so hot these days that big name stars appear on TV advertising for their brands.A. favoriteB.uniqueC.permanentD.intimate正确答案: A题目 30 :In order to buy a new car, you should at leastone hundred dollars a week.A. put o

15、utB.put forwardC.put upD.put aside II正确答案: D二、填空题 (共 1 题,共 15 分)题目 31 :Without transportation, there could be no trade. Without trade, there could be no townsand cities. Towns and cities are traditionally the16of civilization. Therefore,transportation helps make civilization17.Throughout most of the

16、 prehistoric period, people lived by hunting, fishing, and18 wild plants. They had no beasts of burden, wheeled vehicles, or roads. People traveled 19and carried their infants and belongings strapped to their backs or heads.Loads too heavy for one person to carry were strapped to a pole and carried

17、by twopeople. 20, people learned that they could drag loads along the ground on sledges. Duringlate prehistoric times, people began to build sledges with runners. When peopledeveloped agriculture and began to establish21settlements, trade betweensettlements started to develop, which created a need f

18、or better22oftransportation. The donkey and the ox, which had been tamed for food products andfarm work, helped23this need. The use of donkeys and oxen as beasts of burdenenabled people to24heavier loads than they could before. People also began todevelop water transportation during prehistoric time

19、s. They built rafts of such25 as logs or reeds. Later, people learned26to make dugouts and canoes. Peoplepaddled these early craft with their hands or propelled them with paddles or27.The wheel was invented about 3500 B.C. and sailboat about 3200 B.C. Wheeled vehicles andsailing vessels28transportat

20、ion. But the speed of transportation improved only 29over the centuries. Inventors produced the first engine-30vehiclesduring the late 1700 s and the early 1800 s. This development marked the beginning of a revolution in transportation that has continued to the present.题目 16 : A. highlights B. pinpoints C. headquarters D. centers题目 17 : A. possible B. acceptable C. practical D. typical题目 18 : A. growing B. gatheri


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