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1、1 / 8新标准英语第八册重点知识归纳PartI单词分类复习1.常用动词类:touch触摸cut切make制作wash洗wait等待wear穿戴put放sing唱writestop停止talk谈话play玩feed喂食walk走路sile nee安静hear听见take带走cost价值为shout叫喊laugh笑run跑步clap鼓掌I eat吃speak说(某种语言)2.动词词组:draw a picture画画write the report写报道cut the paper剪纸stick the n ewspaper粘报纸go skati ng滑冰go swimmi ng去游泳go sho

2、pp ing购物play the drums打鼓play the flute吹长笛eat an ice-cream吃冰淇淋write a letter写信sing a song唱歌play the pia no弹钢琴have a party开派对play football踢足球play basketball打篮球play pin g-p ong打乒乓球play the violin拉小提琴play the erhu拉二胡play the pipa弹琵琶listen to CD听 CDCDwatch TV看电视make a cake做蛋糕ride a bike骑单车wash the car洗车g

3、o to school去学校liste n to music听音乐row a boat划船read a book看书tell lies撒谎make an En glish n ewspaper做英语手抄报phone gra ndma给奶奶打电话2 / 83.动词原形与过去式对照iswasareweregetgotrunranshoutshoutedcomecamedodideatatebuyboughtsaysaidgowentplayplayedclapclappedlaughlaughed4.常用形容词:oldj年老的young年轻的big大的small小的!long长的short短的ne

4、w新的old旧的hot!热的cold冷的far远的n ear近的expe nsive昂贵的cheap便宜的fat胖的thi n瘦的beautiful )美丽的cute可爱的clever聪明的5.课程类单词:En glish英语Chinese丨语文,maths数学scie nee科学art美术ji1l!亠computer电脑体育6.6.数字类:onetwothree二four四five五six六seve n七eight八nine九ten十eleve n十一twelve十二thirtee n十三fourtee n十四fiftee n十五sixtee n十六seve nteen十七eightee n

5、十八nin etee n十九twenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seve nty七十eighty八十ninety九十hun dred百thousand千millio n白力billi on十亿【注:百位和十位之间用 and 连接。例如,450 读作 four hundred and fifty ;3998读作 three thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight. 】Partn重要句型Module 1【关键知识点】3 / 8“要别人做某事或不做某事”用祈使句,句中动词要用原形? 表示禁止的:Don tplease!? 表

6、示肯定的:please!【重要句型】Don t sing here 不要在这儿唱歌。Don t write here 不要在这儿写字Don t talk here I 不要在这儿说话。Wear the hat!戴上帽子Stop!停下来。? Don? Don? Don? Dont feed the ducks 不 要喂鸭子。t walk on the grass 不 要踩草地。t touch the machi nes 不要碰这些机器。Wash your han ds!洗手。Module 2【关键知识点】重点学习用形容词来形容物品,主要句型是:? This is .? It s 【重要句型】?

7、This computer is beautiful but its cheap.这台电脑很漂亮但是很便 宜。? Have you got a computer?你有电脑吗?? I ca n send emails to you 我 可以给你发邮件。? Is it cheap?便 宜吗?? It costs one hun dred and eightee n yua n 它价值一百一十八元。Module 3【关键知识点】学会如何讲述过去发生的故事。 主要句型是:4 / 8? Where did you go yesterday? -1 ? What did you do? I 【重要句型】?

8、 Once upon a time, there was a boy. He looked after sheep 从 前有个 小男孩,他照看羊(放羊)。? The boy ran to the village.男孩跑到了村子。? They said, “ Don t tell I 他们说道:”撒谎!”? She we nt into a shop.她走进一家商店。? She was scared and ran away 她很害怕就逃跑了。Module 4【关键知识点】学会学习询问和描述过去干的事。play 这个单词很有用,玩球类运动和弹奏乐器类都是它,不 过,最大的区别是,play 后面接

9、球类运动时不要 the,但是 play 后面接乐器类单词时有 the。例如,?玩球类运动:play football, play basketball, playbadm inton, play pin g-p ong? 弹奏乐器类:play the piano,play the violin,play the erhu,play the pipa,主要句型是:play the flute,play the drums? What did they/ he /she play? Dad played the erhu. And Mum played the pipa. 【重要句型】What d

10、id they play?他们演奏什么?Dad played the erhu.爸爸演奏了二胡。And Mum played the pipa.妈妈演奏了琵琶。It looks like a violin.它看起来像小提琴。Do you want to liste n to Chi nese music?你想听中国音乐吗?5 / 8Y es, please.是的,请吧。I was very n ervous before the con cert.音乐会之前我很紧张。Module 5【关键知识点】运用现在进行时态讲述正在发生的事情。主要句型是:? What are you/they doi n

11、g? We/They re having a party.英语中表示动作正在进行要用正在进行时,即动词后面加上 ing .例如:run -running,draw -drawing,paint -painting【重要句型】What are you doi ng?你在做什么?We re having a party.我们在举行派对。What s happe ning now 现在发生什么事了?Sam is playi ng the violi n.萨姆在拉小提琴。Today is Fathers Day 今 天是父亲节Dami ng is mak ing a card for his fath

12、er 大明正在给爸爸做卡片。 He s writing a message for hfather.他正在给他爸爸写祝词。Module 6【关键知识点】表示将来要做什么要用将来时,will +动词原形,例如:? What will you do? I ll draw the pictures.? I ll cut the paper.? I ll stick the pictures on the newspaper.向别人提建议用 Let s 动词原形,例如:? Let s fly our kites!? Let s play football!6 / 8What will you do?你

13、要做什么?I will draw the pictures. I m 我 o 来 dHalArt 我擅长画画。Our En glish n ewspaper is fan tastic.我们的英文报纸非常棒。Let s make an English newspaper!让我们来做一张英语报纸吧!We will bethere at ten o我们将在十点钟到那。I ll = I will you ll = you willwe ll = we will they ll = they willI m = I amModule 7【关键知识点】询问时间,基本句型:? What the time?

14、 It oclock./ It half past 【重要句型】? Whatsthe time now?现在几点钟了?? It 2soclock.现在二点钟了。? Is it 8 oclock now?现在八点了吗?? Is it breakfast time now?现在是早餐时间吗?? It 7:30 pm in Beijing.现在是北京时间晚上七点半Module 8【关键知识点】描述某一大范围内的某一地点的位置,基本句型:? Let 【重要句型】s go swimmi ng!7 / 8? Where s ? It in the of .He(She) lives in theof介绍某

15、一地点或某人在某一大范围内的具体位置,基本句型:Where s? It in the【重要句型】of .He(She) lives in theofHe lives in the east of the US.他住在美国的东部。Los An geles is in the west of the US.洛杉矶在美国的西部。Does he live in New York? Y es, he does.他住在纽约吗?是,他住 那。The capital of the US is Washi ngto n, D.C.美国的首都是华盛顿。 Peoplein the US speak En glish

16、 .美国人说英语。It s in the south of Ch in a.它在中国的南方。Module 9【关键知识点】Say sth. about Australia n kan garoos. eg:?lives in .They run/jump on .They eat ,theydrink .You can see in the in China.? The capital of is ? Why do you like?你为什么喜欢 ?? Because its/ they are 因为【重要句型】Why do you like Australia?你为什么喜欢澳大利亚?Beca

17、use I love Australia n an imals.因为我喜欢澳大利亚的动物。Why do you love kan garoos and koalas?为什么你喜欢袋鼠和考 拉?Because they are very, very cute.因为它们非常可爱。 Kan garoos live inAustralia.袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。 Kan garoos eat grass and leave 袋鼠吃草和树叶。My favourite an imal is the dog.我最喜欢的动物是狗。 Dogs eat meat andvegetable 狗.吃肉和蔬菜。8 / 8Module 10【关键知识点】将来时态的理解和应用, 基本句型:? Sb. Will do sth.? Sb. is/are going to do sth.将来时态的特殊疑问句的问答,基本句型:? - What will you do this summer?-I will ? -Where are you going to go this su


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