1、宁夏吴忠中学 2017-2018 学年高二英语 6 月月考试题(扫描版,无答案)A. Four, B. Three. C Two,听第10段材料,回答第17至20.17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?A. One year* B. Ten years, C. Eighteen years”18. What is the speaker opinion on public transport?A. ItTs comfortable.B. ItTs lime-saving.C It*5 cheap,19. What is good ab
2、out living in a small town?A. Its safer. B. Ifs healthier, C* Its more convenient.20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?A. Busy. B* ColourfulC. Quiet.第二部分 阅读理解共两节,滿分40分)第一节(共如分)从每JS所给的A、B, C和。四个竦项中,选出jft佳选项.AWelcome to Holker Hall & GardensVisitor InfonnationHow to Get to Holk
3、trBy Car: Follow brown signs an A590 from JB6tM6+Approximate travel times: Windermere-20 minutes Kendal-25 minutes, Lancaster-45 minutes,Manchester-1 hour 30 minutes.By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Camfonh, Lancaster Preston for connections tomajor cities & airport
4、s.Ouenjii理Thn骂Sunday-Friday(closed onSaturday)11:00am-4:00pm,3 0thMarch-2ndNovember.Admission ChargesHall & GardensGardensAdults:12.008.00Groups95.5Proaucers* Market 13th AprilJoin us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipeideas+Holker
5、GardenFES&曲!30th Mayrhe event celebrate its 22ndanniversary with a great show of the veiy best of gardening, making it one ofthe most popular events in gardening, M血onM GiiFikn 28th AugustHcdktr once again opens is gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take atoii
6、r with our garden guide.XVinT叶Mark蛀8th NovemberThis is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a livemusic show and nice street entenainment.21 .How long docs it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester?AOminiHcs. B.25 minutes.C.45
7、minutes. D.90 minutes.22.How much should a member of a toiir group pay to visit to Hall & Gardens?A12.OO,B9.00.C,8.0D,5.5023 . Which亡vent will you go to if you want to see a live music show?-2-A. Four. B. Three. C Two.听第10段材料.回答第17至20题17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?A* One year.
8、 B. Ten years. C Eighteen years,18. What is the speakers opinion on public transport?A* Ifs comfortable. B. Ifs time-saving. C. Its cheap.19. What is good about living in a small town?A. It*s safer. B. Ifs healthier C, Ifs more convenient.20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?A, B
9、usy. B. ColourfulC. Quiet二一不p_an用50peopleassumeAmonoqthe签gmakers吕 gumewmanycii層wiihbar畀 三 邑owshoppersspurchasepperbagwhEmca江一yrecycrtdbqrequiremoregggy sproduceandEnspoHAndwhin亘童$bags1beugx-oQokin二ryrepreisen-聲smaHpQrcenlmoqeoFtt=g址rbSJge Theground-odRYhe5ciusLryhas巴soH;!*d$理eexpenseRepMc再-hem0bedia
10、cuFQTheyarcft熬 trohoqthanplasticbagsD,ProducingthemrequiresmowcneL.3rwhais【hebesttitlec?r-heextyA-p-astr-:perorNeirhorpIndusiryTplulonandEnvironmentQRecyse2-nlroxvA盖 yDGar站監C2octornandW 常斥ControlDRgdh活ubo%indWHKhmgaamaretwoverydirheme:”perigc纟bEcxpudigscanb巾highwhenh2mofy砂ori常bookmad卩Then;arevaryman
11、y牙乜I雷盘bend百Pp2n瓦bya2nl 0 7 bvoaIov卩wo才hE耳Qardndboo 富do弓巴waymakegoodflbnsias忌sspy莎挥叫虽mokssmJs去gcplayraswe二asnoTvflsionsuchasbiogmphvimazmobiol;rM.Br2&-hosewrht岁hy帕ho?Tw-e0ucannkr 詁尹bu;3 dorgny10匀目二二.巾巾二romakesET二VHhcrNIlcinernpaudn-ncdw客dermet;*?Akeyisobolls-A. lb ague that good boolai shouii b;山
12、叩灵I to fikns.B. To persuade the audiences to融Xpi the adaptations from books to fihns.C To explain the reasons why述3HSgm books to 11 inis仙bd+D. To inform that adaptations shovM be based on various kinds ot books.第二节(1。分)从短文后的迭;冲辻出LI绅入空白处的最佳选项。选项中材两 项为多余选项。Five years is a rather she :r;ic in止亡long his
13、tory of China. 36, * Do ,3sliH remember the roobib phone : .工” 再(The answer ior most peoplejt delniceiyEGI. Techrolokv平 j 曲nwny things which seen;cdimpossible yesterday have no*一 门icaiay. And彌many benefits have been &n?ught io our ii;孔37. Nowadays, it s nc .fi;陰、;c :).inTFiiinicaTi; on WcCfiat,出
14、亡most-7-papular mobile social media plaifbrm in China. People carry less cah with Tw because most of thestores and hotels accept WeChat Pay and AliPay, TIMemergence uf sharing vehicles liclps reduce timeon transpmiion.people are心;n吕。门皿shopping, which in turn helps the express delivery industry. What
15、s more, the wide availability of bullettrains helps peopled travel and provides higher-quality services. And people can easily buy train andfight tickets on different apps without having to wait in lines to buy tickets*., 38But has it occurred to you that just five years ago all these things were be
16、yond peoples imagination?39. Unlike today, when we have access to wide-range ofnews on mobile devices, there were limited news sources five years ago. _40_A.By the end of 2016, there were 695 million mobile phone users in Chi门乳an increase of 12percent on year-on-year basis.B. With the constant impro
17、vement of digital technology a lot of changes have taken place inmany aspects of our life.C. At that time there were no apps to order takeaway food,D. Thanks to the fest-developing digital world, our life is becoming mon: convenient so that wecan spend more time with our family or on work.E.You had
18、no enjoyment of higher efficiency convenient sharing bicycles to cash-free payment.F. But for digital development, things are totally different.G. In China, holding a mobile phone means having the world in your han治.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分眄分第_节完形填空(共26小题;每小题1仔分,满分30分)We have all heard how time is more valu
19、able than money, but is it一L一t0have too much?;I 42 - back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also 43 a team sport. By thetime I got home, 1 only had a few hog 3 do时hfsnipwnrk. hnd I had to do it 44g do mv school work immediately, 1 was performins this action of siting imt】11Sate
20、r Wg 43 g thathappened, I just kept_my studying rther ana further back in my day. Then I got to the point where IwasJOrcally 1曲汛陀110-8-ifvod want something done, ask a _L_Pcreon Tc Jo儿-9-41.A4HJCB. fairC+strangeD. possible42. A. rem emberB, adntilC. understandD. expect43.A. watchedB. loved.C.coached
21、D. played44.A*at lastB. right awayC. of courseD.as usual45. A. happenedB. repeatedC. changedD. mattered46.A.extraB .difficult.C. valuableD+ limited47.A.dutyB. achievementC .urgencyD. direction48.A+burdenB. reliefC. riskD. habit49* A. pushingB. takingC. settingD. calling50. A. hanging outB. staying u
22、pC. jogging roundD. showing off51. A- metB. helpedC* treatedD. hired52. A. raisingB. wastingC* demandingD. making53.A. safeB. importantC. boringD. rewarding54 A luckilyB. hardlyC. hopefullyD* simply55.A. childhoodB. collegeC, townD. business56.A. quitB. foundC, acceptedD. kept57. A. heartB. chanceC”
23、 driveD. way58.A. savingB. filling upC, giving upD+ trading59. A, messageB. storyC.sayingD. fact60. A. carefulB. busyC. reliableD+kind第二节: 语法境空(共15分)在空白虬填入2个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Im not sure j61_is more frightened, me or the female gonlla(大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere. Im walking on a path in
24、the forest in the Central AfricanRepublic. Unexpectedly, IF face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at 62 cop of herlungs. Tliat makes her baby screain, and then a 400-poucd male appears. He screams the 63_(loud)of all. The noise shakesi!ie trees as the male beats his chcsi and charges t
25、oward inc. I qidck y lower myself, ducking myhead to avoid_ 4_.directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel65_(chaHcnge).My name is Mireya Mayor, fm a 66 (science)who studies animals such as apes and monkeys, iwas searching f打_tliese three western lowland gorillas jdbeen obsci-ving. No one had seen them
26、 for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried.When the gorillas and I frightened each otlier, 1 wa5 just glad to find 68 (they) alive,Tiur to a gorillas rriiigrcssivc nature, the huge animal _ 69(mean)mc no real harm. He v, as just saying: Tin king of this foresL and here is your reminder!1Once i
27、iis niessagt: v, as delivered, he allow cd me 70 (siay)a(t! vatch.第四部分:单词拼写:(W分)根据所给单词的汉语髀义戒小狂示:弓出务旬中所缺单词的正确形式-10 -71 .The roomESin a tcrrib)c m一- 一,pHdean it before the guests arrive12. The boy dived uilo the deep wzailCJ,rOstd一+73. Al!_(幸存者)of the disaster心e invited to participate in the survey.74
28、. Th巳rest loom ofUie hotel is located on t畑mountain top _ f船瞰丿山巳75, He was the top scorer in the NiJA ;&-(连续的)seasons.76, There忑no doubt that he _(卡)山title outstanding player of hisgeneration.77,It is tof him io tell a lie. /、;784*11 never forget being_(选举)to thc stuent council.79.Being pfor cla
29、sses w essentiaL80am ashamed to admit that I s_一 人泣)ms 1圧!I asleep that night.第五部分 写作共两节.满分35分) 第一节短文改错共ID小画:每小題分,満分1。分、It was Monday morning, and the writing対had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see whowould be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and e
30、ager ttike partin the class activity, others wcie nervous and anxious. I iiad done mvrself homework but I was shy. I wasafraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered Giat my fatheronce said The classroom is a place ior letiniing and也玄include leaning iroin te
31、xtbooks and mistakeas well/1Immediate, raised my hand,第二节书面表达(满分巧分)”假设你是李华*你所在的学校与美国BASIS Tucson中学有一个交流项目(ExchangePrograin儿 此项目为询介同学餾供在美国学习一年的机会现在你 有愆要参加该项鬥,请根据以卜内容姿点,用英语向该校写-份申请乜1.渴望了解不冋文化,乐于谗播中国文化;2.現正衽寄:?S学校 hoarding上学,习價离家生活;新的经历对性緡培养冇益|足学习、锻炼的好机会=1-短文必须包括以上要点,可适当添加细节車a 訂以:io。词圧右开头已经为你写好,不刃入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,tiow i
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