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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上雅思图表作文模板句Para1. This is a table / chart / (line线状 bar柱状 pie饼状)graph which demonstrate / illustrate / reveal /depict /privide information about. Para2. (1)Obvious /Apparent from the graph is that .rank the first/highest,while/whereas .turn out to be the lowest (2)It is exhibited/shown in

2、 the table that. (3)It can be seen from the table that. Para3.(1)饼柱图 A,which accounts for.%,ranks the first;then next is B with.%;followed by C,constituting.%;finally it comes D.E.F at.%.%and.%respectively (2)特殊变化(不变,增长或下降多的) It is worth mentioning that. It must be pointed out that. More striking/su

3、prising is that. Para4.To conclude /In conclusion/overallPara5. this is a graph which illustrates. 这个图表向我们展示了.Para6 .this table shows the changing proportion of a &b from.to.该表格描述了.年到.年间a与b的比例关系。Para7 .the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in.该图以圆形图形式描述了.总的趋势。Para8. this is

4、 a column chart showing.这是个柱型图,描述了.Para9 . as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of.如图所示,两条曲线描述了.的波动情况。Para10 .over the period from.to.the.remained level.在.至.期间,.基本不变。Para11 .in the year between.and.在.年到.期间.Para12.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998.1995年至1998三年

5、里.Para13 .from then on/from this time onwards.从那时起.Para14 .the number of.remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year).月(年)至.月(年).的数量基本不变。1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道_,也说明了结果是_ According to the first graph, it can be seen that _, it can also be concluded from it that _. 2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片 There i

6、s an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: _. 3、当前有一张涉及_的增长曲线图,许多人_,然而其他人倾向于_ Nowadays there is a growing concern over _. Many people like _, while others are inclined to _. 4、目前,共同之处是_,许多人喜欢_因为_除此之外还由于_ Nowadays, it is common to _. Many people like _ because _. Besides, _. 5、(图表

7、所示)_,就像许多其他事物,被_更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被_ 所抨击,一些人认为_,他们指出_ _, just like many other things, are preferred by _.While being attacked by the idea that _, some people consider _. They point that _. 6、每种事物都有两面性和_,是没有异议的,包括利和弊 Everything has two sides and _ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantag

8、es. 7、_作为_被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它 For years _ had been viewed as _. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、政府保证_,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_ It has stipulated by the government that _. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because _.9._也许更喜欢_,但是_忍受_的不利之出 _ may be preferable to _,

9、 but it suffers from the disadvantages that _. 10._的有利之处比_的有利之处要多,举例说明,_ The advantages of _ are much greater that those of _. For instance, _. 11. But I dont think it is a very good way to solve _. For instance, _. Worst of all, _. 12. There are many ways to _. First, _. Second, _. Third, _. 13. On

10、 the contrary, there are some people in favor of _. They believe _. Moreover, they think _. 14.There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can _, there are a number of advantages of _. Another solution is to _. 15.It is high time that something was done about it. For example, _. In additio

11、n, _. All these measures will certainly _. 16. There are some other people, who _. Their reasons are different something for _, sometimes for _, and sometimes simply for _. 17. _ is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction. First, _. Whats more, _. Most important of all,

12、_. 18. However, if not managed properly, _ can create many problems. Sometimes _. Furthermore, _. Therefore, _ has been gaining public concern. 19. 有很多原因_, There are probably many reasons for _. First, _. Second, _. Finally, _. There are, I think, two main reasons for _. In the first place, _. In th

13、e second place, _. Therefore, _. Well, why is there _? I think there might be two reasons. One is _, and the other is _. Why _? For one thing, _. For another, _. Perhaps the main reason is _. Why _? The first reason is that _. The second reason is _. The third is _. For all this, the main cause of _

14、 is due to _. 20. It is no easy job to find the reasons for this tendency which involves several complicated factors. For some _. For others _. 21. “Why do _?” Many people often ask questions like this. 22. In recent years, there is a general tendency to _. According to a study, there is _. compared

15、 with _ last year. Why _? 23. According to a survey, there is a growing number of _. What brings this result? The main reason rests with. 24.Some people prefer to _. In their opinion, _. In addition, _. Nevertheless, nowadays, _ has become more and more common. Many people are inclined to _. In thei

16、r opinion, _. They believe that _. 25. Today, there _, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, _ second, _. What makes things worse is that _. 26. Nowadays, _ has become a problem we have to face. Though its easier said than done, with the help of modern technology, we now have m

17、any means to solve it. 27. 对于这个图,说明了_ The graph shows the general trend in _According to the figures/numbers/statistics/percentages in the table/chart/bar graph/line graph, it can be seen that _. Obviously, _, but why? The figure indicates/shows/suggests/proves that _. There is a steady/rapid develo

18、pment/trend of _. From the graph/chart, we know the statistics of _ and _. It can be seen easily that _. According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that _ In the left graph, _. At the same time, _ as the right graph shows. 28. 现在我们经常听到_,但是真的如此吗? These days we are often told that _. But is it true? These days we often hear about _. But is this really the ca


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