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1、发包方:(甲方) Employer ( party A )承包方:(乙方)Contractor ( party B )甲乙双方根据中华人民共和国合同法和建筑安装工程承包合同条例的规定以 及建筑工程的具体情况,就乙方承包甲方水暖电和中央通风系统安装项目施工事宜, 双方协商一致,签订本合同。Parties hereto, in accordance with LAW OF CONTRACT, REGULATION OF CONTRACTING WITHCONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION and particular case, have made mutual agreement

2、on the issues ofparty Bs contracting the projects, fromparty A, of water, electricity and central ventilation system and enter into this contract.第一条:工程概况Article One Overview1、工程名称:水暖电安装工程、中央通风系统安装工程Project Name : water, electricity and central ventilation system2、工程地点:Project Place:3、工程内容及承包范围:Proj

3、ect Contents and Contracting Scope:(一)、电气工程(强、弱电):Electricity Engineering ( Strong and Weak Current )1、照明系统:管路预留、预埋、穿线,灯具、插座、开关、配电箱、电度表箱安装及 调试等施工图纸要求内容。Lighting system: The contents which are stipulated in drawings comprise the installations andcommissioning of pipe presetting, pipe embedded, pipe t

4、hreading, lamps, sockets, switches, distributionboxes and the like.2、动力电系统:管路及套管预留、预埋,电缆桥架安装,线缆敷设,配电设备安装及 调试等施工图纸要求内容。Electric Power System: The contents required in drawings of pipe and sleeve presetting, embedded,cable tray installation, cable laying, installation and commissioning of distribution

5、 and others.3、弱电系统:电视、电话、宽带网、监控:管路预留、预埋(含穿墙套管)及管路清 扫等弱电施工图纸要求内容。Weak System: The contents which are stipulated in the drawings of weak power for ( TV, telephone,broadband and monitoring); pipeline presetting, embedded( include wall bushing)and pipe cleaningand so on.4、防雷接地系统:施工图纸要求的全部施工内容。Lightening

6、 Protection System: All project Contents which are required by the construction drawings.此外,所有与电气工程(强、弱电)有关的工作均由乙方完成。Save and except for above, all works concerning electric engineering( strong and weak current) shouldbe accomplished by party B.(二)、水暖工程Plumbing Engineering1、给排水、消防用防水、穿(楼板)墙套管的预留、预埋,

7、雨水管道、消防栓系统 安装、试压、防腐、冲洗、调试及施工配合等施工图纸要求内容。Presetting and embedding of drainage, water for fire-fighting and casing through floor/wall, andinstallation, pressure test, anti-corrosion, flushing, commissioning relevant to drainage, water forfire-fighting, presetting and embedding of casing through floor/

8、wall, water pipe, fire hydrant system andexecution cooperation and other works which are required by drawings.2、室内供暖:采暖系统用防水、穿(楼板)墙套管的预留、预埋,空调冷凝水管道的 预留、预埋,该系统的安装、试压、防腐保温、冲洗、调试及施工配合等施工图纸要 求内容。Indoor Heating: Presetting and embedding of pipe casing for poof-water in heating system; presettingand embed

9、ding of air conditioning condensate pipeline with which the installation, pressure test,anti-corrosion / heat preservation, flushing, commissioning as well as cooperation and other contentsstipulated in drawings.(三)中央空调/通风系统安装Installation of Central Air Conditioning / Ventilation System1、该工程为水冷式中央空调

10、安装工程,包括场地施工、安装、调试、检测The project is a installation Work of water-cooled central air-conditioning which is inclusive of the siteconstruction, installation, commissioning and test.2、工程包括室内风机、风管及配套设施的供货及安装。The project include the supply and installation of indoor fan, duct and ancillary facilities there

11、with.第二条: 工期Article Two Project Period合同签订之日起,工期为五个月。Project period is five months as of the date of concluding this contract.第三条:工程质量要求Article Three Requirement for Quality工程质量等级:优良。Grade of project quality shall is good.第四条:承包方式、合同价款及结算方式Article Four Contracting Manner, Cost and Settlement1、承包方式:包

12、工不包料Contracting manner: Contract for labor except of material2、结算方式:按照工程决算结算合同价款。Settlement: Contract cost will be made settlement on the final accounting.第五条:甲方代表Article Five Party As Representative1、甲方驻施工现场代表姓名:Name of party As representative on the site.第六条:乙方代表Article Six Party Bs Representative

13、1、乙方驻施工现场代表姓名:Name of party Bs representative on the site.第七条:甲方义务Article Seven Party A Liabsilities1、委派现场管理代表,监督检查工程质量、进度,负责设计图纸的变更、工程质量 验收及其他事宜,组织对工程竣工验收。如需变更图纸或变更已施工的工程,甲方应 通知乙方,派专人协助乙方工程技术人员施工,负责与其他配套施工单位协调。The representative for the site management, whom dispatched by party A, shall take superv

14、ision andinspection of quality and progress of project, responsible for variation of design drawings, qualityacceptance and other matters, in addition to final acceptance of project. In case of alteration of drawingsor project which being under execution, for which, party A should give notice to par

15、ty B and dispatchparticular personnel to assist party Bs engineering technicians for constructionthereon and liable for coordination with other construction companies.2、甲方负责提供水源、电源,保证施工需要。Party A should be responsible for provision of water and power so as to ensure construction needs.3、甲方提供与其他工程相关资

16、料,组织与其他施工队协商。Shall provide the information concerned to other project and organize consultation with otherconstruction teams.第八条:乙方义务Article Eight Party Bs Liabilities1、向甲方提交施工进度计划,并及时向甲方提交施工所需材料的数量计划单。Submit construction schedule to party A and provide in time party A with Bill of Material Plan for

17、 thematerials which are necessary in construction.2、按工程需要提供和维修一切与工程有关的设施等。Provision and maintenance of all engineering-related facilities as per the necessity of construction.3、负责安装过程中的质量,技术,变更及施工进度、安全管理工作,负责安全工程 技术资料的整编并向甲方报送施工完整的施工组织及专业的施工方案。Responsible for quality, technology during installation

18、and execution progress, safety management,preparation of engineering files, in addition to provide party A with the programs of complete workingorganization and professional execution.4、施工期间的一切人身安全事故全由乙方负责,并负责保护甲方的一切设备、设施,如有损坏,乙方负责赔偿Party B should duri ng executi on, liable for all accide nt of pers

19、 onal safety and protect party As anyequipment / facility, in case of any damage thereto, for which, shall make compe nsati on.5、施工期间乙方应遵守施工现场的安全生产责任制度。Party B should during execution, abide by the regulation of safety construction on the site.6、乙方在竣工前十日向甲方提供完整的竣工资料肆套。Provisi on of four sets of comp

20、lete materials for final accepta nee to party A on and before 10 days priorto project completi on .第九条:进度计划Article Ni ne Progress Programme1、 在开工前乙方根据甲方要求拟订本工程的进度表。Party B should prior to the commencement, as per the requirement of party A, draw out the schedule ofproject.2、 乙方应接受甲方代表对工程进度、质量的检查和监督。

21、Party B should accept the in spect ion and supervisi on of party A the progress and quality of project.3、 施工中经检验质量不合格,乙方按甲方代表,质检部门的要求进行返工、修改,并 承担费用。4、 在日之前必须安装完毕,并调试合格。第十条:工期Article Ten Working Term 1、乙方应严格按照甲乙双方认定的工期进行施工Party B should carry out the execution, as per, on strict, the working term whi

22、ch is ascertained anddetermined by parties hereto.s represe ntative on2、除不可抗力及甲乙双方责任之外的其他原因,导致工程停建,施工合同不能继续 履行,双方可以协商解除合同。Provided that any other reason except for force majuere and the liability of parties hereto bring onproject suspension or failure to continue performance of contract, parties may

23、 negotiate to dischargecontract.第十一条:工程款支付Article Eleven Payment of Project Cost1、乙方进场施工后,甲方按月进度付款,次月15日前支付上月进度款的70 %Party A shall, on and after party B enter the site for commencement of project, make monthly progresspayment, 70% of last month progress payment shall be paid prior to 15thnext month.

24、2、工程竣工付至进度款的80%。80% of progress payment shall be made on completion of project.3、水暖电安装工程完工验收合格后,甲方付乙方工程结算款的97%。Party A shall, on and after acceptance of competed installation of water and electricity, make 97% ofproject payments to party B.4、水电费以建设单位出具的水、电费收据支付。Fees of water and electricity used in

25、the site shall be paid against receipt issued by employer.第十二条:违约责任Article Twelve Breach Responsibility1、甲方未能履行合同,如果属于以下情形之一,其经济损失由甲方承担,工期顺延Where and if party As failure of performancaettriisbutable to one of followingmatters, the economic loss thereof will be suffered by party A and extension of Wo

26、rking period.(1)因图纸变更未能及时送达乙方;Draw ings fail to be provided in time to party B due to alterati on thereof.(2)因应由甲方提供的材料和设备未能及时到达现场或型号规格不符安装图纸规定的要 求。Materials and equipme nts which should be provided by party A fail to arrive in time on the site or themodel / specificati on thereof are incon siste nt

27、 with the stipulati ons of in stallati on draw in gs.2、乙方未能履行合同,出现以下情形之一,造成工期延期。甲方有权要求乙方偿付 违约金,每延迟一天,罚款 _元并承担相应的经济损失;Provided that if party A fail to perform con tract due to one of matters as follows and result in scheduledelay, party A is entitle to liquidated damages,from party B,of _US Dollar fo

28、r each day delayed andcorresp onding econo mic loss suffered。(1)不能按期或按照要求完成施工任务;Failure of accomplishme nt of executi on as per requireme nt of con tract.(2) 工程质量不符合质量要求,需要返工/返修或重做;Non-con forma nee to the requireme nt of project quality and n eed to rework or repair or redo.(3)其他违反现场操作规定的事故发生。Occur

29、re nee of accide nt due disobey ing rules of site operati on.第十三条:合同生效与终止Article Thirtee n Effective and Termin ati on of Con tract本合同自签订之日起生效。在竣工结算、甲方付款完毕后,除保修款仍生效外,其它 条款即告终止。保修期满后,有关保修条款终止。甲乙双方另外签订维修合同。This con tract shall come into force and effective on and from the date of sig nature. Other pro

30、visi onshereof except to the warra nty article, on and after final settleme nt and completi on of payme nt byparty A, shall become n ull and void. The warra ntee provision will after expiration of warrantee period,be terminated in addition to another maintenance contract signed by parties hereto.第十四

31、条:纠纷解决Article Fourteen Dispute Settlement凡因执行本合同或有关本合同所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果 协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。Arbitration:All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shallbe settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settleme

32、nt can be reached, the case at issueshall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade ArbitrationCommission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award by the saidCommission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties.第十五条 其他Arti

33、cle Fifteen Miscellaneous本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份。本合同未尽事宜,双方协商解决。This contract is made two original copies for each party hold one copy. Any outstanding issues hereinshall be settled by mutual negotiation.发包方(甲方):Employer (Party A)承包方(乙方):Contractor (Party B)代表人: 代表人:Representative forRepresentative forand

34、on behalf of Party Aand on behalf of Party B附件:AppendixGENERAL REQUIREMENTS & DESIGN CRITERIA水暖电及空调通风系统安装技术要求及设计标准PART 1: GENERAL第一节:概述1. SCOPE范围The works covered under this contract include all the supply, installation, testing and delivering ingood operating condition of complete air condition

35、ing and ventilation systems, Plumbing, Drainageand Fire Protection described in these specifications and shown on the drawings, except the followingequipment:本合同包括的工作包括这些规范中描述的和图纸上显示的,除下述设备外的全套空调 和通风系统,给排水系统及防火系统在良好操作状态下的提供、安装、检验及供货:1. A/C Equipment.空调设备2. Exhaust Fans排气扇3.Sanitary Fixtures卫生洁具4.Wat

36、er Heaters.热水器5.Water Mixers搅水器6.Water Pumps水泵As per procurement table, the above material shall be supplied by the Employer and installed andcommissioned by the Contractor. Any other fittings, valves, hose and accessories or material requiredfor proper installation shall be provided by the Contract

37、or and are deemed to be included in theContractor price.根据采购表,以上材料应由业主提供,承包商负责安装及调试。正确安装所需要的其 他配件,水阀,软管及附件或材料应由承包商提供,并且被认为包含在承包商的报价 之中。The Contractor shall provide all materials, labour, equipment, tools, appliances, services, -hoisting,scaffolding, supervision and overhead for the furnishing and in

38、stalling of all the systems and relatedwork complete; in accordance with the drawings, schedules and specifications including but notlimited to the following:承包商应当为所有系统及相关全部工作的供应和安装提供所有的材料,劳务,设备,工具,器具,服务-吊装,脚手架,监督及管理;根据图纸,规格表及规范,包括但 不限于以下:1.1 To check the design and to undertake the responsibility o

39、f achieving the design conditions in theoccupied areas.检查设计,负责使已占用区域达到设计条件。1.2 To supply, install and commission the air conditioning to the satisfaction of the Client.提供,安装,调试空调装置,使业主满意。1.3 To connect duct split units drains to the nearest drain point.将风管分体单元的排水管连接到最近的排水点。1.4 To provide power suppl

40、y to the all individual systems. Electrical power supply terminating in anisolating switch located within 1 meter of the unit shall be provided by the Electrical Contractor.为所有独立系统提供电源。位于单元1米范围内的独立开 关内的电源供应由电气承包商提供。1.5 To provide complete control wiring. Empty conduits shall be laid by the Electrica

41、l Contractor.提供全部的控制配线。空电管应由电气 承包商安装。2.0 PRELIMINARIES准备2.1 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS对文件和图纸的解释The Engineers specification and drawing shall be interpreted in accordance with good installationpractice relevant to the circumstances. The guidelines of Codes of Practice of the British sta

42、ndardsinstitution and ASHRAE standards where such codes are relevant shall take precedence over allothers unless stated in this document. Where the Engineers drawings are to a small scale and/or areexpressed in symbolic terms or are in the form of an explanatory diagram, then of the exact location o

43、rdetail of pipes, ducts, cables, valves or other components shall not be inferred. Any details not shownor specified but necessary for the proper installation and operation shall be included in the work, at noextra cost on the contract price.对监理工程师的规范和图纸的解释,应根据相关环境下良好的安装惯例进行。除非本 文件另有说明,英国标准协会操作规程指南以

44、及美国采暖,制冷与空调工程师学会ASHRAE标准中相关规定应优先于所有其他规范。如果监理工程师的图纸的比例较小和/或以象征性条件或以解释性图表的格式表示,那么水管、风管、电缆、水阀或其他 部件的具体位置或详细情况不应据此推断。 任何没有图示的或规定的,但对正确安装 及操作所必需的细节应该包含在工作中,但不应增加合同总价的费用。2.2 CO-ORDINATION OF WORK DONE BY OTHERS与其他承包商完成的工作协调According to the type of installation, a fixed sequence of operation is required to

45、 properly install thecomplete system. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to closely schedule his work so thatthis work will be installed at the proper time and without delaying the completion of the entire projector the work of other trades. And the Contractor shall, without extra char

46、ge or time, make anymodification in the layout as needed to prevent conflict with other trades for proper execution.根据安装类型,需要有一个固定的操作顺序来正确安装整个系统。承包商应负责紧密 安排自己的工作,在适当时间进行安装工作,而不至于耽误整个工程的竣工或其他专 业的工作。同时,承包商应对总平面图进行必要的修改,避免与其他专业正常施工发 生矛盾,并不追加费用或工期。2.3 CEILING HEIGHTS天花板标高Architectural drawings shall be

47、checked for ceiling height requirements. Requests for deviations fromthese must be approved by the Engineer.对天花板标高的要求需查阅建筑图。要改变这些要求必须请求工程师的批准。2.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING切割及修补The Contractor shall ensure that the necessary pipe and duct openings for this work are built into thefloors and walls in time.承包

48、商需确保这项工作所必需的水管和风管的开口及时修筑在地板和墙壁内。The Contractor, shall set sleeves for pipes and ducts accurately before the concrete floors are poured.Details of sleeves are given hereinafter. Should the Contractor neglect to perform this preliminarywork, and should cutting required in order to install his piping,

49、ductwork or equipment, the expense ofthis cutting and restoring of surface to their original condition shall be borne by the Contractor.承包商应在混凝土地板浇筑前准确安装风管和水管的套管。套管详图在下文中给出。 如果承包商忘记执行这一准备工作,并且为了安装水管和风管或设备需要进行切割, 切割及将表面恢复到原先状态的费用应当由承包商承担。.3.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS一般规范3.1 APPROVALS审批Wherever hereinaf

50、ter the works for approval or approved are used in regard to manufacturedspecialities, or wherever it is desired to substitute a different make or type of equipment for thatspecified, all information pertinent to the suitability of the proposed equipment shall be submitted tothe Engineer for the app

51、roval.下文中用到关于制造专业产品的“申请批准”或“已批准”的工作,或要求用一种不 同品牌或型号的设备替换规定设备时,应提交与建议的设备的合适性相关的所有资料 报监理工程师批准。Approvals for equipment specified herein will not be given merely upon the submission of themanufacturers names. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this specification, approvals forequipment will be g

52、iven only after the receipt of complete and satisfactory performance data (coveringthe complete range of operating conditions) in tabular and graphical form as required by the Engineer.Complete and satisfactory information shall also be furnished relating to equipment dimensions,weight, etc. It is t

53、o be understood, however that approvals for all equipment not specified or shown onthe drawings will be granted if such equipment, in the opinion of the Engineer, conforms to theperformance requirements, space requirements, any additional costs whatsoever (electrical,structural, architectural, plumb

54、ing etc.) to the owner as a result on any approved substitution shall beborne by the Contractor.对这里规定设备的审批不仅仅是对供应商名称的批准。尽管设备与本规范相反,在收 到按工程师要求以表格和图表形式提交的全套另人满意的运行数据(全部运行条件范 围)后,也会对设备进行批准。需提供关于设备尺寸、重量等全套另人满意的资料。同时,需了解,如果工程师认为设备符合运行要求和空间要求,会对图纸上没有规定 或显示的所有设备进行批准。由于批准的任何置换所引发的对业主的额外费用(电气, 结构,建筑,给排水等)由承包

55、商承担。3.2 DRAWINGS AND INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FORMECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT.最终批准时,工程师将返还承包商一份标有批准字样的复印件供应商需提供的机电设备的图纸和资料3.2.1.Within one month of the acceptance of the tender the Contractor shall submit the following intriplicate for approval by the Engineer.收到

56、中标通知书的一个月内,承包商应提交以下文件(一式三份)报工程师审批。1. Outline and sectional drawings as necessary to indicate the leading features of the main items.说明主要物品的最重要的特点的必要的大纲图纸和分部图纸。2. A detailed specification of the various items.各项物品的详细说明。3.The schedule(s) of technical information fully detailed, the proposed source of

57、supply and makerof any item not of the Contractors manufacture and the name and address of any Sub-Contractor theContractor intends to employ for the works.充分详细的技术资料规格表,对非承包商制造的所有物品的建议的供货来源及制造商; 承包商打算为本工程雇佣的分包商的名称和地址。4.Detailed drawings of the general arrangement of the plant showing all apertures,

58、holes, chases,trenches and ducts required in the concrete and blockwork structure for the completion of theinstallation.设备总体布置的详细图纸,标明“为完成安装在混凝土结构和砌体结构中需要的所有 的孔口、洞、暗槽、沟槽和管道”。5.Drawings of electrical plant and equipment given details, dimensions and schematic diagram,circuitry and component details,

59、shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer in writing beforemanufacture is commenced.在开始生产之前,提交电气设备图纸,给出详图,尺寸,及示意图,电路 和部件详图, 供工程师批准。6.Upon final approval one copy will be marked approved by the Engineer and returned to theContractor.3.2.2Three months prior to the issuing of the maintenance cert

60、ificate theContractor shall provide the following:签发保修证书前三个月,承包商应提供以下文件:1. Three copies of detailed revised specifications and schedules of the plant as actually installed.三份详细的修订后的规范和实际安装的设备规格表的复印件。2. Three copies of instructions for the maintenance and overhaul of the plant installed.三份对已安装的设备进行维护和检查的


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