1、单元重点小结重点单词1.betray必出卖,背叛2.friction/?不和,冲突3.justicee公正,正义4.compromise/?.妥协,让步5.immigratione移民入境>immigrate移居>immisrant门移民6. prejudice门偏见7. furnishedad/酉己有家具的>furnishE 布置家具>furniture门.家具8.expose必使置身于危险中:暴露>exposeda 无遮蔽的,不遮挡风雨的>exposure门暴露显露9.departuree离开,离去>departIX.离开,动身,出发10.clas
2、sify必把分类>classifieda*分类的,别类的>classificationn.分类11.subscribe庞订阅(杂志或报纸)12.appoint必任命,委任>appointment门.任命,委任>appointedadj.约定的13.possessiona.私有物品>possess必拥有14.criticise必批评15.contradict必反驳,纠正16.weepvt. &vi.哭泣,流泪17.remarkE.说起,谈到>remarkablea©.非凡的,奇异的18.distribute必分发,分配>distribu
3、tion门分发汾配,分布;经销19.shot/?.射击,开枪20.swearvi.发誓21.acquaintance门相识的人22.greed/7.贪心,贪婪>greedy贪婪的23.import必进口>export此出口24.strengthen几(使)变强,加强>strength门力量>stronga©强的,强壮的25intend必想要,打算26.theoreticala©.理论的>theory门理论27.liberation解放!>liberate认解放重点短语1 把交给2 向告另 Ibid goodbye 13.处于可能受伤害的境
4、地be exposed to4瞬间,即 亥ljin a flash5保护,维护stand up for6与某人详纟田讨论某事talk sth.over with sb.7提议,提出put forward8.让步,屈月艮give in9从那时起,以后from then on10派人去叫 send for11 请(某人)call in12有的天赋have a gift for13减去keep off27解决(问题或困难)sort out14.(在困境中)坚持hold out15不久以后by and by16要求介入 call on17看不起 look down on18遵守诺言keep one
5、39; s word19发生come about20.吃惊地,惊奇地 in surprise21 和平地 in peace22 拥抱某人 take sb .in one' s arms23越就越 the morethe mow24参军join up25 给某人招来(不愉快的)事情bTinp sth.on sb26 调查look into重点句型1.It wasonly after careful considerationthatwegave Yang Ming a warning.在慎重考虑之后,我们给了杨明一个警告I I I2. We" d be sitting ther
6、e happily reading our newspapers, when suddenly so much water would come from above that we,d be as wet as if we,d showered with our clothes on!我们本来坐在那里开开心心地看报纸,突然间很多水从天而降,我 们就好像穿着衣服洗澡一样全身湿透!3. The first timeshe asks her brother to changechannels she is patient.第一次要求她哥哥换频道时,她很有耐心。4.and this time he,
7、d hadboth his legs blown off这一次他的双腿都被炸掉了5.In fact, the more I use the bike,the moreweightI seem to put on,despite following the instruction manual carefully. 事实上,我越骑这辆自行车,我增重越快,尽管我认真遵循了用户手 III/J/J O重点语法I. 各种强调结构的用法句型转换1.1 had no sooner got home than it began to rain heavily.(变为同义句) >No sooner had
8、 Igot home thanit began torain heavily.2.If you had taken my advice,you wouldn' t have failed in the examination.(变为同义句)tHad you takenmy advice,you wouldn,t havefailed in the examination.3. Where did you meet your old friend yesterday?(变为强调句)>Where was it thatyou met your old friendyesterday?
9、4. A person seldom lives to be a hundred years old.(变为倒装句)>Seldom doesa person live to be a hundred yearsold.5.She didn,t understand what the teacher said just now until she went home.(变为强调句)>It was not untilshe went homethatsheunderstood what the teacher said just now.完成工作后,他出去会朋友了。5.You are
10、late.Youshould have arrivedII.各种完成时态的用法完成句子1. His first novelhas receivedgood reviews since itcame out last month.他的第一部小说自上个月出版以来就受到了好评。2. Wehave been workingon this project forfour hours.Let" s have a rest.我们在这个项目上已经工作了四个小时,让我们休息一下吧。3.It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they had donefor me.很久以后我才能够完全领会到他们为我所做的一切。:;4. Having finished the work,he went out to meet his friends.fiveminutes earlie匚你迟到了。你本该早来五分钟的。交际功能表达争论 l.Ohjust stop doing.噢,停止做2. You? re always doing你经常做3.1 wish
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