1、初中英语北师大版初中英语北师大版 Book 15 Book 15 Unit 6Unit 6【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Topic:Chinas history of basketballVacabulary:spirit, level, do ones bestGrammar:Object clause【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学目标教学目标学生能够学生能够 1、正确朗读本课课标词汇,并能口头说出其含义。、正确朗
2、读本课课标词汇,并能口头说出其含义。2、通过完成、通过完成1.2中判断正误的练习和中判断正误的练习和1.4的回答问题训练的回答问题训练 学生快速获取文章的细节信息和猜词的能力。学生快速获取文章的细节信息和猜词的能力。3、通过阅读、通过阅读,训练学生寻找主旨大意和综合信息的能力。训练学生寻找主旨大意和综合信息的能力。4、用口头和笔头来描述、用口头和笔头来描述“ Basketball playing is very popular in China .”【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学过程教学过程Warm u
3、pLanguage inputLanguage focus Language in use【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件1.看图片,激发学生兴趣看图片,激发学生兴趣Warm upBasketballWhat sport are they from?2.设置问题,关注本课话设置问题,关注本课话题题3. jump ball pass jump shot dunk Look at the pictures and label them. Warm up4.Can you name it in the basket
4、ball game? 【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学过程教学过程Warm upLanguage inputLook at the following sentences and try to guess which ones are true. The USA is the oldest basketball country. China is the second oldest basketball-playing country. The number of basketball fans is g
5、rowing in China. NBA games started being shown on TV in China in the 1980s.Language inputPre-reading获取一级信息获取一级信息Chinas history of basketball NBA games started being shown on TV in China in the 1980s. The USA is the oldest basketball country. China is the second oldest basketball-playing country. The
6、 number of basketball fans is growing in China.读后,再次进行读后,再次进行True / False判断,核对并改正。判断,核对并改正。Language inputWhile-reading活动活动1.【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Language inputWhile-reading 读后,再次进行读后,再次进行True / False判断,核对并改正。判断,核对并改正。 获取二级信息获取二级信息起源起源 发展发展兴盛兴盛2424活动活动1.活动活动2.讨论:
7、从文章中找出对与错的根据讨论:从文章中找出对与错的根据【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Underline the detailed information起源起源兴旺兴旺发展发展Many people in China love the game.Basketball started to be popular in ChinaWhen (1890s)Who (Americans)How many people (210million)Play, teach, involvenumber keeps grow
8、ingNBA gamesplayersleaguesfansChina is the second oldest basketball-playing country.获取三级信息获取三级信息活动活动3【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学过程教学过程Warm upLanguage inputLanguage focus 【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Language focus 宾语从句的含义及宾语从句的含义及用法。用法。
9、 Observe the sentencesUnderstand the meaningSum up the structure Read the sentences语序语序引导词引导词Talk about basketball in China, usingThe following pattern: Do you know? Can you tell me?Hints: Do you know when basketball was introduced to China? Can you tell me how many people are involved in the sport
10、in China?Language focus Do you know why he is so sad? why 是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,意是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,意思是思是“为什么为什么”。 Can you see how he does it? how 是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,意思是意思是“怎么样怎么样”。 Do you know who this beautiful girl is? who 是疑问代词,引导宾语从句,意是疑问代词,引导宾语从句,意思是思是“谁谁”。I dont know whose cat this is? whose 是疑问代词是疑问
11、代词, 引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,意意思是思是“谁的谁的”。 I want to know when he can get a fish? when when 是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,意思是意思是“什么时候什么时候” ”。 I dont know where I can buy such good shoes? where 是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,是疑问副词,引导宾语从句,意思是意思是“在哪在哪”。宾语从句在整个句子中做宾语成分,宾语从句在整个句子中做宾语成分,由由what , which, who, whose 等代词等代词和和how, why, when, w
12、here 等副词引等副词引导。导。宾语从句中宾语从句中, 主主语要放在谓语前语要放在谓语前面。面。Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.Do you know when will the meeting begin? the meeting will beginI dont know what did he say yesterday.what he said yesterday.Can you tell me how can I get to the bus stop?I canTell me where shall we meet?
13、we shall操练操练1【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Language focus 操练操练2 Can you tell me -?/ Where will the game take place? Do you know -? / Who won the basketball game? Who knows-?/ Did the team win the game? Can you tell me -? / Wll more Chinese players play in the NBA?.Use ob
14、ject clauses to combine the two ideas【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学过程教学过程Warm upLanguage inputLanguage focus Language in use【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件 Discuss Discuss Do you think basketball playing is very popular in Do you think baske
15、tball playing is very popular in China ? Please give some examples :China ? Please give some examples :学生可以再次阅读课文举出例子:学生可以再次阅读课文举出例子:1. Many people in China love games .1. Many people in China love games .2. About 210 million people .2. About 210 million people .等学生可以依据课文或自己的见解举出许多例子来同时也为写作等学生可以依据课文
16、或自己的见解举出许多例子来同时也为写作做了铺垫。做了铺垫。Language in useTask 1 :Task 2 :Writing 以以“ Basketball playing is very popular in China” 为题写一篇为题写一篇60字字的短文。的短文。【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件Interviewer: Can you / Could you tell me -? Do you know -?How many hours a day do you study English?Wh
17、y do you study English very hard?Who often helps you with English studying?How do you remember the English words?Which English book are you reading?InterviewerInterviewee活动活动3【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件 语言接触语言接触 - 体验理解体验理解 - 总结归纳总结归纳 - 灵活运灵活运用用 1。所选词汇来自词汇表中本单元的课标词汇,。所
18、选词汇来自词汇表中本单元的课标词汇, 并与话题相关。并与话题相关。 2、设计的任务紧紧围绕本课话题。、设计的任务紧紧围绕本课话题。 复习运动相关的词汇及语法。复习运动相关的词汇及语法。 本节课是让学生依据本单元话题,运用本单元所本节课是让学生依据本单元话题,运用本单元所学习的相关词汇和句型,通过完成一项真实语言交际任务,学习的相关词汇和句型,通过完成一项真实语言交际任务,笔头描述人和事,培养学生利用现有材料进行分析,收集整笔头描述人和事,培养学生利用现有材料进行分析,收集整理信息理信息, 传递信息以及写作能力传递信息以及写作能力。Words + Roundup 设计思路:设计思路:教学内容:教
19、学内容:教学目标:教学目标:【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件收集相关资料收集相关资料收集相关词汇与短语收集相关词汇与短语将词汇按运动词汇和词性分类将词汇按运动词汇和词性分类回顾所学语法回顾所学语法完成写作任务完成写作任务两人一组互查两人一组互查教师点评教师点评优秀作品展览优秀作品展览学生自查学生自查流程图流程图【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson 21课件 北师大版 课件教学步骤:教学步骤:Pre-writingStep 1: Task presenta
20、tion 我校正在开展以我校正在开展以“我心中的奥运之星我心中的奥运之星”为题的英文征文为题的英文征文竞赛活动。请你收集你最喜欢的中国奥运运动员的各种信息竞赛活动。请你收集你最喜欢的中国奥运运动员的各种信息,来向其他同学介绍这位运动员,并写出他或她的简单传记,来向其他同学介绍这位运动员,并写出他或她的简单传记。注意:。注意:1 短文包括相关信息的介绍和你自己的观点。短文包括相关信息的介绍和你自己的观点。2 词数:词数:80-100。 题目和开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。题目和开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。3.内容包括该运动员的运动项目,运动队,赛事,奖项和奖内容包括该运动员的运动项目,运动队,赛事,奖项和奖牌等。可以该运动员的照片,画,剪报,图表,表格等作为牌等。可以该运动员的照片,画,剪报,图表,表格等作为支持。支持。【最新】九年级英语下册 Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports Lesson
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