



1、Unit6一 、选择题 (每题 1 分,共 25 分)1. _ you happy when you saw your grandpa last weekend? Yes. We had a good time together.A. AreB. DidC. WasD. Were2. _ your father a football fan? No. But he _ very interested in football some years ago.A. Is; isB. Was; isC. Was; wasD. Is; was3. There _ lots of good news la

2、st week. I had a wonderful week.A. hadB. is C. wereD. was4. Lucy, you are late again. Sorry, Mrs Li. I _ up early enough this morning.A. don t getB. doesn t getC. didn t get D. wasn t get5. What nice cakes! Who _ them? Its me! Thanks for your liking them.A. is makingB. will make C. makesD. made6. We

3、 re planning _ one-day trip. It will be _ great day.A. a; thatB. the; a C. a; / D. a; a7. Jingdezhen is famous _ making china ( 瓷器 ).A. forB. atC. in D. of8. The gift on the table _ me a lot when I opened the door.A. surprisingB. surprised C. surprises D. is surprised9. -How about this blue one?Its

4、very popular now.-This dress isnt _ beautiful. Show me _ one.A. that; anotherB. that; otherC. so; otherD. so; the other10. - Can you speak French? -Yes , but only_ .11. Our country is beco ming_.A. strong and stro ngB. stron ger and stron gerC. more strong and strongD. more stron ger and stron ger12

5、. The old lady didn t know_ when her house caught fire.A. what to toB. how to doC. what to do itD. how to do it13. I saw the train_ into the stati on slowly whe n he was there.A. comesB. is comingC. to comeD. coming14. Don t put the knife in a _ place, because your baby will reach it.A. shortB. lo n

6、gC. highD. low15. Did Mrs Lee tell you about the coming picnic? Yeah! How _ we were when the teacher told us the good news!A. excitedB. afraidC. tiredD. worried16. The back door was locked, so we couldn t18. The West Hill _ that far, so we _ feel tired when we got there.19. Were you afraid whe n you

7、 saw the sn ake?_. You know, I even couldn t move ( 移动)my legs.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a littlethe room _ it.A. en ter; throughB. en ter in to; throughC. en ter; ofD. en ter in to;of17. Please dont smoke ( 吸烟)here, sir. Oh, sorry. Iit was a smok ing area.A. thoughtB. thi nkC. didn t thinkD. don t

8、thinkA. didn t; weren tB. wasn t; didn tC.wasn A. Yes, I wasn t B. No, I wasC. Yes, I wasD. No, I wasn20. _ ? The fresh air and the gree n trees.A. How did you feel about your tripB. What was your trip likeC. What did you think of your tripD. What did you like about your trip21. Eddie was_tired_the

9、bag. He stopped to have a rest.A. so; to carryB. too; carry ingC. too; to carryD. that; carry ing22 . He walks_ the bridge and walks_the police stati on.A. cross; throughB. across; towardsC. through; toD. cross; towards23. Don t eat_ for dinner. It s bad for health.A. much tooB. too muchC. many tooD

10、. too many24. Harry is very helpful. He_ water for the old man every day last year.A. carriedB. carriesC. is carry ingD. will carry25. There are many trees on_ of the road. Theyre really beautiful in autu mn.A. many sidesB. both sidesC. every sideD. side二、完型填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)When Millie got up this m

11、ornin g, it was a beautiful spri ng day. She saw1 clouds far away,but she didn t think about them. She got her dog, Eddie, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country2 a pic nic with her dog.An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned3. Millie and Eddie were warm fromrunning,

12、 so they weren t cold. Then when Eddie was playing with the ball, Millie saw snowflakes (雪花)in the sky.She called Eddie,4 the pic nic things and got back in the car. As she wasdriving home, the snow became5. Soon all Millie could see was white all around6 . Theroad became slippery( 滑的)and she had to

13、 drive very7. Then the car hit into a piece of ice and itwent around in circles. It went dow n a hill and fin ally stopped.Millie reached over for Eddie. He was shak ing,_8he was OK. She got her mobile pho neand asked for help.At last, thepolice9 them.Next time Millie will10the weatherreport before

14、going on a pic nic.1. A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. few2. A. onB. forC. withD. i n3. A. warmB. hotC. coldD. cool4. A. picked upB. pick upC. pickedD. pick5. A. bigger and biggerB. thinner and thinnerC. smaller and smaller D. heavier and heavier6. A. himB. usC. herD. himself7 A. slowlyB. easilyC. car

15、elesslyD. happily8.A.a ndB. orC. butD. so9.A. savedB.saveC. are savedD. were saved10. A. liste nB. listen toC. hearD. liste ned to、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 20 分)Classical music concertPlace: people s Great HallDate: 7:30pm, October 1,2010Number: 5, Row 9, 2n dFloorPrice: Adults: 120Students: 80Atte nti on:Don

16、t bring anything dangerous into the hall.En ter the hall quietly if you are late for the con cert.The use of cameras and videos is not allowed.Don t throw any litter on the ground.Don t speak or talk with your friends loudly whe n the concert beg ins.Please check your seat number and be seated befor

17、e the concert begi ns.Please check the date whe n you buy your ticket.After the ticket has been sold, there is no refund. _1. What time does the concert begi n?A. At 7:30pm.B. At 9:00am.C. At 5:00am.D. At7:00pm2. What is your seat nu mber?A. 6, Row5.B. 9, Row5.C. 5, Row9.D. 8, Row12.3. Joh n, a ten

18、year old stude nt, and his pare nts will go to the con cert. How much will theypay?A. 120.B. 240.C. 320.D. 480.4. What should you do when the concert starts?A. Walk around.B. Make a lot of noise.C. Throw rubbish everywhere.D. Keep quiet and enjoy yourself.5. What is the Chinese meaning of the word“

19、refund ” ?A. 买票 B. 退款 C. 入场 D. 出场BMoziah Bridges is only twelve years old now. He often says he is a“ young and clever manYou ll think so if you know something about him.Bridges started making bow ties (领结 ) at the age of nine. He now sells them around the USAboth in shops and online. Two years ago,

20、 when Bridges went shopping for bow ties, he found they were all in blackand red. He wanted a change, so he learned to make ties from his grandma. His first bow tie didn t look nice.“ It s like something that a clown (小丑 ) would wear, ” Bridges said. But he kept practising. Heused colourful cloth wi

21、th different pictures.“ I want to make bow ties that I ve never seen before, ” Bridges said. After a few months, hemade it. His family and friends liked his ties. Then the boy started selling them to other people. He named his tiesMo s Bows. He has made about $30,000.“ You don t have to wait until(

22、直到 )you re older. If you have a dream, go for it right now, said Bridges mother.6. When did Moziah Bridges begin to make bow ties?A. In 2013. B. In 2012. C. In 2011. D. In 2010.7. How does Moziah Bridges sell his bow ties besides (除了 ) in the shops?A. On TV.B. By phone.C. On radio.D. On the Internet

23、.8. What does Bridgesfirst bow tie look like?B. prepare for C. work hard for D. pay for10. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Moziah Bridges started his bus in ess by making bow ties.B. Moziah Bridges learned to make bow ties at the age of 12.C. Moziah Bridges learned to

24、make bow ties from his grandma.D. Moziah Bridges made a lot of money by selling bow ties.四、词汇运用 (共 25 分,每小题 I 分)1. He_ (注意至 U ) the mon keys jump ing around just now.2. Don t_ 抱怨)about too much homework. You should work hard.3. The story shows us a war that happened_ (世纪)ago.4. Can you_ (够得着)the app

25、les over there?5. I_ (落下)off my bike on the way to school yesterday.6. You ll go through a hard _ (时期)if no body helps you.7. I am thi nking about going to_ (法国)on holiday this win ter.8. The news s _ us a lot. We couldn t believe ( 相信)our ears.9. Tom_(忘 i 己)where the key was. He had to call his mot

26、her for help.10. My dog often runs_( 朝着)me when he sees me back home.11. Stop_ (爬)the tree. You may fall!12. To keep slim, my aunt_ ( 决定)to join the Sports Club last week.A. T errible.B. In teresti ng.C. Beautiful.D. Colourful.9. The un derl inedpartgo for ” means_ in the passage.A. look for13. John

27、 went out and_ ( 锁住)the door behind him.六、短文缺词填空,每空一词(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)14. My father seldom _ (开车送)me to school because he s too busy.15. The animals live a happy life in this big(森林).16. Please _(记得)to buy me something to read on your way here.17. The baby is sta nding beside the wash ing_ (机器)now.18

28、. You will _ if you don t make a plan first.( 失败)19. Jane is Tom s _ (old) sister. She is two years older than Tom.20. How _ (fun) the mon key is! He is maki ng faces.21. Babies shouldn t play with _(knife). It is dangerous.22. The Palace Museum is always full of_ (visit) in golde n weeks.23. The li

29、ttle girl is afraid to go out_ (Ion ely) at ni ght.24.- Would you like some_(much) coffee?- No, thanks.五、根据汉语意思完成句子(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)1.从那时起潍坊就因做风筝而闻名。2. 在东汉时代,蔡伦找到了造纸的新方法。3. 对于他们来说在河里游泳是很危险的。4. 在十三世纪,一个名叫马可波罗的意大利人游览了全中国。5. 他把有关风筝的一切都告诉了西方人。her do all of the h_2_day and night. She doesn t tell her father about the sad thing becauseshe loves her father and doesn t want him to w_ 3_ about her.One day, a prince ( 王子)in the country i_ 4_ all the young girls to his birthday party. Butshe only has dirty and old c 5 , so she cries and cries. Sudde nly a fairy(仙女) comes andhelps h


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