



1、第1课时教学目标:1)能感知、理解学校场所类单词,如:canteen, computer lab, teachers office, gym和介词(含介词词组)in front of, behind等。2)能运用相关句式来准确描述学校的某一个场所,可以涉及大小、设施和活动等信息。3)通过学习明白:学校内不同的场所有着不同的设施与功能。Topic: Making a poster for our School Open DayProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Show the

2、song Our school will shine today 2. Play a guessing game(To teach the word office while playing the game)1. Sing a song together2. Listen and guess what place it is( To learn the word office )(1)Read the word (2)Try to read This is an office. Look at the office. I can see some teachers in it. How bu

3、sy they are!(3)Show some different offices歌曲引入,创设轻松愉快的课堂学习氛围。听一听,猜一猜,复习旧知。在复习classroom时,带出单词office和teachers office的学习;同时,通过语段朗读,让学生感受冠词的用法和朗读。 While-taskprocedure1. Introduce the backgroundof our School Open Day2. Show Mikes poster1) To teach canteen2) Ask some questions about the canteen3) Show a d

4、ialogue4) Ask the students to read Mikes poster3. Show Henrys poster1) Ask the students to read the poster by themselves then answer the questionsHow is it? What can you see here? (To teach computer)What do you do here? (To teach have computer classes )What place is it? (To learn computer lab) 2) As

5、k the students to make some tips3) Ask the students to read Henrys poster4. Show Cissys poster1) To teach gym2) To teach in front of & behinda) To elicit in front ofb) Ask the students to have quick responsec) Show some pictures3) Ask the students to read Cissys poster1. Look and listen2. To learn M

6、ikes poster1) Read and spell the word: canteen2) Answer some questions about the canteen3) Make a dialogue4) Read Mikes poster3. To learn Henrys poster1) Read and answerIts big.We can see many computers here. ( To learn computer)We have computer classes here. ( To learn have computer classes )Its th

7、e computer lab. ( To learn computer lab )2) Make some tips for ourselves3) Read Henrys poster4. To learn Cissys poster1) To learn gyma) Listen and guessb) Read the wordc) Say a tongue-twisterLittle Jim is in the gym. His friend, Tim is looking at him.2) To learn in front of & behinda) Read the phras

8、e in front ofb) Quick responsec) Look and say is in front of / behind 3) Read Cissys poster创设学校开放日的情境,引入主题:为学校开放日设计一张海报。通过让学生听一听海报的内容,引入单词教学。在师生看图问答的过程中,逐步学习海报的内容,并模拟生活场景编一编对话巩固所学内容。 通过阅读海报学习computer, have computer classes, computer lab 等内容,在初尝阅读的过程中学习、操练词汇。通过让学生给电脑房写小贴士的方式巩固所学内容,积累生活经验。通过猜谜的方式引入单词g

9、ym,同时让学生说一说绕口令来正音、激趣。通过in front of 和behind的比较,让学生理解方位词的含义,并运用快速反应和看图说一说的活动方式加深所学内容的理解。Post-taskactivity1. Show the other posters2. Ask the students to make a poster for our School Open Day3. ConclusionWe can see different things in different places. And we can do different activities in different pl

10、aces.1. Read the other posters and try to know what the poster is about2. Make a poster for our School Open Day3. Try to understand: We can see different things in different places. And we can do different activities in different places.培养学生通过阅读捕捉语段的主旨的能力,并能关注语段的结构表述。鼓励学生口头说一说自己设计的海报。总结学校内不同的场所有不同的设

11、施、不同的设施体现出不同的功能,从而感受学校学习生活的多样。Assignment1. Listen to the words and phrases on page 32 and read after the tape2. Read and copy the words and phrases on page 323. Make a poster for our School Open Day回家作业,进一步巩固本课所学,由听说拓展至书写,加强学生写的能力。板书设计4AM3U1 In our schoolMaking a poster for our School Open Dayteache

12、rs officecanteen in front of computer lab behindgymThis is the Its We can see We can/ cant 教学反思Main materials: (1)Our school is very nice. Look! This is the canteen. Its small but clean. We can see many tables and chairs here. Our teachers have lunch here. The food here is yummy. Do you want to know

13、 more about the school? Welcome to our school!(2)Our school is very nice. Look! This is the computer lab. Its big. We can see many computers here. We have computer classes here. But we cant eat or drink here. Do you want to know more about the school? Welcome to our school!(3)Our school is very nice

14、. Look! This is the gym. Its not very big. Its not outside. We can see some basketballs and footballs here. We can play ball games and skip rope here. Its in front of the office building. Do you want to know more about the school? Welcome to our school!(4)Our school is very nice. Look! This is the garden. Its beautiful. We can see many flowers and plants here. We can smell the flowers. But we cant walk on the grass. Its in front of the classroom building. Do you want to know more about the school? Welcom


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